Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

gemma on Thursday, April 29 1:09 pm
Post subject: re

User Location: derry
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
i think it is roung
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Monday, October 6 7:17 am
Post subject: Unfaithfulness in the Unrighteous Mammon Prevails

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
I am a deeply troubled believer in Christ Jesus harmed and long neglected by today's evil churches. If their leaders are true to the Word of God rather than apostates, usually an evil servant such as a Church Growth Movement pastor runs the show and dominates his needy, for which exceptionally severe judgement is coming (Matt. 24:45-51). If I find a church faithful in doctrine with a good servant, he usually disppoints me with his flock's utter unfaithfulness regarding the unrighteous mammon, that is, worldly wealth. They won't even let me teach Luke 16!-- a critical passage without which they will continue to refuse my requests in the face of Jesus' own words (Matt. 5:42, 6:42, 7:7, and 18:5-7) for fear of being made poorer. I condemn the stinginess of today's American churches in Jesus Christ in His holy Name! Let us examine Luke 16:9, the actual command from our Lord, to be truly obeyed. Prepare for pandemonium among the churches!

Let it be known that many texts of Luke 16 are corrupt in verse 9. Worse yet, Christian authors have prophesied falsely from the corrupt text translated into one of many English translations. Scribes or printers in the seventeenth century shortened the Greek word for "(when) ye fail," eklipe^te, to "(when) it fails," that is, "when the mammon of unrighteousness fails" (eklipe^i / eklipe^). Even secular historians understand the strife which the addition of an iota into the word "homoousios" in the Nicene Creed caused; here we see a change of an important personal ending in sacred Scripture. This mistake, taking "eklipe^i" with perhaps half a T and no E as a finished word in place of "eklipe^te," will lead many readers of Luke 16 to misunderstand Jesus' command as follows:

They will see need to prepare for the depletion of the wealth of unrighteousness rather than the need to prepare for THEIR OWN financial failures! I translate "eklipe^te" as "whenever ye may lose your homes." Many believers even among authors have interpreted from corrupt texts and concluded that the command is for each believer to befriend many mostly poor Christians for welcomes in heaven for the afterlife by means of ill-gotten wealth rather than for each congregation to befriend several specifically wealthy people out in the world in the here and now for future welcomes in everlasting dwellings belonging to unbelievers and still available during persecutions when our homes get confiscated or when God calls us to give our houses away (Matt. 5:42) so that we Christians fail financially. Burn the books of false prophecy, O Lord Almighty! I pray.

Jesus' point in the commanding part (verses 9 through 13) is fourfold:

(1) We are commanded by him to have members of our congregations meet and befriend the wealthy people out in the world and not free to accept the ways of the worldly poor as God's will for His people.

(2) If we fail to obey this command, like most Americans in Christ, Jesus asks who will give us endowments for His work, and for most of us nobody will. Therefore, we see most American churches operating on tight budgets, still stingy if they have tens of thousands of dollars in the bank. All American Christians in my experience have feared financial loss whenever I manifested my neediness or begged, and nobody has ever surmounted these fears in my experience. Still, Jesus Christ wills that we have access to wealth... if we obey Him regarding Luke 16:9.

(3) Jesus refuses to trust anyone who complains, "If only I had..." as an excuse for sin. If you had an enormous fortune, would you willingly give it away to a mental patient who dare impoverish you with his insane request? Only the congregation which is faithful in the least, in the unrighteous mammon, could faithfully go broke out of love for their Lord, and it is just such a congregation which Jesus Christ would entrust with plenty. Are you aware of such a congregation?

(4) Finally, we cannot serve both God and Mammon (Money). The current situation with Church Growth Movement leaders keeping as many people as possible sitting in their pews on Sundays as possible and serving the world through the week rather than sending as many people out into foreign nations to spread the Gospel is just terrible. I can't wait for the Master of Matt. 24:45-51, the state legislatures and the governing boards of churches and hospitals if not Jesus Christ Himself, to wise up and return to amputate each "evil servant," assign each his portion with the hypocrites for teaching to the effect that "you should be terribly heartbroken for asking us for anything" in Jesus' name despite Matt. 7:7, kick them out into the cold outer darkness of homelessness and weeping and gnashing of teeth, and even then beat or flog them, according to Luke's account, according to the extent of their knowledge of their wrongdoing in charge. Worst are the pastors who turn God's needy over to hostile psychiatry to be bound and wracked and ruined and caused to sin habitually with "witchcraft" (Gal. 5:19, Gk.; Matt. 18:5-7). I have suffered in perilous poverty and abominable affliction for far too long to forgive these evil men, and I cry out for faithfulneess in the unrighteous mammon!-- and for judgement of the evil servants!

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. The kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...
webmaster on Saturday, August 12 12:47 am
Post subject: The ultimate sin, is sin against the holy spirit!

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Quote: The ultimate sin, is sin against the holy spirit!

That is not what the bible says! I am tired of these lying preachers adding to the Word of God!

Matthew 12
31 Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.

Example of blasphemy against the Spirit

Matthew 12
22 Then one possessed by a demon, blind and mute, was brought to him and he healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw.
23 All the multitudes were amazed, and said, "Can this be the son of David?"
24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, "This man does not cast out demons, except by Beelzebul, the prince of the demons."

blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for the Holy Spirit, calling the work of the Holy as Evil)
eric on Thursday, August 7 3:42 pm
Post subject: Dream I had like parable of 10 virgins

User Location:
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
To confirm my belief that God's destroyer angel was released on July 29, 2003 And is now surveying the United States, I was given a dream on July 30/31, 2003 that is similar to the parable of 10 virgins.

My reality was this: a clear water, cement canal, that winded, so that you could not see far ahead or behind because of the curves. I was swimming in this canal, when suddenly I saw a great white shark patroling the waters and coming my direction. I quickly climbed out of the waters onto the bank. I watched for awhile the creature swimming. Then I gathered the confidence to go back in. However, I knew that I must be vigilant incase the creature came back. Lo and behold, the creature did come back, but was on top of me so fast that I could not escape the water. But the creature passed by without harming me. I believe this to be the destroying angel patroling our nation which was released on July 29, 2003. I believe he does not have the power to destroy yet. And I believe we must remain vigilant, because the day and the hour inwhich he receives the power to destroy may come at any time. Dream/Commentary 2003 -

Philip on Friday, December 5 3:53 am
Post subject: Dear Kevin

User Location: NC
Parable: Kevin_Patsy

You made some heavy references to Luke 16:1-13. Considering how important it seems to you, how could you have overlooked Luke 16:13? "No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."

Be wary in your pursuit of money.
Prof. M. Grahmonley on Sunday, April 10 12:18 pm
Post subject: The older son

User Location: London
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I first believed this was a great parble but now I don't. After much research I feel it lacks morale. What is it telling us stay at home and be a good person and GOd will love you less! I get the samemessage from th lost sheep?
ANy one want to debate this to the end?
Oretha Hunter on Monday, June 2 3:42 pm
Post subject: Jesus Saves

User Location: Charleston, South Carolina
Parable: laborersvineyard.txtthread
If you believe on the Father (God) Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Sprit you will be saved. Jesus Christ sits on the right hand of the Father making intercession for the saints. Romans 10:9 If u believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus was raised from the dead you shall be saved.
CH on Monday, October 23 1:43 pm
Post subject: prodigal son

User Location: ma.
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Perhaps the answer you are looking for in the question, "What was lost" is
"SELF". An object such as a silver coin cannot search for itself if lost or misplaced, it must be found by the one who lost it.

The prodigal son lost himSELF, searched, and found himself. He is the one who lost something, he is the one who remembered where he put it, and he is the one who found it.
lea fiegalan on Tuesday, August 31 11:42 pm
Post subject: picture of the mustard seed

User Location: philippines
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Dear Friend,

Kindly send me a picture of the mustard seed.


Lea Fiegalan
Richard Welclh on Tuesday, July 8 3:44 pm
Post subject: Bible study

User Location: Franklin County, Ohio
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Had adult bible study about the small mustard and the large tree that it grows into. Thanks Dick Welch
John Hancox on Sunday, February 24 7:52 am
Post subject: One fold one shepherd

User Location: New Zealand
Parable: goodshepherd.txtthread
How do you mean we need to identify the return of Christ with such a message?
molly s. on Wednesday, October 29 1:34 pm
Post subject: who are they really

User Location: clearwater,fl
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
who were they really? what were some of their main beliefs? how did they relate to the Jews? to Rome? Where were they located? what rolde did they play in Jesus' life?HELP
Sanuel gonksa on Sunday, May 18 11:54 am
Post subject: i think it is a real tribute

User Location: in a house
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
i think it is a real tribute i do that you people can love god so mutch
Robert Corbitt on Wednesday, May 14 2:39 am
Post subject: Unfaithful " Suffer Loss"

User Location: Homosassa, springs, Fla.
Parable: tentalents.txt
In both parables of the talents and the parable of the pounds, unfaithfulness on the part of the Lords servants and the end result of unfaithfulness are shown in the latter part of each parable. Such unfaithfulness resulted in rebuke and loss in each instance; and also in each instance, the unfaithful servant was not associated in any manner whatsoever with positions of power and authority in the kingdom.

Those who refuse to use the initial investment will not only remain profitless but they will , as a consequence, suffer "Loss" {cf Matt.25:15, 18, 19, 24-30; Luke 19:15, 20-26}. They will experience the loss of their souls {cf.Matt. 16:24-27 }.

Consequenly, that which is involved in James 2:14, as explained in subsequent verses, is simply faithfulness to one's calling [ resulting in works ], or unfaithfulness to one's calling [ resulting in no works or valueless works not assocated with faith]. Works of this nature referred to in this verse emenate out of faith and bring faith to its proper goal, which is the salvation of one's soul [ James2:22; 1 Peter 1:9]. Apart from such a manifestation of faith, giving rise to works, there can be no profit; nor can the inherently connected salvation follow [ the savation of the soul]. We must obey the Lords commandments overcome the world,the flesh,and Satan. Works are believing what the Lord has said in his word ...
JEB on Saturday, April 26 8:03 pm
Post subject: NEIGHBOR

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
TROY, I think you are correct. And it does make you think differently about this parable. Thanks for your posting.
Dr Gary Hooper on Monday, October 20 8:23 pm
Post subject: Lost Sheep

User Location: Cresco, Iowa
Parable: lostsheep.txt
You realise that this scripture can apply to the modern church as well. We have Christians that have been wounded and driven from churches that need to be reached out to and healed.

they are the lost lambs that we also need to reach. Ezekiel 34:16 deals with these believers.

Our ministry in Cresco, iowa reaches out to these Christians as well as holding spiritual Warfare seminars on a regular basis to train the Saints.

bless you all
Prater on Sunday, November 14 7:16 am
Post subject: the prodigal son

User Location: Texas
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Many people focus just on the younger son...lets remember something here. The scriptures say that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy, in the Holy Ghost. What did the younger son actually feel in his fathers arms? Do you recon he was more excited about the feast, or the redemption? What had the older son lost sight of, in the presence of his father, but not in his arms? We tend as christians to get so busy in our "works efforts" that we loose sight of the purpose of our stewardship. Our carnal natures sneak into prominance and then we wind up working to achieve the wrong please ourselves, not to glorify our Father! The Father said what to the older son? DO we as christians take full advantage of our inheritance and the privelidges of our Bloodline? The wealth had already been divied up, the older son had received his fair share, and should have then been enjoying the status of just living in accord with His Father....all the benefits of the Fathers prosperity were there for his use....but he wasn't using them was he! He was so busy still trying to please his father, that he lost sight of the fact that he was already in good standing with him. WHy do you think he felt he had to keep trying? See, it wasn't about pleasing his was about pleasing be better than the lost brother..(in his own eyes). Our Father wants to see us take advantage of our status as his put to use and enjoy the benefits bring his children....or are we too busy (self absorbed) to see the big picture here? As children of the Father...we are sanctified, holy, we are his why do we scurry around trying to earn an inheritance we have already been given? That inheritance isn't ours to came as a gift! We own why don't we put it to use!
Mona Watts on Wednesday, March 3 10:34 pm
Post subject: The Mustard Tree

User Location: Pasco, WA
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I wanted to know if Mildred Dean Windham who emailed your website July 25th, 2003 if she was able to get a copy of the mustard tree, story or legeng of the mustard tree. If so where could I get that information.
Philip on Friday, December 5 3:53 am
Post subject: Dear Kevin

User Location: NC
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread

You made some heavy references to Luke 16:1-13. Considering how important it seems to you, how could you have overlooked Luke 16:13? "No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."

Be wary in your pursuit of money.
Denny Aleksuk on Tuesday, October 5 7:05 pm
Post subject: Response to "hiding" question.

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Big Island, please see my response under the topic of "leaven and the dough parable". But yes. I think you've seen the light!
Webmaster on Saturday, July 27 11:01 pm
Post subject: Question for everyone!

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: sower.txt
Have you ever planted a garden?
Some seeds never grow.
Some grows then withers away.
Some grow several inches then start to die.
Some dying plants catch ahold of good ground or water and sprout back to life.
Some dying plants are tended to by the gardener and sprout back to life.

I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
Tina on Sunday, August 4 1:22 am
Post subject: The Harvest of Yeast

User Location: USA
Parable: leaven.txt

The harvesting is nothing more than concentrating the yeast cells by
passing the fermented liquid through large centrifugal pumps called
separators. This process is similar to spinning clothes dry in a washing
machine. The result is off-white liquid called cream yeast. Further
processing is dependent on the type of yeast desired.


In all the yeast processes, utmost care is taken to produce a product of
the highest possible quality and purity. Samples are routinely checked by
the laboratory and frequent cleaning and sterilization of the equipment
are conducted to assure the proper standards are met.

Jason on Sunday, October 3 12:14 pm
Post subject: Learn about Christ

User Location: GA - USA
Parable: laborersvineyard.txtthread

You can contact me or you can enroll in World Bible School over the internet at


Donny on Friday, December 27 7:02 am
Post subject: Matt. 13 Leaven Bread

User Location: West Richland, WA
Parable: leaven.txt
The 13th chapter of Matthew is both a fork in the road and a litness test for the believer in Christ. Are you going to read the Bible with Jewish or Gentile definations? What is your interpertative stance? Do you read it as you always have or do you read it as it is?

Like all definations and types in the Bible, the must be taken in context and remain consistant with any usages in previous passages. Leaven is always used as a type of sin. To a Jew, putting leaven in the bread (the reference is the fellowship offering in the book of Leviticus) is a very bad thing. (In the book of Genesis, Sarah is asked by Abraham to make a fellowship offering for Lord and two angels and to use unleavened bread.)

This scripture is clear. In the kingdom of heaven there is sin that permeates the kingdom and is found everywhere. Now before you think that I am spreading heresy . . . just what is the kingdom of heaven anyway? Is it just a place of the saved or is it more than that.

Follow my logic. Both Jesus and John the Baptist began preaching, "Repent. The kingdom of heaven is at hand." They do not define this "kingdom" but just proclaim it. (It is from our New Testament only theology that we draw the conclusion that the kingdom of heaven is just the rehealm of the saved. In the Old Testament, the kingdom and the temple are always two separate entinitys. Salvation is appropriated at the temple. Justice and judgment is found at the throne. The law is appeased at the temple. The law is fulfilled at the throne.

The kingdom of heaven is the economy of God, not the people of the kingdom. It is how Christ will rule, not those who are ruled. It is Him, not us. We enter the kingdom by making Christ our King. (This is not Lordship salvation. Our salvation is by Christ our High Priest. Our purposes and placements are from our King. The kingdom of heaven exsists now in the spirit but one day it will be both in the spirit and in the flesh. Jesus will come back and rule from His throne in Jerusalem for a thousand years. Many of these parables in Matthew 13 are about His Millienial Reign. It is this Millienial Reign that will begin with the second coming of Christ and end with a war with the people of the earth who reject Him and follow Satan when he is loosed for a while. There will be fleshly people in the Millienial Kingdom and it is these carnal people and their pride that will be the sin that perminates the kingdom of heaven.

When you study the term "kingdom" from Moses thru David and the split kingdom, you will find that "kingdom" is not about who is being governed but how the people are governed. After His second coming, Christ will reign over the whole earth with a rod of iron but many will reject and hate this and thus be the unleaven bread that permeates the loaf.

I hope that this brief explanation is adequate. We are all woefully ignorant of the millienial reign. (Many popular end-times books and movies and teachers stop just after the second coming and do not realize that there is still an important chapter to go.

Write me if this is vague or confusing.

Glenn Rogers on Sunday, November 28 1:37 am
Post subject: The Filling of the Spirit

User Location: corpus christi, texas
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
I agree with all of what you said but some people may still be a little confused. To simplify things just remember to be filled by the spirit is to be controlled by the spirit.
cyndy on Wednesday, January 11 4:04 am
Post subject: thank you

User Location: SD
Parable: prodigalson.txt
all these responses helped me a million. im suppose to give a lesson tomorrow for my honors eng. class about the prodigal son and all these points of views gave me a variety on which to present to the class. :)
Ann Chan on Monday, August 30 3:53 am
Post subject: The 10 Virgins

User Location: SINGAPORE
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
The 10 virgins are bridesmaid. They are NOT brides to the groom. It was devasting because they could not fulfil the role they were were supposed to play. The characters are used to convey the story of the certainty of the wedding. In interpreting the parable, we are not to allegorise the parable (like the lamp means this and the oil means that) - because all parables carry a central message and a main thrust. (The school of allegory belongs tot he times of Oriegen that follows the school of typology. )

The central thrust of the parable is this:

The Kingdom of God is coming with all certainty. We must be prepared like the 5 prudent virgins. The essential consequence is that those who are unprepared will miss the boat - hence will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven refers to the sovereign reign of God here on earth and also eternally in Heaven. Only those who believe in Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah will enter the Kingdom of God and will be counted as the SAVED. Salvation is only in Jesus ALONE! We are not saved by our titles or respectable religion but only on our trust in the Lord Jesus.

Jesus saved us from the penalty of sin because sin is cupable. Here is 3 basic Steps in entering God's eternal kingdom.

1. "Sorry"
"Dear Lord Jesus, I am sorry that I have greviously sinned against you. Please forgive my sins and wipe away all my trangressions. (1 Jn 1:9 says that when we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleansed us of all unrighteousness.)

2. "Please"
"Please take full rein of my life. Please enable me to live with a sense of God in my life so that I will transfer alll my trust in you. Please give me your guidance how to live a life worthy- that I may be your disciple."

3. "Thank You"
"Thank you for your saving grace, so that I do not need to face the eternal damnation of hell. Thank you for leading me into your kingdom."

patsy on Monday, January 12 12:44 pm
Post subject: Re: I do not share the Apostle Paul's strength!

User Location: SC
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
The very point I have been telling you, if you don't have the strength God gave to Paul, it's because you have not received the Spirit of Living God in your inner man, therefore not Saved! No wonder you keep Knocking, But your problem, you are knocking for the wrong things!
First seek the Kingdom of God, then the things needed for the body will come to you!
(Romans-8-9) For we are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if be that the Spirit of God dwell in you: Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His!
The Riches of His Glory, which does strengthen you with might, by His Spirit in the inner man, just like God gave Paul!
God has promised His Children, all things work out for the good, to those that love Him! Your words speak who it is that you truly love, which is YOURSELF!
nicholas on Sunday, November 14 5:37 am
Post subject: leaven

User Location:
Parable: leaven.txtthread
discription as to what jesus is refering leaven to be is not mention so then leaven could be any thing that would spread rapidly. ie. leaven of the Pharisees- hipocrisy Luke 12:1, ie. pursuasion Galatians 5:8-9, ie. Malace and wickedness, sicerity and truth 1 Cor 5:8, ie. spread of the gospel Mat. 13:33.
ben on Sunday, May 15 4:08 pm
Post subject: reply

User Location: santa cruz
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
This has nothing to do with whether the samaritan was a christian it has to do with simply showing who is your neighbor and how you are to act to your neighbor. Not all the nonsense you are talking about.
Ann Davis on Tuesday, June 2 7:21 pm
Post subject: mustard tree photo

User Location: Louisa, Virginia
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am looking for a large picture of a tree grown from a mustard seed to
use as an object lesson with children - young and old!
Patricia on Tuesday, October 7 4:10 am
Post subject: the talents parable..

User Location: Maryland
Parable: tentalents.txt
This parable came to me while at work, for me it was a revelation. I am a very insecure person..and though I have faith in God..have had little or no faith in my ability to spread Gods word..or be assertive and confident in Christ.
(But I think that is changing in me now)..that parable to me means that the Lord has given us each a measure of faith..and to use that faith to win souls for Christ. But in order to do that we must be able to take a risk in our personal and social lifes. What each of the servants did was invest for their master the talents given to them in good faith..not knowing rather or not there would be an increase they still had faith in the ten talents given to them by Him..they took took a risk and succeeded..
where as the other servant, he played it safe,,yes he still had what his master had given him..but because he chose not to have faith in the master, the talents given to him or in the masters choice of giving the talents to him to increase..he buried them, not taking a risk which resulted in no increase to be returned to the master.
Sometimes as Christians we do that..we are comfortable in the pews and hanging around other christians..praying for each other..talking to each other about the goodness of God..and that is good, because we need to fellowship, however, God has given us each a measure of faith, the word, and His Holy spread the good reach out and take a risk, make a investment in someone other then those we are comfortable with.
I did something out to character to day..I prayed for a man at the grocery store..I dont know if investing a prayer in this man will increase what he needs in his life..but I took a risk..the rest up to the Lord.

In Christ Jesus:
ZEINA on Tuesday, April 4 6:43 pm
Post subject: dont hate us

User Location: syria
Parable: richfool.txt
im not here to reply i just want to tell you that the morals of islam agree completley with the teachings of jesus , you only have to study it careful by yourslef and dont believe what your media tells you .
selvino lolong on Monday, July 26 6:44 am
Post subject: foundation of christian morality

User Location: philippines
Parable: laborersvineyard.txt
if someone read this message!!! please email me!!! and teach me more about christ!!!
Samantha on Monday, March 24 10:44 pm
Post subject: losing your salvation

User Location: Milwaukee
Parable: vine.txt
Fred what did you mean by yet he was saved yet so as by fire. I don't understand what you are saying here?

L. Mertes on Tuesday, December 9 6:22 pm
Post subject: Advice

User Location: Hudson, FL
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
Sounds like you're grinding an ax with a church leader somewhere. May I recommend you handle it the way Jesus told his disciples to deal with the offended Pharisees?

"Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. LEAVE THEM; THEY ARE BLIND GUIDES. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." (Matt. 15:13,14)

Make your appeal to the flock and leave corrupt leadership to the wrath of God (if in fact they really are corrupt). Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see CANNOT be mislead by false--or as you call them--"evil servants". How can someone who sees be lead around by someone who cannot see? And that's Jesus's point exactly. He didn't get overly concerned about the wolves in sheep's clothing. Neither did Paul. They both warn us of their presence, but Paul reminds Timothy that even though false teaching "destroy(s) the faith of some...Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: 'The Lord knows those who are his...'" (2 Tim. 2:18,19)
Take comfort in that.

I'm guessing there is a lot more going on here than we readers know about. I don't know exactly what the contention is you're having with this paster in Illinois, and I don't want to know, but let it go and be careful to "not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses." (1 Tim.. 5:19). Truthfully, warning the world about a leader in faraway Urbana, IL will only serve your own purposes and not those of the world-wide body of Christ (unless he has a world-wide ministry).

Don't resort to rebuking an elder by name on a public forum without witnesses, much prayer, and a sober investigation of your own motives.
It's amazing how personal agendas motivate some of our so-called Christian duty. Often it is pride or envy disguised as zealous Christian duty. Let love be your guide as you examine the teachings of Christ and the example he has left recorded for us in scripture.

A good example of a mis-guided agenda could be this issue of giving that Jesus addresses in the scriptures. Nobody could argue with his desire for all of us to be hilariously generous with our worldly wealth. Like other things the Lord wants us to do (witnessing, giving, praying...) someone will come along who doesn't struggle with one of these and is quite productive in them. So now his life's mission seems to be to beat the rest of us Christians over the head with what that person now feels is the essential command of the scriptures--essential because he feels it so strongly in his own life and is so good at it.

It can be, for instance, a veiled form of pride. A way of boldly standing up and saying "look what a generous giver I am". We resort to condemnations, heaping heavy loads onto the backs of other believers, and not lifting a finger to help carry those loads. In effect saying, "I did it, so can you!" The self-righteous pride of glorying in one's service to God, as if they did it all by themselves, comes out in criticism and condemnation of those who don't do it like you, or to the same extent. In this example the exhortation to give, looks righteous, but is really motivated by the ugly sin of PRIDE! There is NO reward waiting for that work!

Anyway, I've learned alot about myself through this kind of self-examination. Maybe it will be helpful to others too--help to discern the true will of God for specific areas of our lives guided by the pure love that God has.

I'm flipping over to your words about the Luke 16 parable to learn more about the role of the rich man. I don't quite understand your pitch, but before I ask anymore I'll check out your statements, and because this page is dedicated to the parable of the talents.
Meryl Johnson on Sunday, January 26 9:12 pm
Post subject: What is the scientific name?

User Location: Colorado
Parable: leaven.txtthread
What is the scientific name for a fungus on bread? If possible i really need the answer is for a biology project!
Thanx a bunch!
Pastor Mike on Tuesday, October 2 3:00 pm
Post subject: context, context, context

User Location: Kansas
Parable: leaven.txtthread
everyone seems to be forgetting the simplest of all bible study rules. that being "context". it seems that the most debated of these parables is the parable of the leaven. remember, keep it in context. all the parables in Matthew 13 must be kept in context with one another as they were all given by Christ in one setting. the parable of the sower and the parable of the tares set that context.
let me set for you the scene. Jesus meakes it quite clear that the main topic of these parables is the "kingdom of Heaven". the Kingdom of Heaven consists of all borne again believers from the time of Christ's death to the time of His return, also known as the "church age". in the parable of the sower, the seed represents the word of God. the ground upon which the seed falls represents the condition of mans hearts throughout the world. the good soil represents the hearts of those who receive the word and become kingdom citizens.
in the parable of the tares we find that the seed represent those who have received the word and become citizens of the kingdom. the tares represent those who reject the word. the field, as Jesus makes perfectly clear, is the world. it is not the church. as christ sends the kingdom citizens into the world, we incounter opposition from the tares whom Jesus reveals are sown by satan. from time immemorial, satan has and will, until he is cast into hell, strongly oppose the work of God. this work is being done throughout the world by those sown by the son of god.
the rest of the parables of matthew 13 need to be kept in context with these first two parables.
for instance, in the parable of the mustard seed, jesus compares the kingdom to a mistard seed. remember the kingdom consists of all believers throughout the world! if the parable of the tares which emediatly precedes this parable deals with the opposition of satan against the kingdom then this parable obviously represents the overcoming power of the kingdom dispite the opposition.
we now come to the most highly debated of the parables, the parable of the leaven. it is true that every other refrence to leaven in scripture hold a negative conotation, but to say that it therefor always should, is to think as the pharasees thought. everywhere in scripture where leaven is refered to it is in reference to influence. it's interesting to note that the parables of the tares and the mustard seed also deal with influence. the first time we see refrence to leaven in scripture is in regard to the exodus. the nation of israel was commanded by god to take nothing with them from egypt as they left not even leaven. thus they ate unleavened bread, thus the reason for the feast of unleavened bread. the purpose of this was not because leaven was evil but because the influence of pagan egypt was evil. after this all bread was leavened, even the show bread in the temple. does this mean that God tolerates evil. i think not. leaven can represent both a negative and a positive influence. to say that the leaven in this parable represents evil is to say that the kingdom has an evil influence in the world. i think that is the farthest thing from the truth. the truth is, that the influence that the church has on the world will be far reaching and beneficial. it doesn't mean that all people will be saved, but that all people will benefit from the kingdoms influence on the world. remember this, when the influence of the kingdom is removed from the world just prior to the tribulation, the world will be a very bad place to live!
Jay on Sunday, February 4 3:29 am
Post subject: Looking 4 a friend...

User Location: Atlanta, GA
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread

Are you the same Chris Godwin who lived in Dunwoody and went to Peachtree High in Georgia?

Please respond,

--Jay Sawyer
phil on Monday, December 9 5:20 am
Post subject: Figs

User Location: USA
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
This is the only parable we are told(!) to learn.

could be '48 or '67.

starts with Adam 'n Eve weaving APRONS (not face masks) of FIG leaves to cover the sin; winds up in Revelation.

it meshes directly with the Parable of the Wheat & Tares... which also starts in the Garden and culminates in Revelation.

just like the Word of God.

lance convey on Monday, July 24 4:46 pm
Post subject: the celibration we might never have

User Location: australia
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Bless all,

The lost son is anyone who falls from god, for a minute,a day ,a year or a lifetime, being prodigal is being seperated from god, this can happen daily in our work, in our worries, dreams, speach, thoughts, you name it it is out there to seperate us, the father to be true must let us exercise our free will. The older brother or the church did not go out searching for his brother, why not? it's his brother, the same blood, siblings together, the father did not send him out so as free will can be exercised across the board, the brother chose not to help and was not led to a repentive state to come home, a state that has renewing powers that can transform your whole life from death to life, experiencing the grace of god.

I wonder how many of us sit in church every weekend dead, praying for revival in our own hearts but shunning the call to do as the lord did and be jelous of the celibrations that occur when one returns, dont they celibrate in heaven when comes to the lord?, then shouldnt it be on earth as it is in heaven, no other place in the bible does it talk about such a large celbration being held for for such, as in the worlds eyes, a small thing,

I believe that this parable was being acted out to these peaple at the very same time they were listening to it,"as it is in heaven" but it instead of a lost son and an elderly church it was our heavenly father that sent out his son to gather the lost, to the point of dying on a cross, with his last words saying forgive them for they know not what they do, Jesus always led by example! shouldnt we all strive to do the same, lets not miss out on any more celbrations, see a brother in need give them a hand, call them if you havnt seen them in church for awhile, give to them if you have it, you will never go broke giving for god, Go out and look for the lost sheep in your pasture, do anything but dont let your heart harden warming a pew, remember Jonah? Ask your self who is more lost, the younger son or the older brother? Without God we know not what we do, we all need forgivness all round and the freeing power of gods grace,

So be graceful and be blessed
Denny Aleksuk on Tuesday, April 26 5:54 pm
Post subject: Parable of the sower' relation to prayer

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: sower.txt
In the parable of the sower Jesus lays down a scriptural truth that all fruit production in the kingdom of God comes as a result of a mans receiving Gods word and holding fast to it until God manifests it in our lives.

It’s very clear that Jesus is playing this out as he’s speaking (a sower going forth to sow). He’s talking about a sower and yet he IS that sower. The question arises then, if Jesus has left the earth and we aren’t privileged to hear him speak, how do we do what he said and receive the seed of his word into our hearts thereby utilizing the idea of seeds being planted in soil?

Thank God that this isn’t all that he said. He also spoke of a man who cast seed into his own garden. Why would it be necessary to sow seeds in our own gardens? Well, why is it necessary for farmer to plant seeds in their fields? How about that they might want a harvest? Do you want a harvest in your life? Then plant the seed.

Mathew 13:31. Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
32Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.

Jesus said that the ones who produced fruit are those who “received” the seed.

Isn’t it interesting that the one scripture in which Jesus tells his disciples how to get their prayers answered-Mark 11:24, also has the word “receive” in it.

Mark 11:24 (King James Version)
24Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Could the underlying principle that makes prayer work be none other then the idea of the “sower sows the word”?

Jesus said “what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you “receive” them, and you shall have them”.

Is it me or is there a similarity in idea between the two contexts? In the sower parable a person received the word of God, and with patience produced fruit.

Notice with patience.

Do you know what that indicates to me? It means that the guy had absolutely nothing-except Gods word on the matter (he had it by faith). It wasn’t manifest at that time.

In Mark 11:24 Jesus again invokes this idea of believing or receiving Gods word on a matter, that matter being, if you’ll accept Gods word that he gave you the very thing that you asked for, you shall have it-eventually. But because it’s not manifest at the time, it’s very clear that you received it “by faith” (“I have it by faith”).

But it’s very clear that there is a time in which we do not have the thing that we prayed for, or in the case of the parable of the sower, planted the seed for.

Personally I believe the jest of the matter is this: No matter what you do in your spiritual walk, you will never reap any fruit that the kingdom of God has to offer until you:

1. Accept Gods word by faith-in prayer, believing that he heard you, and that he granted it to you upon your requesting it.
2. And holding fast to it for a period of time until this plant so to speak of faith becomes strong enough to manifest.
3. Also, I think it’s good to bring up the resoluteness of the person who is successful at fruit production. Because the only thing that kept a person from producing was his not having any “root in himself”. All this means is that your going to have to grit you teeth and be patient giving your seed that you planted time to grow strong enough to sustain itself. IT DOESN’T HAPPEN OVER NIGHT. The waiting is indeed the hardest part.

As you can see there is a part that the believer plays in the receiving of Gods word i.e., planting the seed. And it’s done through prayer, speaking Gods word out loud in private. I.e. “HEAVENLY FATHER I RECEIVE BY FAITH NOW YOUR PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT
” Or whatever it is that you are requesting.

Until you’ve done these things you really haven’t appropriated faith for anything. Just be resolved to “hold fast that thou hast
” and if diligent God will reward you with a manifestation of that very thing.

Chrysoprasus on Monday, September 2 9:26 pm
Post subject: Parable

User Location: Ohio
Parable: laborersvineyard.txt
I'm sorry, it looks like I forgot to address the last question on called and chosen.
Maybe the chosen are the ones who were called to do the greatest work. Relate it to martyrs, or people God has given special talent to to complete great works in short amounts of time.
Such as
Bob has been a Christian for 25 years and obeyed and honored God and witnessed when he could.
Bill was a Christian for 1 year, devoted every moment to publically speaking for Christ in China and was caught and executed.
Both were called, God chose a special assignment for Bill and blessed him with the ability to be able to do it.
Both were called, Bill was chosen.
Both get the same reward.

patrick cronin on Sunday, April 18 5:19 am
Post subject: Response to this parable

User Location: East Tennessee
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
I'm giving a speech to a group of over achievers and using this parable as my core idea....but i'm relating it to the mantra found in Spiderman which says that with "great power comes great responsibility"....
Leslie on Saturday, September 27 12:04 am
Post subject: The sandals?

User Location: Home
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Does anyone have an opinion on what the sandals represent?
Sonny on Thursday, December 12 8:26 pm
Post subject: The FATHER not the Prodigal Son

User Location: TN
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I appreciate the input of all who have commented and pray that God's Holy Spirit will reveal the truth of HIS word on this and other subjects. Most of us have for too long a time focused on the sons; he you stayed and he who departed and returned. I think the reason we do is that we can more easily identify with both of the sons, but I would ask you to consider trying to identify with the father. I think the parable is more about the father than either of the two sons. Demonstrating how our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally and how we too should love one another. All who have studied this parable have had many questions regarding what ever happened to the elder son and I have concluded that God may have purposefully allowed this scripture to end in the manner in which it does. Thus leaving the 'rest of the story' to be written by each of us individually. Most of us have worn the shoes of both sons regardless of gender and some have even had the privelege of walking also in the fathers shoes. Each time I visit this great passage I am challenged again and again to be more like the father, but too often discover I am again more like the sons. Each time my own children are disobedient to their parent's will (and God's), I am reminded how frequently I too am disobedient to my Heavenly Father's will and Oh how it must break His heart. I cannot imagine the pain and anguish I have caused Him and praise Him for being slow to anger and pray that He teaches me to also love unconditionally. The pain that we parents suffer when our children are out of fellowship with us and with God is heart breaking, yet I am again reminded that the pain I feel because of my love and concern for my children are ever so slight in comparrison to the love God has for all His children. May all of us allow God's Holy Spirit to teach us the truths we are prepared to receive as we continually grow in His grace. In HIS Service, Galatians 2:20
Gerard Yee on Monday, November 10 3:41 am
Post subject: The Parable of the Ten Talents

User Location:
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
This statement is wrong, sorry. I retract it.
Danielle mc birney on Sunday, December 7 6:26 pm
Post subject: the true meaning ..........

User Location: Northern ireland
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
well ive been lookin 4 a while for a good meaning of this parable, im a gcse student sitting my gcse's in june but my mock exams are next week, i had to learn about the true meaning of the parable of the mustard seed, my re teacher said it was in our notes and i have had full attendance for 2 years and i have hardly missed a lesson but i couldnt find nothing in my notes about this topic, no one could so thank you very much for your help, hopefully you will get me an A*. tHANK YOU. BYE
A.M. Harris on Friday, February 22 3:01 am
Post subject: Not Complete

User Location: Savannah
Parable: twosons.txt
This is not the complete story about the two sons.
Janice on Wednesday, June 4 7:35 pm
Post subject: Prodigal

User Location: Tennessee
Parable: prodigalson.txt
In reply to several previous emails, especially Rozilne: My book, If the Prodigal Were a Daughter, was released in January and contains four modernized parables. I also review the first century historical/social context and the parable's relevancy to the twenty-first century. The requirement of a parable is to see ourselves. In the prodigal story, most of us have been the prodigal (disrespectful of the father, seeking independence, finding ourselves stuck in a pig pen); we often act like the elder brother (selfish, self-serving, judgmental, refusing to go inside the house for the party because "he" or "she" is inside. Once we ourselves as we really are, we are to become the Father (loving, forgiving, merciful, welcoming, rejoicing). It is human nature for teenagers to break free from parental controls, as it is to obey out of obligation or requirement. But God wants us to grow up, to mature in the very image of the father, the reflection of God.

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