Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

Kartasik on Sunday, May 18 3:00 am
Post subject: You see it

User Location: Colorado
Parable: wheattares.txtthread
But factor this in: the tares are the CHILDREN and were planted by the Evil one. The word 'WORLD' in the text is the Greek word Kosmos - it means UNIVERSE or WORLD - not church or kingdom.
Some how the tares are actually children of the Devil (Jn 8:43-44).

While God's seed begins enslaved to Satan they are not Son's of Satan. They are as the Prodical Son who worked for no pay for the pig farmer. And as the Father of that son ran out to him when he returned - calling forth for a new robe (robe of righteousness) shoes (shod with the Gospel) and a ring (sealed with the Holy Spirit) (note the words of this Father: "for this my son was DEAD and is ALIVE AGAIN - i.e. born again). Satan's seed at times work for God - but they are paid: such as Judas who was called "the son of Evil" or as other hirelings (Jn 10:12). Satan actually loves his children - 2nd Corith. 4:4.

If this all smacks of dualism - lay this blame with Jesus himself and Matt. 13.
L. Mertes on Thursday, November 20 1:18 am
Post subject: Time, Talent and Teasure references

User Location: Hudson, FL
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
I've heard it said this way "Use your time, talent and treasure for God". The scriptures support this:

1 Peter 4:1-3 ...he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. For you have SPENT ENOUGH TIME in the past doing what pagans choose to do...
(Peter is exhorting us to use our remaining TIME to do God's will, not to fulfill the evil human desires of our will. Don't jump to hasty conclusions or be moved by other peoples condemnations, read the scriptures thoroughly to discern God's will).

1 Peter 4:10 Each one should use WHATEVER GIFT HE HAS RECEIVED to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. (Peter then goes on to list some of those 'various forms')

2 Cor. 8:7 ...see that you EXCEL IN THIS GRACE (gift) OF GIVING.
(In light of all the scriptures there is no reason to think this only applied to the Corinthian church he was speaking to.)

As our character becomes more and more like Jesus's character we will become more and more productive in the things that Christians do. In
2 Peter 1:5-7 Peter lists the qualities of Godly, Christlike character. Then he goes on to say in verse 8: "For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, THEY (these qualities) WILL KEEP YOU FROM BEING INEFFECTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE IN YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST." (Godly character is what will equip you to 'produce', and bring 'increase', the very things we are exhorted to do in the parables.)

The seed sown and the talent entrusted is the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our responsibility is to let that knowledge grow and increase into active, visible deeds as God himself gives increase.

God develops the very character of Jesus within us, character that can't help but to be expressed in the righteous deeds of the Spirit. God changes WHAT we do by changing WHO we are.

Hope this is what you were looking for.

Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Monday, October 6 7:17 am
Post subject: Unfaithfulness in the Unrighteous Mammon Prevails

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
I am a deeply troubled believer in Christ Jesus harmed and long neglected by today's evil churches. If their leaders are true to the Word of God rather than apostates, usually an evil servant such as a Church Growth Movement pastor runs the show and dominates his needy, for which exceptionally severe judgement is coming (Matt. 24:45-51). If I find a church faithful in doctrine with a good servant, he usually disppoints me with his flock's utter unfaithfulness regarding the unrighteous mammon, that is, worldly wealth. They won't even let me teach Luke 16!-- a critical passage without which they will continue to refuse my requests in the face of Jesus' own words (Matt. 5:42, 6:42, 7:7, and 18:5-7) for fear of being made poorer. I condemn the stinginess of today's American churches in Jesus Christ in His holy Name! Let us examine Luke 16:9, the actual command from our Lord, to be truly obeyed. Prepare for pandemonium among the churches!

Let it be known that many texts of Luke 16 are corrupt in verse 9. Worse yet, Christian authors have prophesied falsely from the corrupt text translated into one of many English translations. Scribes or printers in the seventeenth century shortened the Greek word for "(when) ye fail," eklipe^te, to "(when) it fails," that is, "when the mammon of unrighteousness fails" (eklipe^i / eklipe^). Even secular historians understand the strife which the addition of an iota into the word "homoousios" in the Nicene Creed caused; here we see a change of an important personal ending in sacred Scripture. This mistake, taking "eklipe^i" with perhaps half a T and no E as a finished word in place of "eklipe^te," will lead many readers of Luke 16 to misunderstand Jesus' command as follows:

They will see need to prepare for the depletion of the wealth of unrighteousness rather than the need to prepare for THEIR OWN financial failures! I translate "eklipe^te" as "whenever ye may lose your homes." Many believers even among authors have interpreted from corrupt texts and concluded that the command is for each believer to befriend many mostly poor Christians for welcomes in heaven for the afterlife by means of ill-gotten wealth rather than for each congregation to befriend several specifically wealthy people out in the world in the here and now for future welcomes in everlasting dwellings belonging to unbelievers and still available during persecutions when our homes get confiscated or when God calls us to give our houses away (Matt. 5:42) so that we Christians fail financially. Burn the books of false prophecy, O Lord Almighty! I pray.

Jesus' point in the commanding part (verses 9 through 13) is fourfold:

(1) We are commanded by him to have members of our congregations meet and befriend the wealthy people out in the world and not free to accept the ways of the worldly poor as God's will for His people.

(2) If we fail to obey this command, like most Americans in Christ, Jesus asks who will give us endowments for His work, and for most of us nobody will. Therefore, we see most American churches operating on tight budgets, still stingy if they have tens of thousands of dollars in the bank. All American Christians in my experience have feared financial loss whenever I manifested my neediness or begged, and nobody has ever surmounted these fears in my experience. Still, Jesus Christ wills that we have access to wealth... if we obey Him regarding Luke 16:9.

(3) Jesus refuses to trust anyone who complains, "If only I had..." as an excuse for sin. If you had an enormous fortune, would you willingly give it away to a mental patient who dare impoverish you with his insane request? Only the congregation which is faithful in the least, in the unrighteous mammon, could faithfully go broke out of love for their Lord, and it is just such a congregation which Jesus Christ would entrust with plenty. Are you aware of such a congregation?

(4) Finally, we cannot serve both God and Mammon (Money). The current situation with Church Growth Movement leaders keeping as many people as possible sitting in their pews on Sundays as possible and serving the world through the week rather than sending as many people out into foreign nations to spread the Gospel is just terrible. I can't wait for the Master of Matt. 24:45-51, the state legislatures and the governing boards of churches and hospitals if not Jesus Christ Himself, to wise up and return to amputate each "evil servant," assign each his portion with the hypocrites for teaching to the effect that "you should be terribly heartbroken for asking us for anything" in Jesus' name despite Matt. 7:7, kick them out into the cold outer darkness of homelessness and weeping and gnashing of teeth, and even then beat or flog them, according to Luke's account, according to the extent of their knowledge of their wrongdoing in charge. Worst are the pastors who turn God's needy over to hostile psychiatry to be bound and wracked and ruined and caused to sin habitually with "witchcraft" (Gal. 5:19, Gk.; Matt. 18:5-7). I have suffered in perilous poverty and abominable affliction for far too long to forgive these evil men, and I cry out for faithfulneess in the unrighteous mammon!-- and for judgement of the evil servants!

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. The kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...
Wendy Quince on Monday, May 25 6:39 pm
Post subject: The fig tree with no friut

User Location: Tennessee
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
The fig tree without fruit represents our fruitless life. The leaves represent the word of God. You see we can have a lot of word in us but not produce fruit. The word of God in us has to be watered, birth in our spirit and then preached to the people. When the Lord told the man that he was going to cut the tree down and the man told the Lord no give me a year I will dig it up and fertilize it this reminded me of how Jesus interceeds on our behalf. Even Moses interceeded for the people of Israel when they were worshipping the golden calf. Even though this was a tree the man loved that tree and he knew that if he was given the chance to dig up the ground and fertilize it there would be fruit the following year. This is the same love the Lord has for us he always gives us a second chanc
Kasey on Tuesday, June 26 6:25 pm
Post subject: ...

User Location: Michigan
Parable: twodebtors.txt
Praise God.
patsy on Tuesday, December 30 2:08 pm
Post subject: Re: You have ignored

User Location: SC
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
I too have the Greek meaning, but again, it does not say what you are trying to make it say! You have misquoted the Word of God, not by His Spiritual Truths, but according to the desires of your heart, which is earthy riches!
You want to use evil rich people that you might gain Riches, but did you not know,
(Proverbs-15-8) The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: but the prayer of the upright is His delight!

Do you think for one second, Holy God would use money from the wicked, an abomination to the Lord, that He might reward His Servants?

Satan has always deceived man, by misquoting the Word of God!

(James-1-5) If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God! Ask Him to guide you to His Truths, that you might understand the Word of God, because the carnal minded cannot receive the Spiritual Truths of the Word!
Molly S.C. Ooi on Saturday, February 7 4:44 am
Post subject: Mustard Tree photo

User Location: Malaysia
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Pl fwd the above photo. My Christian Cell Group is named Mustard Seed and we have no idea what the tree looks like. Thank you.

jazzman on Thursday, November 13 2:10 pm
Post subject: Faith as small as a Mustard Seed

User Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Parable: mustardseed.txt
I have traveled the Country and always heard the same interpretation of the Mustard Seed and never say one mention above (unless I just missed it). There are many times people feel down but if they can maintain their faith, even if it feels so small, small as a mustard seed, God will always be there to grow that faith into the largest of seed baring plants. If you want to debate herbs, plants and trees, go nuts (no pun intended). The importance of the parable is that God is there-Always. Keep the faith, even when it seems unbearable, He will grow your faith to the largest.
Sherry on Saturday, October 18 9:41 pm
Post subject: just answering

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
Jesus says that if you live for him that He will take care of everything else, including the people who are making your life miserable. Living for Jesus is not always easy, it is full of suffering and riducle, but look at the suffering and judgement that He went through just to save you and me. It is important to remember that God will bless you eternally as long as you obey His commands and although it doesn't seem like it He is sovreign through all things ecspecially this situation. It is not for us to understand why these things occur but it is important to trust and have complete faith in His Sovreingy for our lives. One of the important themes in Mark is suffering. Jesus said if we want to follow Him we must endure suffering.
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" Mark 10:45

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways adn my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
maggie knott on Thursday, March 10 8:28 pm
Post subject: The ten virgins

User Location: elgin
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
hi, i am doing a project in my theology class where i have to read the parale of the to virgins and explain to the class what i learned on it. I will actually be teaching the class!! You commentary will helped me understand what this parable meant. Thankyou George!
Barbara McDonald on Tuesday, July 3 10:17 pm
Post subject: mustard tree

User Location: Southeastern Oklahoma, USA
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am looking for a picture of a real mustard tree.
George Ramdial on Friday, October 17 9:24 pm
Post subject: Dr.Scofield's Background

User Location: Scarborough,Ontario,CANADA
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Was Dr.Scofield ever associated with and/or involved in "Freemasonary"?
I trust I will honoured with your kind reply.
Yours in Christ.
George Ramdial
Donald R. Batson on Monday, May 9 2:44 pm
Post subject: Good Samaritian

User Location: Oklahoma
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
Foster and Adoptive Parents are the embodiment of the Good Samaritian. They take in the injured and the hurting and give them love, compassion, and grace. Jesus said,"That that you do unto the least of My children, you do unto Me."
PATRICK SPINKS on Friday, February 23 8:55 pm

Parable: goodsamaritan.txt

The man who left Jerusalem and started out on his way to Jericho is a picture of a man who is leaving the presense of God (Jerusalem), and is going downhill or backsliding to the fleshly way of life (Jericho), a city that was known for its immorality. When he started down the dangerous path of backsliding, he left himself open to thieves and robbers, a type of spiritual wickedness and demonic activity. He was pounced upon and robbed. The first things the thieves took from him was his robe, a type of the robe of Christ's rightousness. While he lay at deaths door on the backslidden path, a priest walked by. The priest is a type of "religion". When your soul is in desperate need of a touch from God, "religion" is worthless. Your religious tag is of no value whatsoever. The priest, or "religion, passed the wounded man by. Then a Levite came by. A Levite was a lawyer. When your desperate and out of touch with God, the "law" can't save you. The law is good, but only for letting you know you are a sinner. The law can't save you. The Levite walked on by. Then came the Samaritan. The Samaritan's were mongrel Jews. They were Jews who had married with other nationalities. The Jews were commanded not to do that, so Samaritans were outcasts. The Samaritan is a perfect type of Christ, because you see, Jesus was also somewhat of a mongrel. If you read his geneology, you will find Rahab the harlot mentioned, as well as Ruth. These women were not Jewish by blood, but had married into the Jewish race. ---------let me inject here that interacial marriage has never been contrary to God's Law except for the Jews, and that only because of God's Divine Purpose for the Jewish people and the Jewish nation for the reconciliation of all things-----------The Samaritan, or Jesus in type, placed the injured man on His jackass and took him to the Inn, a type of the Church. The innkeeper (a type of the five ministry-pastor) was told to take care of the man and the Samaritan (Jesus), paid the price for his care.
The man of Law was being taught by Jesus through this parable that the Samaritan, the man of grace, was his neighbor. In salvation, the law is very important because it convinces man of sin. Religion is important, if it is pure and undefiled religion. But we are saved by Grace through faith and that not of ourselves lest any man should boast, but it is the gift of God.
One of the most important points in the story is the fact that the Samaritan (Jesus), placed the wounded man on his jackass. The jackass is a type of you and I, average joe Christian. God wants us to be obedient in going into the highways and hedges and compelling souls to come. The jackass followed Jesus and took the injured man to church so he could be placed in the hands of the five-fold ministry and be healed mentaly, physically,and spiritually. I would encourage all of us to be jackasses for Jesus until his return.
jud on Monday, April 28 5:22 pm
Post subject: life after death

User Location: europe
Parable: lazarus.txt
I think this story gives us the clearest explanation in the bible of what happens to a person after they die
patsy on Monday, December 29 8:57 pm
Post subject: Re: My conscience won't allow it!

User Location: SC
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
Neither would mine! Why? Because God has the control of our hearts, giving us His Love for the lost, that no flesh shall die from lack of knowledge. whereby we don't look for earthy things!
Our only desire is to see a sinner turn to Our Lord, that they might be saved!

If Kevin, or anybody else, is looking for reward, instead of leading the lost to Christ, maybe they should try something besides the Ministry!
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Tuesday, December 9 3:06 pm
Post subject: Meaning of "No servant can serve two masters"

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
I have not overlooked the last verse of the Parable of the Unjust Steward, that is, Luke 16 : 13. On the contrary, I have explained on the Unjust Steward site that most churches today are trying to serve both God and mammon. They have overlooked this verse by ignoring its context.

Our Lord Jesus Christ never expected His people to live completely providently. His way was that we would give freely to one another (Matt. 5 : 42 ), blow off our concerns (Matt. 6 : 24 ff ), continue to ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7 : 7 ), and He likened whoever heard or read Him and would do so to a man who built his house upon the rock rather than to the man whose house built on sand fell with a great crash (the Parable of the Wise / Foolish Builders). On that page I have posted my stand that the things to be obeyed to be like the wise builder consist entirely of the Sermon on the Mount, yet it slipped my mind to include whatever may be needed to follow Jesus' teachings from it. In contrast, our Modern English speaking culture clearly ignores the Sermon on the Mount even at the pulpit. Americans today scarcely give to the needy who come to ask from them. Next, I show that it is this stinginess which shows that someone is serving Mammon in preference to God.

By condemning the servant of two masters as inadequate and refusing to acknowledge service of God as valid from those serving Mammon (wealth), Jesus Christ makes clear to us that any excuses of ours for withholding our wealth will anger Him (Luke 16 : 13 ). We should not rely upon prudent earnings of our own, but, rather, have the security of the favour of rich folk to lean on because they are more prudent than followers of Christ (Luke 16 : 8 ). Jesus went on in verse 13 to explain the two outcomes of trying to serve both God and Mammon:

"Either he [the servant] will love the one and hate the other," as happens when an unbelieving man cannot understand his wife's faith in Jesus Christ and thus makes ungodly choices, "or he will cleave to the one and despise the other." This latter result happens at churches all across the English-speaking world every time church staff hews to its Budget to withhold money from one who asks while at other times in the week professing strong faith in Jesus Christ.

I conclude that we cannot serve God on a budget. Still, if we have not yet obeyed Luke 16 : 9 - 12 and thus have not even met any rich friends of the members of our congregations, the predictable result of such genereosity is a totally unfair exploitation of our wealth by the needy until we have practically nothing, whereupon we shall be called by Christ to ask, seek, and knock despite the many martyrdoms of such persons among the churches run by evil servants today (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ).

I will never forgive the evil servants in charge of so many contemporary churches, the evil staff who are swift to get angry and to call the police and to complain about a presumed mental illness. If I must share heaven with them, they will be absolutely chastened first as I have requested -- or left behind to be martyred when I am raptured into heaven, or fast for forty days and pray together on their knees, and if any one of them have turned ten men or boys over to psychiatry, he or she has no chance whatsoever for heaven without amputations anyway. For example, evil servant Bill Meier in charge of Twin City Bible Church in Urbana, Illinois, known to defend sophisticated English manners in preference to Jesus, already stands with "a who...le WEE...k of RE...PEA...TI...NG 'terribly sorry beyond [b]wyrds for what I did to Kevin' " demanded of him by telephone as of May 2001, before his lawyers notified me of their threats. Where shall I post the messages to doom the evil servants? I need help to find the most visited Christian forum to doom the evil servant so that world evangelism might be accomplished for Jesus' sake under truer leadership.

Yours in Christ,

+++Kevin Douglas Rosenberg

a martyr for asking, seeking, and knocking (
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Wednesday, December 3 8:34 pm
Post subject: How and When to Watch for Christ

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
How come some user has reported that the Rich Fool with a few comments had received the fewest when this one had not received even a single comment? I urge you to read the comments to all parables given on the site through before typing any comparisons. We need to listen and read more and talk and type less but more wisely. Now, I discuss this parable for the first time.

Of all parables spoken by Jesus, this one is the most inadequate from a single gospel. Only four verses are given because Saint Mark was a man of action with the Sensing function dominant in the MBTI personality indicator; his gospel, the shortest, reads like the script for a movie and omits details in order to keep the interest of a Sensing reader with a typically short attention span. His natural readers are the quickest to doze off, leave or interrupt. As if to answer in court, Mark cared to testify concerning Jesus' deeds at the expense of His teachings. In order to understand what the quoted Jesus actually taught, we need to remember what Matthew and Luke reported about watching and waiting for a surprise return (Matt. 24 : 32 - 25 : 46 , Luke 21 : 29 ff ). It is those accounts which will empower us to watch for the return of Christ.

Saint Mark's way for us to watch is to see and do, to listen and learn from those versed in the other accounts. He leaves the thinking, feeling, and intuition to others: Matthew, Luke, and John. Faith in the Bible will not resist them; fortunately for us, however, Matthew and Luke mentioned all those details so that John had no need to fill them in. Three gospels thus suffice to teach us what watching and waiting means in practical terms.

From Mark we know that of all the servants, we disciple of Jesus, the Messiah, are likened unto porters, "thyro^roi" (door + see, watch) or butlers in Greek, with responisibilities to answer the door (or telephone) when people come knocking (or calling) to ask and to seek (Matt. 5 : 42 , 7 : 7 ). One Sunday morning about two months ago, a homeless neighbor of mine and her man kicked out by her grown daughter knocked on my door at 5 a.m. on a Sunday before morning when they could not stand the cold night outside any longer. The woman asked for three hours inside. Found sleeping and hastily clad in a robe I let them in, even though the man was not mentioned, even though they disobeyed my command to sleep on my floor and left leaves on my new couch, and even though they stayed four hours before I moved toward kicking them out and they took the hint. My own night's sleep was ruined, and I felt jetlagged. I had, however, used my living room to keep them warm and to get four hours of televangelists' presentations of the Word into their ears and perhaps sinking into their hearts. I have planted a seed.

I was found sleeping by homeless unbelievers. Don't let Jesus, however, knock at your doors to find you sleeping on the job, so to speak. Mark omits all the details for the precise timing of Jesus' return. Back then, nobody save God knew anything about time zones, and many believed the earth to be flat despite observations of ships sinking beyond the horizon. Anybody who might predict such a time for Jesus return as 6 a. m. (regardless of location) would be a liar to the vast majority of the world beyond his narrow time zone even if He should chance to come then unto him. For our times, however, St. Matthew reports that Jesus taught that He would return by surprise in a time of plenty when people were not looking for Him and while women were grinding grain and men were at work in the field. All I assume below is that Jesus Christ, because of His good, loving character rather than a knavish, tricky character, would never return to an inhabited time zone without the signs of field work and milling there with word that Americans were hard at work far away, nor would He return to the Russians without the sign in winter with word that Americans far away were eating fresh fruits and vegetables flown in.

In that case, we can know general periods throughout which to watch for Christ from Matthew 24 : 32 - 44. The first sign, the fig tree, represents modern Israel. The generation which Jesus has promised will not pass away until the Glorious Appearing ... was twenty years old when modern Israel was founded in 1948 (v. 34; reference to Ezek. 38). Thus, out of all centuries of history, Jesus' Second Coming is for our times. Verse 35 is a warning to every believer who despairs of world evangelism in time (v. 14) that Jesus will live up to His Word to make it happen and return in time to find live Jews of the mentioned generation. Hallelujah! In need of warning are all Christians who made or believed promises to evangelize the whole world by the year 2000 but now forget them or cover them up. Mark elaborates on verse 36 while The sign of Noah in vv. 37 - 39 tell us when in the year or economic cycle to watch for Jesus: in the boom times with fresh fruits and vegetables to eat and weddings taking place.

We would be foolish, therefore, not to watch in June of all coming years. The more we learn about life in more austere mission fields such as Siberian settlements, the fewer weeks will remain in the year in which we must watch for Jesus, at the expense of having God call us to give your wealth away to help their people because they will ask. Next comes the time of day in our respective time zones with more admonition to watch (vv. 40 - 42), which I understand as follows:

Before the Industrial Revolution with its continuous processes and electric lighting, people worldwide farmed and ground grain by day and partied or slept at night throughout the week. Whenever the sign of field work and milling existed throughout one hemisphere, it was absent in the other. Nowadays, however, farmers in the United States and South America are observed with their equipment in the fields making progress at night whether to hide drugs or to finish in good weather, and Cargill and other milling companies process grains continuously throughout the week. Such a practice invites Jesus Christ to return by night. This leaves no promise from Christ for Americans concerning the time of day, yet He will keep his promise to the underdeveloped nations of the Old World, where farming the fields and grinding grain are still done only by day. If you go to Africa or Asia, where many peoples have yet to hear a testimony of the Gospel, you can see the signs in the daytime, while those who remain in the United States might have to watch around the clock. I thoroughly expect that the Rapture will occur between midnight and 4 a.m. in Indianapolis because of Jesus' promises to the Old World. That's a wide swath of four hours in the inconvenient night because no one but the Father God knows the day or the hour (v. 36). Those of us who cannot watch require sending out as missionaries to the Old World. And now, let us examine verses 43 and 44: that people will be caught sleeping and live to regret it like a successful burglary. This sign, like that of Noah, shows us that people will not be naturally seeking Christ at that time and tells us when in the week we must watch in season at the right time of ***night*** (American times). Our Lord will not return during any American church's Sunday School or Sunday Morning Worship or Weekly Bible Study or Wednesday Worship or on the Jewish Sabbath. He will not return when many pastors are preparing their lectures without cause and desire to demonstrate the apostasy of all their teachings. Therefore, since most pastors take Mondays off after teaching on Sunday, in season we had better watch on so-called Sunday nights and Monday nights actually falling in the wee hours (in Indianapolis) on Monday and Tuesday, although Jesus could return to take us home later in the week before Sabbath preparations. With at least two nights in the week to watch, we do not know the day of the week for Jesus' return (v. 36).

I have discussed the next parts at length on the Ten Virgins page. Now that we know when to be best prepared to meet Jesus, I turn to Luke for guidance on how to watch. While Saint Luke parallels Matthew in Chapter 17, it is Chapter 21 which shows Jesus' warning against being left behind to face the Tribulation (Luke 21 : 34 - 36 ). From Jesus' mouth in verse 34, it is a heart laden with overeating and drinking or drunkenness and
worries of life which set many of us up for being left behind by Jesus. Just belonging to Jesus will not spare us the Tribulation. If you are continually worried, that is habitual sin (Matt. 6 : 24 ff ). The worried believer who cannot or dare not ask, seek or knock for relief (Matt. 7 : 7 ) and whose prayers fail to avail relief gets called by God to fast. Why, with the guilt of Israel, Moses fasted forty days! Our Lord did the same in order to stand His Temptation. Yes, genuine Christians can, and many probably will, be left behind to face the Tribulation for living it up despite their persistent worries and sleeping when Jesus takes the prepared believers home.

I have desired to preach Second Thessalonians at some graveyard on television during Indiana's wee hours in season on so-called Sunday, Monday, and Thursday nights to warn American Christians that the Lord Jesus Christ expects us to watch, to wait up for Him, and to go abroad as evangelists if they cannot stay up, but my friend in Christ, Dallas Barr, has discouraged me for fear that I might appear to be there to rob graves. I lack formal theological credentials and declare my informal learning good enough with the time short. (Lord's Prayer)

Yours in Christ,

+++ Kevin D. Rosenberg

a martyr for continuing to ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7 : 7 )

Heidi Morris on Tuesday, May 16 3:10 am

User Location: South Charleston, WV
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Please send me a picture of a mustard tree/plant. I need it for church. Thanks, HEIDI
John Black on Friday, June 20 10:30 am
Post subject: Tares and wheat

User Location: Ft Lauderdale, FL
Parable: wheattares.txt
Who are the tares and when were they first planted and do their progeny still exist today? Is it possible that the source of these tares is directly connected with the "sons of God" and their offspring, the nephilim as recorded in Genisis 6:4? Does the book of Enoch have any relevence to this. After reading it, I believe that the all this is very possible.
Scott on Monday, May 5 8:41 am
Post subject: the prodigal son's name

User Location: Australia
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
i think that there is no name for the prodigal son. Jesus uses it as a "symbol" im not sure if that's the word for it but basically a general implication of us, before christ. i think, don't take my word for it, but pray about it. God will know.

hope that gives u more of a view of things

Helen on Monday, February 17 7:25 pm
Post subject: Message

User Location: Church
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
The message to this little story (told by Jesus) is to treat other people how you would like to be treated, no matter what. Help your enemies.
molly s. on Wednesday, October 29 1:34 pm
Post subject: who are they really

User Location: clearwater,fl
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
who were they really? what were some of their main beliefs? how did they relate to the Jews? to Rome? Where were they located? what rolde did they play in Jesus' life?HELP
Liz on Wednesday, April 9 10:17 pm
Post subject: prodigal son's name

User Location: connecticut
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
I think his name should be Aragorn.
james joseph on Friday, November 1 3:32 pm
Post subject: ten talents obvioulsy

User Location: between heaven and hell
Parable: tentalents.txt
what are good works? how does one use his abilities to serve the lord? is it selling airplanes to don king? is it selling cars? or insurance? what about the birds that neither sow nor reap nor amass riches? what material things are gained by making 100, 000 per year? how is owning a lexus doing good works? what could people buy with money in 500ad? not computors!!! it is my observation the worlds point of reference is monetary gain and not christian charity. Self aquisitions and personal security above charity to its extreme. Although many interpretations of the parable of ten talents are similar i see common flaw running throughout their illogical analysis. i however have no revelation as to its true meaning. the master expects usury fees and yet christ said if they want ur cloak give ur shirt as well. give without expectation of reward. the first 2 servants are likely to have exploited the needs of the others in order to amass greater riches and leave the masses less wealth. wealth is not created. it only exchanges hands. if someone has more, all the rest have less. i see the servant with 1 talent as taking doing the least harm
Edwin on Wednesday, October 15 6:46 am
Post subject: Just asking

User Location: sampaloc manila
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
1o years ago Ihad an opportunity to be a "good" samaritaln by accident. A vehicular accident happened near the area where I am fixing my car. Upon witnessing that accident I responded to the situation and being a nurse its my duty to respond to the situation without any hesitation.Iwas lucky to revive that poor victim where I rushed her together with another samaritan to a nearby hospital where he was able to live another 3 weeks of her life then passed away. It was a clear case of hit and run but victims relative was so powerful enough and desperate to solve the crime so they pulled some strings and involved me and the other person as the culprits. They produce false witnesses to the crime and created a different scenario to justify their claim, deviating to what had really happen.But my concsience is very clear and still proud of what I've done. thinking that I did the best I could to save that poor girl.But now I'm the one needing to be saved. Last september after 10 long years of battlling the court and proving innosence, judge ruled in favor of them and charge me guilty beyond reasonable doubt sentencing me to 4mo. to 2years for a crime I did not do. SOME GRATITUDE FOR A GOOD SAMARITAN.Now i'm appealing my case to a higher court hoping to reverse the decision and go on with my life. My family needs my support my wife is in abroad working hard away from us . It is suppose to be me who is working for my family but because of this case I feel my life is through. Why did all this has to happen at my expense? Is this really the fate of a good samaritan?
KEN MAYNARD on Saturday, November 9 1:21 pm
Post subject: MUSTARD SEED

User Location: N.C.
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Remzy on Friday, February 6 4:27 am
Post subject: about the parable of the rich fool

User Location: toronto
Parable: richfool.txt
Since, this parable of the rich fool,My understanding is that we should not be very materialistic, since this things are not ours, forever and
we never ever have these things without God's guidance and help. We can not be that greedy, what We have, it is best to share, and be kind to everyone, because as the saying goes, you can not reach where you want to go without looking it back, and always, say "Thank you" to the Lord with all the blessing he gave us in this world, you born naked I mean nothing, and we go with out anything. The best lesson we learn here is
whatever God given us, make sure we thank him for everything,

Put in mind and in our soul He is the One, Whom we owe everything.
Don't sit back and forget him, and we think we have everything. NAH!

Suzanne on Sunday, February 23 4:44 pm
Post subject: Mustard seed

User Location: United Kingdom
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Is it true that when the small mustard seed is planted should grow into a large garden plant instead of a tree....?
Darren Wilson on Monday, March 3 8:04 pm
Post subject: Parable of the Rich Fool

User Location: England - At the moment
Parable: richfool.txt
There are many opinions and debates on the true meaning the the collective parables. What do they really mean? This parable is definitely one of the most cryptic parables and can't be truly understood, unless we ask Jesus himself, if these are infact his exact words (translation errors, etc)
Maybe these stories are things that he had witnessed upon his travels and experiences throughout his life? Maybe he is actually some of the characters in the parables he tells? One thing we do know is that he had a message for humanity that somehow has travelled through the ages to answer some of the questions in life we could not ask ourselves. I find it wierd how most people today don't appreciate the words of the wise, choosing to trust science or nothing at all because it feels safer.
But perhaps this is what the parable means:
The ground could represent anything from society, down to the your own family or employees that you rely on. Jesus does not mention anything else about the 'rich man' (who could represent the ignorant and distrusting members of society, etc) other than the fact that he is concerned about his goods. This shows the error of his ways, because the rich man doesn not appreciate how he got the land, who worked to make it the way it was, who harvested his 'goods', which in the end are truly irrelevant to true happiness in life. The joy in life, the meaning and the way God wishes us to truly live our lives is to share with others and ultimately to share out time and effort with god e.g. prayer and ceremonial offerings, etc. In this way, the goods could possibly represent all the tings in life that distract us and hinder us from recieving God's word. The 'rich man' is the embodiment of greed and self indulgience. He represents those in society who only think for themselvesl.
Looking into the words of the parable, although we are being encouraged to be truly kind to each other and most importantly show self respect, God at the end of the parable could represent the government of those times and because of this, could also represent temptation in some small way for who truly benefits in life when others feed off of our greed? By following christ and trying our best to be free of greed and helping those in need we have recognised a few of the important steps towards entering the Kingdom of God.
In the parable there is a part where the rich man talks to his 'soul'. What does the soul represent? God and his will? Or perhaps human compassion and the will to be servants to society and God himself? Who knows? All i know is that it is saying that when we slack off and deviate from God's will, when our time of death comes ("this night thy soul shall be required of thee") or when the times comes to prove our worth and commit an act of kindness(this night thy 'compassion' shall be required of thee), we will not be ready and we will not enter the Kingdom of God. The rich man desperately sought for a place to store his fruits and did not think of those who he might be able to help by giving his fruits, so they might survive. He took down his barns and built a big barn solely for the fruits. Maybe this implies that maybe in his greed he cast out those that initially lived in those barns? In his greed, he completely neglected those who needed and deserved his kindness.
If these are in fact stories from Jesus' life, then what happened to these people he speaks of? We can never be sure of where we will end up in the afterlife, but if one thing is for sure, it is our duty as humans to respect the lives of others and to assist humanity in making this world a better place, because with God, we are never alone.
Mike M. on Sunday, March 23 2:27 am
Post subject: Ten Talents

User Location: Midwest
Parable: tentalents.txtthread

Not only does the parable speak to me, but so does your message. In my younger days I worked hard and exploited my professional talents. I amassed sizable wealth and had the pleasure of building homes that I and buyers were proud of. I became more and more playful, coasting on the material wealth and "security" that I "created", ignoring God and thinking that I alone controlled my destiny. Rather than praise God and continue my profession in earnest, I decided to invest my $$$ and look forward to an early, comfortable retirement. Work days became shorter. Recreation became expensive. I was smarter than the average Joe, right? WRONG! God reminded me who was boss. Sizable losses in the stock market was the large helping of humble pie I sorely needed. I now treasure what I have, most of all my God and my family. I know that if I use my talents wisely, I will multiply and honor God. With that comes peace of mind knowing that I've done my best.

Good luck in your studies of law. After 20 years experience in practicing law, I hope to give you some advice: you can be a good lawyer without compromising your Christian beliefs . . . even the most vexing problems can be solved with meditation and prayer.
sarah on Thursday, January 22 8:03 pm
Post subject: Talents

User Location: bosworth mo
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
hey I'm 17teen years old, and I am trying to find my talents b ut i don't know how to begain? can you give me some bible verse or some infomation on where to begain looking for those talents God has given me. do all people have talents or just some ? i'm not talking like spiritual gifts i'm talking like drawling , playing a music insterment or something like that to let you know.

thanks your sista in christ

sarah drury
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Sunday, December 28 9:18 pm
Post subject: Lack of subject of salvation shows nothing

User Location: Columbus IN, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
This forum concerns the interpretation of Luke 16:1-13. Some scholars see an allegory of the love of Jesus in it; however, I see an eye-opener and direct commands from our Lord instead. That I do not discuss salvation (John 3:16ff, Romans etc.) here does not imply any lack of that teaching from me. I simply believe that the parables on which I have commented do not much concern salvation and justification or that others will easily expound those aspects while I delve through the commands and the predictions of Jesus Christ, lest we be deceived.

Regarding my posting and the kingdom of heaven, if your entire congregation dare ignore or refuse Luke 16:1-13 (KJV/Greek), unless it already consist of the rich, it will run out of money to give away liberally as Jesus Christ taught to do (Matt. 5:42 ) and start to despise Jesus' command to give freely and hew instead to its Budgets, the service of Mammon, just as Jesus warned (Luke 16:13 ). If we cannot afford to give freely for fear of what would happen to us without our wealth or our homes, how could we possible minister in any way true to Jesus? Then, problems with money and needs will load us down with habitual sins.

As for the very people whom I "want to use" winding up in Hell, if one came to me seeking relief from sin or some other lead to need for the gospel of salvation, I would indeed try to win them. I would not mince words about damnation to keep his favour; the command from Jesus is to make friends with the rich rather than to keep them. Still, I will not place irrelevant postings about salvation on this page devoted to a parable. This site is not the right place to win the lost; it concerns believers.

If all our congregations had done their hobnobbing already, there would be far more ready assistance for our needy and for more funds for world evangelism than we see under the evil servants in charge and under Modern English social expectations passed off as "God's will". There would be ample means for God's ends! Would I be glad!

Yours in Christ,

+++Kevin D. Rosenberg

Eddy Aleman on Wednesday, May 12 4:57 pm
Post subject: wise builders

User Location: Holland, Michigan
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txt
The section of the wise and foolish builders is basically the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. Therefore, in order to understand this final section we must have in perspective the complete Sermon on the Mount that covers chapters 5-7 in the gospel of Matthew. The Sermon of the Mount is a brief summary of the whole message of the gospel preached by Jesus. We can say that it is the gospel in a "nutshell." The wise-foolish builders is an analogy about obedience and disobedience. Jesus uses this analogy to explain who are those that are OBEDIENT and who are those DISOBEDIENT to his teachings. The wise people HEAR the words of Jesus and puts them into practice. The foolish people only LISTEN but not hear the words of Jesus and disobeys them. So, the analogy of the Wise and Foolish builders is about obedience and disobedience. The Wise people obey Jesus and build their house on the rock and the Foolish people disobey Jesus and build their house on the sand. Where is your house build? Are you obedient?
Dan on Tuesday, August 31 12:08 am
Post subject: Grace

User Location: North East
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Chris Godwin on Thursday, June 26 12:27 am
Post subject: Brother in need

User Location: Portland,Or
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
There are several ways to look at this parable and still fulfill gods love.I am sure that Jesus was being very specific though when he spoke at the time.Our Lords words just seem to touch each persons life in a little different way.Our Lord was all things to all people and this parable reaches all in one way or another.This parable to me shows me that even the type of person that might outwardly in appearance be rough and offensive, may just be the person that the Lord uses to touch your life in a blessed way, or to pull you from the gutter.Who knows truly about anyone around us but the Holy Spirit that guides us and speaks to us.Our jobs as christians is to be as accepting as possible and to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.We are to set the example like christ , being Good samaritans and to lift others into the position of Good Samaritans.God Bless and keep your Hearts to all who read this.
Your Brother in Christ,
Denny Aleksuk on Wednesday, March 2 8:28 pm
Post subject: Manifestation- miracles?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: leaven.txt
Very recently I had two opportunities to talk about the parables of the kingdom of God with friends. It amazes me how dull of hearing people can be. They look at you like you’re from another planet (huh?). As if to say why on earth would anybody show such an interest in the words of Jesus (kingdom parables)? It reminds me of the old expression “batting their eyes like a calf with a new gate”. WHY you might ask? You REALLY have to ask?

The creator was talking about MANIFESTATIONS!

Mark 4-22 for there is nothing hid, which shall not be MANIFESTED; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Look at what says that manifest means:

adj : clearly apparent or obvious to the mind or senses; "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"; "evident hostility"; "manifest disapproval"; "patent advantages"; "made his meaning plain"; "it is plain that he is no reactionary"; "in plain view" [syn: apparent, evident, patent, plain] n : a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane v 1: provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes; "His high fever attested to his illness"; "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication"; "This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness" [syn: attest, certify, demonstrate, evidence] 2: record in a ship's manifest; "each passenger must be manifested" 3: reveal its presence or make an appearance; "the ghost manifests each year on the same day"

Look at what the last sentence says.

“Reveal its presence or make an appearance; "the ghost manifests each year on the same day".

Has it ever occurred to you that Jesus Christ-the miracle worker, God almighty, was walking around in a physical body teaching people how he was doing his miracles via the kingdom parables?


Isn’t that what a “manifestation” is? A miracle? I realize holy Joes will lament “NOW THAT’S GOING TOO FAR! But is it? If a ghost were to “appear” before you right now, wouldn’t that be a miraculous experience? Wouldn’t it be a “manifestation”?

Now, there’s more to it. Jesus was doing his miracles by the HOLY Ghost, but how do you think he got the Holy Ghost? How about by these teachings of the Kingdom?

By the latter definition of manifestation found above; couldn’t we conclude that Jesus merely obtained a “manifestation” of the Holy Spirit?

I believe that everything that we will ever need or obtain from God in reference to the fulfillment of his word is routed through the teachings of Mark chapter four.

And people wonder why I spend so much time pursuing understanding into the teachings of the Kingdom of God.


Is that really that hard to understand?

And yet people are clueless as to the fact that there is a system laid down by Christ whereby we can tap into these things, calling them into existence (make them a reality).

But it doesn’t come from crying and whining and asking for Manifestations.


It comes from HIDING the things that we want, within our hearts. We do the “hiding” (planting, sowing, covering, “keeping secret”, it’s the idea of planting a seed) and God “rewards us openly”

I have heard Godly people pray and make the biggest blunder possible in prayer. They use the word manifestation. THAT’S A NO-NO (it will produce fear. “Hiding” produces faith-now you know where fear comes from).

Learn the secret of humility. HIDE his word in your heart and keep it hidden (the opposite of manifesting it-in and of ourselves-as though we could-PRIDE). So that God-through the seed planting, cultivation, process, CAN reward you openly.

Have you noticed that everything in the teachings of the Kingdom seem backwards of the way that we do things? Actually we’re the backwards ones.

“There is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof is death”...

“The first will be last and the last will be first”.

These are the “secrets” that Jesus came to bring to light. And yet Christians are more interested in Hollywood than they are in obtaining the ability to manifest Gods word to the world around us. I know people that will give you the biggest grinniest smile when talking about a Hollywood production (just for fun tell them that there’s full backal nudity and watch that smile grow). But if you ever mention the word of God they’ll turn that smile upside down (I call it the baby diaper look i.e. an imaginary baby diaper beneath the nose). They’ll “manifest” the spirit of sourpuss. No excitement. No glee. NO NOTHING!

Why is that? That’s not right. AND THEY JUST DON’T GET IT. That’s what Jesus called hard heartedness (seeds that fell upon the rock). And they could just decided to HEAR what Jesus is saying but no. Hollywood’s better apparently

Weather you believe that a manifestation is a miracle or not it doesn’t matter. But if something appears out of the blue and it’s a good thing, then I’m going to want more of the same. And THAT IS A MANIFESTATION.
What if you had a whole body of believers that had this ability to produce fruit unto God in this way and instruct others as to how to do so as well? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? But instead of learning what Jesus taught (this is what HE chose to teach), we’re out fussing about water baptism, or weather you can have a swig of beer. Dear Lord (lamenting vehemanently)!

But as long as we’re going to blind as bats, I guess we’ll be experts on water baptism.

Pastor Jimmy on Sunday, January 18 4:18 am
Post subject: Tongues

User Location: Washington, DC
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
Go to the church where you received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and ask them to explain it further. Tongues is a devine language that God understands. A direct communication line to him that the Devil can not understand. Also, check out..
James Bachmann on Wednesday, September 12 9:20 pm
Post subject: Rae's son

User Location: Pueblo, CO
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Hi, Rae-

I think drug addiction and mental illness have to be checked out in your son's case. That said, if it is a case of willfulness, then tough love must come into play. Tell him you are sorry for whatever misfortune he may encounter, but that he will be on his own when he reaches 18. If he is under 18, he loses whatever privileges you can withhold, and if that doesn't work check into reporting him to child services as a child out of control. Of course this must be done in a loving manner in which you explain that he himself holds the key to his treatment. A loving parent wants a child to be an independent, contributing member of society, able to support himself. If that doesn't happen, your son will face great obstacles in life, not just from you but also from the rest of society. Forgiving is one thing, holding a person responsible is another. Children and everyone else must be held responsible, that is, have to face the natural consequences of their actions. Enabling an irresponsible child to continue that way does him and you a disservice.
Lucius on Friday, September 13 4:28 am
Post subject: The non prodigal son

User Location: L.A.
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Just a Question:

Is there a case that can be made for the elder brother who stayed home?

Not a lot of sermons on him.

Donny on Friday, December 27 7:02 am
Post subject: Matt. 13 Leaven Bread

User Location: West Richland, WA
Parable: leaven.txt
The 13th chapter of Matthew is both a fork in the road and a litness test for the believer in Christ. Are you going to read the Bible with Jewish or Gentile definations? What is your interpertative stance? Do you read it as you always have or do you read it as it is?

Like all definations and types in the Bible, the must be taken in context and remain consistant with any usages in previous passages. Leaven is always used as a type of sin. To a Jew, putting leaven in the bread (the reference is the fellowship offering in the book of Leviticus) is a very bad thing. (In the book of Genesis, Sarah is asked by Abraham to make a fellowship offering for Lord and two angels and to use unleavened bread.)

This scripture is clear. In the kingdom of heaven there is sin that permeates the kingdom and is found everywhere. Now before you think that I am spreading heresy . . . just what is the kingdom of heaven anyway? Is it just a place of the saved or is it more than that.

Follow my logic. Both Jesus and John the Baptist began preaching, "Repent. The kingdom of heaven is at hand." They do not define this "kingdom" but just proclaim it. (It is from our New Testament only theology that we draw the conclusion that the kingdom of heaven is just the rehealm of the saved. In the Old Testament, the kingdom and the temple are always two separate entinitys. Salvation is appropriated at the temple. Justice and judgment is found at the throne. The law is appeased at the temple. The law is fulfilled at the throne.

The kingdom of heaven is the economy of God, not the people of the kingdom. It is how Christ will rule, not those who are ruled. It is Him, not us. We enter the kingdom by making Christ our King. (This is not Lordship salvation. Our salvation is by Christ our High Priest. Our purposes and placements are from our King. The kingdom of heaven exsists now in the spirit but one day it will be both in the spirit and in the flesh. Jesus will come back and rule from His throne in Jerusalem for a thousand years. Many of these parables in Matthew 13 are about His Millienial Reign. It is this Millienial Reign that will begin with the second coming of Christ and end with a war with the people of the earth who reject Him and follow Satan when he is loosed for a while. There will be fleshly people in the Millienial Kingdom and it is these carnal people and their pride that will be the sin that perminates the kingdom of heaven.

When you study the term "kingdom" from Moses thru David and the split kingdom, you will find that "kingdom" is not about who is being governed but how the people are governed. After His second coming, Christ will reign over the whole earth with a rod of iron but many will reject and hate this and thus be the unleaven bread that permeates the loaf.

I hope that this brief explanation is adequate. We are all woefully ignorant of the millienial reign. (Many popular end-times books and movies and teachers stop just after the second coming and do not realize that there is still an important chapter to go.

Write me if this is vague or confusing.

Jeanie Milligan on Sunday, October 19 4:03 am
Post subject: Mustard TRee

User Location: Palmetto, Louisiana
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Please send me a picture of the mustard tree. All my life I have thought they were talking about mustard greens for some reason, but could not understand how they thought it grew into a tree. A friend told me about the mustard tree and I am searching the internet for a picture of one.
Thank you
James Anderson on Saturday, May 21 10:07 pm
Post subject: The non prodical son

User Location: 67 Rainy Street
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Junk to be deleted tomorrow!

God has possesed me i am loved wow......
God has chosen I am like that guy from the bible Oh i know Jane Goodall (monkey specialist). ooooooops i forgot to fill that in. thank you for your attention on slide show in Mrs. William's(Cheese Zit) i forget 2005 mmv iwill get pojints off. ops. ooops i spelled oops wrongim an idiot but God loves me. Does he love you. Thinkabout . I did. I did not take my pills .ha la ha la-Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God . Homer Islam iSland . i haste money. oooops i mean hate. how many times have i said ops. ooooops i mean oooops. God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God h God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me to bring god news to the poor. Oooops iam

david on Saturday, June 18 12:10 pm
Post subject: wat

User Location: australia
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
u dont kno wat ur talkin about. da church is lieing 2 u. jesus never said worship me.u can read da bible u will never see him say dat
Dallas Courchene on Tuesday, October 7 12:37 am
Post subject: Pounds

User Location: Manitoba
Parable: tentalents.txt
To this man who wrote the message about me, I'd advise that you dis-continue your comments. God is not the author of confusion, the scriptures has one and only one meaning to it, Malachi 3:6 - For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.", why should the words of God change to people? Obviously, you twist the words of God to suit your own needs, which is wrong.
Jim Burns on Tuesday, October 7 12:20 am
Post subject: Reply

User Location: Manitoba
Parable: vine.txtthread
The second message is more complete, it has more to it at the bottom!
mark valentine on Friday, April 8 4:49 pm
Post subject: prodigal son's name

User Location: england
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
His name is geoffery james
David Mark Docherty on Tuesday, December 17 6:27 pm
Post subject: Daniel 8

User Location:
Parable: richfool.txtthread
Dear Steven,

Read Revelation 18 in the light of 9/11. America is 'Prophetic Babylon' the Kingdom of the Beast. American Christians should get out of the US in line with Revelation18:4. Soon the Beast will take dictatorial control of the US and introduce the mark: 666.
Donimus on Friday, April 1 10:48 pm
Post subject: Name of the Prodigal Son

User Location: MO
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Yes, the symbolic name of the younger son is Ephrahim. The older's name is Judah.

B.D. Means on Monday, August 25 2:40 pm
Post subject: A correction

User Location: Illinois
Parable: lazarus.txtthread
Point #2
(2) Being able to see one another, we see that they must have had bodies that were visible to one another. The rich man could still see, speak (to God), and feel the pain of his torment.

The comment should be "to Abraham" rather that "to God"

Simply another reminder that I am as fallible as the next man.


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