Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

Pastor.Varma on Wednesday, February 13 8:25 am
Post subject: Need Your Prayers & your fellowship, Pastor.Varma.

User Location: South India
Parable: friendatnight.txt
Dear Beloved Brother / Sister in Christ,

Greetings to you in Jesus Name Amen!

First of all I praise and thank Lord Jesus for giving an opportunity to have beautiful fellowship with your Blessed Ministry by sending this Email. This is pastor pravardhan varma from SOUTH-INDIA. Running a church named by Good Seed Church Ministry since the year 2000.

Good Seed Church Ministry is moving with a vision not only preaching Gospel, but also feeding the destitute street Children with Food, Cloth & Good Education. Most importantly, all of this work is carried out in the name of the Lord, with the result that many are finding Salvation, deliverance and personal healing through faith in Christ.

For this we are in need of your powerful prayers for my country Orphan Childrenā€™s. If you are having a vision to work with our Good Seed Church Ministry to spread Gospel for children and people here in INDIA in these End Days, we heartily welcome you to visit India and share gospel here for the people who are in darkness. And win souls for God. We need your ministry Branch here in India.

We are going on prayers to be fulfilled in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Please pray for us and for my Ministry. Convey my Greets to your family & Staff.

We are waiting to hear favor from you soon as God leads you Amen!

Our Email Address: -

In His Service,
Pastor.Varma & Family.
Gospel On Wheels,
South India.

anne webster on Saturday, October 2 5:07 pm
Post subject: mustard tree photo

User Location: bellevue, ne
would like to have a picture of a mustard to show my
sunday school class fo first and second graders
donna valley on Thursday, March 4 9:23 pm
Post subject: prodigal son

User Location: annapolis, md
Parable: prodigalson.txt
the way a minister explained it to me, God always welcomes those that are lost back. The older son was never lost and he was never tempted to leave, so he didn't do anything unusual. of course his father loved him, but the point is that, like sheep, most people are not tempted into riotous living. they stay with the flock by choice.
Emilie Cross on Tuesday, April 8 10:29 pm
Post subject: Mustard tree picture and seeds

User Location: Albany, Georgia
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
If you would send me an e-mail I think that I can give you the address of the person from whom I got the picture of a mustard tree in Jerusalem with a little boy standing in front of it. I have the address at home and currently am at the church. I also may have the address where you can get seeds which are about the size of ground pepper grains. Let me know.
angela phillips on Saturday, September 4 3:12 am
Post subject: 10 virgins

User Location:
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
parable of the Ten virigins, is just that get the MESSAGE.Sometimes, we as christians try to follow the letter of the law and not the holy spirit.I believe is about the anti-christ,the raputure, israel, belivers.This parable can be use for all, depending on where he or she is at the time....It is message to me and others Get right!!Get Ready!!To Go Home!! No man knows the day or hour the son of man coming....When is the end of time when is the rapture. My question is when is my personal end of time. my death we, me may die before the rapture, before end of time come...

Many times we behave pharisee and sadicucess. we do enough to get by, to pass not get thrown out, just little oil in my cup, just pay my tithes and church require offering or minium or matching 10%......

We say or works, and deed speak for us,i dont need to do more have extra oil, annoited life, we like the parable rich young rulers, ive keept all the commandemts since my Youth....I ve been doing good practical all my life we so proudly and pitously boost running down our list of things accomplishment we have done... Are we , me and you ready when Jesus comes with this unexpected request Sell everything and follow me...Jesus u asking for to much, ive done all require, like 5 foolish virgins we say we half lamp of oil, there is more i am to do, 5 wise were ready they were physical and spirtual faithful virgins, not only were the virgins physcially in there body where some one could see, but they were spirtual and had the annoting to prove it, power through testiomony expreience, trial test tribuliation pass the test, the 5 foolish were keeping themselves church, in temple, praying long prayers, quoting,studying history that was good, but they miss Jesus the one they were preparing for the groom their future, the mansion their paradise because they had no extra oil, couldnt borrow it, it must be earn oil is made through press,they had to go through hard pressure exprenice to recive this annoiting oil......
.Oh my brothers, sisters and lil children, boys and girls , teenager , my Soul cries out To God our lord, our husbandman, prepare us the bride of Christ to be right, to be without wrinkle or spot, and
Study to show ourself approve and with all our Wisdom get an Understand so we can Stand with You at our Personal Appoint Judgment day and Hear You say Well done my Good and Faithful Servant .............

james Huenink on Wednesday, January 14 4:43 pm
Post subject: A Certain Man

User Location: Chicago
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
The text of the good Samaritan story does not say whether the man is Jewish or Gentile or Samaritan or anything. The greek uses an indefinite pronoun, so the best translation is "certain man". One may infer that he was Jewish because he was traveling from Jerusalem (a place Samaritans wouldn't be welcome), but it is not certain.
james Huenink on Wednesday, January 14 4:50 pm
Post subject: Good Samaritan Example

User Location: United States
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
In my church there was an example of this. Almost perfect.

A certain man came to my church one day. He had been there before as a child, some 30 or 40 years ago. His memories of the place were good in a life that was falling apart. He had lost his family a few years ago to divorce. Just a year or so earlier, he lost his job, his income, and then his home. He had been living on the street since then. He came to us in December, and it was unseasonably cold. Cold enough that I was worried he'd freeze to death. A couple from the church heard his story and saw that he was truly in need. They drove him to the nearest YMCA, and got him a room there for the year, paying for it all. They're in the process of finding him a job, too, where the husband of the couple works.
ZEINA on Tuesday, April 4 6:43 pm
Post subject: dont hate us

User Location: syria
Parable: richfool.txt
im not here to reply i just want to tell you that the morals of islam agree completley with the teachings of jesus , you only have to study it careful by yourslef and dont believe what your media tells you .
B.D. Means on Monday, August 25 2:36 pm
Post subject: Where a dead person went before Christ died

User Location: Illinois
Parable: lazarus.txt
Because Jesus told this parable (and had therefore not died yet), keep in mind that a person could not simply "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved-Acts 16:31. Jesus had not died yet. Sin's debt had not been paid "once and for all". This passage therefore does NOT show where a New Testament believer in Christ will go, but rather where Old Testament believers would temporarily exist. I say temporarily because both the rich man and Lazarus will one day stand before the Great White Throne where the book of life will be opened and THEN their FINAL destination will be decided; either eternity future with Christ on a "new heaven and a new earth", or in torment forever in the lake of fire. Remember that Abraham obeyed God and it was "accounted to him for righteousness". This parable gives us an insight to the waiting place of the Old Testament believer; not the New Testament. This is NOT a proof text for the Catholic view of limbo. This does NOT relate to a present-day Christian.
Looking at the parable, I find several interesting points:

(1) The rich man and Lazarus were in the SAME place. Yes they were separated by a "great gulf fixed", but they could see and recognize each other.

(2) Being able to see one another, we see that they must have had bodies that were visible to one another. The rich man could still see, speak (to God), and feel the pain of his torment.

(3) However, Although their physical senses are functional, they do not still have their physical bodies. Verse 22 is clear in explaining that the rich man's physical body was indeed buried!

What I have covered thus far is merely an introduction to this parable (only covering up to verse 24). The real meat of this story is in Abraham's warning in verse 25 and the importance of the spiritual rather than the temporary things of this world. To quote one of the humblest Christian poets of my generation:

"Who have I in heaven but you Jesus? What better could I hope to find down here on earth?" -Rich Mullins

I hope this has been helpful.
Myself your servant for Jesus' sake
-B.D. Means

Mrs. Freddy Barrandey on Wednesday, December 11 11:22 pm
Post subject: The ten Virgins

User Location: Lovington,New Mexico
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
Hi'! I believe the parable of the ten virgins is about the pre-trib rapture of the Saints right after the antichrist comes on the scene.The wise Virgins get to go in the rapture,and the un wise stay here.They are still virgins so they are christians,but they were not ready.They are still saved but they cannot go in the rapture.If they were ready they could go,so this is a message to us all to be ready.Does the Bible tell us that the world will know who the antichrist is?Who will know when the antichrist is on the scene? I feel that the Bible is telling christians that they may be able to know when he first begins his leadership,and who he is.The world will think he is great and that he is good,but only christians could know the truth about him when he first appears on the scene.I believe the rapture is coming very soon.Let us all pray for each other day and night so that we will all be ready,o.k?I love you all though I do not see you! I love you because Jesus loves you and because we share the same Lord Jesus,and we share the same family through him.Please be blessed,and May God bless you all greatly,in his name,amen.Loving Jesus,Diane
Order Lotensin on Thursday, February 5 3:40 pm
Post subject: Thank you for constantly updated

User Location: Germany
Parable: secretseed
Thank you for constantly updated, always a pleasure to read.
carol murray on Monday, July 6 6:12 am
Post subject: Picture of mustard tree

User Location: El Paso, TX
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Did anyone find a picture of a full grown mustard tree? I also need this for my Sunday School class next week. Any ideas? Thank you, cjm
Donimus on Friday, April 1 10:48 pm
Post subject: Name of the Prodigal Son

User Location: MO
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Yes, the symbolic name of the younger son is Ephrahim. The older's name is Judah.

James Bachmann on Wednesday, September 12 9:20 pm
Post subject: Rae's son

User Location: Pueblo, CO
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Hi, Rae-

I think drug addiction and mental illness have to be checked out in your son's case. That said, if it is a case of willfulness, then tough love must come into play. Tell him you are sorry for whatever misfortune he may encounter, but that he will be on his own when he reaches 18. If he is under 18, he loses whatever privileges you can withhold, and if that doesn't work check into reporting him to child services as a child out of control. Of course this must be done in a loving manner in which you explain that he himself holds the key to his treatment. A loving parent wants a child to be an independent, contributing member of society, able to support himself. If that doesn't happen, your son will face great obstacles in life, not just from you but also from the rest of society. Forgiving is one thing, holding a person responsible is another. Children and everyone else must be held responsible, that is, have to face the natural consequences of their actions. Enabling an irresponsible child to continue that way does him and you a disservice.
Laura M. de Mora on Wednesday, January 14 8:35 pm
Post subject: picture of the mustard seed tree with child

User Location: Laredo, TX
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am catechist and would very much like to obtain the picture which you describe. Thank you and God Bless!
Mark Eugene Lee on Monday, January 19 1:23 pm
Post subject: Message

User Location: Tagum City, Davao Del Norte, Philippines, Asia Pac
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Would you help me in my project about the parable of the prodigal son???
james joseph on Friday, November 1 3:32 pm
Post subject: ten talents obvioulsy

User Location: between heaven and hell
Parable: tentalents.txt
what are good works? how does one use his abilities to serve the lord? is it selling airplanes to don king? is it selling cars? or insurance? what about the birds that neither sow nor reap nor amass riches? what material things are gained by making 100, 000 per year? how is owning a lexus doing good works? what could people buy with money in 500ad? not computors!!! it is my observation the worlds point of reference is monetary gain and not christian charity. Self aquisitions and personal security above charity to its extreme. Although many interpretations of the parable of ten talents are similar i see common flaw running throughout their illogical analysis. i however have no revelation as to its true meaning. the master expects usury fees and yet christ said if they want ur cloak give ur shirt as well. give without expectation of reward. the first 2 servants are likely to have exploited the needs of the others in order to amass greater riches and leave the masses less wealth. wealth is not created. it only exchanges hands. if someone has more, all the rest have less. i see the servant with 1 talent as taking doing the least harm
Jan Gilber on Saturday, January 26 2:27 pm
Post subject: Picture of Mustard tree with the boy

User Location: TN
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am teaching pre-school childred and would like a picture of a mustard tree to show them
Chris Godwin on Thursday, June 26 12:27 am
Post subject: Brother in need

User Location: Portland,Or
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
There are several ways to look at this parable and still fulfill gods love.I am sure that Jesus was being very specific though when he spoke at the time.Our Lords words just seem to touch each persons life in a little different way.Our Lord was all things to all people and this parable reaches all in one way or another.This parable to me shows me that even the type of person that might outwardly in appearance be rough and offensive, may just be the person that the Lord uses to touch your life in a blessed way, or to pull you from the gutter.Who knows truly about anyone around us but the Holy Spirit that guides us and speaks to us.Our jobs as christians is to be as accepting as possible and to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.We are to set the example like christ , being Good samaritans and to lift others into the position of Good Samaritans.God Bless and keep your Hearts to all who read this.
Your Brother in Christ,
bob on Monday, December 2 10:31 pm
Post subject: Questions about the parable

User Location: cornwall
Parable: prodigalson.txt
1. why is this parable only recorded by luke?
2. Why is there no mother in the story?
3. Could this parable refer to the story of Jacob in Genesis? There seem to be many parallels.
4. Many of us do what the prodigal son did--leave home and misuse our inheritance. I know of many cases. But was the son completely restored to his former priveledged position after he came home, or was he treated as a guest?
5. It seems unfair that the older son was never given a party--but God is a God of justice--there seems to be a contradiction between the justice of God and the mercy of God.
Kartasik on Sunday, May 18 3:00 am
Post subject: You see it

User Location: Colorado
Parable: wheattares.txtthread
But factor this in: the tares are the CHILDREN and were planted by the Evil one. The word 'WORLD' in the text is the Greek word Kosmos - it means UNIVERSE or WORLD - not church or kingdom.
Some how the tares are actually children of the Devil (Jn 8:43-44).

While God's seed begins enslaved to Satan they are not Son's of Satan. They are as the Prodical Son who worked for no pay for the pig farmer. And as the Father of that son ran out to him when he returned - calling forth for a new robe (robe of righteousness) shoes (shod with the Gospel) and a ring (sealed with the Holy Spirit) (note the words of this Father: "for this my son was DEAD and is ALIVE AGAIN - i.e. born again). Satan's seed at times work for God - but they are paid: such as Judas who was called "the son of Evil" or as other hirelings (Jn 10:12). Satan actually loves his children - 2nd Corith. 4:4.

If this all smacks of dualism - lay this blame with Jesus himself and Matt. 13.
jim braton on Thursday, March 10 8:39 pm
Post subject: i love jesus

User Location: st eds
Parable: wheattares.txt
i love jesus sooo much
Jeffrey Wallace on Saturday, July 27 4:54 am
Post subject: Leaven

User Location: BR, LA
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Do you not agree that the whole lump IS affected? Where is the power of the New Testament Church? The world has so filled our churches that we are no longer pure.
"Following this logic the sum of the historical workings of the HS on earth is abject failure as the leaven affects the 'whole lump'."
This statement doesn't even make sense. The leaven does not affect the Holy Spirit. He is pure.
"I dont recognize this puny Holy Spirit nor the weak defeated Christ you present."
Where exactly have I presented this? I never said, nor did I infer this. Do not put words in my mouth to further your agenda. Read again the parable of the wheat and tares. There runs deceit throughout the kingdom. That is the message of all 7 of these parables.
As far as the rest of your comments: who even mentioned Scofield anyway????????? and to what doctrine do you refer??????????????? I haven't discussed anything doctrinal. yet!
We must become unified. Christ is coming back for a purified Church, and the current glutonous, American, Health, Wealth, Confess me a BMW because my Lexus has a flat tire, Church AIN'T IT!!!
Our arrogance is staggering.
Yes, leaven does pollute Christ's church. If the all the puffed up 'worship me' preachers. Paul's letters are full of warnings about these false teachers spouting their false doctrines. We must read the Word for what it says. If we choose to be willfully blind, following the spewed venom of these false prophets, we are beyond hope.
In Christ Jeffrey

patsy on Sunday, January 11 1:43 pm
Post subject: Re: Again I Knock!

User Location: SC
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
You said I should read you last posting, well I did and it's more of the same nonsense! I will tell you, Instead of knocking, (11Corin-13-5) You need to examine yourself, and be sure whether Christ Jesus is in you, except you be Reprobate! You will find no one, who loves My Lord Jesus Christ, more then I do, I have been homeless, I have gone without my daily needs, I am disabled, I have been cold, hungry and without proper clothing, but no matter what state I have been in, or may be in, He has given me Riches according to His Glory!
(Ephesians-3-16) He has granted me, to be strengthened with might, by His Spirit in my inner soul, that I am comfortable, no matter what condition I find myself in!
My only concern is for this lost deceived world, that He gave His Life for, that the world might receive the knowledge of Him, that they might be saved! If you don't love the Lost, enough to give your life that they might be saved, you need to find another way to make the almighty dollar!
That's the very problem with today's religious leaders, their first love is like your, their own self gain, the Riches of the World, the almighty dollar!
Margaret on Saturday, August 30 8:51 pm
Post subject: response to you

User Location: Oregon
Parable: vine.txtthread
I feel like i know what you are going through. I was saved several years ago, I have also strayed away from God in the past year or so. I question if I lost my salvation and faith. I realized that Once the LORD is in your HEART he is there for GOOD. NO MATTER WHAT. He will alswya be there for you even if he feels distant.
I pray that God would reveal HIMself to you today and that his HOLY SPIRIT will rest upon you in a might way today. Where he is Evil cannot be. The only way evil can enter into us is if we open a door to it. focus on him and his faithfulness to you.

Jeffrey on Sunday, April 3 2:46 am
Post subject: When it okay to say "What about me?"

User Location: California
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Maybe the question is not so much a matter of when to ask, but whom to ask. I mean, does the father: a) validate the son's complaint?, b) respond to it epathically or sympathetically?, or c) admit the wrong and try to right it, e.g., "Hey, I hear you. Today we celebrate little bro, but tomorrow, it will be all about you."

Maybe, sadly, the dad is not far long enough in his receovery process, as an emotionall abusive parent, to see offer emotinal presence to his son. I mean, does he? he may be working out so much guilt for his faiures as a pop, the ones that the little bro's flight brought to the fore of his consciousness, that he cannot take on another breach or boken relationship. One breach at a time. That dad, I feel for him; he's got to be grieving and doin' a lot of make up for lost time. OR, he may be a changed man.
Doug Harvey on Sunday, May 4 1:27 am
Post subject: Good Samaritan

User Location: WV
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
I think the parable has many applications, but try this. In every instance where the Good Samaritan is referred to, replace that person with Jesus. For instance - He came to where he was. Did God come to us when we were unable to go to him (inability to ascend by the law of Moses)?

When we are stricken. does He bind our wounds, pouring in His substance and anointing us (oil & wine)? Did He commend us to the Father before he departed (the host at the inn)? Does God provide a way of escape nobody thought about (Red Sea parting...he sat him on his beast) like he does the beast in this story or does the beast represent how we should behave as Jesus did,... you know the human need. Did He leave two things (two pence) behind for us...the Word and theHoly Spirit? When He comes again, will He repay? Now for the stricken this you or is this the lost. I hope you know Christ.

Hope this blesses all.

Big Island on Thursday, September 30 5:39 pm
Post subject: Leaven and mustard parables, the same?

User Location: Fridley
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Iā€™ve read what youā€™ve written under the mustard seed and the leaven parables and I think I see the lightā€¦I think.

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but are you saying that Jesus taught two different analogies pertaining to the heart of man? The one likening it unto a garden in which the fruit are brought forth in relation to the seeds planted (ideally the Word)? And the leaven parable in which the heart of man would be like a lump of dough that the yeast of Godā€™s word is ā€œhidā€ in? It in turn manifests the fact that yeast was put in. Or it tells the story that something was ā€œhidā€ in it. In other words ā€œthereā€™s nothing hid that will not be manifestā€. Kind of like a candle shinning light (metaphoristically speaking). Is that right? Are these two parables saying in essence the same thing but from different angles?

Are you saying that THIS is Gods endorsed way of getting his Word manifest in our lives, or receiving a fulfillment of a biblical promise?

If thatā€™s true, then do you have any idea how we ā€œhideā€ the Word of God in our hearts? Or is it buried in metaphors that no one can figure out? Anything that you can share with me would be much appreciated.

Betty Snow on Monday, June 21 10:38 pm
Post subject: Mustard Seed Tree

User Location: North Carolina
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
My Aunt is doing a bible study on the mustard seed. She ask me to find her a picture of a mustard seed tree to use in the bible study.
TRINITY'S CHILD on Monday, May 8 11:12 am
Post subject: THE PRODIGAL SON

User Location: MISSOURI
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Often times when we stray away from the Body of Christ, we feel as if we can't return. We are often embarrassed and ashamed of our actions. Sometimes we feel as if God has somehow revealed to everyone the dirt that we have done. In similarity to the Prodigal Son for a while he rather stepped down from returning to his father because of the wrong he had done. He had went out and had a worldly time with his share of the wealth. He felt bad about his actions,but he knew his father, he didn't know what to expect but he knew his father. Just the same as we know the "FATHER", if you are saved, and you have fallen short, you still know God and can identify with his fogiving and loving spirit. You may not know the consequence, but you know that through the blood of Jesus, you are saved and forgiven if you go to our Lord with divine, and sincere repentance. All you have to do is call on the Father and we will restore you to your rightful place, just as the Prodigal Son was restored to his.
Kasey on Tuesday, June 26 6:25 pm
Post subject: ...

User Location: Michigan
Parable: twodebtors.txt
Praise God.
Samantha on Monday, March 24 10:44 pm
Post subject: losing your salvation

User Location: Milwaukee
Parable: vine.txt
Fred what did you mean by yet he was saved yet so as by fire. I don't understand what you are saying here?

juan on Wednesday, March 3 5:15 am
Post subject: leaven

User Location: california
Parable: leaven.txtthread
sue has no scriptures to back-up her say-so
that leaven is the holy ghost
that the meal is man body mind soul and spirit
eric on Thursday, August 7 3:42 pm
Post subject: Dream I had like parable of 10 virgins

User Location:
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
To confirm my belief that God's destroyer angel was released on July 29, 2003 And is now surveying the United States, I was given a dream on July 30/31, 2003 that is similar to the parable of 10 virgins.

My reality was this: a clear water, cement canal, that winded, so that you could not see far ahead or behind because of the curves. I was swimming in this canal, when suddenly I saw a great white shark patroling the waters and coming my direction. I quickly climbed out of the waters onto the bank. I watched for awhile the creature swimming. Then I gathered the confidence to go back in. However, I knew that I must be vigilant incase the creature came back. Lo and behold, the creature did come back, but was on top of me so fast that I could not escape the water. But the creature passed by without harming me. I believe this to be the destroying angel patroling our nation which was released on July 29, 2003. I believe he does not have the power to destroy yet. And I believe we must remain vigilant, because the day and the hour inwhich he receives the power to destroy may come at any time. Dream/Commentary 2003 -

Julie on Saturday, June 28 11:19 pm
Post subject: can saten use types of depression to afflict us?

User Location: Wa
Parable: wheattares.txt
I have been told by a counselor, professional, that i have Cyclothymia, but I am also a christian, and I am wondering, can saten attack one who is saved, just like symptoms of depression, as well, to trick you into thinking you have this when you don't, or, if you do, it is a trial? How should I look at this. I don't want to take meds, I am not suisidal, or bad behaviour, but I wonder if it is a trial, or if it is saten messing with me, to get me to doubt God. Do you understand this? THanks for the help if you can . I am just now seeing this might be the case.
NDAMBI EBENEZER on Thursday, October 4 11:48 am
Post subject: the good Samaritan

User Location: Cameroon
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
was the man attacked the robbers a Jew ?
Why then the priest who was a Jew negleted him ?

mi_heritage on Tuesday, September 2 9:31 pm
Post subject: Lazarus and the rich man

User Location: Canada
Parable: lazarus.txt
Luke 16: 19-31
This was a story of real people. Jesus gave a real name of a real person, "Lazarus" This is indeed a truthful account of something that happend. Names were very important, and those he was speaking to (Luke 16: 14) The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus in an earler dicourse that day. So Jesus continued addressing those who loved "money" and sneered at Him, by giving the truth, telling them about Lazarus and the rich man. Do you think this rich man was a Pharisee? A good guess would be yes, as Abraham calles him "son" in v. 25. This would be a man that knew the laws of Moses.
But the Word choses not to mention "who" the rich man really is, ALL people who love money luxuries **OVER** the giving of mercy and love to fellow mankind. Do not be so bold to ignore the truth behind Christ's message here to the Pharisees as not an actuall event. I trust in Jesus that he is telling a truthful event.

This rich man was dressed in "fine purple linen" and "lived in luxury every day." Lazarus, "a begger covered in sores" was "laid" down by people at the rich mans gate to hopefully receive some comfort from the wealthy man therein. Lazarus "longed" to just "eat the scraps" that fell from the rich mans table. He was not given such luxury, you do not "long" for something you have received. The dogs that roamed came and licked Lazarus's sores. Would the dogs be able to lick Lazarus's sores if he was taken up by the rich man and given the care he so desperatly needed? Christ was telling the Pharisees that even the dogs showed more compassion to Lazarus then this man of great worldly wealth.

Such a sight was this at the front of a rich mans gate, especially to those who "laid" him down there.... To lay a man down in such a way and not
go hide him off in some unclean or lepper colony; Why do you think he would of been given such care? Was Lazarus some one that was hated, or someone that was loved? And if he be loved, who do you think would of loved him? Wealthy people or people that did not have the means themselves to care for Lazarus? There is much information given in
V's 19-21. Knowing Christ and the compassion he has for the poor,
you can see what he was saying here. Woe to them in another speech.
Luke 11: 37-54 Talking to these same rich men, the "Pharisees."

Lazarus was loved by the poor and the meek, he was laid down in front
of a rich mans gate, left there for what reason? They hoped that he would be cared for. But he did not receive a fallen morstle from the rich mans table, the dogs were left to tend to his sores.

In this view, who would God's mercy fall favor on in salvation?

There Lazarus died at the gate, and the Angels collected him to Abrahams side. The rich man died and was buried in hell. A hell where he was
in torment. A tormented place were he could talk to Abraham, one that
he knew. Was this a Gentile apart from the law? The rich man knew who Abraham was.... he called to him "Father Abraham" v, 24 again, who do
you think this rich man was?

This place that is discribed is real. v. 22-25
Abrahams side is the place were all those went that were good and righteous in Gods sight, kept the law, those that listened to the Prophets and Moses and waited for the coming Messiah. There is that place called Abrahams Bosom. There is that place that Christ decended to collect those with Abraham that died before the arrival of the "new covenant" with Christ Jesus. Jesus decended into the earth for 3 days, raising from the dead. Luke 24: 45 He did not emediatly raise to God the Father when his fleshly body ceased to work. For three days, he decended to the dead according to the scriptures. This is the place discribed by Jesus and given in the name and discription through the Pharisees clan; Abraham.

This information of Lazarus and the rich man and where they were after
their physical death occured is a real place. Christ fullfilled the forgiveness of sins of the Old Testiment by collecting those who repented
by the laws given Moses. Those rightious men and women were kept
with Abraham awaiting for the promise of the given Messiah to be fullfilled. Those on the other side of this place are seperated from God
in eternal death. Those men and women now are in heaven, Lazarus is in heaven. The rich man remaines in hell while Christs chruch is being fullfiled now on earth.


kishvara on Friday, October 29 10:17 pm
Post subject: Prodigal son

User Location: Arizona
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
We are all prodigals
Lucius on Friday, September 13 4:28 am
Post subject: The non prodigal son

User Location: L.A.
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Just a Question:

Is there a case that can be made for the elder brother who stayed home?

Not a lot of sermons on him.

vaicar mayake on Monday, January 10 5:40 am
Post subject: good samaritan

User Location: cagayan de oro
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread

the parable of good samaritan is very interesting topic because what good deeds do we want to do is in the topic.and we know that love is very important in this world and without this is everywhere is chaos.
dragonflymoon on Tuesday, August 26 12:28 pm
Post subject: 11th hour laborers

User Location: Australia
Parable: laborersvineyard.txt
The parable looks toward the gospel cry of righteousness by faith just prior to the second coming of Christ This message will go out across the world and many who have been quietly seeking the Lord through bible study and prayer, in places where the gospel has been otherwise supressed, will join their voices to those who are giving this "Elijah" message, whie personally putting away every known sin from their own lives and warning other to do the same. These 11th hour workers will be of every kindred and tongue, and from every nation and culture where the gospel has been deliberately supressed. They will recognise from the leading of God's spirit through their study of His word, the truth of this message- when they hear it, and they will also sound this last call of mercy where missionaries have never yet been able to reach. They will enjoy all the benefits of God's grace as co-laborers with Him according to His plan for mankind's eternal salvation-even though others have been faithfully giving this gospel message for many years. It is not for man to say who recieves what rewards Christ will give his children. His government does not consist of industrial laws where wages are determined by human policy, but by the grace of a loving God who rewards according to the state of a man's heart.
denise howell on Thursday, June 5 2:45 pm
Post subject: mustard tree picture and seed

User Location: orlando florida
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
teaching grandchildren faith is as a mustard seed

please send info as described

greatly appreciated


Eric on Thursday, May 18 3:59 am
Post subject: The Church is LOST for not making the connection

User Location: Indiana
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Psalm 78 1-8, God commands all generations to teach the testimony of Jacob.

Did Jesus keep this commandment? We, who believe Jesus was the Son of God, knows he was perfect. Therefore, we know he kept the commandment of His Father.

Why has the Church not made the connection that when Jesus taught the Parable of the lost son, he was keeping God's commandment to teach the testimony of Jacob.

To truly understand the depth of the Parable of the lost son, we need to understand, in depth, the testimony of Jacob.

The parable of the lost son is not simply a "neat" story showing us God's saving Grace and unconditional love.

The testimony of Jacob is the key to us understanding what a true relationship with God, Jehovah Jireh, is all about. The Church has not yet made this connection, because they do not understand the testimony of Jacob. If they don't understand it, they definitely aren't teaching it and are not keeping God's commandment of Psalm 78.

Jazzman on Sunday, September 19 8:48 pm
Post subject: Analysis of the Parable of the Mustard Seed :)

User Location: Branchburg, New Jersey
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Thank you!

My five year old daughter just asked me about that and I'm showing her how to use the web and spotted YOU on this topic and clicked on YOUR

Sure glad I did! Yus hav eit exactly RIGHT!

It was also in wording that my daughter can understand.


Very Best Regards and May God continue to Bless YOU!

Robert Lee on Tuesday, November 18 9:43 pm
Post subject: get a copy of sermon

User Location: 11917 Wind Flower Place
Parable: goodshepherd.txtthread
I like to get a copy of your sermon about the "Juses is good shepher. Thank very much Robert lee
Wade Nye on Thursday, October 9 6:13 am
Post subject: Mustard Tree can only be America

User Location: Sacramento,Ca
Parable: mustardseed.txt
If we study the parable of the Mustard Tree we see that it relates to common OT themes.

Daniel 4,Ezekiel 31&17 show us that Christ is speaking of a type of Christian nation gone bad.Since the birds spoken of in Ezekiel 31 Matthew 13 Revelation 18 seem to relate to demonic principalities that have strongholds in the places of worship in Egypt,Babylon(NT & OT) & Assyria.We see the current state of our churches in the U.S.

In the Torah Mustard is not kosher in vedgetable gardens because as a seed bearing plant it is only permitted to be grown as a field plant yet Christ(a strict Jew)plants it in his garden.

This speaks of the fact that the people who made up the initial Mustard Seed were a very small group of Gentile believers who were made righteous(kosher) by faith.They were grafted on to Abraham (made his sons by faith).

This small group of faithful people were none other than the seperatists(Pilgrims) who landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620.They were the ones who Christ brought to himself then planted in his garden.
james thomas on Wednesday, July 9 7:41 pm
Post subject: mustard tree

User Location: richmond va
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
teaching vacation bible school. the kids would love to see what a mustard tree loos like.

thank you
Dan on Tuesday, August 31 12:22 am
Post subject: Stay close to His Spirit.

User Location: North East
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
I am a father who for 20 years trusted in and raised 2 children. My oldest stayed faithful to the Lord as you are. My youngest has turned to the same place your brother has returned from.

I can only speak as a father here, but work ā€œreal hardā€ to find peace in your brotherā€™s homecoming. It was because of the Lordā€™s love for you and your family that He restored your brother. It does sound like your brother needs to still learn lessons. Pray for him because if this is true than the dealings in all of your lives may continue for a little longer.

Stay close to His Spirit and He will show you both peace and rest in this. Family can cause use the most pain, but also the most growth. Jesus is closer to you in this trial than you know. Keep your faith. Pray that your heart not become harden because of this trial.

As a father I pray that God will do the miracle in my life that He has done in yours.

God Bless,

Rev Siva Moodley on Sunday, July 13 3:08 am
Post subject: Prodical son:Hazel Gilliland

User Location: South Africa
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Yes the father devided the estate ,but the estate should only become available after death of the father,but the younger insisted recieving his share immediately,the father was obliged to devide.Father had the perogative to refuse,but "Commendeth Love" he acceded to request.The 2/3 is still the fathers but will eventually become available to the eldest son at fathers death.
LE on Wednesday, August 25 4:00 am
Post subject: PRODIGAL SON

User Location: USA
Parable: prodigalson.txt
We are all sinners. Whether we have God in our hearts always (stay with the Father) or whether we stray away and find our way back to our Father, He will always welcome us home with open arms.


šŸŒˆPridešŸŒˆ goeth before Destruction
When šŸŒˆPridešŸŒˆ cometh, then cometh Shame

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