Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

michelle tobias on Monday, February 3 10:37 am
Post subject: good samaritan

User Location: pasay city, philippines
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
pls. give me an ending to the parable of good samaritan!
Joell Burville on Thursday, March 27 9:47 pm
Post subject: Leaven of the Woman

User Location: Kirkland, WA
Parable: leaven.txtthread
Jeffery, I think that Sue is more correct than you. That's a wonderful, inspired comment she made. The compilers of the Bible often didn't put things in order. There are many compilations that straightened these verses out and put them back into their ORIGINAL order whatever that may be, so the KJV doesn't look or read in the same order as you see in your Bible of today. So to say that Sue has taken something out of context because it may be out of order, belies history. Not only verses in our Bible are out of order to the original, but chapters and whole books of the Scriptures too. Quite often compilers added their own notes also.-----What makes you think that Matthew, a tax collector, wrote the Gospel of Matthew and that if he did, he had a ready pen and paper and wrote down in shorthand everything that Jesus said and IN ORDER? Don't you think that he would have been more interested in really listening to Jesus and gaining some spiritual insight? Are you even sure that he heard Jesus in person? If he did, and I think as a disciple may have heard some, are you sure he walked the long trek home after listening to Jesus and was able to print by hand, everything in order and in exactly the same words? Do you think that he may have left something out on occasion? As all of us know, the stories were always word of mouth, not the printed page. Many of these things were written years later after they were heard. The synoptic Gospels are most generally the same and in the same order, but not all were disciples, so they copied from one another, hence their sameness in a lot of areas. Let me tell you that most authorities say that Mathew had Mark's Gospel before him as he wrote his book, inserting his own valuable additions, very seldom diverting from Mark's order. Also, Matthew borrows about half of his narrative from St. Mark and aprox. one third was borrowed from Luke. His main source of his discourses was a document called the Logia. -----There were numerous other Gospels that are not now in our Bible, although were transmitted in earlier history. The Gospel of Peter, for instance is contaminated by fiction. The despised Mathew, employed by Herod and the REPUTED author, was writing for the Jews from his tax collector's viewpoint. His point of view would necessarily be different than that of Luke who was St. Paul's interpreter and a physician. Mark was writing for the Romans. John's recordings were SELECTED by him to make a certain other point----that of illustrating the incarnation of the Son of God. So each was a scribe and not necessarily a reporter, scribing from others’ copies with a personal point of view and with a particular purpose and audience in mind.----The two different viewpoints of you and Sue illustrate my point that all of us take and see from the Scriptures different things because of our different backgrounds, personal history, occupation, likes, dislikes, and purposes----even though we all are reading the same words. This is good, for God speaks to all of us individually and according to our need. The point is for each of us is to gain the SPIRITUAL meaning of the Scriptures and not get hung up on semantics. Is there any one of us that can dictate another's inspiration? Your origanl inspiration taken from Sue's was what you should cling to.

Pastor.Varma on Wednesday, February 13 8:25 am
Post subject: Need Your Prayers & your fellowship, Pastor.Varma.

User Location: South India
Parable: friendatnight.txt
Dear Beloved Brother / Sister in Christ,

Greetings to you in Jesus Name Amen!

First of all I praise and thank Lord Jesus for giving an opportunity to have beautiful fellowship with your Blessed Ministry by sending this Email. This is pastor pravardhan varma from SOUTH-INDIA. Running a church named by Good Seed Church Ministry since the year 2000.

Good Seed Church Ministry is moving with a vision not only preaching Gospel, but also feeding the destitute street Children with Food, Cloth & Good Education. Most importantly, all of this work is carried out in the name of the Lord, with the result that many are finding Salvation, deliverance and personal healing through faith in Christ.

For this we are in need of your powerful prayers for my country Orphan Children’s. If you are having a vision to work with our Good Seed Church Ministry to spread Gospel for children and people here in INDIA in these End Days, we heartily welcome you to visit India and share gospel here for the people who are in darkness. And win souls for God. We need your ministry Branch here in India.

We are going on prayers to be fulfilled in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Please pray for us and for my Ministry. Convey my Greets to your family & Staff.

We are waiting to hear favor from you soon as God leads you Amen!

Our Email Address: -

In His Service,
Pastor.Varma & Family.
Gospel On Wheels,
South India.

Suzanne on Sunday, February 23 4:44 pm
Post subject: Mustard seed

User Location: United Kingdom
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Is it true that when the small mustard seed is planted should grow into a large garden plant instead of a tree....?
Laura M. de Mora on Wednesday, January 14 8:35 pm
Post subject: picture of the mustard seed tree with child

User Location: Laredo, TX
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am catechist and would very much like to obtain the picture which you describe. Thank you and God Bless!
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Monday, December 1 6:42 pm
Post subject: Church Expansion Smacks of the Rich Fool

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
All we have to do to recognize the leaders of the Church Growth Movement each as a "Rich Fool" of Luke 12 : 16 - 21 is to conceive of the harvest of fruits as a harvest of followers. Most church expansion projects never had the approval of God. They result in stringent budgets and stinginess.

Our Lord and Saviour never will forgive the stingy, domineering practices of the Church Growth Movement leaders toward His needy folk, who were commanded by Him to keep on asking, seeking, and knocking (Matt. 7 : 7 ). The Judgement of the Good and Evil Servantis in Charge is coming right up! (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ) Should these judgements occur on this earth, the evil servants will be most thoroughly chastened with amputations, assignments of their portions with the hypocrites, rejections of pleadings with weeping and gnashing of teeth, and floggings according to their former knowledge of their moral wrong before Christ, and only if afterwards they repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour for real.

Jesus Christ will demand their lives, whether in heaven after the Rapture after complete world evangelism this very winter or on earth to prod His people to get it done for His Name's sake (Matt. 24 : 14 , 34 ). If as I expect it happens here, the evil servants in charge of their fellowservants, now known by honorable titles, will lose their livelihoods, their wealth, their good names, and flesh off their own bodies to their Judgements (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ). There is no need to murder the evil servants to make them likened unto the Rich Fool. What good is a large church or an ample bank account in time of need of physical restoration of amputated and destroyed arms or genitalia? Yes, many pastors and ministers and most psychiatrists shall live on earth with such mutilations unless world evangelism be complete by next Passover because I have made these requests in prayer with faith and another brother in Christ and thanked God for this vengeance in place of the deliverance I needed.

You see, I have been atrociously harmed by the church expansion project of Twin City Bible Church in Urbana IL in progress in 1993 under pastors who ducked the heat from the next pastor of Newchurch for turning me away in need, but turned me over to needless, hostile psychiatry through his lies of more blatant need than the truth. Only after Psychiatry wracked my body and wreaked the havoc to shipwreck my career path did I quit TCBC with a statement in pubic, "YOUR church isn't loving." I have requested fifty million dollars in writing from later churches in my walk with God and told them to complain to TCBC to beg for the money if the local congregation could not afford it. The evil servant at TCBC cajoled each that I liked him and convinced them to try to keep me and conform me to contentment. It was hard to learn to quit each. Since then, in 2001, in order to protect their wealth and flesh from my demands in the name of Jesus Christ, TCBC resorted to worldly lawyers to protect their wealth, names, and flesh. Judging from the Word of Jesus Christ as I have taught it in my postings on the Parables of the Ten Virgins, Pounds and Talents, and the Unjust Steward, the defenses of all churches such as TCBC will soon fall to the judgements prophesied by our Lord Jesus.

The needy people persecuted as mentally ill who were referred to psychiatry, sinful and worldly as it was, never will allagree together to forgive the evil servants in charge of churches to avoid. These mentally ill Christians good as sentenced to psychiatris maltreatment include many martyrs like me, called by Jesus Christ (Matt. 7 : 7 ) to keep on asking for gifts, to keep on seeking to find, and to keep on knocking expecting the door to be swung open, and to continue to press our luck when we failed to understand the trouble we were in with the pastors. If we "mentally ill believers" were spoiled rotten brats converted as adults to Christ, Jesus knew, and if we were wrong to persist for fear of reprisals (Matt. 7 : 6 ), upon our repentance Jesus wishes to avenge us upon the evil servants because He will not turn back time and will not intervene miraculously to heal us and set our lives straight. His will is that His people minister unto our needs, yet for us with severe grievances against evil servants in charge, we are called to keep our complaints out of the ears of the evil servants in charge as best we can.

It is such martyrs as I whose forgiveness every currently evil servant in charge needs to earn in deed and in truth, rather than by domination, in order to escape the finding of evil culpability as servant in charge and the judgement of loss of life, say vitality, of the rich fool (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51, Luke 12 : 20 ). These martyrs consist mostly of people who will never again return to the church of the evil servant for worship, not of the supporters whose presences enrich the church under an evil servant. If you happen to be such an evil servant in charge now, you have to make complete amends to every such individual still alive at your Judgement to be found good. It is too late for Bill Meier, evil senior pastor of Twin City Bible Church, who repeatedly refused to beg for tens of millions of dollars in amends and falsely claimed my admiration only to get judged through my telephone call in 2001. He shall suffer and endure his Judgement as an evil servant, and his expensive home church will not avail him. What a perfect example of the Rich Fool!

In order to get the boards and committees who hire and fire staff to wake up and take control as masters of their servants in charge under Matt. 24 : 45 - 51, I need to teach them, and they need newly resurgent faith to entrust the master with all his goods and sweeping authority to execute Jesus Christ's utterly corporal sentences. God is omnipotent and can bring this about. When the mentally ill who nowadays never return for worship find sympathy from the boards, many martyrs may ask that the entire congregation sell everything they own and donate the proceeds. My actual request in May 2001 of TCBC was that the entire congregation, one by one, either (1) if unbelieving, swear that Jesus Christ never had any power whatsoever to save souls or (2) if believing, sell everything they own and give me the proceeds and ask another nearby church to sends them out to Turkey to spread the Gospel and yet another amputation from the Meier family for each member or attender who does neither. In order to obey Jesus Christ, now extremely scarce sympathy toward such crazy-sounding requests will be required of the boards who hire and fire pastors or ministers.

The wealth of the evil servants in charge (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ) and their supporters, the rich fools (Luke 12 : 16 - 20 ), and of their expansive churches, is stored up for "who"-soever dare keep on asking when it becomes tolerated, such as the most determined mentally ill in Christ (Luke 12: 21 ). The needs and requests of the martyrs such as I are to be squared off against the faith of the churches. Boards and committees which run churches claiming faith in Christ cannot continue to turn the needy away and proclaim faith in Christ indefinitely. Time is long in coming and has almost come for the judgement to befall the Church Growth Movement!

Yours in Christ,

+++ Kevin Douglas Rosenberg
Courtney MacRae on Saturday, November 20 6:57 am
Post subject: Listen if you have ears

User Location: Queensland, Australia
Parable: unmerciserv
As you treat others in life so to shall ye be treated.

Forgive others and you will be forgiven. Be merciful to others and God will show you mercy.

What we see in life is a dim reflection of ourselves.

God does work through everyone and every thing.

The good the bad and the ugly.

Be merciful to thers when they wrong you, forgive them and you will find that people will treat you the same.

Love your brother as you love yourself.

Forgive others and God will forgive you.

Dave on Thursday, April 3 9:18 pm
Post subject: One perfect response

User Location: San Juan Capistrano
Parable: prodigalson.txt
The only perfect response in each of the three parables in Luke 15 is God's response. He seeks to save the ignorant and helpless. He seeks to find an carelessly lost inheritance. He affirms the right of man to choose. He rejoices in the results of shepherd, the woman and the return of his son.

Neither the younger or older son respond perfectly to the situations they are confronted by. Only when the youngest son's life style drops below that of the father's servants does he decide to return home.

His repentance was perfect, though.

The older son is obedient and hard working. In fact he is working at earning and preserving his inheritance. Nothing in his life would have taught him to respond as the father did. Only a father can understand the joy of a child returned to him. The oldest son should have joined in the celebration but could not. His obediance was without fault.

Today our churches don't have the excuse of not knowing the true nature of God. Today we have the presence of the Holy Spirt, and still many believers cannot rejoice at the salvation of repentant sinners. They too have led lives of hard work and obedience.

We seek a simple straight-forward understanding of things; even in God. We seek to hold a complete understanding of God in three short stories; It isn't meant to be. Use these stories to understand God's love and his desire for a relationship with each one of us.

Thesis topic: The evolution of the meaning of the prodigal son; How context can change the classic understanding of this story. Or how different cultures relate to this story;
Sonny on Thursday, December 12 8:26 pm
Post subject: The FATHER not the Prodigal Son

User Location: TN
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I appreciate the input of all who have commented and pray that God's Holy Spirit will reveal the truth of HIS word on this and other subjects. Most of us have for too long a time focused on the sons; he you stayed and he who departed and returned. I think the reason we do is that we can more easily identify with both of the sons, but I would ask you to consider trying to identify with the father. I think the parable is more about the father than either of the two sons. Demonstrating how our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally and how we too should love one another. All who have studied this parable have had many questions regarding what ever happened to the elder son and I have concluded that God may have purposefully allowed this scripture to end in the manner in which it does. Thus leaving the 'rest of the story' to be written by each of us individually. Most of us have worn the shoes of both sons regardless of gender and some have even had the privelege of walking also in the fathers shoes. Each time I visit this great passage I am challenged again and again to be more like the father, but too often discover I am again more like the sons. Each time my own children are disobedient to their parent's will (and God's), I am reminded how frequently I too am disobedient to my Heavenly Father's will and Oh how it must break His heart. I cannot imagine the pain and anguish I have caused Him and praise Him for being slow to anger and pray that He teaches me to also love unconditionally. The pain that we parents suffer when our children are out of fellowship with us and with God is heart breaking, yet I am again reminded that the pain I feel because of my love and concern for my children are ever so slight in comparrison to the love God has for all His children. May all of us allow God's Holy Spirit to teach us the truths we are prepared to receive as we continually grow in His grace. In HIS Service, Galatians 2:20
maryalice on Sunday, July 6 3:22 am
Post subject: the oil of ten virgins

User Location: chicago
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
I believe that the oil represents Spiritual maturity and stability. You have to realize that all of the virgins had oil. The 5 wise virgins carried EXTRA oil while the 5 foolish virgins felt they could get along with just the oil in their lamps. They were the ones (I believe) who are the "religious" ones. Those who go to church to get the "feel goodies" and return to the world for the rest of the week only to go thru the "ritual" again. No intimacy with the Father. No seeking the Kingdom of God, just seeking the approval of man. The foolish virgins then asked the wise ones for some of their oil. These are those who ask others to pray for them only because they feel that the "higher level" Christians' prayers will more likely be heard by God. They merely "imitate" the true believers. Jesus (the Bridegroom) will say, "I don't know you." This is the door shutting on the 5 foolish virgins as they returned from the world with their conterfeit religious oil. They never bore fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Jeanie Milligan on Sunday, October 19 4:03 am
Post subject: Mustard TRee

User Location: Palmetto, Louisiana
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Please send me a picture of the mustard tree. All my life I have thought they were talking about mustard greens for some reason, but could not understand how they thought it grew into a tree. A friend told me about the mustard tree and I am searching the internet for a picture of one.
Thank you
lloyd grecia on Wednesday, December 18 10:25 pm
Post subject: good shepard

User Location: kershaw county
Parable: goodshepherd.txt
jesus christ is the good shepard, he is the source of salvation, if you want to go to heaven you have to go through christ.
Joell Burville on Thursday, March 27 7:59 pm
Post subject: Leaven

User Location: Kirkland, WA
Parable: leaven.txtthread
Sorry! I mis-spelled the word SATIN in my last reply. It should be spelled, SATAN.

Satan is definitely not satin.
Jane on Tuesday, December 5 5:01 am
Post subject: uhhh

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread good?
Sue on Friday, March 28 5:46 pm
Post subject: Life of Pharisees and Publicans

User Location: Washington, D.C.
Parable: phariseepublican.txt
What's the difference between a Pharisee and a Sadducee? Is it true that the Pharisees were based in the synagoges while the Sadducees were based in the Temple? What kind of "traditions" did the Pharisees adhere to? Why were they perceived to be so rigid?
I was told that the Publicans at the time of Christ were Jews themselves who collected taxes from their own people and got as much as possible because they were paid on commission. I was also told they were paid not in currency but in goods. Is this the case? Can you tell me more about the Publicans at the time of Christ.

Danielle mc birney on Sunday, December 7 6:26 pm
Post subject: the true meaning ..........

User Location: Northern ireland
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
well ive been lookin 4 a while for a good meaning of this parable, im a gcse student sitting my gcse's in june but my mock exams are next week, i had to learn about the true meaning of the parable of the mustard seed, my re teacher said it was in our notes and i have had full attendance for 2 years and i have hardly missed a lesson but i couldnt find nothing in my notes about this topic, no one could so thank you very much for your help, hopefully you will get me an A*. tHANK YOU. BYE
Dr Peter Kalve on Friday, July 18 9:40 am
Post subject: The Parable of the Rich Fool

User Location: Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Parable: richfool.txt
This short parable contains a significant and salutary warning to us all not to lose sight of God in a world of rampant materialism. For our purposes, the parable can be seen in two contexts: the context in which it was first applied, and the context in which we find ourselves today.

The first context is the Graeco-Roman world in which both the historical Jesus and the Gospel writers existed. It was a world in which the major power of the age (Rome) dominated the region. Palestine was subject to Roman rule, and subject too to the trade and economic practices which had brought great wealth to a very few, and deep poverty and suffering to a great many. Given the Roman control of the economic and fiscal life of the region, it became the goal of some individuals who aspired to wealth, to work within that political and economic system, to achieve this. But, as is so often the case, this form of materialism could so easily become a self-destructive process, in which the rights and dignity of the poor was trampled upon, and the pursuit of gain became the only goal.

These individuals propped up the totalitarian Roman political system by failing to recognise the basic human dignity of their fellow human beings, and recognising instead only the need for more and more individualist material gain. And in doing this, God became forgotten. Love of God became replaced by love of individual gain and materialism.

Now this materialism could take many forms. In the parable, the easiest form to understand is employed - a wealthy man stores up more wealth, hoarding from his successful produce a great store of goods and materials with which he sought to enrich himself. But he loses sight of the point of life in this pursuit of gain. He thinks only of himself. He does not of share his good fortune with the poor and the downtrodden. Above all, he refuses to think of the only individual relationship that matters ultimately. He forgets about God. So when he faces a sudden, unprepared death (which is implied by verse 20), the emptiness of his relationship with God is revealed in all its bleakness.

And the context for today? It is interesting that this parable seems to have attracted the fewest comments so far. Is this because we are uncomfortable to condemn materialism as much as we were prepared (rightly) to condemn the Communism of the previous decades? I think so. I think the Western world especially is guilty of an individualist materialism which sees the pursuit of individual gain and wealth as the only "worthwhile" thing to do, and which deliberately forgets God.

Today's materialism takes many forms - financial, sexual, political, and emotional, to name a few. What this parable teaches us is that we should think about sharing our wealth and striving for a common good, and, above all, to remember God, who is the source of all goodness, and who will call us to account at a time not of our own choosing. Have we lived in a way that puts God first, or have we ignored that relationship, choosing our own individual materialism instead?

ue on Wednesday, August 18 2:54 pm
Post subject: d=

User Location: =p
Parable: prodigalson.txt
why do i have t0 make research on this?
Wendy Boss on Thursday, August 19 6:34 pm
Post subject: The Pigs

User Location: Whitehaven, Cumbria UK
Parable: prodigalson.txt
When the Prodigal Son got a job on the pig farm, it would have been total humiliation, since the Jews believe that pigs are unclean. To make things worse, he had to eat the husks thrown to the pigs because no-one would give him anything. What do the pigs signify? Is it because he had to look after a living being other than himself? It seems that in the famine, the pigs were the only ones willing to share their food with him. ... A bit like the Good Samaritan maybe? I would appreciate some feed-back.

Thanks ever so much.

God Bless

Love Wendy
Will on Sunday, April 9 12:07 am
Post subject: Inheritance vs. property

User Location: Hebron, ky
Parable: prodigalson.txt
It may be important to note that the younger son does not ask for his inheritance but for his share of the property. His inheritance would bring with it cultural and societial responsibility. He only wanted to cash in and then cash out to go and party. He did not want the responsibility in the community.
CARLOS on Tuesday, March 31 1:47 am
Post subject: The Prodigal Son

User Location: Miami, FL
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Hey man, hope by now you had returned, THE LORD will bless you and keep you in his sight. God loves you.
Tim on Wednesday, February 19 5:47 am
Post subject: Ten Virgins

User Location: Korea
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
I agree with Jason Ward's comment about the background of wedding ceremony that happen at that time.

I believe the the Lamp represents faith. And of cousre our faith comes from hearing the Word (Romans 10:17)

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

which makes me to think that the oil is the hearing the message.

People become christians by starting to hear the message. Personally I believe hearing message is different from hearing the word of Christ. Many people comes to church and read bible but don't hear the message, which also don't produce faith in them.

I believe the foolish virgins are the ones who stops hearing the message though they did in the beginning, which of course brought them to new life through grace. This also makes me to think of the parable of sower, third kind of seed were choked by life's worries and etc...

Just my opinion.. :-)
Peter Wu on Wednesday, May 3 8:25 pm
Post subject: Parable of the 10 minas

User Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
The web linke to Ched Meyer's article does not work. Error 404... web page not found!

Webmaster on Saturday, July 27 10:44 pm
Post subject: a servant is a christian and a beleiver

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: tentalents.txt
My first thing is that a servant is a christian and a beleiver.

Strong's Number: 1401 servant Transliterated: doulos Phonetic: doo'-los

Text: from 1210; a slave (literal or figurative, involuntary or voluntary; frequently, therefore in a qualified sense of subjection or subserviency): --bond(-man), servant.

Strong's Number: 4190 evil Transliterated: poneros Phonetic: pon-ay-ros'

Text: from a derivative of 4192; hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character, as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (but) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural) sinners: - -bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness). See also 4191.

Darren Wilson on Monday, March 3 8:04 pm
Post subject: Parable of the Rich Fool

User Location: England - At the moment
Parable: richfool.txt
There are many opinions and debates on the true meaning the the collective parables. What do they really mean? This parable is definitely one of the most cryptic parables and can't be truly understood, unless we ask Jesus himself, if these are infact his exact words (translation errors, etc)
Maybe these stories are things that he had witnessed upon his travels and experiences throughout his life? Maybe he is actually some of the characters in the parables he tells? One thing we do know is that he had a message for humanity that somehow has travelled through the ages to answer some of the questions in life we could not ask ourselves. I find it wierd how most people today don't appreciate the words of the wise, choosing to trust science or nothing at all because it feels safer.
But perhaps this is what the parable means:
The ground could represent anything from society, down to the your own family or employees that you rely on. Jesus does not mention anything else about the 'rich man' (who could represent the ignorant and distrusting members of society, etc) other than the fact that he is concerned about his goods. This shows the error of his ways, because the rich man doesn not appreciate how he got the land, who worked to make it the way it was, who harvested his 'goods', which in the end are truly irrelevant to true happiness in life. The joy in life, the meaning and the way God wishes us to truly live our lives is to share with others and ultimately to share out time and effort with god e.g. prayer and ceremonial offerings, etc. In this way, the goods could possibly represent all the tings in life that distract us and hinder us from recieving God's word. The 'rich man' is the embodiment of greed and self indulgience. He represents those in society who only think for themselvesl.
Looking into the words of the parable, although we are being encouraged to be truly kind to each other and most importantly show self respect, God at the end of the parable could represent the government of those times and because of this, could also represent temptation in some small way for who truly benefits in life when others feed off of our greed? By following christ and trying our best to be free of greed and helping those in need we have recognised a few of the important steps towards entering the Kingdom of God.
In the parable there is a part where the rich man talks to his 'soul'. What does the soul represent? God and his will? Or perhaps human compassion and the will to be servants to society and God himself? Who knows? All i know is that it is saying that when we slack off and deviate from God's will, when our time of death comes ("this night thy soul shall be required of thee") or when the times comes to prove our worth and commit an act of kindness(this night thy 'compassion' shall be required of thee), we will not be ready and we will not enter the Kingdom of God. The rich man desperately sought for a place to store his fruits and did not think of those who he might be able to help by giving his fruits, so they might survive. He took down his barns and built a big barn solely for the fruits. Maybe this implies that maybe in his greed he cast out those that initially lived in those barns? In his greed, he completely neglected those who needed and deserved his kindness.
If these are in fact stories from Jesus' life, then what happened to these people he speaks of? We can never be sure of where we will end up in the afterlife, but if one thing is for sure, it is our duty as humans to respect the lives of others and to assist humanity in making this world a better place, because with God, we are never alone.
Webmaster on Saturday, July 27 4:45 am
Post subject: birds of the air

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: mustardseed.txt
birds of the air
Strong's Ref. # 3772 for air
Romanized ouranos Pronounced oo-ran-os'
perhaps from the same as GSN3735 (through the idea of elevation); the sky; by extension, heaven (as the abode of God); by implication, happiness, power, eternity; specifically, the Gospel (Christianity):
KJV--air, heaven([-ly]), sky.
so it could be written as? so that the birds of heaven come and lodge in the branches thereof.

Ish on Tuesday, December 16 2:50 pm
Post subject: hello

User Location: Tiddyburg
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
i am doing an essay on this parable and it is very interesting i think that it really is sincere in this conventional way of constitutionalized decons.
Monty Nelson on Saturday, June 13 10:55 pm
Post subject: mustard seed

User Location: Commerce, GA
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am looking for information that is at once Biblical and biological and reconciling the seed and the tree or large shrub.
Thank you.
Witness_of_Grace on Wednesday, August 18 4:10 am
Post subject: Lazurus

User Location: Cali
Parable: lazarus.txt
I aggree with B. D. that this passage does not show where Christians are. And I would also agree with Ih or lh that the last part of the passage is a key that Jesus wanted to drive home to the Pharisees. He wanted to kind of plant the seeds in their minds that they wouldnt believe even if someone were to come back from the grave and smack them up side the head and say "look, I'm ba-ack"
david on Saturday, June 18 12:10 pm
Post subject: wat

User Location: australia
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
u dont kno wat ur talkin about. da church is lieing 2 u. jesus never said worship me.u can read da bible u will never see him say dat
Remzy on Friday, February 6 4:27 am
Post subject: about the parable of the rich fool

User Location: toronto
Parable: richfool.txt
Since, this parable of the rich fool,My understanding is that we should not be very materialistic, since this things are not ours, forever and
we never ever have these things without God's guidance and help. We can not be that greedy, what We have, it is best to share, and be kind to everyone, because as the saying goes, you can not reach where you want to go without looking it back, and always, say "Thank you" to the Lord with all the blessing he gave us in this world, you born naked I mean nothing, and we go with out anything. The best lesson we learn here is
whatever God given us, make sure we thank him for everything,

Put in mind and in our soul He is the One, Whom we owe everything.
Don't sit back and forget him, and we think we have everything. NAH!

dan marteja on Saturday, September 11 7:00 pm
Post subject: Expanding the Kingdom

User Location: Philippines
Parable: sower.txt

The Parable of the Sower is about the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

The Sower - Jesus
The Seed - The Sons of the Kingdom ( The Christians )
The Field - The World - Our respective areas ( working place ) where
Jesus has sown us.(marketplace)

All believers of Jesus are sown to respective location to be the light and salt to conquer that place and establish the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God should start on that person by LIVING according to the Word of God, if not the Devil will take away the light and darkened his testimony and will cause unfruitfulness. He should continue to be a testimony and be mature so that root will be established . Persecution and the World temptation will be part of his life but to be fruitful he should continue to HEAR AND DO ( understand ) the Word of God thus becoming fruitful for the Expansion of God's Kingdom in his area of responsibility.

All Christian are ambassador of Christ. We are the representative of God's Kingdom. In our areas, we need to LIVE and DO the Kingdom of God agenda ( Gospel of Matthew ) We need to please the KING. We can only expand the Kingdom of God through fruitfulness not just attending our sunday services. The Kingdom of God can be established Monday up to Saturday. our WORKPLACE.

Sam on Monday, July 19 5:23 pm
Post subject: Help

User Location: Texas
Parable: mustardseed.txt
My team at my chruch is going to be teaching this to K-5th graders what should we do to help them learn.
Jennifer Standage on Monday, June 1 10:10 pm
Post subject: Mustard tree

User Location: Blackheath London England
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I would like to see a picture of a mustard tree
Dallas Courchene on Tuesday, October 7 12:40 am
Post subject: True people of God

User Location: Manitoba
Parable: wheattares.txt
Like the other parables of Jesus, this one is about fruit-bearing, and the un-fruitful are thrown into hell. Those who hear the TRUE word of God, they are cleansed by it by doing it. Christ abides in the TRUE hearers and doers. Luke 6:47 - Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them..." John 8:47 - He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. 1 Corinthians 4:15 - For though ye have ten thousand instructers in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel." The branch cannot bear fruit by itself. 1 Corinthians 2:12 - Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 2 Corinthians 3:5 - Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God" Philippians 3:9 - And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith" 3 John 1:11 - Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God." Who can do good, but the true ones on the vine? Even TRUE faith is not from flesh and blood, but from God. John 3:27 - John answered and said, A man can receive NOTHING, except it be given him from heaven." 1 Corinthians 12:9 - To another FAITH by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;" Not one man can TRULY say that Jesus Christ is the son of God nor can any man truly tell people,(so-called preachers, ministers, or pastors) Matthew 16:15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." Also, to put an end to false teachers that say if you believe in Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and saviour, you'll be saved, NO MAN can come to Jesus unless God Himself decides that he would. Acts 16:31 - And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." But then, those people heared the TRUE word of God, and the words of JESUS CHRIST, John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. 2 Thessalonians 2:14 - Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." Then again, same gospel, 65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 66 From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. 67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? 68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. 69 And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.(God revealed it to them, and had faith in him, that faith is not from their own heart, but from God) 70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve(God approved those 12, not the other disciples, because if He did give it to them to come to Jesus, they would of stayed, like the true disciples), and one of you is a devil?" Now all you people that read this, the false christians will not believe this, but the true christians will. John 15:20 - Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also." These sayings are in the bible, those who just ignored them in the bible will ignore my words(no, not truly mine) also. Those who believe these things, or knew them already, please, please contact me, at dallascourchene @ (NOTE: there are no spaces in the address.) Also to the so-called born-again christians, what did God call you to do? Live a normal life? I don't think so. People who are truly called are CALLED to do something for the LORD, not just worship Him and those who are called, know what they have to do by a certain wonder, or phenomemon. Acts 16:10 - And after he had seen the VISION, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had CALLED us for to preach the gospel unto them." Romans 1:1 - Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, CALLED to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God," Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." 1 Corinthians 7:20 - Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called." Ephesians 4:1 - I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called," We MUST be also worthy of this calling. 2 Timothy 1:9 - Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began," 1 Peter 2:21 - For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:" 1 Peter 5:10 - But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you PERFECT, stablish, strengthen, settle you." 2 Peter 1:3 - According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:" And yes, we can be perfect like Jesus. Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." 2 Corinthians 4:4 - In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." Philippians 2:6 - Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:" John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." 1 John 2:13 - I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father." 1 John 3:9 - Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." Revelation 3:21 - To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." We are called to be made into the image of Christ, who is the image of God. Jesus said so himself, the called can and will be like him. Matthew 10:25 - It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord..."
Pamela Nottingham on Saturday, October 23 2:10 pm
Post subject: withered fig tree

User Location: Illinois
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
1. The fig tree may have been recalcitrant.
2. OR, although the environment (temperature and moisture content of
the soil, and sunlight), may have been supportive of the early show of
leaves, perhaps the roots of the fig tree were not yet deep enough to
glean the rich nutrients needed for the fruit to develope.
3. Either way the fig tree was out of line with its own nature.
4. Much more to this. But it is really quite simple when you consider
God's universe.
5. Jesus did the right thing in stopping that tree in its tracks.
Rev. Shawn on Sunday, November 10 8:04 pm
Post subject: Ten virgins

User Location: WV
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
The 5 wise virgins were getting married to the bridgroom.

Joell Burville on Thursday, March 27 5:51 pm
Post subject: Mustard Seed

User Location: Kirkland, WA
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Dummelow writes: " The vegetable or herb, not the so-called mustard tree, is meant. In hot countries it sometimes grows to a great size. The Jerusalem Talmud says, 'There was a stalk of mustard in Sichin from which sprang out three boughs, of which one was broken off, and covered the tent of a potter, and produced three cabs (12 pints) of mustard.' Rabbi Simeon said, 'A stalk of mustard was in my field, into which I was wont to climb as men are wont to climb into a fig-tree.' Although the mustard seed is not really the smallest of all seeds, it was so in popular estimation." (Dumm. pg. 673)
Mark's version says that the mustard tree is "greater THAN all herbs" and Matt's version is the same as Webmaster writes, "greatest AMONG herbs". "Greater than" is different than, "greatest AMONG." To make my point, I am larger than an apple, but that doesn't mean that I am the largest among apples! NEB and J.B. Phillips write of the mustard tree, "---it springs up (grows up) and grows taller (becomes bigger) that any other plant." RSV, "becomes the greatest of all shrubs", NI and NAS, "largest of all garden plants, with (forms) such big branches---" LB, "one of the largest of plants, with long branches---." Only the Amp Bible writes, "greatest of all garden herbs---" All interpretations are much the same for both Matt and Mark. I guess the point is that everything is a matter of human interpretation and and it seems to me that what is most important is to gain the SPIRITUAL import of the Scriptures of which there is only one. It is not mine or yours but God's given to each of us in the quiet of silent prayer. I agree that word definitions are MOST important and useful in discovering the spiritual aspect of the Scriptures, but only to that end.
Jeffrey on Sunday, April 3 2:39 am
Post subject: Elder's Need for senses

User Location: California
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
What will it take for the elder boy to come to his senses? I say it will take pain -- real pain, and a reflection on pain that seeks understanding, not only of its external cause but also for that part of caused by one's own action. For example, it hurt the elder to be taken for granted as a obedient son, to be "dissed," but it hurt him more to hold on to the memory of, or to impute malicious intent to the ignorant one. Christ avoided this by forgiving the ignorant, those who, due to lower consciousness, "do not know what they do." The fact that Jesuse even talks to the leaders shows he has hope in their transformation; this address anticipates repentance, as it is not condemning, just like the father does not condemn the, now, disobedient son.
Phil on Sunday, August 8 12:43 pm
Post subject: Prodigal Son

User Location: Detroit
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
I agree with you about the elder son who stayed home but the bible records that the Heavens rejoice when one lost comes home. For the brother that stayed, he's symbolic of us that have been in the church and done the bidding of the father for years and we let our selfishness get in the way of celebrating the return of our family (maybe some church members that used to come). He was faithful indeed and deserves merit, but he is also at fault in the fact that he should have known that he had a special place in the heart of the father. Just something to think about. God Bless

Robert Corbitt on Wednesday, May 14 4:06 pm
Post subject: " Three" Divine Perfection

User Location: Homosassa,Springs, Fla.
Parable: leaven.txt
" Three " is the number of Divine perfection. This number shows Divine perfection within that which is in view. "Three measures of Meal"- three measures of ground grain, used to make bread- are in view. The reference is to the Word of God [Matt.4:4;cf.Isa.55:1,2],though not the word in general sense. Rather , the reference, contextually, is to the word in a specific sence, a specific part of the word, a specific teaching in the word.
The subject at hand has to do with the WORD OF THE KINGDOM. It has to do with how the message surrounding the coming kingdom of Christ would begin to be proclaimed in Christendom and how this message would progressively change because of something [a foreign substance] placed within the message [Matt.13:19-24,31,33].
And ,again, it is that part of this Divinely perfect revelation having to do with the Word of the Kingdom which is in view. Satan simply began placing those proclaming a false message about the kingdom among those bearing fruit for the kingdom. The false message took root and began to spread, resulting in corruption and deterioration. Understanding the parable of the leaven is that simple. This parable has to do with a progressive, continuing deterioration. It has to do with the corruption agent placed within that part of God's Divinely perfect revelation referred to as " the word of the kingdom." And it has to do with this corruption agent working " till the whole [the message surrounding the coming kingdom of Christ]" has been leavened. Near the end when the Word of the kingdom has been completly corrupted, that which Jesus fortold in his parable will be fulfilled. In those days, at that time, the true message surrounding the coming kingdom of Christ will not be- it cannot be-heard throughout the Churches of the land.
Todd on Monday, January 19 9:28 pm
Post subject: The meaning of the prodigal son

User Location: Baltimore
Parable: prodigalson.txt
First thing to note is that there are three parables given.

Why are they given? The occasion for Jesus to give them is back in chapter 15:1-3. The phrarisees and scribes are grumbling because sinners come to Jesus.

He then tells three stories (keep in mind these are parables - the details are not important but the main point Jesus makes).

Note these similarities -

1) Lost sheep --something is lost (sheep), something is found, the finder rejoices, others rejoice with the finder.

2) Lost coin -- something is lost (coin), it is found, the finder rejoices, everyone rejoices with the finder.

3) Prodigal -- something is lost (son), he is found (comes to the father), everyone rejoices (they have a party). But then we get to a different element than the first two stories, the older brother grumbles because the father receives the sinful younger brother. Does that sound like anyone else? It is exactly like the attitude of the pharisees and scribes in verses 1-3 (the reason Jesus tells these parables).

The meaning of these three parables is plain. The proper attitude should be joy when someone comes to Christ.

It is easy to get bogged down by trying to figure the meaning of each of the things in the story of the prodigal. I don't believe Christ ever intended us to try to place a meaning on every element of this story. Just like today when a preacher gives an illustration, every detail of it is not important - just the main point. I fully believe in the inerrancy of scripture - but I still think that these three parables have a simple meaning.

Patricia on Tuesday, October 7 4:10 am
Post subject: the talents parable..

User Location: Maryland
Parable: tentalents.txt
This parable came to me while at work, for me it was a revelation. I am a very insecure person..and though I have faith in God..have had little or no faith in my ability to spread Gods word..or be assertive and confident in Christ.
(But I think that is changing in me now)..that parable to me means that the Lord has given us each a measure of faith..and to use that faith to win souls for Christ. But in order to do that we must be able to take a risk in our personal and social lifes. What each of the servants did was invest for their master the talents given to them in good faith..not knowing rather or not there would be an increase they still had faith in the ten talents given to them by Him..they took took a risk and succeeded..
where as the other servant, he played it safe,,yes he still had what his master had given him..but because he chose not to have faith in the master, the talents given to him or in the masters choice of giving the talents to him to increase..he buried them, not taking a risk which resulted in no increase to be returned to the master.
Sometimes as Christians we do that..we are comfortable in the pews and hanging around other christians..praying for each other..talking to each other about the goodness of God..and that is good, because we need to fellowship, however, God has given us each a measure of faith, the word, and His Holy spread the good reach out and take a risk, make a investment in someone other then those we are comfortable with.
I did something out to character to day..I prayed for a man at the grocery store..I dont know if investing a prayer in this man will increase what he needs in his life..but I took a risk..the rest up to the Lord.

In Christ Jesus:
Debbie on Tuesday, December 30 3:02 am
Post subject: the other son

User Location: Northern VA
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
The best sermon I ever heard was about "the other son". It is also why this parable to me is NOT the most easiest to understand. When is it ok to say "what about me???" Perhaps "the other son" was really "the lost son".
Teresa on Tuesday, April 18 6:30 am
Post subject: Is this God's justice?

User Location: Tulsa, OK USA
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
My heart goes out to Edwin who reached out and helped accident victims and became a victim himself. Edwin, I do not believe that this is God's perfect will for your life -- to serve time for giving of your time, talents and the love of God in your heart to help someone. Certainly we can see the hand of the enemy in this. I will pray and ask God to turn this thing around, to cause you to find favor and to reward you for your efforts to walk in love. I believe in prayer and I know that prayer changes things. Begin to speak a positive message of change. Know, by faith, that God has not forgotten you. He will save you and deliver you from this cruel thing that has happened to you. In addition to that, He will reward you for the 10 years you have spent fighting this thing. He will reunite you with your wife and cause your life to be filled with abundance. I decree it in the Name of Jesus!
Deone Hanson on Friday, November 29 8:34 pm
Post subject: Talents, Double, or, Lose All

User Location: San Bernadino, Ca
Parable: tentalents.txt
One Talent Man buried it in the "earth," was cast out into utter darkness. For when the Light-Word-Truth came, the darkness comprehended it not (The John 1:5). Because the darkness believed that salvation was for the Jewsish church. For those who believe Jesus spake not for without a parable, it's reasonable to believe that the pre-Incarnate Jesus taught Moses how to write Gensis in parable, metaphor, and allegory. For the apostle Paul in Galatians 4:24 confirms the 2 covenants, the first with the bondwoman, Hagar, as well as the freewoman, were allegory. Likewise Moses addressed his people as following, "Give ear O' heavens, and I will speak; And hear, O' earth, the words of my mouth." Deuteronomy 32:1. Therefore the priesthood equated with the emotionally, spiritual matured were cast out into utter darkness because they failed to reflect the Light-Word-Truth to their own church. They buried their very reason to be in utter darkness. A serious warning to Christendom. Deone Hanson
Ben on Thursday, June 24 6:10 pm
Post subject: The LOST Parables

User Location: USA
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Jesus makes his point clear by telling the story in three parts. First thing to note is who was the parable told for? The parable was for tax collectors, sinners, Pharisees and Scribes. In my opinion the message applies to all four groups, but it was mainly for the Pharisees and Scribes. In the Parable of the Lost Sheep it has a pattern of losing something(a sheep) and finding it then rejoice TOGETHER. In the Parable of the Lost Coin it follows the same pattern; something is lost(a coin) but is found then is followed by rejoicing TOGETHER. Similarly the prodigal son was lost then found but was there rejoice TOGETHER? As you may have notice i capped TOGETHER to bring in a point. The older son did not rejoice together with the family. This is how the Pharisees/Scribes were. Even though Jesus was bringing people to God(teaching to repent,etc) the Pharisees tried to stop him and plotted against him. It is similar in a way how Jesus use "Should he heal on the Sabbath?". Rather than being bitter about it, they should rejoice. If Jesus is bringing a new soul toward God and if we are all children of God, we should rejoice! If the Pharisees/Scribes are all children of God they should rejoice together when a sinner is admitted in.
Also notice how Jesus did not say how the older son replied, which is smart because it was a question for each Pharisee as an individual to answer.

It is also incorrect to say there is only one thing you should learn from this parable, but many things. As you can see we gather up quite a bit of different points in the story.
Martin on Thursday, August 12 3:58 am
Post subject: Mustard Seed info

User Location: Indonesia
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I need full info according to explain about mustard seed on biological manner compareable to mustard seed at matthew 17:12
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Sunday, November 30 5:47 am
Post subject: Reply / Pastors today come mostly from the poor

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
First of all, let it be known that I never stated my judgement of fifty million dollars on evil servant Bill Meier pastor of Twin City Bible Church in Urbana IL as the cause of my sinning habitually. It was domination by pastors reared among the lower class and thus inclined to see my enormous request as unreal stuff of dreams which caused me to sin habitually and quit their churches. That I asked, however, was the best way to mend (Matt. 7 : 7 ); by making a financial request for positive help, I obeyed Jesus Christ when otherwise I would have desired clear vengeance. Besides, psychiatry summoned by Bill Meier had caused weeds of habitual sin to sprout in my weakened walk with God long before my financial demands became clear. Let us now examine the lower-class backgrounds of so many of today's pastors and ministers.

Much has changed economically with the churches and the pastoral profession during the current Great Apostasy ( II Tim. 4: 3 - 4 ). Before the Great Apostasy and scientific belief in geologic time and biological evolution, pastors were highly esteemed, just like today's physicians; the upper class admired them and sought those privileged positions of minister or pastor. Seminaries catered to the upper class through extensive required coursework such as Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Along with a lack of financial aid for the lower and middle classes, extensive, difficult required coursework forced most students who needed to earn the money for tuition to wait or quit. Thus, pastors of then were well educated and mostly from a rather rich background.

Since the Great Apostasy began, scientific repudiation of our faith, and stingy donations have led the upper class to pursue doctorates and careers in law and medicine en masse while shunning theology. So hard have seminaries struggled to keep heretics out of their faculties and to fill their rosters that they have allowed pastoral students from the lower class concession after concession from financial aid packages to dropping of essential course requirements such as Greek. Are today's pastors and ministers really up to their jobs? I believe that most appear to fulfill their nominal requirements of employment but fail God's: they are especially likely to keep their jobs at the cost of incurring judgement as evil servants in charge (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ).

As a category, pastors who hail from poor backgrounds are inferior to those from the upper class in three ways, and the current Church Growth Movement seminaries have catered to them at the expense of the Lord. Those born poor have grown up in a subculture which discourages study, stifles creativity and encourages imitation, and most importantly demands conformity (quote: a book, "Great Expectations"). Recruitment of those born poor by seminaries has involved not only concessions of financial aid packages, but also of dropping critical course requirements and of graduating called missionaries-to-be as pastoral graduates and of granting pastoral degrees for more kinds of those disqualified by I Tim. 3 : 1 - 8 .

Extreme consequences of the presences of typical men born poor in positions of pastor and in the pastoral job pool are manifest. Because students from poor backgrounds generally dislike study, they do less study and are less thoroughly grounded in God's Word than their counterparts of old. Sin has more opportunities to enter and take hold. Because growing up among the poor stifles creativity and encourages imitation, many pastors preach well from their pulpits with the fruits of others' walks with God, yet are they a fright to meet in their offices!-- for they will follow their own evil hearts in preference to whatever Scriptures the needy may present, let alone the unnoticed will of God from His Word. Such indifference to truth prevails that ruinously trumped-up petitions and reports for psychiatric intervention have resulted. Because life among the poor in English-speaking lands demands conformity, pastors likewise demand conformity without regard to the will of God, and many are evil servants in charge of their flocks of Christian followers. They do what is popular and brings in crowds rather than pleasing God. All of this is to the detriment of the needy, so much that government has taken up the slack through income taxes and entitlement programs.

Through domination such as psychiatry, the evil servants in charge had repeatedly knocked the socks off my weakened, woeful walk with God long before I understood the truths of these horrible situations, and still I suffer from what they have done. Now that I know, however, never again will I follow them. Deeply dispirited, I dare not bother the churches anymore where I have come to live, but ask, seek, and knock here for a guide to some congregation already faithful in the unrighteous mammon of Luke 16, which I must present before I dare ask any churchgoer for anything financial. I was right in Christ to ask pastors to seek fifty millioin dollars from Bill Meier because Jesus commanded the giving and told me to ask (Matt. 5 : 42 , 7 : 7 ) and because as a former psychiatric patient apt to lie on applications I was sure to sin through continual worry if denied, worth a curse of the denying man in charge (Matt. 6: 24ff , 18 : 5 -7 ). In order to know whom to ask justly, however, I needed to know who had the wealth and which churches knew rich folk personally, and that was way beyond me. Vengeance indeed belongs to the Lord, and it will take place in His manner with amputations and announcements of hypocrisy and floggings (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ; also Luke) and losses of church buildings (Matt. 25 : 1-13 ) and deprivations and expulsions into homelessness (Matt. 25 : 14 - 30 ) rather than through the financial solutions I used to seek.

Unless the Gospel be spread throughout the whole inhabitable earth as Jesus Christ Himself commanded (Matt. 28 : 20 ) in the way He prophesied its spread before His coming again (Matt. 24 : 14 ) extremely soon, say, before next Passover, with the evil servants still in charge, it will indeed become necessary that the masters of the good and evil servants in charge of churches and so on wake up to return and reveal themselves as their masters: that Jesus Christ was not the master of His Parable of the Servants to judge them in heaven... but authorized ***them*** to execute these judgements on earth. Although vengeance belongs to the Lord, He has used humans to bring it about (Hab. 1 : 5 - 11 ). Because I have understood Chavaqquq (in the KJV spelled Habakkuk) and the general use of the masculine singular forms "master" and "servant" in the Hebrew and Aramaic manner of Psalm 1, I have no problem with God's plan to use boards and committees of humans as masters to execute His vengeance. May this happen soon! Martyrs in Christ among the mentally ill have suffered far too long, and still entire peoples have yet to hear the Good News!

A.M. Harris on Friday, February 22 3:01 am
Post subject: Not Complete

User Location: Savannah
Parable: twosons.txt
This is not the complete story about the two sons.

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