Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

Tim on Wednesday, February 19 5:47 am
Post subject: Ten Virgins

User Location: Korea
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
I agree with Jason Ward's comment about the background of wedding ceremony that happen at that time.

I believe the the Lamp represents faith. And of cousre our faith comes from hearing the Word (Romans 10:17)

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

which makes me to think that the oil is the hearing the message.

People become christians by starting to hear the message. Personally I believe hearing message is different from hearing the word of Christ. Many people comes to church and read bible but don't hear the message, which also don't produce faith in them.

I believe the foolish virgins are the ones who stops hearing the message though they did in the beginning, which of course brought them to new life through grace. This also makes me to think of the parable of sower, third kind of seed were choked by life's worries and etc...

Just my opinion.. :-)
Denny Aleksuk on Tuesday, September 30 3:28 pm
Post subject: Seed, Gods' word not growing?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: sower.txtthread
I think you've seized upon something that isn't a part of the parable of the sower. The context is the kingdom of God. The place where we're sowing the seed is into the realm of the spirit, our hearts. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within you. Did you notice that Jesus never addressed the issue of watering the seed? Well don't seeds need to be watered? Then why not address such a critical thing? Because if you go back into the Garden of Eden, you'll recall that a mist watered the plants of Eden, the watering was already provided for in this garden. In this realm of the kingdom within, the watering is already provided for. And lets not forget that the seed were talking about is the Word of God. "Being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible seed, by the word of God which live and abides forever. If the seed is planted it will grow! God will provide the increase. The curse that has come upon the earth and our physical bodies has not contacted that place where these seeds are sown. It's infinitely easier to produce in the realm of the spirit for "he watches over his word to perform it." The tough part is in having enough scriptural knowledge to be able to plant the seed and turn loose of it for long periods of time. Being patient. But I wouldn't seize upon the curse that IS in this earth to allow the enemy to say why ever bother. Maybe your just saying that God has the final say. But then what about dope and poppy plants? If seeds are planted in the realm of the kingdom of God inside us they will grow. Good or bad.
Big Island on Thursday, September 30 5:39 pm
Post subject: Leaven and mustard parables, the same?

User Location: Fridley
Parable: mustardseed.txt
I’ve read what you’ve written under the mustard seed and the leaven parables and I think I see the light
I think.

Correct me if I’m wrong but are you saying that Jesus taught two different analogies pertaining to the heart of man? The one likening it unto a garden in which the fruit are brought forth in relation to the seeds planted (ideally the Word)? And the leaven parable in which the heart of man would be like a lump of dough that the yeast of God’s word is “hid” in? It in turn manifests the fact that yeast was put in. Or it tells the story that something was “hid” in it. In other words “there’s nothing hid that will not be manifest”. Kind of like a candle shinning light (metaphoristically speaking). Is that right? Are these two parables saying in essence the same thing but from different angles?

Are you saying that THIS is Gods endorsed way of getting his Word manifest in our lives, or receiving a fulfillment of a biblical promise?

If that’s true, then do you have any idea how we “hide” the Word of God in our hearts? Or is it buried in metaphors that no one can figure out? Anything that you can share with me would be much appreciated.

Suzanne on Sunday, February 23 4:44 pm
Post subject: Mustard seed

User Location: United Kingdom
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Is it true that when the small mustard seed is planted should grow into a large garden plant instead of a tree....?
L. Mertes on Thursday, November 20 1:18 am
Post subject: Time, Talent and Teasure references

User Location: Hudson, FL
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
I've heard it said this way "Use your time, talent and treasure for God". The scriptures support this:

1 Peter 4:1-3 ...he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. For you have SPENT ENOUGH TIME in the past doing what pagans choose to do...
(Peter is exhorting us to use our remaining TIME to do God's will, not to fulfill the evil human desires of our will. Don't jump to hasty conclusions or be moved by other peoples condemnations, read the scriptures thoroughly to discern God's will).

1 Peter 4:10 Each one should use WHATEVER GIFT HE HAS RECEIVED to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. (Peter then goes on to list some of those 'various forms')

2 Cor. 8:7 ...see that you EXCEL IN THIS GRACE (gift) OF GIVING.
(In light of all the scriptures there is no reason to think this only applied to the Corinthian church he was speaking to.)

As our character becomes more and more like Jesus's character we will become more and more productive in the things that Christians do. In
2 Peter 1:5-7 Peter lists the qualities of Godly, Christlike character. Then he goes on to say in verse 8: "For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, THEY (these qualities) WILL KEEP YOU FROM BEING INEFFECTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE IN YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST." (Godly character is what will equip you to 'produce', and bring 'increase', the very things we are exhorted to do in the parables.)

The seed sown and the talent entrusted is the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our responsibility is to let that knowledge grow and increase into active, visible deeds as God himself gives increase.

God develops the very character of Jesus within us, character that can't help but to be expressed in the righteous deeds of the Spirit. God changes WHAT we do by changing WHO we are.

Hope this is what you were looking for.

emmanuel anichebe on Friday, January 9 11:52 am
Post subject: change

User Location: swistzerland
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
i want every body to change and go back to GOD almighty.i am nigeria living in wiss
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Monday, December 1 6:42 pm
Post subject: Church Expansion Smacks of the Rich Fool

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
All we have to do to recognize the leaders of the Church Growth Movement each as a "Rich Fool" of Luke 12 : 16 - 21 is to conceive of the harvest of fruits as a harvest of followers. Most church expansion projects never had the approval of God. They result in stringent budgets and stinginess.

Our Lord and Saviour never will forgive the stingy, domineering practices of the Church Growth Movement leaders toward His needy folk, who were commanded by Him to keep on asking, seeking, and knocking (Matt. 7 : 7 ). The Judgement of the Good and Evil Servantis in Charge is coming right up! (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ) Should these judgements occur on this earth, the evil servants will be most thoroughly chastened with amputations, assignments of their portions with the hypocrites, rejections of pleadings with weeping and gnashing of teeth, and floggings according to their former knowledge of their moral wrong before Christ, and only if afterwards they repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour for real.

Jesus Christ will demand their lives, whether in heaven after the Rapture after complete world evangelism this very winter or on earth to prod His people to get it done for His Name's sake (Matt. 24 : 14 , 34 ). If as I expect it happens here, the evil servants in charge of their fellowservants, now known by honorable titles, will lose their livelihoods, their wealth, their good names, and flesh off their own bodies to their Judgements (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ). There is no need to murder the evil servants to make them likened unto the Rich Fool. What good is a large church or an ample bank account in time of need of physical restoration of amputated and destroyed arms or genitalia? Yes, many pastors and ministers and most psychiatrists shall live on earth with such mutilations unless world evangelism be complete by next Passover because I have made these requests in prayer with faith and another brother in Christ and thanked God for this vengeance in place of the deliverance I needed.

You see, I have been atrociously harmed by the church expansion project of Twin City Bible Church in Urbana IL in progress in 1993 under pastors who ducked the heat from the next pastor of Newchurch for turning me away in need, but turned me over to needless, hostile psychiatry through his lies of more blatant need than the truth. Only after Psychiatry wracked my body and wreaked the havoc to shipwreck my career path did I quit TCBC with a statement in pubic, "YOUR church isn't loving." I have requested fifty million dollars in writing from later churches in my walk with God and told them to complain to TCBC to beg for the money if the local congregation could not afford it. The evil servant at TCBC cajoled each that I liked him and convinced them to try to keep me and conform me to contentment. It was hard to learn to quit each. Since then, in 2001, in order to protect their wealth and flesh from my demands in the name of Jesus Christ, TCBC resorted to worldly lawyers to protect their wealth, names, and flesh. Judging from the Word of Jesus Christ as I have taught it in my postings on the Parables of the Ten Virgins, Pounds and Talents, and the Unjust Steward, the defenses of all churches such as TCBC will soon fall to the judgements prophesied by our Lord Jesus.

The needy people persecuted as mentally ill who were referred to psychiatry, sinful and worldly as it was, never will allagree together to forgive the evil servants in charge of churches to avoid. These mentally ill Christians good as sentenced to psychiatris maltreatment include many martyrs like me, called by Jesus Christ (Matt. 7 : 7 ) to keep on asking for gifts, to keep on seeking to find, and to keep on knocking expecting the door to be swung open, and to continue to press our luck when we failed to understand the trouble we were in with the pastors. If we "mentally ill believers" were spoiled rotten brats converted as adults to Christ, Jesus knew, and if we were wrong to persist for fear of reprisals (Matt. 7 : 6 ), upon our repentance Jesus wishes to avenge us upon the evil servants because He will not turn back time and will not intervene miraculously to heal us and set our lives straight. His will is that His people minister unto our needs, yet for us with severe grievances against evil servants in charge, we are called to keep our complaints out of the ears of the evil servants in charge as best we can.

It is such martyrs as I whose forgiveness every currently evil servant in charge needs to earn in deed and in truth, rather than by domination, in order to escape the finding of evil culpability as servant in charge and the judgement of loss of life, say vitality, of the rich fool (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51, Luke 12 : 20 ). These martyrs consist mostly of people who will never again return to the church of the evil servant for worship, not of the supporters whose presences enrich the church under an evil servant. If you happen to be such an evil servant in charge now, you have to make complete amends to every such individual still alive at your Judgement to be found good. It is too late for Bill Meier, evil senior pastor of Twin City Bible Church, who repeatedly refused to beg for tens of millions of dollars in amends and falsely claimed my admiration only to get judged through my telephone call in 2001. He shall suffer and endure his Judgement as an evil servant, and his expensive home church will not avail him. What a perfect example of the Rich Fool!

In order to get the boards and committees who hire and fire staff to wake up and take control as masters of their servants in charge under Matt. 24 : 45 - 51, I need to teach them, and they need newly resurgent faith to entrust the master with all his goods and sweeping authority to execute Jesus Christ's utterly corporal sentences. God is omnipotent and can bring this about. When the mentally ill who nowadays never return for worship find sympathy from the boards, many martyrs may ask that the entire congregation sell everything they own and donate the proceeds. My actual request in May 2001 of TCBC was that the entire congregation, one by one, either (1) if unbelieving, swear that Jesus Christ never had any power whatsoever to save souls or (2) if believing, sell everything they own and give me the proceeds and ask another nearby church to sends them out to Turkey to spread the Gospel and yet another amputation from the Meier family for each member or attender who does neither. In order to obey Jesus Christ, now extremely scarce sympathy toward such crazy-sounding requests will be required of the boards who hire and fire pastors or ministers.

The wealth of the evil servants in charge (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ) and their supporters, the rich fools (Luke 12 : 16 - 20 ), and of their expansive churches, is stored up for "who"-soever dare keep on asking when it becomes tolerated, such as the most determined mentally ill in Christ (Luke 12: 21 ). The needs and requests of the martyrs such as I are to be squared off against the faith of the churches. Boards and committees which run churches claiming faith in Christ cannot continue to turn the needy away and proclaim faith in Christ indefinitely. Time is long in coming and has almost come for the judgement to befall the Church Growth Movement!

Yours in Christ,

+++ Kevin Douglas Rosenberg
Mandy Reynolds on Sunday, July 11 9:49 pm
Post subject: hey did you ever get a picture

User Location: north carolina
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
hi i am also looking for a picture of the mustard seed tree, i was wondering if you ever found one. If so would you please send it to me or tell me where you found it. If not would you still please reply. Thank You and God Bless You!!
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Thursday, November 27 4:58 am
Post subject: Thank God for LUKE 16: Our Means for Ministry

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA ***not called to stay***
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
Thank God for Luke 16:1-13, our means for ministry in this fickle world where many among us face uncertain futures amid an unreliable job market. Although many churches count on donations from their hard-working members, Jesus Christ did not seek any organization so founded on worldly principles; he sought, rather, the favor of the rich people of this world as sponsors because the people of this world are more prudent than we of light and truth (Luke 16:8). Thus I knock again for leads to any congregations in Christ already sponsored by the rich people of this world, wherever they may be.

Some missionaries from rich denominations will thrive at their best in this holiday season for tax reasons, while others from poor denominations or "independent" churches must go hungry as the extravagant holiday season crimps donations to church. If you serve the latter, please knock LUKE 16 at your home church and inform your home church members of their duty in Christ to make friends with the rich people of the world for the following reasons: (Luke 16:9, KJV, and vv. 10-12)

(1) For the security of welcomes and lasting dwellings as resorts in times of bankruptcy or persecution or an improvident calling from God to flee.

(2) So that you may prove faithful with what is least, with the unrighteous mammon (wealth), with what belongs to other people out in the world, and may receive grants of true riches, vast wealth with which to conduct Christian ministries as Jesus has taught us to carry them out.

The extreme unwelcomeness of my message in churches nearby is driving me up the wall; I am completely discouraged from going to them (Matt. 7:6). I am fed-up, sick and tired of churches now apostatized, or if true to Jesus Christ in doctrine run by evil servants in charge, yet if run by good servants faithful in Christian doctrine nevertheless apostate in practice because they lack the money for genuine Christian ministry. It is thus (Luke 16:13) that they serve Mammon (wealth) and despise Jesus' commands to give alms freely (Matt. 5:42, Greek), not to continue to worry (Matt. 6:24, Greek), and to keep asking, seeking, and knocking expecting in time to receive, find, and have doors opened (Matt. 7:7) and His warning to tolerate such asking instead of causing Christians to sin habitually in keeping silent and worrying without asking for what is sought (Matt. 18:5-7). I cannot conform to their plans of keeping as many people as possible in their pews on Sunday mornings to give donations out of money well or hard earned through American employment.

What if the job market tanks? American churches are not prepared because Luke 16 is ill taught at best. Many are using the NIV or the Amplified Bible, both of which are corrupt in Luke 16:9 and lead readers to seek welcomes with many poor people for heaven rather than welcomes with some rich friends to turn to in the stormy times of their Christian lives on this earth. God has not guaranteed good times to fund our ministries; even amid good economic news, the situation with fighting abroad could easily harm the economy. And now I say in Jesus' name, protect your ability to minister financially unto the needy through thorough faithfulness with the unrighteous mammon by meeting and making friends with the rich people of this world. Please do not resent their wealth when they outcompete their neighbors in holiday displays; we need them in order to be faithful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,

+++ Kevin D. Rosenberg
Trevor on Saturday, January 27 1:35 am
Post subject: A certain man

User Location: Australia
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
Most take the "certian man" as being a Jew .... but is he? I always thought he was, and this also depends on the version you read ...

Example Luke 10:30:

KJV: A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho

NLT: A Jewish man was traveling on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho

NKJV: A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho,

TLB: A Jew going on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho

I can not see where it actually refers to the certian man being a Jew in older versions of the bible, only the newer translations ...

Can anyone spark some light on this?
Webmaster on Sunday, March 19 6:48 pm
Post subject: Is this complete?

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: twosons.txt
Yes it is complete.
Benjamin William Lohmer on Thursday, April 14 2:36 pm
Post subject: Re:The older Son

User Location: College Station
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
The father loved both sons equally. He celebrated the return of his lost son because he was found, not because he loved him more or less than the other (older) son. The older son was reminded by the father that all he has was his and that he should not be upset by the celebration for his younger brother but to rejoice with the father over the return of the younger son (brother). The father is still trying to teach us about the very basic meaning of love. Love is a choice and God's Love is enduring!
jahk on Wednesday, June 3 12:25 pm
Post subject: MAJOR

User Location: Norway
Parable: secretseedthread
Once upon a time there was a little girl. She lived very poorly.
Denny Aleksuk on Friday, October 10 6:15 pm
Post subject: The true meaning of the mustard parable

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Ya know it amazes me that so many different people looking at the same parable come up with so many different ideas and interpretations of it. Who on earth is right? Obviously only God knows. But wouldn’t it be wiser to just let the context, and others that are talking about the same thing interpret the parable?

The parable of the Mustard seed is merely the parable of the sower modified to use upon ourselves. One account says that the kingdom of God is as if a man should cast seed in HIS garden. Well the parable of the sower already has conveyed that the soil is the heart of a man. It also teaches that the seed is the word of God. The fowls of the air are spirits that seek to keep the word from growing in our hearts. What’s being said here is that we are privileged to be able to invert this principle upon ourselves by planting Gods word in our own hearts. Upon doing so we sleep on it. Have you ever been told by a parent that if you have a problem, sleeping upon it will help you see it differently in the morning? Well this is the idea. We sleep upon it night after night and the seed springs up automatically. Notice the word automatically. This is the actual word in the Greek that was translated “for the earth brings forth fruit of HERSELF”-AUTOMATICALLY. Automatic means, “done without conscious thought or volition (decision of the will). In other words, our jobs are to bury to word of God in our hearts, and our hearts automatically brings it forth to fruition, without our having to think about it. The principle entails knowing how to plant the seed and then being patient-the hardest thing.

Why a Mustard seed? I looked up mustard in an encyclopedia. The first sentence of the first line said, “mustard is an easy crop to grow”.

Now notice the COMPARISON, “whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God and with what comparison shall we compare it?” The comparison is this: The mustard seed is so small that the fowls can literally eat it. But if it’s planted and allowed to grow, it becomes so big that the only thing that the fowls can do against that tree, is to lodge in its branches. Do you think that birds bother a tree? It’s probably not bothered by humans! It’s too big and strong. It’s like there not even there.

When we plant the Word in our hearts, the seed is very small and insignificant, it’s at this time the Satan represented as fowls of the air come looming in around us. To the small size of that seed the birds seem like 747 airplanes. The spirits of darkness are TEMPORARILY stronger than us. “Then cometh the devil to take out the word that is sown in the heart”. He uses affliction and persecution in the beginning phases. Then after the seed has sunk roots and has become stronger, he employs different tactics, he attempts to CHOKE the word, with “the cares of this world the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things”. But if the seed is allowed to grow, with time the tree will become a 747 to the birds. In other words their non-existent as far as their influence goes.

What we are really doing is cultivating faith. Faith is the result of the word living and abiding in us. And it brings forth fruit. It manifests!

Now, the big question is how do we plant the seed?

liz flynn on Sunday, February 1 10:34 pm
Post subject: Mustard tree and child

User Location: Dundee Scotland
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am a catholic teacher and would love a copy of the mustard tree as we are looking at how our faith grows from a little seed. I want to use the parrable in our class prayer service.
Thanks and God bless Liz
amy on Sunday, October 5 7:02 pm
Post subject: Gentile vs. Jew

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
Jesus was a Jew, therefore he was showing how Christianity was going to be for all, not just Jews. The focal point is on how the man's neighbor is everyone, whether Jew or not. Yes, people have to believe in Jesus to be saved...that's not judgemental- it's the Truth. I pray this explains a bit, but keep questioning and looking through your Bible to see what it says. God bless.

Deborah on Friday, February 14 2:32 pm
Post subject: what does the eldest son represent?

User Location: N.Ireland
Parable: prodigalson.txt
if the father represents God, the younger son represents us, who does the elder son represent?
Tree by the River on Saturday, January 18 12:15 pm
Post subject: The Barren fig tree

User Location: Toronto, Canada
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
My take is....
The purpose of the Fig Tree is to produce FRUIT. Just like the product of Christians is their works aka their FRUITs. One day Jesus approach the fig tree, cause He was in need, but when He looked, He saw none and cursed the tree. A closer look, you will see that it was out of season for the tree to produce FRUIT, but Jesus had need! There is no excuse!

Lesson: One day Jesus will comes down the road in need, and sees you, a Christian standing there. Will you be FRUIT-less? If so be prepared to be cursed and withered away! Remeber no excuses!

P.S My Fruit!! I hope u enjoy!!!
Denny Aleksuk on Wednesday, September 1 12:59 pm
Post subject: Producing fruit

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
In the parable of the barren fig tree, something that stands out to me is the all-importance of producing fruit in our Christian lives. In other portions of scripture Jesus said that the axe is laid to the root, hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Have you ever asked yourself “do I produce fruit”? And for that matter how is fruit produced?

Look at the consequences of not producing fruit. “Cast into the fire”? It sounds like hell to me. This is serious business and I think it requires something over and above human opinion.

Oh, and get this, Jesus said that not only are we rewarded for our fruit, but that “every tree that my heavenly father has not planted will be uprooted in that day” Matt 15:13 (paraphrased). Capture that! All of the things that we apply ourselves to in the course of everyday life that does not come about from the sowing of the seed of Gods word will be uprooted and counted for nothing. That’s scary. There are going to be a lot of empty gardens in heaven if everything unfounded in the word is not permitted there.

I know a lot of Christians who think their Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon, (I had to ask to find out the name) as they conduct the affairs of life. Stars in their own picture shows they are! All the while not realizing that when they stand before God he’s going to say “ah, I don’t reward for that up here”. “But I have a crazy smile like Mel’s” you say. I can just hear God saying, “Yea we’ll have to talk about that”.

So you have a person with no “Word” abiding in them and the few things that they do have abiding in their hearts-TRASH is not allowed in his kingdom. LOO-SER!

I encourage everyone to study the precepts of the “Kingdom of God” as found in Mark chapter four.

Jesus said, “with what measure you mete, it will be measured unto you, and unto you that hear shall more be given. For he that has to him shall be given and he that has not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have”. Have what you may ask? How about the Word of God abiding in your heart? One scripture said that the man would have abundance. It sounds like the rich getting richer to me. But then what do I know.

All of us should be doctors of faith and of Mark chapter four, making sure that our hearts are filled to overflowing with the word of God.

I firmly believe that when we stand before God, the light that he emits will strike the word of God abiding in our hearts and it will look like a laser light show. Kind of like a chandelier, reflecting light in all directions. “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father”. Of course Jesus said, “Take heed that the light which is in you be not darkness”. Some people will be like black holes-the total absorption of that light.

If for no other reason then my asking you to, don’t be found in that state of disrepair on judgment day. When you look into the eyes of some people you’ll be overwhelmed by the desire to look away because of such an inglorious state. And yet others will carry this glorious light around throughout eternity. Can you imagine that? People will know that you’re coming from a distance because of the brilliance of light that you carry around. All because you took the time to sow to your inward garden the word of God.

What a glorious thought. Just think of it, you dear reader can have the white light of the sun shinning out of you’re inner man once we get into the presence God. And it’s your reward throughout eternity. But conversely, “he that has not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have”. “Take heed that the light which is in you be not darkness”.

james thomas on Wednesday, July 9 7:41 pm
Post subject: mustard tree

User Location: richmond va
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
teaching vacation bible school. the kids would love to see what a mustard tree loos like.

thank you
Bruce on Wednesday, December 18 1:10 am
Post subject: Mustard discussion

User Location: Missionary in Japan
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
TO the Webmaster,
Where did you get the information on the Mustard Plants?
The largest of the plants that I know of is the Black Mustard, which reaches the height of about 3 to 4 feet. (Still a considerable height for a bird to perch in.) The Bible remains infallible

Although I could find nothing on the topic of Cross-pollination, there is a problem with the idea...
There are around 3000 species of mustard plants and nearly 390 genera. If cross-pollination does not occur in at least one of these species of plant I will be very surprised.
What I would be curious to know is, "Which species of mustard plant was Jesus speaking of?"

Susan Davis on Friday, April 22 3:20 am
Post subject: curious

User Location: va
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Something as simple as finding a picture of a mustard tree, as turned
into a sales product to make others money, I just want to see a picture of
a Mustard tree.
Jeffrey Wallace on Saturday, July 27 4:51 am
Post subject: Bighouse has pegged the kingdom parables

User Location: BR, LA
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Hitch (and others): Bighouse has pegged the kingdom parables of Matt. ch. 13.
Consider that Jesus explained two of them (vs 18-23, 37-43). If the focus would have changed wouldn't our Lord have said so. Especially since the disciples understood the other parables without explaination (v 51).
Leavened bread was prescibed for peace offerings in Lev. 7:13. All other instances of peace offerings is represented by animal sacrifice and/or the fat thereof. As for Lev 7:13; "Leaven, commonly used at social feasts, was permitted in the thank offering because this was the spontaneous expression of devotion from lives that were not entirely rid of sin and evil in every case(v 13). It taught that everything eaten is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. (1Tim. 4:4-5; 1Cor. 10:23, 30) and that food which enters the stomach does not defile a man (Mt. 15:11)." --Dake commentary on Lev. 7:13
As for the 'foul fowls', certainly the dove denotes the Holy Spirit, but here again if we keep the train of thought being taught by the Lord in Matt. 13, these particular birds must be evil.
As for Strongs ref. 3772; it could mean --- the sky, right?
Consider this. The kingdom parables are taught as a warning to the Church. Dovetail this with the letters to the churches in Rev. and the endtime teaching on false teachers and doctrine. The church will be and has been infultrated by false doctine. Now reread the kingdom parables and consider what the Lord is warning. "Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." v.9.

Jane on Tuesday, December 5 5:01 am
Post subject: uhhh

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread good?
adeh mwamba on Wednesday, February 26 6:28 pm
Post subject: parable of talents

User Location: 1401,college Ave
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
I want to understand what it means to and how it referres to us people.Were these true talent or what?I need the real meaning of the parable
Denny Aleksuk on Friday, July 13 6:58 pm
Post subject: Rob' response/widow and unjust judge parable

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: widow.txtthread

That was really good! I’m all ears.

A good example that would support what you’re saying would be the fact that Jesus said in Mark chapter Four “the earth brings forth fruit of herself”.

The earth is the human heart (our own). Jesus also said “things spoken in darkness will be heard in the light” and scripture supports that it’s your own spirit that’s radiating it outward-like a ball of dough manifesting yeast or becoming leavened (YOU CAN SEE IT!). And yet Jesus said “your HEAVENLY FATHER will reward you openly”.

Jesus taught that the human spirit acts as a candle or a light. I call it the overhead projector that projects things onto the canvas of our lives. But you’ve picked up on the fact that there’s a mystical parallel between the human heart and our heavenly father. Someone might be tempted to conclude that WE are GOD, but no I think the real meaning is that we were designed to be a type of mirror that reflects the glory of God (a chandelier?). God has sent the light of his word into the world and for those who allow it to “dwell in them richly”, that light will hit that inner mirror and be refracted into the world around us. Hence God uses this refracting property of mans heart as his M.O.

So, then the question is, just who is this unjust judge? FYI, I’m not saying that God is the unjust judge. What I was saying is that if this small, worldly insignificant woman can instill such torment into the heart of a human of great worldly stature through the use of this idea (it’s the idea of faith found in the new testament), then HOW MUCH MORE can we get results from one who is NOT proactively resisting us.

Both the man who came for bread at midnight and the widow came boldly DEMANDING that their petition be granted. Notice it had nothing to do with friendship, worldly status, or lack thereof; it had to do with BRAZENESS. That’s the word that comes closest to the real meaning of the word that was translated “importunity”. The real meaning of the word is WITHOUT BASHFULNESS. It’s the same idea found in the parable of the widow and unjust judge.

OK, but how about your point that we’re really in a sense praying to our own spirit and our own spirit is the putrid judge? Frankly I agree with you on that. But the question arises; do we need to go that far into the interpretation of this parable to reach some kind of understanding of it? Well your thinking is good! But I just don’t know if Jesus intended for us to analyze this analogy to that degree. But then that’s what we always say.

All that I can say right now is that I’ll have to look into that. I heard what you said and will take it seriously. But I like the way that you attempted to keep the underlying parallels of the kingdom in tacked when breaking this down.

Right now I think it’s merely an example of holy boldness and the refusal to capitulate upon the promises that we’ve received from God. It would also underscore the fact that prayer is based on covenant rights not wishy washy gravelling or begging as though were dogs under the table. HEY, didn’t Jesus say something similar to a woman who he ended the conversation with GREAT IS YOUR FAITH?

Rob keep up the good work. You’re an inspiration! And I’ll continue to look at it in the light that you’ve laid down.

God bless:)

Prof. M. Grahmonley on Sunday, April 10 12:18 pm
Post subject: The older son

User Location: London
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I first believed this was a great parble but now I don't. After much research I feel it lacks morale. What is it telling us stay at home and be a good person and GOd will love you less! I get the samemessage from th lost sheep?
ANy one want to debate this to the end?
John Ferguson on Monday, March 27 4:56 am
Post subject: A response to Rae

User Location: Boca Raton, Florida
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Hey, Rae........I feel a bit troubled by your post for several reasons. Not that I'm some kind of answer man or anything like that. I've been an 8th grade History teacher for 17 years now. I see all types of kids come and go year after year. Your son's behavor sounds totally unacceptable. I don't know his age, though. When someone gets caught in a lie, it breaks trust. Trust is something that has to be earned back (usually by a long period of honest behavior on his part). Have you ruled out the possibility of drug use experimentation? So many kids are just so secretive about that. Fill me in on more details about your son. I'm in the kid business.
And about you..........I don't understand what "living hard after God" means. It''s more like letting go of areas of our life that I believe God wants. Indulging yourself in sinful desires will surely have consequences beyond whatever you think they could possibly be. In your quiet time with the Lord, surrender your son to him. Trust that he's inn God's hands now. Treat him with a new freedom that whatever happens to him has been God allowed. And, you are now free to encourage and love him rather than being confrontational. Try this approach out........Lovve to you, Joh Ferguson
Billie on Sunday, November 24 7:05 pm
Post subject: Parables

User Location: Virginia
Parable: friendatnight.txt
I have been tyig to figure out a parable my pastor gave me it goes as follows

I have friends but no friends

the second one is

Sometimes i laugh sometimes i cry can you help me figure out why

Any help would be appreciatd
Halley Willcox on Friday, February 18 8:59 pm
Post subject: Jungian

User Location: Virginia
Parable: prodigalson.txt

The Jungian view would be to see these two sons as parts of ourselves. The Shadow side would be the son we deny (hide). The Father represents Individuation, or Wholeness.
Many haggle over which brother should receive the most praise. If we consider that the risk-taking adventurer and the dutiful cautious law abider are just two slices to investigate within ourselves, we may deepen our understanding of how God can love both when we are centered in Him (or home). The older son "projects" his shadow on the younger instead of owning it. This is like the pharisee who prayed (regarding the sinner( "I thank you God that I am not like him".) Or like the woman about to be stoned by those who probably fantasized about what she did, but never dared act it out. Shadow issues come out when we get critical and judgemental.
Regardless of which brother moves us or yanks our chain, the Father symbolizes the wholeness (in Christ) that can come when we don't split-off (judge) and we come home to forgiveness (reconciation) and a wholeness that gives us peace. I am a Christian as well as a Jungian psychotherapist (pastoral).

Joell Burville on Thursday, March 27 5:51 pm
Post subject: Mustard Seed

User Location: Kirkland, WA
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Dummelow writes: " The vegetable or herb, not the so-called mustard tree, is meant. In hot countries it sometimes grows to a great size. The Jerusalem Talmud says, 'There was a stalk of mustard in Sichin from which sprang out three boughs, of which one was broken off, and covered the tent of a potter, and produced three cabs (12 pints) of mustard.' Rabbi Simeon said, 'A stalk of mustard was in my field, into which I was wont to climb as men are wont to climb into a fig-tree.' Although the mustard seed is not really the smallest of all seeds, it was so in popular estimation." (Dumm. pg. 673)
Mark's version says that the mustard tree is "greater THAN all herbs" and Matt's version is the same as Webmaster writes, "greatest AMONG herbs". "Greater than" is different than, "greatest AMONG." To make my point, I am larger than an apple, but that doesn't mean that I am the largest among apples! NEB and J.B. Phillips write of the mustard tree, "---it springs up (grows up) and grows taller (becomes bigger) that any other plant." RSV, "becomes the greatest of all shrubs", NI and NAS, "largest of all garden plants, with (forms) such big branches---" LB, "one of the largest of plants, with long branches---." Only the Amp Bible writes, "greatest of all garden herbs---" All interpretations are much the same for both Matt and Mark. I guess the point is that everything is a matter of human interpretation and and it seems to me that what is most important is to gain the SPIRITUAL import of the Scriptures of which there is only one. It is not mine or yours but God's given to each of us in the quiet of silent prayer. I agree that word definitions are MOST important and useful in discovering the spiritual aspect of the Scriptures, but only to that end.
Webmaster on Saturday, July 27 10:26 pm
Post subject: Kingdom of Heaven = A bad thing?

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: leaven.txt
Quote:Leaven is always represented as a bad thing in the Bible and in the context the women also.

Mat 13:33 KJV Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto a bad thing, which a bad women took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was a bad thing.

Are you sure you wish to say this? Kingdom of Heaven = Leaven? Kingdom of Heaven = A bad thing?

Maybe I'm confused or missing something? When I read the above it doesn't sound right. I don't think Jesus would call or refer to the Kingdom of Heaven as a bad thing?

Leonard on Friday, May 2 2:49 am
Post subject: reply to Jason Ward

User Location: So. Calif.
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
I agree with you about putting more into it than what is there. I too wonder what the oil is and that you can go and buy it. As for being ready look up for HE is coming. When you see the shadow, know that things are near. Paul said Feast days are a shadow of things to come. Rosh Hashanah is the blowing of the horn for TEN days and then at the LAST TRUMP well, you know the rest of the story.
Rev. Kathy on Friday, August 16 4:32 am
Post subject: leaven

User Location: Denver
Parable: leaven.txt
I have heard leaven compared to rot because it was left out to ferment and was wild as apposed to the neatness and cleanliness of the Jewish Kitchen. Any comments?
Nancy De Nyse on Monday, June 23 12:05 pm
Post subject: Mustard Tree

User Location: New London, NC
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am teaching Bible School this week and as usual I have waited until the lst minute. Tonight I am doing the Parable of the Mustard Tree and would love to have the picture.
Denny Aleksuk on Tuesday, October 5 6:56 pm
Post subject: Big Island' response, how to "hide" ?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: leaven.txt
In response to Big Island’ inquiry posted under the topic of the mustard seed as to how to “hide” the Word of God, here’s my response and thanks for “hearing” what I said.

Notice what Luke 12 says:

1 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Look at the word “therefore” in verse 3. Therefore mean because of this. Because of what was spoken in verse two, which is the same thing that’s stated in Mark chapter four “there is nothing hid that shall not be manifest, neither was anything kept secret but that it should come abroad”. So you can see already that speaking “in the ear” (out loud where you and only you can hear yourself say it) is a prerequisite to performing the idea in this scripture.

Look at Mathew chapter 6:

1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Notice the dichotomy that forms. Jesus speaks of doing things which merits mans reward and doing things that merit Gods reward. Mans reward is valueless. God’s reward is eternal and substantive. But notice what sets these two approaches apart. One man ATTEMPTS to be seen of man, the other shuns or does the exact opposite.

Look at verse 6. When you pray, enter your closet, shut the door and speak to your father, which is in SECRET. “There is nothing kept secret but that it should come abroad”. Can you see how that this idea connects up with the teachings of Mark chapter four?

I believe the Idea is this: Though the place where the Word is sown is in the heart, through speaking “in the ear” (out loud) the promises of God; might the place where he is doing it be reflected in Marks account of this parable?

Mark 4:
21 And he said unto them, is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? And not to be set on a candlestick?
22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Look at these two terms, bushel and bed. A candle is being enclosed or enshrouded in darkness. Light is sealed out. Does that remind you of anything? “The things spoken in DARKNESS shall be heard in the light”.

Could this be a metaphor for a man praying in his prayer closet? The man sealed himself in a room where only God could hear him say something. Like under a bushel. But also notice the word bed. Why bed? Might what Jesus perceives in his heart at the time of this utterance be a bedroom?

So then the term “hide” or “hidden”(there is nothing hid that shall not be manifest) takes on a new meaning.

It means to speak something out loud in private where only God can hear you say it. And for what purpose do we do this? “And thy father which seeth in secret shall REWARD THEE OPENLY”. The catch is this. IT HAS TO REMAIN A SECRET. If you tell anyone you get mans reward. But if you harbor it in your heart, over a period of time, God will explode it out into the open. Hence there is nothing HID that shall not be MANIFEST.

Look at the expression “let not the left hand know what the right hand doeth”. Doesn’t that now take on a new meaning? Might that mean that one part of the same human knows that it did something (in prayer), but it keeps it from the outer parts, not allowing you to act upon it in any way? It’s a secret and will remain a secret from the world around us, until God almighty brings it to light. But too many people are going the opposite direction thinking they have to act a certain way. No! That’s man reward and it’s just an act-worthless. It’s going contrary to what Jesus taught.

We hide things in our hearts by speaking out loud in our prayer chambers the promises of God. We become the candle that is covered by the bushel of the enclosed prayer closet. But without realizing it, when doing this, we place the candle upon a candlestick (I believe the kind with a mirror or reflective device behind it) and our hearts functioning in unison with the father begin to radiate your prayer into the world around you. But it takes patience. Faith-which is what we are doing-GROWS! But in time, that which was covered will be revealed. And the things kept secret will creep out into the open. People will see IN YOU, the things that you have “HIDDEN” in prayer. “As when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light”.

God bless.
Child on Tuesday, July 8 1:06 pm
Post subject: Tare's

User Location: this earth age
Parable: wheattares.txtthread
Tare's love liberal idea's, and organizations of destruction....they "tare" things apart. Also, are found in the 4 agencies, Polictic, Econmics, Education, Religion.....that reglious teaching that is destructive and compromising....."falls short"....they twist the scripture to meet their agendas.....They appear very sweet....yet their teeth are sharp.
chris on Tuesday, July 1 5:28 pm
Post subject: Jesus

User Location: Portland OR
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
Robert , I say this out of Love for a Brother in hopes that you will see the truth that the Lord Jesus Christ has given us.
We must believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised him from the dead in order to be saved. There is a differance between judging and knowing the simple truth that our Lord gives us. Romans 10:9 . I hope that I only misunderstood what you were saying .
The only way to the Father is through the Son , Jesus Christ Our Lord. Matthew 11:27.
God Bless you much .You are in my prayers.
Your Brother ,
Rhonda Roscoe on Tuesday, May 30 3:24 am
Post subject: Picture of Mustard Tree

User Location: Tennessee
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I need a picture of the mustard tree for Bible Study on mustard seed faith.
Jose Y. Batao on Wednesday, July 28 10:59 am
Post subject: Mustard Tree Photo

User Location: Manila, Philippines
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Please forward photo of mustard tree.

Thanks much.
G on Friday, February 8 7:13 pm
Post subject: KJV1611?

User Location: Earth
Parable: phariseepublican.txtthread
I have a copy of the KJV1611 - it must not be inspired because it was revised numerous times. The version this website uses is the KJV 1769.

For God so loued the world, that he gaue his only begotten Sonne: that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life.

What? Doesn't seem familiar?

Yes, that's the KJV 1611.

Maybe you've been told you read the 1611, but chances are, you don't. You read the 1769 revised KJV.

Don't be upset. It's a tactic leaders have used for centuries. They make their congregations feel "special" and "set apart" by trying to separate them from other people.

For that matter, should Chinese people use the KJV 1611, or are you suggesting it is only for English speakers?
maggie knott on Thursday, March 10 8:28 pm
Post subject: The ten virgins

User Location: elgin
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
hi, i am doing a project in my theology class where i have to read the parale of the to virgins and explain to the class what i learned on it. I will actually be teaching the class!! You commentary will helped me understand what this parable meant. Thankyou George!
KPrete on Tuesday, October 5 4:21 pm
Post subject: Preschool lesson needs picture

User Location: CHCC
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Just like all these other folks, I would love to see a picture if you could possible email it to me. Thanks.
Kasey on Tuesday, June 26 6:25 pm
Post subject: ...

User Location: Michigan
Parable: twodebtors.txt
Praise God.
reba on Saturday, July 27 10:34 pm
Post subject: webmaster a quote from you....

User Location: Sunny Cailifonia
Parable: leaven.txt
webmaster a quote from you....

I'm also curious about the word leaven. Why are we but it's bad? I know it's used in several other places as a reference to something as bad but does it not also have another use in the original language? Does it not make bread rise "yeast" could have been used for that reference also. Something that makes something like meal flour rise and grow. I consider the kingdom of heaven as growing as a good thing. I know there are a LOT of tares in with it but that's part of doing busniness, you get the bad with the good then the seperation at the end.

For what is worth i agree Anyone who bakes knows the value of leaven without leaven many things would be flat, tastless, hard, If have a few minutes look at leaven and first fruits.....unleaven-passover ... leaven- penticost?

Mike McGown on Monday, July 21 6:45 pm
Post subject: Mustard tree picture request

User Location: Katy, TX
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Would you please send me a copy of that picture? If it's good, I'd like to use it for my sermon on Sunday.

Laura Andeson on Sunday, November 16 7:47 pm
Post subject: picture of mustard tree

User Location: morristown, nj
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I would really love a copy of this picture. Could you send it to my email address( I am a cathechist at my church and would love to use it for my class. Thanks
Jan Gilber on Saturday, January 26 2:27 pm
Post subject: Picture of Mustard tree with the boy

User Location: TN
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am teaching pre-school childred and would like a picture of a mustard tree to show them
Neill on Tuesday, May 17 9:16 am
Post subject: Interpreting teh parable of teh ten virgins

User Location: South Africa
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
The Parable of the 10 virgins that our Lord told in Matthew 25 is broad and not very well defined, and so, can have several interpretations. One can think of the girls representing believers and unbelievers when the Lord, as the bridegroom arrives as the second coming, or may be even as Jews who accept and don't accept the Lord at His first coming. It is not easy There are problems of logic and truth at each turn. I think we are on thin ice when we make the oil in the lamp the HS. After all, how can I carry a store or buy more of Him? Are the girls who go in really the ones who are saved and the others not? If so, then it sounds like salvation by works to me! What I can do to be saved, such as be properly prepared?

The best interpretation I can put on it, and I think the Lord's hearers may very well have taken it that way, is that this is guidance and a warning to those who believe. Guidance and a warning for you and for me. We are given a task, we have access to the materials and we have time. All are under the control of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no doubt who is in control. It is his wedding and he is the kingpin. Nothing starts before He is ready and in His presence.

All the girls are given a task to do; the same task. I must use my time and opportunities properly so that I am ready and behaving as the Lord requires to be able to participate in the task. Successful participation means that contribution to the ministry is accepted and so am a I. I can't just go on doing things, even if they are those of God, my way. If I do, there is going to be a problem! This is not about salvation, but participation in ministry.
2.If I am found prepared and present, then I will be swept in in the wonder of the Lord's presence and participation in far more than just my contribution makes.
3.If I am accepted or 'known' in ministry, then I will participate and enjoy the warmth, celebration and joy of the outcome of the ministry with the Lord Jesus. Ministry is not the end itself, just as welcoming with light wasn't the end of their task.

The Groom's response is harsh, yes! But God doesn't compromise with our dilly-dallying, lack of commitment and mucking about in ministry. In terms of our task in a ministry, either He accepts our contribution and us, or neither. We can't muddle through or do it our way. I must remember I am dealing with almighty God, the one with all authority.
Wendy Quince on Monday, May 25 6:39 pm
Post subject: The fig tree with no friut

User Location: Tennessee
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
The fig tree without fruit represents our fruitless life. The leaves represent the word of God. You see we can have a lot of word in us but not produce fruit. The word of God in us has to be watered, birth in our spirit and then preached to the people. When the Lord told the man that he was going to cut the tree down and the man told the Lord no give me a year I will dig it up and fertilize it this reminded me of how Jesus interceeds on our behalf. Even Moses interceeded for the people of Israel when they were worshipping the golden calf. Even though this was a tree the man loved that tree and he knew that if he was given the chance to dig up the ground and fertilize it there would be fruit the following year. This is the same love the Lord has for us he always gives us a second chanc

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