Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Wednesday, December 3 8:34 pm
Post subject: How and When to Watch for Christ

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
How come some user has reported that the Rich Fool with a few comments had received the fewest when this one had not received even a single comment? I urge you to read the comments to all parables given on the site through before typing any comparisons. We need to listen and read more and talk and type less but more wisely. Now, I discuss this parable for the first time.

Of all parables spoken by Jesus, this one is the most inadequate from a single gospel. Only four verses are given because Saint Mark was a man of action with the Sensing function dominant in the MBTI personality indicator; his gospel, the shortest, reads like the script for a movie and omits details in order to keep the interest of a Sensing reader with a typically short attention span. His natural readers are the quickest to doze off, leave or interrupt. As if to answer in court, Mark cared to testify concerning Jesus' deeds at the expense of His teachings. In order to understand what the quoted Jesus actually taught, we need to remember what Matthew and Luke reported about watching and waiting for a surprise return (Matt. 24 : 32 - 25 : 46 , Luke 21 : 29 ff ). It is those accounts which will empower us to watch for the return of Christ.

Saint Mark's way for us to watch is to see and do, to listen and learn from those versed in the other accounts. He leaves the thinking, feeling, and intuition to others: Matthew, Luke, and John. Faith in the Bible will not resist them; fortunately for us, however, Matthew and Luke mentioned all those details so that John had no need to fill them in. Three gospels thus suffice to teach us what watching and waiting means in practical terms.

From Mark we know that of all the servants, we disciple of Jesus, the Messiah, are likened unto porters, "thyro^roi" (door + see, watch) or butlers in Greek, with responisibilities to answer the door (or telephone) when people come knocking (or calling) to ask and to seek (Matt. 5 : 42 , 7 : 7 ). One Sunday morning about two months ago, a homeless neighbor of mine and her man kicked out by her grown daughter knocked on my door at 5 a.m. on a Sunday before morning when they could not stand the cold night outside any longer. The woman asked for three hours inside. Found sleeping and hastily clad in a robe I let them in, even though the man was not mentioned, even though they disobeyed my command to sleep on my floor and left leaves on my new couch, and even though they stayed four hours before I moved toward kicking them out and they took the hint. My own night's sleep was ruined, and I felt jetlagged. I had, however, used my living room to keep them warm and to get four hours of televangelists' presentations of the Word into their ears and perhaps sinking into their hearts. I have planted a seed.

I was found sleeping by homeless unbelievers. Don't let Jesus, however, knock at your doors to find you sleeping on the job, so to speak. Mark omits all the details for the precise timing of Jesus' return. Back then, nobody save God knew anything about time zones, and many believed the earth to be flat despite observations of ships sinking beyond the horizon. Anybody who might predict such a time for Jesus return as 6 a. m. (regardless of location) would be a liar to the vast majority of the world beyond his narrow time zone even if He should chance to come then unto him. For our times, however, St. Matthew reports that Jesus taught that He would return by surprise in a time of plenty when people were not looking for Him and while women were grinding grain and men were at work in the field. All I assume below is that Jesus Christ, because of His good, loving character rather than a knavish, tricky character, would never return to an inhabited time zone without the signs of field work and milling there with word that Americans were hard at work far away, nor would He return to the Russians without the sign in winter with word that Americans far away were eating fresh fruits and vegetables flown in.

In that case, we can know general periods throughout which to watch for Christ from Matthew 24 : 32 - 44. The first sign, the fig tree, represents modern Israel. The generation which Jesus has promised will not pass away until the Glorious Appearing ... was twenty years old when modern Israel was founded in 1948 (v. 34; reference to Ezek. 38). Thus, out of all centuries of history, Jesus' Second Coming is for our times. Verse 35 is a warning to every believer who despairs of world evangelism in time (v. 14) that Jesus will live up to His Word to make it happen and return in time to find live Jews of the mentioned generation. Hallelujah! In need of warning are all Christians who made or believed promises to evangelize the whole world by the year 2000 but now forget them or cover them up. Mark elaborates on verse 36 while The sign of Noah in vv. 37 - 39 tell us when in the year or economic cycle to watch for Jesus: in the boom times with fresh fruits and vegetables to eat and weddings taking place.

We would be foolish, therefore, not to watch in June of all coming years. The more we learn about life in more austere mission fields such as Siberian settlements, the fewer weeks will remain in the year in which we must watch for Jesus, at the expense of having God call us to give your wealth away to help their people because they will ask. Next comes the time of day in our respective time zones with more admonition to watch (vv. 40 - 42), which I understand as follows:

Before the Industrial Revolution with its continuous processes and electric lighting, people worldwide farmed and ground grain by day and partied or slept at night throughout the week. Whenever the sign of field work and milling existed throughout one hemisphere, it was absent in the other. Nowadays, however, farmers in the United States and South America are observed with their equipment in the fields making progress at night whether to hide drugs or to finish in good weather, and Cargill and other milling companies process grains continuously throughout the week. Such a practice invites Jesus Christ to return by night. This leaves no promise from Christ for Americans concerning the time of day, yet He will keep his promise to the underdeveloped nations of the Old World, where farming the fields and grinding grain are still done only by day. If you go to Africa or Asia, where many peoples have yet to hear a testimony of the Gospel, you can see the signs in the daytime, while those who remain in the United States might have to watch around the clock. I thoroughly expect that the Rapture will occur between midnight and 4 a.m. in Indianapolis because of Jesus' promises to the Old World. That's a wide swath of four hours in the inconvenient night because no one but the Father God knows the day or the hour (v. 36). Those of us who cannot watch require sending out as missionaries to the Old World. And now, let us examine verses 43 and 44: that people will be caught sleeping and live to regret it like a successful burglary. This sign, like that of Noah, shows us that people will not be naturally seeking Christ at that time and tells us when in the week we must watch in season at the right time of ***night*** (American times). Our Lord will not return during any American church's Sunday School or Sunday Morning Worship or Weekly Bible Study or Wednesday Worship or on the Jewish Sabbath. He will not return when many pastors are preparing their lectures without cause and desire to demonstrate the apostasy of all their teachings. Therefore, since most pastors take Mondays off after teaching on Sunday, in season we had better watch on so-called Sunday nights and Monday nights actually falling in the wee hours (in Indianapolis) on Monday and Tuesday, although Jesus could return to take us home later in the week before Sabbath preparations. With at least two nights in the week to watch, we do not know the day of the week for Jesus' return (v. 36).

I have discussed the next parts at length on the Ten Virgins page. Now that we know when to be best prepared to meet Jesus, I turn to Luke for guidance on how to watch. While Saint Luke parallels Matthew in Chapter 17, it is Chapter 21 which shows Jesus' warning against being left behind to face the Tribulation (Luke 21 : 34 - 36 ). From Jesus' mouth in verse 34, it is a heart laden with overeating and drinking or drunkenness and
worries of life which set many of us up for being left behind by Jesus. Just belonging to Jesus will not spare us the Tribulation. If you are continually worried, that is habitual sin (Matt. 6 : 24 ff ). The worried believer who cannot or dare not ask, seek or knock for relief (Matt. 7 : 7 ) and whose prayers fail to avail relief gets called by God to fast. Why, with the guilt of Israel, Moses fasted forty days! Our Lord did the same in order to stand His Temptation. Yes, genuine Christians can, and many probably will, be left behind to face the Tribulation for living it up despite their persistent worries and sleeping when Jesus takes the prepared believers home.

I have desired to preach Second Thessalonians at some graveyard on television during Indiana's wee hours in season on so-called Sunday, Monday, and Thursday nights to warn American Christians that the Lord Jesus Christ expects us to watch, to wait up for Him, and to go abroad as evangelists if they cannot stay up, but my friend in Christ, Dallas Barr, has discouraged me for fear that I might appear to be there to rob graves. I lack formal theological credentials and declare my informal learning good enough with the time short. (Lord's Prayer)

Yours in Christ,

+++ Kevin D. Rosenberg

a martyr for continuing to ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7 : 7 )

John Black on Friday, June 20 10:30 am
Post subject: Tares and wheat

User Location: Ft Lauderdale, FL
Parable: wheattares.txt
Who are the tares and when were they first planted and do their progeny still exist today? Is it possible that the source of these tares is directly connected with the "sons of God" and their offspring, the nephilim as recorded in Genisis 6:4? Does the book of Enoch have any relevence to this. After reading it, I believe that the all this is very possible.
Rosalind Crumlin on Monday, July 6 9:01 pm
Post subject: Would like the picture of a mustard seed tree

User Location: West Columbia, SC
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Please send me a picture of a of a full grown mustard seed tree. Please send it as soon as possible.


Carol Van Tine on Wednesday, April 9 11:11 pm
Post subject: Good Samaritan

User Location: Chicago, IL
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
I read a story years ago in a booklet entitled the "Good News." It said that at some point in history, the people who lived in the area the good Samaritan was from, departed from their homeland. They were led by an old man with a long beard, possibly Ezekial (this might be wrong). However they rolled a large stone with them as they left, and eventually reached England......and today (said this article) the stone they rolled all this long distance now sits HIDDEN UNDERNEATH the throne of the English Queen/King. Was this just my imagination??? Does anyone have any information on this?
Randy Tan on Sunday, March 28 12:59 am
Post subject: Mustard Seed

User Location: Singapore
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
First we have to know where the Kingdom of God is on this earth.

Luke 27:21 For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.

Every believer of Jesus has the kingdom of God in our hearts. It is not in the church, or in a building or in a ministry. It is in the hearts of men.

So the kingdom of God is like a grain of mustard seed sowed in our hearts. Remember it is greatest amongst all herbs and can grow into a tree so that the birds of the air can come and find solace and refuge on its branches. Remember Jesus said in John 15:5, "I am the vine, you are the branches."

What is this mustard seed in our hearts?

Matthew 17:20
I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.'

So here it refers mustard seed to faith.

This is interesting. The Word of God says faith as a mustard seed. The Word of God never says faith like the small size of a mustard seed, which is often preached. Therefoe faith is like the total characteristics of the mustard seed. Size is only one small part. If we preach on size alone, then we miss the whole point.

The total characteristics of the mustard seed can encompass the following:
1) Althought smallest seed of all herb plants, it can grow the biggest.
2) Its branches give birds of the air a resting place.
3) Mustard is an easy crop to grow.
4) Mustard greens are an excellent source of vitamins A, B and C.

So when we receive Jesus the faith in our hearts as a mustard seed can easily grow into a spiritual giant. And the birds of the air (the people who are directionless in their spiritual life who come across our path) can find our testimony and sharing of Christ that they will come to a place of living spiritual life.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. It is really our close relationship with Christ (praying, reading and hearing the Word) that easily makes our faith grow, even though we are a nobody, because that faith will grow very fast and very big in next to no time so that we can be a blesssing to others. And nothing will be impossible because Jesus is behind every miracle.

Remember you can be highly used by God to reach out to the troubled and unsaved.

Randy Tan

Ann Davis on Tuesday, June 2 7:21 pm
Post subject: mustard tree photo

User Location: Louisa, Virginia
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am looking for a large picture of a tree grown from a mustard seed to
use as an object lesson with children - young and old!
Jean Trovillion on Monday, January 19 8:17 pm
Post subject: Picture of mustard plant

User Location: Washington, Il
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
need for my sunday school lesson Feb. 25, 2004
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Saturday, January 10 5:33 pm
Post subject: Again I knock LUKE 16 for leads to faithful chrchz

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA ***called to flee***
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
Caused to sin (Matt. 18:5-7 ) through work on the Sabbath because of failures to meet my needs through the workweek, I ask, seek, and knock again for leads to churches already faithful in (with) the unrighteous mammon of Luke 16:9-13. Such a congregation must, of course, include among its members at least several who know rich folk of this world. I am too sick and fed up with local churches content to remain short of this goal to let this most important matter slide. Therefore, in the name of Jesus the Messiah I assign you the task of contacting churches all across these United States subject to denominational governance in order to find a list for me of all churches under their guidance wich have many or several members well acquainted with rich folk of this world.

I have no printer. You must have seen my smiley problems by now. My comupter still operates on Windows 95, I am poor, and my mother outside the Lord is in charge of my money from SSI. I cannot serve God's people where I now live, but if I had wealth to turn to I would willingly move out. Televangelists have left me to my own feeble resources. I leave it to you to contact denominational headquarters of the various Christian denominations and to seek a list from each of all churches under them which already have their rich friends. Do not cause me to keep on sinning beyond a reasonable time for your completion of this project (worth a curse, Matt. 18:5-7 ). This is not funny; I need specific guidance to congregations known to be already faithful in the unrighteous mammon lest I sin habitually until the Parable of the Servants (Matt. 24:45-51 ) be fulfilled, my only other way to stand in Christ because the churches nearby are faithless at least in regard to Luke 16 (KJV).

Lacking hearkenings to my preceding requests, now I must assign ***YOU*** the task of contacting denominational headquarters of various denominations with requests of guidance to such churches of theirs are happen to be faithful already in the unrighteous mammon BY NEXT FRIDAY AT SUNSET. You will be in sin next Sabbath if the letters remain yet to be sent out. Please help your brother in Christ in need!

Yours in Christ,

+++ Kevin D. Rosenberg

a martyr for continuing to ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7:7 )
Victoria on Thursday, March 25 12:48 am
Post subject: Lazurus

User Location: San Diego California
Parable: lazarus.txt
I have a friend on life support. She was like Lazurus, full of sores that our eyes could not see, but the heart could. So many people became tired trying to deal with her sores (including myself). She felt as though no one really loved her. She had received Jesus, but I don't really think she understood his love for her.

The family is pulling the life support in just fifteen more minutes, Wednesday, March 25th at 5pm. Do we know whether she will breathe on her own? Is she already with the Lord, as there is no brain function? She probably knows better than we who remain.

I ask Jesus for forgiveness for anytime that I did not treat her as my neighbor and acted in part as the rich man did who received good things. This is a day to remember, that in life, always love your neighbor, show mercy, share your good things and try to endure with patience those who have a life of evil sores befalling them. This is humbling.

God bless,
Victoria Trees
Chip M Anderson on Friday, April 8 12:36 am
Post subject: Parable of the Sower

User Location: Connecticut
Parable: sower.txt
For another spin on this important parable,

Shrena on Sunday, December 29 9:42 am
Post subject: The seed of gift

User Location: Asia
Parable: mustardseed.txt
This is what I understand about the Mustard Seed.
The mustard seed is given and planted in us and the kingdom of God is upon us (the Holy Spirit). We are the body of Christ preach good news to the poor (sow unbeliever). The seed will only grow with the WORD of God (knowledge and wisdom thru Holy Spirit).

The seed is the Holy Spirit obviously is the greatest so brings salvation to the people where they will find peace and joy in Christ Lord Jesus.

John 15:5
5I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
JOHN N. STATEN SR. on Thursday, April 24 5:40 pm

User Location: WINTERVILLE N.C.
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Wednesday, November 26 5:25 am
Post subject: Thank God for the Scriptures for our Deliverance

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA; ***not called to stay***
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
On behalf of everybody who like me has been martyred by the evil servants in charge of churches through calling the police to remove us from church or arranging hostile psychiatric hospitalization on account of spoiled rotten begging, I thank God for His words which justify us (Matt. 5:42, 6:24ff, 7:7) and promise our deliverance (Matt. 24:45-25:30).

We who have suffered such abominable punishments deserve to know well that we have no rewards waiting in heaven for us for patiently enduring under punishment from evil servants in charge or, especially, for going over the line between right and wrong in our begging... because Matt. 7:6 and I Peter 2:20 were printed in copies of the Holy Bible available to us long before our sufferings. Therefore, such a pastor as may dominate us now to keep our grievances quiet has no crowns in heaven to offer us for accepting his church discipline, and our rewards in heaven will be far greater if we cry out and call the church leaders completely to account for such failings as broken promises to spread the Gospel throughout the whole world by the year 2000.

Jesus Christ will be far more satisfied with us and able to bless us if we become completely frank with Him in prayer and no longer hold back our hearts. Failing to help us in our times of greatest need on earth through needed divine intervention, He has provided for absolutely incredible vengeance against the evil servants in charge (Matt. 24:45-51) in place of more years of freedom to apostatize in which to enjoy being completely healed and established as we might prefer. That the churches have already failed to fulfill their promises to evangelize the world by the year 2000 has changed the proper interpretation of Matthew 24:45-25:30 incredibly adversely for the evil servants in charge from offices to pulpits.

Because so many church leaders and evangelists have made and broken these promises, it is now patently apparent that they are unable to plan to spread the Gospel throughout the world with a testimony to all peoples (Matt. 24:14, Mark 14:9) and follow through on their promises. Well, the clock is ticking! The generation of Jews who saw Israel become a nation when they were twenty years old is aging, and God's holy Name is at stake to return before they all pass away. For this reason, the loss of morale among missionaries from failing to fulfill their promises to evangalize the world by the year 2000 cannot continue to drive churches inward to build the home church building and congregation and ignore world evangelism. In this context, the pastors' pretext that the judgements of Matthew 24:45-25:30 would be carried out in Heaven with the ever forgiving character of Jesus Christ as master must be torn to shreds; for if they should get their way, world evangelism will NEVER happen to make Jesus Christ return when He promised! Let us examine the judgements of Matthew 24:45-51 as possibe on earth with human masters or groups of humans as masters. This is now necessary to bring about world evangelism and the rapture of the saints.

Now seek I to bring about the judgement of the servants in charge as soon as possible on this earth (Matthew 24:45-51) so that without the hindrances of the Church Growth Movement, world evangelism may be attempted under faithful leadership, which unlike the Church Growth Movement will remember the need to memorialize Mary's anonymous anointing of Jesus Christ at Bethany if our spread of the Gospel really be worldwide (Mark 14:9, John 12:1-3). The power to judge is not yet in the right hands, yet our omnipotent Lord, praised be his name!--is surely able to bestow it. Promises from the American government such as our First, Fifth, and Eighth Amendment rights must fail, however that may happen, in order to judge the evil servants in charge with amputations and floggings as Jesus said would be done (Matt. 24:45-51, Luke 12:42-48); still I say, our awesome God is omnipotent and able to accomplish this, and both to those who pray to keep America safe and secure and to national enemies who would rejoice in an invasion or a coup d'etat I remember my citizenship in heaven and offer the Lord's Prayer just the same. American constitutional rights are defending injustices which Jesus Christ will not tolerate just before His return. Still, unless the United States Congress and the state legislators wake up to the reality of the end times and find some way to permit the imposition of the judgements upon the evil servants in charge prescribed by Jesus Christ, God's will could turn in an extremely adverse direction very fast in order to allow the ousting of bad pastors so that world evangelism may be accomplished.

And now I announce judgements. The demands of all the flock's wealth and amputations made by telephone in 2001 of the Meier family at Twin City Bible Church in Urbana, IL 61801, in place of failure to provide fifty million dollars requestewd in 1997 and 1998 to be obtained by begging to compensate Kevin Douglas Rosenberg for ruinous, utterly needless, admittedly mistaken psychiatric captivity and drugging (sin of witchcraft, Gal. 5:19, Greek), will accrue more demanded amputations before God: a thumb's weight weekly if evil servant in charge Bill Meier dare escape what was demanded before into the afternoon of December 26, 2003 UT. I myself cannot impose this, yet I dare ask Jesus his Lord, and He encourages me to keep on asking (Matt. 7:7). I have had to sin habitually because of Bill's influence on pastors to keep me quiet until I had to junk church after church to escape their domination, and I call down Matt. 18:5-7 to curse Twin City Bible Church like the fig tree in the name of Jesus Christ and send Bill's flock destitute for nearby churches to send out.

I do not possess such power as to bring this all about, yet still I thank God again for the Scriptures to show my current ways right before Him and to deliver me from the power of the evil servants in charge of today's churches through His will for vengeance. May God help our mentally ill brethren and everyone else in Him who needs assistance and has trouble asking for it among English speakers in authority. In Jesus' name, Amen.
LE on Wednesday, August 25 4:00 am
Post subject: PRODIGAL SON

User Location: USA
Parable: prodigalson.txt
We are all sinners. Whether we have God in our hearts always (stay with the Father) or whether we stray away and find our way back to our Father, He will always welcome us home with open arms.

charlotte on Monday, November 22 4:59 pm
Post subject: prodigal

User Location: nuneaton
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
i want to get pictures and infomation about the story of the prodigal by today.
Halley on Friday, February 18 7:45 pm
Post subject: prodigal

User Location: Virginia
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
I think your Israel/Church interpretation is a good one. However, I would put a slightly different spin on the Church. Instead of Apostate, I think of the younger son symbolizes those penitent in the Church. Since Jesus was criticized for spending time with sinners and unclean people, I see Him using this to remind us that only those who are aware of their sin need a saviour. The younger son represents to me the new covenant, and the son brooding at home one who is sticking to the Law for his inheritance. I am teaching on this Sunday.
Bert Nowak on Wednesday, December 25 11:30 pm
Post subject: It was a hard lesson to the wealthly man

User Location: BC Canada
Parable: greatsupper.txt
Better late than never to understand that his work to empower those bidden to supper was done. He wasted no time at all but extended what was intended for them to any within his reach. So it began again, to embolden others to forge ahead and gain their relationship to god. I see it as a positive outcome. The strength of the parable was in the nature of the giver to give, not the receiver to receive.
Denny Aleksuk on Wednesday, October 1 5:15 pm
Post subject: Candles? Candlesticks?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: sower.txt
One of the greatest things I’ve learned about Mark chapter four is how Jesus in his analogies talks about the same thing but from different angles. Many people have thought that after the parable of the sower Jesus might have become disoriented or lost train of thought so as to start talking about candles, candlesticks and hiding things under beds. But in reality he used a slick analogy for saying the same thing that he said in parable of the sower. There is a lot of misconception about the subject matter. Some say it’s the Word some say it’s the world and some say it’s evangelism. But consider if you will that he was talking about a reaction between a catalyst and an agent. The agent being the heart of a man, and the catalyst being the Word of God. Seizing upon this idea will help understand the “mysteries” that lie in the parables of the kingdom.
After saying that some bring forth fruit in measures, Jesus immediately says, “is a candle brought to be put under a bushel or under a bed and not to be set on a candlestick?” When the catalyst of Gods word is fed into our hearts, we are not putting it in a place where the light will be covered up or extinguished, like under a bushel or bed. To the contrary, we are placing it in a place where the light can be emitted the most, like on a candlestick. Have you ever seen the type of candlestick that has a shiny plate behind it? I believe that’s what he’s talking about. It is something that is designed to utilize the light to the utmost. Jesus is saying that this is what your heart is like. It is a refractor of the light of Gods word-put in. “Let your light so shine

He continues “for there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested and neither was anything kept secret but that it should come abroad. Hidden where? Kept secret where? How about in the ground of the human heart? Aren’t seeds covered? Aren’t seeds hidden in soil? So then the secret of manifesting things is to learn how to hide them.
Consider this parable. “The kingdom of God is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened”. Might this be an example of the idea of “there is nothing hid that shall not be manifested”? The woman sowed, hid, covered up yeast in a ball of dough. And before long its was manifested to those who could se it; the fact that yeast had been secretely added.
If you keep this idea of the two working together, the Word and the heart of man, I think this will help you in other parables of the kingdom.

Chris Sellers on Friday, May 28 5:12 pm
Post subject: God does it

User Location: Los Angeles, CA
Parable: secretseed
This may not be a popular interpretation, but from the parable itself it is hard to conclude too much more than this being about God and His activity in growing the 'seed.' It is tempting to allegorize this (i.e. say that JC is the farmer), and it is tempting to say its about our 'producing fruit' or 'miracles.' Although scripture talks about this, this particular parable does not. The point...and I think this is very good that God does the growing. He is the one able to do the unthinkable; grow His word in the midst of a sinful world. For this I am thankful, and don't take this as a license to be lazy, but an invitation to be faithful to the great grower.
dragonflymoon on Tuesday, August 26 12:28 pm
Post subject: 11th hour laborers

User Location: Australia
Parable: laborersvineyard.txt
The parable looks toward the gospel cry of righteousness by faith just prior to the second coming of Christ This message will go out across the world and many who have been quietly seeking the Lord through bible study and prayer, in places where the gospel has been otherwise supressed, will join their voices to those who are giving this "Elijah" message, whie personally putting away every known sin from their own lives and warning other to do the same. These 11th hour workers will be of every kindred and tongue, and from every nation and culture where the gospel has been deliberately supressed. They will recognise from the leading of God's spirit through their study of His word, the truth of this message- when they hear it, and they will also sound this last call of mercy where missionaries have never yet been able to reach. They will enjoy all the benefits of God's grace as co-laborers with Him according to His plan for mankind's eternal salvation-even though others have been faithfully giving this gospel message for many years. It is not for man to say who recieves what rewards Christ will give his children. His government does not consist of industrial laws where wages are determined by human policy, but by the grace of a loving God who rewards according to the state of a man's heart.
Robert Lee on Tuesday, November 18 9:58 pm
Post subject: requste a copy of Good shepher

User Location: 111917 Wind Flower Place,Ok, okc 73120
Parable: goodshepherd.txtthread
Dear Sir" I Would like to get a copy of your sermon about the good shepher. In august I requeste one time, so far I did not get it. I am a foreign student in OU.
JOSEPH SHOMALI on Friday, September 10 8:17 pm
Post subject: The Mustard Seed

Parable: mustardseed.txtthread


Alex on Friday, October 10 10:52 am
Post subject: The Prodigal Son

User Location: Moscow
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
By Alexander Viktorov

The 1917 Socialist Revolution in Russia is nearing its centennial in 2017. The antiglobalization movement, actually anticapitalist, is growing world over. Three fourths of the world do not seem to be willing to live on $1 a day by 2015, as the UN report predicts... And Russia is Russia...


His comeback seems now to be made in vain,
And the prodigal son leaves home again.

In vain the fatted calf was for him slaughtered -
He got only a snippet of it and a cup of water.
And the bulk was devoured less than in an hour
By those who were not prodigal any
And who had stayed at home to save every penny,
Who skin prodigal sons and daughters
Having taken them alongside with calves to slaughter.

The prodigal son's father got stuffed to the gills and preaches:
"Look, only at home you can find real riches.
Together with you we can slaughter calves twofold
Then skin them, sell skins and get tenfold in gold.
What good is seeking other ways across life?
You had hardly half a cake a day - now you can have five!
All our folks will be glad:
Our business will thrive!
To our business you were dead,
And now you are back alive.
You've got a robe, a ring, and Le Monti shoes now.
All you must do, paying back, is to take a vow
That you stay and help me and your elder brother
Market our calves,
In that business we'll go halves:
You'll get more shoes, rings, and robes
Provided you live up to our hopes."

The elder brother came scowling and grinning:
«It seems to be paying - not working but sinning:
Behold, a fatted calf has been killed in your honor
And me - I am looked at as if I'm a donor..."
But the father cut his elder son short:
"Stop seeing a mote in your brother's eye!
He is back to become yours and mine ward
To stop him for ever from saying "good-bye"...
Well, I've had enough, 1 am tired and gonna couch...
But I don't want you to have a fight with your brother,
I am too old now to organize you another...
Since for peace this night neither of you can vouch
I'll put you, my prodigal boy, under lock and key
In our guest room so I have a guarantee
That I find you alright tomorrow,
You have given me, quitting once, enough sorrow..."

So the prodigal son got accommodated,
But all familial cares now come to him belated.
He can't sleep because of his heartfelt battle:
No, he's unprepared to skin and sell cattle,
He'd left his home for a freedom's mock...
And then he heard someone tamper with the lock,
He heard a key-turning rattle
And he readied himself for a home battle.
He turned to face the comer - one or another,
And the comer came to be his eider brother,
Who smirked a grin: "Brother, now it's my sin.
You won't anyway bring any grist to our mill,
You have got your own flagpole to shin
Who knows, maybe one day you'll win...
So you may go or do as you will."
"Thank you, brother, I thank you for that brotherly cup.
It was my error to have returned
To disturb you and our father and what you have earned...
Now I have to go - the time is up
To see again plains and trees, and waters, and birds,
And walk on, on and on
Along mountain paths and in all kind of dirts
To see in the very end The Kingdom of John ."*

“Okay, brother, you may go
To spare our family another woe...”
They parted without kiss,
And the prodigal son walked
Across the pain trying not to miss
The path so the East that people had talked
To be the path to the real bliss.

As he was just in the very start,
He heard a voice as if it was a dart:
“Stay, brother, don't be that speedy!
Share your way with me, be not so greedy.
I want also to see plains and trees, and waters, and birds,
To hear other nations talk, to learn foreign words.”
The prodigal son delayed and waited
For his elder brother to join him.
They had never been indeed closely related
And he believed his elder brother's word just a whim.
But the elder brother put his hand on the younger one's shoulder
And they walked on and on, the younger and the older...

The prodigal son's new history yet has not got much renown.
Maybe you have seen the two brothers passing thru your village or town?

*The Kingdom of Presbyter John was a legendary kingdom in the medieval East believed to be a hypothetical "Golden Age" state founded by a British crusader..

Kasey on Tuesday, June 26 6:41 pm
Post subject: Earth

User Location: Michigan
Parable: tentalents.txt
Consider the usage of the word "Earth" elsewhere in Jesus' parables. The word earth is always used in reference to a man's heart. We sew seeds (the Word) in the earth (men's hearts).

Likewise, earth is used in this parable. He who was only given one talent (given one gift) hid it in his heart, afraid to use it for God's gain, and he lost it.

He who was given many gifts used them all, and was given more, because he has shown faith in what he all ready had, and would surely do the same if he had more. God is using his servants wisely.
RAUL GAWEC on Monday, December 1 2:07 am

User Location: PHILIPPINES
Parable: goodshepherd.txtthread



patsy on Wednesday, March 3 1:33 pm
Post subject: Re: Scripture!

User Location: SC
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
I don't know which subject you are speaking of, since I was the last one before your comment, let me share the Scripture in God's Word, concerning continued sin in the life of a believer! First, Jesus said unto sinner that came unto Him and were forgiven their sins, sin no more less a worse thing come upon you! The Judgment of God!
(Hebrews-10-26) For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth (Christ) there remains no more sacrifice for sins,
(27) But CERTAIN fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries.
Satan has always been the liar and murderer that deceived mankind, from the beginning, to take of the tree of knowledge, knowing good and evil!! (Genesis-3-4-5) (2-17) But God said, The day you eat thereof, knowing good and evil, you shall die!
(Romans-6-16) Know you not to whom you yeild yourselves servants to obey, his servant you are to whom you obey: whether of sin unto death (continued sin) or of obedience unto Righteousness! We cannot obey God, and the Devil! God never changes, (Genesis-2-17) that wages of sin is death, neither does Satan! (Genesis-3-4-5) you shall not surely die!
(11Thess-2-3-12! That all might be Damned who believed not the Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness!
Also note, (1John-3-7) Little children, let no man deceive you: he that does righteousness is righteous, even as He is Righteous!
(8) He that COMMITS SIN is of the Devil, for the devil sinned from the beginning, For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might DESTROY (not justify) the works of the Devil!
PATRICK SPINKS on Friday, February 23 8:55 pm

Parable: goodsamaritan.txt

The man who left Jerusalem and started out on his way to Jericho is a picture of a man who is leaving the presense of God (Jerusalem), and is going downhill or backsliding to the fleshly way of life (Jericho), a city that was known for its immorality. When he started down the dangerous path of backsliding, he left himself open to thieves and robbers, a type of spiritual wickedness and demonic activity. He was pounced upon and robbed. The first things the thieves took from him was his robe, a type of the robe of Christ's rightousness. While he lay at deaths door on the backslidden path, a priest walked by. The priest is a type of "religion". When your soul is in desperate need of a touch from God, "religion" is worthless. Your religious tag is of no value whatsoever. The priest, or "religion, passed the wounded man by. Then a Levite came by. A Levite was a lawyer. When your desperate and out of touch with God, the "law" can't save you. The law is good, but only for letting you know you are a sinner. The law can't save you. The Levite walked on by. Then came the Samaritan. The Samaritan's were mongrel Jews. They were Jews who had married with other nationalities. The Jews were commanded not to do that, so Samaritans were outcasts. The Samaritan is a perfect type of Christ, because you see, Jesus was also somewhat of a mongrel. If you read his geneology, you will find Rahab the harlot mentioned, as well as Ruth. These women were not Jewish by blood, but had married into the Jewish race. ---------let me inject here that interacial marriage has never been contrary to God's Law except for the Jews, and that only because of God's Divine Purpose for the Jewish people and the Jewish nation for the reconciliation of all things-----------The Samaritan, or Jesus in type, placed the injured man on His jackass and took him to the Inn, a type of the Church. The innkeeper (a type of the five ministry-pastor) was told to take care of the man and the Samaritan (Jesus), paid the price for his care.
The man of Law was being taught by Jesus through this parable that the Samaritan, the man of grace, was his neighbor. In salvation, the law is very important because it convinces man of sin. Religion is important, if it is pure and undefiled religion. But we are saved by Grace through faith and that not of ourselves lest any man should boast, but it is the gift of God.
One of the most important points in the story is the fact that the Samaritan (Jesus), placed the wounded man on his jackass. The jackass is a type of you and I, average joe Christian. God wants us to be obedient in going into the highways and hedges and compelling souls to come. The jackass followed Jesus and took the injured man to church so he could be placed in the hands of the five-fold ministry and be healed mentaly, physically,and spiritually. I would encourage all of us to be jackasses for Jesus until his return.
adeh mwamba on Wednesday, February 26 6:28 pm
Post subject: parable of talents

User Location: 1401,college Ave
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
I want to understand what it means to and how it referres to us people.Were these true talent or what?I need the real meaning of the parable
kitt thompson on Friday, May 16 11:56 pm
Post subject: lack of focuson the whole picture of this parable

User Location: mississauga ontario canada
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
many christians who read this parable, tend to see the two sons, and lack focus on the father.the sons represent humanity with all its frailty. having the distinct tendency to drift away from GOD .represented by the father,, the father fogiving the son is the embodyment of GODs true love for humanity.. in that GOD would use an earthly father to represent himself,Speaks of the true humanity of JESUS CHRIST the father , Who with open arms will fogive all who come to him.. IT is to be observe also a triune in this parable.. As it involves the father the son and the HOLY SPIRIT who pricked the heart of the repentant son, thus restoring him to the father....................GOD bless us all
Kitt Thompson.........
Big Island on Thursday, September 30 5:39 pm
Post subject: Leaven and mustard parables, the same?

User Location: Fridley
Parable: mustardseed.txt
I’ve read what you’ve written under the mustard seed and the leaven parables and I think I see the light
I think.

Correct me if I’m wrong but are you saying that Jesus taught two different analogies pertaining to the heart of man? The one likening it unto a garden in which the fruit are brought forth in relation to the seeds planted (ideally the Word)? And the leaven parable in which the heart of man would be like a lump of dough that the yeast of God’s word is “hid” in? It in turn manifests the fact that yeast was put in. Or it tells the story that something was “hid” in it. In other words “there’s nothing hid that will not be manifest”. Kind of like a candle shinning light (metaphoristically speaking). Is that right? Are these two parables saying in essence the same thing but from different angles?

Are you saying that THIS is Gods endorsed way of getting his Word manifest in our lives, or receiving a fulfillment of a biblical promise?

If that’s true, then do you have any idea how we “hide” the Word of God in our hearts? Or is it buried in metaphors that no one can figure out? Anything that you can share with me would be much appreciated.

Asphalt Prophet on Wednesday, February 9 2:30 am
Post subject: Mustard tree: the unexpected answer

User Location: Pennsyvania
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
copy this url to your address bar, it not a picture but it may help :)
Denny Aleksuk on Wednesday, March 2 8:28 pm
Post subject: Manifestation- miracles?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: leaven.txt
Very recently I had two opportunities to talk about the parables of the kingdom of God with friends. It amazes me how dull of hearing people can be. They look at you like you’re from another planet (huh?). As if to say why on earth would anybody show such an interest in the words of Jesus (kingdom parables)? It reminds me of the old expression “batting their eyes like a calf with a new gate”. WHY you might ask? You REALLY have to ask?

The creator was talking about MANIFESTATIONS!

Mark 4-22 for there is nothing hid, which shall not be MANIFESTED; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Look at what says that manifest means:

adj : clearly apparent or obvious to the mind or senses; "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"; "evident hostility"; "manifest disapproval"; "patent advantages"; "made his meaning plain"; "it is plain that he is no reactionary"; "in plain view" [syn: apparent, evident, patent, plain] n : a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane v 1: provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes; "His high fever attested to his illness"; "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication"; "This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness" [syn: attest, certify, demonstrate, evidence] 2: record in a ship's manifest; "each passenger must be manifested" 3: reveal its presence or make an appearance; "the ghost manifests each year on the same day"

Look at what the last sentence says.

“Reveal its presence or make an appearance; "the ghost manifests each year on the same day".

Has it ever occurred to you that Jesus Christ-the miracle worker, God almighty, was walking around in a physical body teaching people how he was doing his miracles via the kingdom parables?


Isn’t that what a “manifestation” is? A miracle? I realize holy Joes will lament “NOW THAT’S GOING TOO FAR! But is it? If a ghost were to “appear” before you right now, wouldn’t that be a miraculous experience? Wouldn’t it be a “manifestation”?

Now, there’s more to it. Jesus was doing his miracles by the HOLY Ghost, but how do you think he got the Holy Ghost? How about by these teachings of the Kingdom?

By the latter definition of manifestation found above; couldn’t we conclude that Jesus merely obtained a “manifestation” of the Holy Spirit?

I believe that everything that we will ever need or obtain from God in reference to the fulfillment of his word is routed through the teachings of Mark chapter four.

And people wonder why I spend so much time pursuing understanding into the teachings of the Kingdom of God.


Is that really that hard to understand?

And yet people are clueless as to the fact that there is a system laid down by Christ whereby we can tap into these things, calling them into existence (make them a reality).

But it doesn’t come from crying and whining and asking for Manifestations.


It comes from HIDING the things that we want, within our hearts. We do the “hiding” (planting, sowing, covering, “keeping secret”, it’s the idea of planting a seed) and God “rewards us openly”

I have heard Godly people pray and make the biggest blunder possible in prayer. They use the word manifestation. THAT’S A NO-NO (it will produce fear. “Hiding” produces faith-now you know where fear comes from).

Learn the secret of humility. HIDE his word in your heart and keep it hidden (the opposite of manifesting it-in and of ourselves-as though we could-PRIDE). So that God-through the seed planting, cultivation, process, CAN reward you openly.

Have you noticed that everything in the teachings of the Kingdom seem backwards of the way that we do things? Actually we’re the backwards ones.

“There is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof is death”...

“The first will be last and the last will be first”.

These are the “secrets” that Jesus came to bring to light. And yet Christians are more interested in Hollywood than they are in obtaining the ability to manifest Gods word to the world around us. I know people that will give you the biggest grinniest smile when talking about a Hollywood production (just for fun tell them that there’s full backal nudity and watch that smile grow). But if you ever mention the word of God they’ll turn that smile upside down (I call it the baby diaper look i.e. an imaginary baby diaper beneath the nose). They’ll “manifest” the spirit of sourpuss. No excitement. No glee. NO NOTHING!

Why is that? That’s not right. AND THEY JUST DON’T GET IT. That’s what Jesus called hard heartedness (seeds that fell upon the rock). And they could just decided to HEAR what Jesus is saying but no. Hollywood’s better apparently

Weather you believe that a manifestation is a miracle or not it doesn’t matter. But if something appears out of the blue and it’s a good thing, then I’m going to want more of the same. And THAT IS A MANIFESTATION.
What if you had a whole body of believers that had this ability to produce fruit unto God in this way and instruct others as to how to do so as well? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? But instead of learning what Jesus taught (this is what HE chose to teach), we’re out fussing about water baptism, or weather you can have a swig of beer. Dear Lord (lamenting vehemanently)!

But as long as we’re going to blind as bats, I guess we’ll be experts on water baptism.

Hitch on Saturday, July 27 4:49 am
Post subject: Read Matt. ch. 13

User Location: USA
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Read Matt. ch. 13 again,fowls are are satan and his demons and look at the parables of the sowers especially,the fowls swoop down and take the seed which was sown."
We might wonder how leavend bread was prescribed for peace offerings, peace being a good thing and all. But you''re right about those foul fowls,,,especially the white doves...
Denny Aleksuk on Monday, October 8 7:18 pm
Post subject: Response to Pastor Mike

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: leaven.txtthread
Pastor Mike,

Thank you for your response.

There is one thing that stands out to me about the article that you wrote and it’s this: It’s “academic”. I don’t mean that offensively. A lady once used that word around me talking about a well known ministry and the things that they were saying. That threw me for a loop. I literally had to look up the meaning of that word and then figure out what she said. What she was saying is that “those things go without saying”. There is no “magic” in that.

Matthew 13:35
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept SECRET from the foundation of the world.

I think your failing to give credence to that fact that there is a hidden mystery revolving around the teachings of the kingdom. Jesus was saying something so mind blowing that only IT (the secret, the mystery) could qualify as something so magnificent, that God almighty felt the need to hide it-and then reveal it at the opportune moment as the "secret" of the kingdom.

Look at the scriptures listed below.

Matthew 6:4
That thine alms may be in SECRET: and thy Father which seeth in SECRET himself shall reward thee openly.

Matthew 6:6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in SECRET; and thy Father which seeth in SECRET shall reward thee openly.

Matthew 6:18
That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in SECRET: and thy Father, which seeth in SECRET, shall reward thee openly.

Notice the word SECRET. Isn’t it safe to say that there is something about this idea that is a lot more far reaching then what we’ve given credit for being?

Did you know that there is a scripture in the Old Testament where a man demands to know Gods name from the angle standing before him representing God, and do you know what the angel said? (Paraphrased) “Why do you ask me my name being that it’s “SECRET” (might Gods name literally be “SECRET”? As in “hi my name is Denny, I’d like you to meet my friend Secret).

Is it just me or is there something a lot more to this; that God would keep centering on the idea of “secret”?

Well in my articles I seize upon this idea and I expound on what I believe this secret is. In what you just wrote, you can’t glean anything out of it that could be construed as a “secret hidden from the foundation of the earth”. Can you see that? It’s all academic.

JESUS WAS SAYING SOMETHING INCREDIBLE! I mean in terms of helping the human race.

I would submit that the pearl of great price or the treasure hid in the field is this ability that a human being has to resplend the contents of his heart onto the picture screen of his life. I.E, get it to MANIFEST.

Now seriously, isn’t that more of a fulfillment of the scripture:

“That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world”.

Who cares about things that don’t help you get God manifest in your life? Haven’t you ever been afraid of something? Haven’t you ever been in a jam in which you need God NOW! Haven’t you ever been anxious, careful, strung-out (stressed out-whatever)? Haven’t you ever asked “isn’t there something for my being (body) in terms of the presence of God? Why would a person have to lie in bed feeling spiritually cold, dark, as though God is totally absent? Shouldn’t we have a “manifestation” of the presence of God to where we always know that he’s there? Some will say “but you must take it by faith”. But the whole reason why you take it by faith is because Hebrews says “faith is the substance, or giving substance to the things that we hope for. We use our faith to get something to manifest.

God wants to be manifestly present in our lives. Many people have had an experience with God in which they say it was as though a being of fire came upon them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could get this experience and impart it unto others? Instead of kids blowing the brains out on dope, impart this being that the bible calls the Comforter unto people and just see if that wouldn’t far out do what crack can offer.

Isn’t this better than all of that theory business?

I don’t want theory; theory doesn’t pay the bills and give me something to look forward to. FUSHTANE? (I think that’s German for do you get it? I’m probably wrong. Forgive me thou German people.)


Just remember though, Jesus said many things. Some of which may be an overall view from above concerning the predicament of man. But by far his most awesome teaching was that of manifesting the Word of God to the world around us via Kingdom principles.

Mark 4:13 And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?

The parables of Mark chapter four are the ones that open the door to all the others. And it speaks of manifesting things hidden, to the world around us.

God bless.

Tell no man.

lh on Monday, February 16 9:30 pm
Post subject: Laz

User Location: Ohio
Parable: lazarus.txt
I simply believe it is a tool to prophecy his ressurrection. Note the punchline - If they don't believe Moses they won't believe if someone rises from the dead.
Chris Godwin on Tuesday, November 25 6:28 pm
Post subject: Thankyou

User Location: Portland,OR
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
I just wanted to thankyou Raphael. I had at first misunderstood what it was that you were saying, but in finishing what you had written I was very pleased to see that it was a great confirmation fo the Love that is given us through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thankyou and God bless you!

Your Brother in Christ,


Will on Sunday, April 9 12:07 am
Post subject: Inheritance vs. property

User Location: Hebron, ky
Parable: prodigalson.txt
It may be important to note that the younger son does not ask for his inheritance but for his share of the property. His inheritance would bring with it cultural and societial responsibility. He only wanted to cash in and then cash out to go and party. He did not want the responsibility in the community.
John on Saturday, November 16 4:20 pm
Post subject: The brother of the Prodigal Son

User Location: Illinois
Parable: prodigalson.txt
To Lucius,

The Holy Spirit has caused me to consider the brother who stayed home with the Father. For years I thought the brother's indignation was justified. Jesus was speaking to the Pharasees when teaching this parable. So I must consider am I like the Pharasees? If I take the side of the brother who stayed home then I do not have a tender heart for the lost. Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. If the brother cannot even love his brother and celebrate his return how can he love his neighbor.
joel yanofsky on Monday, May 24 6:17 pm
Post subject: the parable of the mustard seed

User Location: montreal
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
can you tell me where I can find this quote about
the mustard seed in the Bible? The one about how even
the tiniest faith can grow? thank you.

john harbin on Friday, August 1 5:35 pm
Post subject: Picture of the mustard tree

User Location: palm bay, fl
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
my wife and i are retired and during a recent discussion we each commented that we had never seen a mustard tree nor a picture of one. if you have a picture i would appreciate very much seeing it.
Frederick Jones on Tuesday, February 10 10:17 am
Post subject: Parable of good samaritan - another twist...

User Location: Australia
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
The Jewish lawyer asks him 'Who is my neighbour?'
When Jesus is telling the story we think 'the dying man is the neighbour needing to be loved' and YET this is not Jesus' conclusion!
The neighbour surprisingly is the Samaritan who loved (not the one who was loved - remember the question 'who is my neighbour? ie who is the one I am to love?' - Jesus answer is effectively 'the samaritan'.
What does Jesus change the subject of the neighbour? Is it hinting that we should love the saviour figure who everyone despises - ie Jesus!!!

What do you think?
Order Lotensin on Thursday, February 5 3:40 pm
Post subject: Thank you for constantly updated

User Location: Germany
Parable: secretseed
Thank you for constantly updated, always a pleasure to read.
Marlena on Sunday, January 19 1:53 am
Post subject: wise-foolosh builders

User Location: ohio
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txt
My youth preacher once explained this parable to me. This is a summary of what he told me:....................The one who build his house on the rock was the one who trusted Jesus with his salvation. And the man who build his house on the sand was one who thought he could use good works to get into heaven. Those who have faith in Christ will be carried through the storm, and those who try to build their foundation on sand (just good works) need to get themselves the rock (Jesus)

Donna Kim on Wednesday, January 19 8:53 pm
Post subject: Add to Parable of Good Samaritan - another twist

User Location: South Hackensack, NJ
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
I agree with your interpretation that the neighbor is the Samaritan, i.e. Jesus.

The dying man trusted the Samaritan and took the Samaritan's help without doubt and hesitation, even though he despised the Samaritan.
In this parable of Good Samaritan, the dying man is ourselves. People should beleive in God humbly like the dying man did.

This Parable of good samaritan tells me that men should humble themselves for believing in God and loving Jesus.


bighouse5 on Saturday, July 27 4:41 am
Post subject: A mustard seed should stay an herb

User Location: USA
Parable: mustardseed.txt
A mustard seed should stay an herb,if it becomes as a tree it is not good for seasoning.It has become something it shouldn't be and the birds perch in it looking for an easy meal.
Mustard seed = The Church,GOD's children Birds = satan and his croneies,false teachers
To GOD be the glory.

Laurel on Thursday, March 11 3:06 pm
Post subject: Parable of the Fig Tree

User Location: Ohio
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
I believe you are very probably correct. A biblical generation of 40 years represented a generation in unbelief. We saw a blood red moon on March 8, 2004. It gave no light, only deep red, low in the sky and full and huge. Can't say for sure it is what Joel and Acts speak of, but it could be. We are close. We all sense it. Those who have ears to hear are not missing these things. God Bless You, Shalom
peter redman on Saturday, December 28 3:34 pm
Post subject: seeking greater understanding of christs message

User Location: fairfield maine
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Being a son that stayed home I am cursed by the brother who came home.
The relationship between my father and I has been cursed by the returning son with the promise of 3 things.
1) To take all of the possessions of our parents for only himself
2) To ruin the relationship between our father and I.
3) To do everything possible to ruin the business that our father sold to me and my other brother.
By reading some of the comments of others, I see that the father wants a whole relationship with all his sons. This relationship is not whole with the two sons that stayed home.
However the boistrous demands, the negative statements and the guilt that he has placed on all of us is a tremendous burden to carry for the rest of our lives.
I am seeking words of wisdom to find peace in our lives.
Please respond with insights.

Chris on Saturday, July 27 10:32 pm
Post subject: Here is what I see fits better.

User Location: USA
Parable: leaven.txt
Here is what I see fits better.

1.The leaven is the Gospel. 2.The woman is Israel which hid or cut off the Gospel in the world. 3.The 3 measures of meal can mean the Jews, the Gentiles, and the people during the melennial reign of Christ.

When a new believer is added to the body of Christ, the number of the redeemed grows. Similiar to leaven, it grows until it is fully grown, and then it is finished. This does not mean that everyone will be saved, but that the harvest is ripe to reap at this time.

Daniel Cox on Thursday, October 9 1:20 am
Post subject: leaven-referring to the kingdom of God

User Location: New Jersey
Parable: leaven.txtthread
The leaven in the parable of the kingdom of God (referring specifically to the reference in Matthew 13:33) is anything BUT a negative usage.
To propose that the leaven here represents corrupt doctrine or heresy infiltrating Christendom to bring about the end of the age can be little more than depressing extrapolation to fit the current dispensationalist paradigm.
The direct and clear meaning of this passage is at it reads:
The kingdom of God will continue to grow and increase until the earth is filled with it, as the abundance of scripture (old an new testaments) testify.
Presented together with the parable of the mustard seed (as Christ did), the parable shows a clear hope and view of the potency and tenacity of the gospel, able to withstand and grow in all conditions, and also to make the recipient of the gospel much greater than its' original sum (the person with Christ is exponentially more than one without).

Joe Batao on Thursday, June 2 9:59 am
Post subject: Opinion re Mustard Seed

User Location: Manila, Philippines
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
No, this is not a parable about the mustard seed. Rather, it is a parable about Kingdom of Heaven.

In this sense, this simply tells us that the so-called Kingdom of Heaven is not -- repeat, is not -- a place. It's just like a small mustard seed that humanity can (indeed, does) overlook. But this same seed has the potential to get nourished until it grows into a full-grown tree.

It is that little "spark" of divinity that has been planted by God (the sower) in man. It is little in the sense that it cannot manifest itself easily since our material existence often overshadows it, as we oftentimes neglect it in favor of materialism and all that this world has to offer.

But it can grow (The choice is ours). If we select the righteous way of life and let that divine spark reign supreme in our life, we actually let it grow. And when it grows into a tree, when it has grown so large and tall enough as to "dwarf" the wordly desires of our flesh, then the birds will start lodging upon its branches -- the spiritual words of God will have all the chances to come freely to us, as we can now more deeply appreciate them.

🌈Pride🌈 goeth before Destruction
When 🌈Pride🌈 cometh, then cometh Shame

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 Posted by Webmaster on Saturday, August 31 2002
  • Web-Ministry is intended for the Glory of God.
  • Please try to be respectful of God and to be reverent toward His Word, which is the Holy Bible.
  • Some may not be Christian nor agree with Christian theology in general, but please be respectful of those that do and to Christendom in general.
  • People from all walks of life and backgrounds of faith are welcome here, including the backslidden and nonbelievers, as well.
  • We may not all agree... but we can agree to disagree, at least.
  • However, any potential disagreements still need to remain civil in nature, and should stay as such.
  • Please, just debate the points of your position, if necessary, and refrain from ad hominem attacks. Slandering and name calling serve no productive purpose.
  • Posting rules are based upon decent conduct and generally acceptable chat behavior and, also, on Christian beliefs and morals found in the Holy Bible.
  • Please refrain from using offensive language or obscenely suggestive innuendo.
  • Usernames that are not becoming of basic common decency and morality are not to be used and may possibly result in membership cancellation.
  • Refusing to follow forum rules may result in membership cancellation and possibly some or all applicable posts being deleted and if necessary... entire threads.
  • If you feel these things to be unacceptable, please find another forum to post on.Thank you.
  • dp,webmaster,Chrysoprasus,wilshine

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