Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

carol murray on Monday, July 6 6:12 am
Post subject: Picture of mustard tree

User Location: El Paso, TX
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Did anyone find a picture of a full grown mustard tree? I also need this for my Sunday School class next week. Any ideas? Thank you, cjm
Pastor Mike on Tuesday, October 2 3:00 pm
Post subject: context, context, context

User Location: Kansas
Parable: leaven.txtthread
everyone seems to be forgetting the simplest of all bible study rules. that being "context". it seems that the most debated of these parables is the parable of the leaven. remember, keep it in context. all the parables in Matthew 13 must be kept in context with one another as they were all given by Christ in one setting. the parable of the sower and the parable of the tares set that context.
let me set for you the scene. Jesus meakes it quite clear that the main topic of these parables is the "kingdom of Heaven". the Kingdom of Heaven consists of all borne again believers from the time of Christ's death to the time of His return, also known as the "church age". in the parable of the sower, the seed represents the word of God. the ground upon which the seed falls represents the condition of mans hearts throughout the world. the good soil represents the hearts of those who receive the word and become kingdom citizens.
in the parable of the tares we find that the seed represent those who have received the word and become citizens of the kingdom. the tares represent those who reject the word. the field, as Jesus makes perfectly clear, is the world. it is not the church. as christ sends the kingdom citizens into the world, we incounter opposition from the tares whom Jesus reveals are sown by satan. from time immemorial, satan has and will, until he is cast into hell, strongly oppose the work of God. this work is being done throughout the world by those sown by the son of god.
the rest of the parables of matthew 13 need to be kept in context with these first two parables.
for instance, in the parable of the mustard seed, jesus compares the kingdom to a mistard seed. remember the kingdom consists of all believers throughout the world! if the parable of the tares which emediatly precedes this parable deals with the opposition of satan against the kingdom then this parable obviously represents the overcoming power of the kingdom dispite the opposition.
we now come to the most highly debated of the parables, the parable of the leaven. it is true that every other refrence to leaven in scripture hold a negative conotation, but to say that it therefor always should, is to think as the pharasees thought. everywhere in scripture where leaven is refered to it is in reference to influence. it's interesting to note that the parables of the tares and the mustard seed also deal with influence. the first time we see refrence to leaven in scripture is in regard to the exodus. the nation of israel was commanded by god to take nothing with them from egypt as they left not even leaven. thus they ate unleavened bread, thus the reason for the feast of unleavened bread. the purpose of this was not because leaven was evil but because the influence of pagan egypt was evil. after this all bread was leavened, even the show bread in the temple. does this mean that God tolerates evil. i think not. leaven can represent both a negative and a positive influence. to say that the leaven in this parable represents evil is to say that the kingdom has an evil influence in the world. i think that is the farthest thing from the truth. the truth is, that the influence that the church has on the world will be far reaching and beneficial. it doesn't mean that all people will be saved, but that all people will benefit from the kingdoms influence on the world. remember this, when the influence of the kingdom is removed from the world just prior to the tribulation, the world will be a very bad place to live!
Christine Sotelo on Wednesday, June 7 6:45 am
Post subject: Mustard Tree Photo

User Location: Folsom, Ca
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am also just starting a CGS Program here in the Sacramento area. Could you please forward the photo of the mustard tree. I am having a difficult time locating one for the class. Thank you so much! God bless, Christine
Chito on Sunday, November 12 12:46 am
Post subject: Children's Bible Stories

User Location: PH
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
The Prodigal Son is a parable of a wayward son reunited with his father and family after having squandered all his inheritance through wasteful and idolatrous living. Learn of God’s overwhelming and encompassing love for those who humbly repent of their foolish ways. The example of the father’s joy of the return of his repentant young son is contrasted against the trust and rewards kept for those who do not waste that which God entrusts to them.

A terrific way to teach a child this story of God's faithfulness. This is a very wonderful lesson for children's bible stories which can be found at

Stephen on Wednesday, November 10 11:11 pm
Post subject: The older son

User Location: New Jersey
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
the older son has been misunderstand for a long time. He is a good kid. What more can a father ask from his son? But he is blinded by his bitterness. And in v. 31 the father tells the older son that all the father has is the older son's. If this is the case, the older son can choose to ask the father to give him and his friends a BBQ party. But the son doesn't ask. He gets mad at the father and turns bitter.

Very often we are more like the older sons. Not many of us live an exciting life like the younger son. We make complaints to our Father for not having what we want. But we don't spend time to ask.
Joell Burville on Wednesday, March 26 10:15 pm
Post subject: Birds, Leaven, Mustard Seed

User Location: Kirkland, WA
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I agree with you! The fowls of the air are from Gen 1:20-21, 31 where God, who is Love, brought forth the fowls of the air to fly in the firmament of heaven and God saw everything that he made and behold it was very good. (Why would a good, loving God create evil birds to fly in His heaven? He did not.) Why would anyone want to take a symbol of inspiration, love and protection such as birds reflect and want to see them as they are described but once in the Bible as unclean, foul and hateful? There are so many inspired references to wings, brooding, flying, nest, eagles that are beautiful in the Scriptures. I'd rather take the inspired Word of the Bible. Mustard seed and leaven are synon. and both small but growing and changing into good, useful things. The woman hid the leaven in three measures of meal---modes of human thought. Meal in the Bible stands for healing. The leaven is NOT that of the hypocritical Pharasees but of God's Christ, Truth. This leaven of Truth is changing the whole of thought until the whole of evil thought is leavened--changed into Truth. The grains of mustard signify this growth of Truth too, until the leaves of the tree of Truth are used for the healing of the nations--knowing the Truth that makes us free----free from what? A lie. Truth always frees us from lies. Truth never frees us from itself! Only, only from lies. The devil is a liar and the Father of it and abides not in truth. John 8:44
L. Mertes on Monday, December 8 6:17 pm
Post subject: Say what?

User Location: Hudson, FL
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
The parable of the 'shrewd manager' in Luke 16 is probably my favorite parable. Please provide the evidence from Luke 16 itself that suggests this is about picking the pockets of evil, rich unbelievers. I think it is quite the opposite!

Do I understand correctly? I think you are saying the talent parable is about literal money, right? Even if that is true, I say the emphasis in both parables is about GIVING your wealth away, using it, not bringing it in.

In Luke 16, Christ is telling us to use our wealth, our literal money to "gain friends for yourselves..." (vs. 9) and in turn make our master--God--look good by being generous with what he has entrusted to us. Just as the evil manager was commended for his shrewd, but wise, actions, we too will be commended by our heavenly master for being shrewd and generous with what has been entrusted to our care, investing it wisely in loving acts of generosity and kindness. After all isn't it "God's kindness (that) leads you toward repentance?" (Romans 2:4).
(Just as a side note notice how Paul in this Romans passage shows us what the real riches of God are, let us be found diligent and trustworthy with the 'true riches' (Luke 16:11) that God has entrusted to us.

The master commended his unworthy manager because it was very shrewd to win praise for both himself AND his master by using his master's possesions in this generous way. This is the very thing God wishes for us to do. God is exhorting us, "Take what I've given you and show the generosity and love of the master you serve!!!!!!!!!!!! They'll love you and they'll love me, too!. I've given it, now be shrewd and wise with what I've given you--USE IT!!!!!!!! What a witness you'll be!!!"

I can only say amen to the warning given by the previous person to you or anyone "who think that godliness is a means to financial gain" (1 Tim. 6:5).

This cannot be ignored: "Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be RICH IN FAITH and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?" (James 2:5) Read on for his opinion about rich people in general.

Big Island on Tuesday, June 10 7:59 pm
Post subject: WHAT IS THE SECRET?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: leaven.txt
Could you please state succinctly and in your own words what this “SECRET’ is?

I understand that Jesus was telling a great secret. One that apparently, nobody much cares about. But I accept that he was revealing something incredible. So then WHAT IS IT?

What is the jest of all of these parables? Can you articulate it in your own words? I am convinced that Gods idea of a secret is incredibly greater then our idea of a secret. What secret could qualify as something so wonderful?

Patrick moo on Monday, August 23 5:01 am
Post subject: PRODIGAL SON

User Location: TENNESSEE
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I THOUGHT I'D SEND HER A LETTER QUOTING THE 15th chapter of Luke and the good son in the prodigal son parable but I see from your responses how many ways she could misinterpret it, so I'll just pray more intensly for all my children and trust in his will.
Thank you for the insight you have given me.

Dave on Thursday, April 3 9:18 pm
Post subject: One perfect response

User Location: San Juan Capistrano
Parable: prodigalson.txt
The only perfect response in each of the three parables in Luke 15 is God's response. He seeks to save the ignorant and helpless. He seeks to find an carelessly lost inheritance. He affirms the right of man to choose. He rejoices in the results of shepherd, the woman and the return of his son.

Neither the younger or older son respond perfectly to the situations they are confronted by. Only when the youngest son's life style drops below that of the father's servants does he decide to return home.

His repentance was perfect, though.

The older son is obedient and hard working. In fact he is working at earning and preserving his inheritance. Nothing in his life would have taught him to respond as the father did. Only a father can understand the joy of a child returned to him. The oldest son should have joined in the celebration but could not. His obediance was without fault.

Today our churches don't have the excuse of not knowing the true nature of God. Today we have the presence of the Holy Spirt, and still many believers cannot rejoice at the salvation of repentant sinners. They too have led lives of hard work and obedience.

We seek a simple straight-forward understanding of things; even in God. We seek to hold a complete understanding of God in three short stories; It isn't meant to be. Use these stories to understand God's love and his desire for a relationship with each one of us.

Thesis topic: The evolution of the meaning of the prodigal son; How context can change the classic understanding of this story. Or how different cultures relate to this story;
Michael Gallaher on Monday, November 3 6:18 pm
Post subject: The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13, Vrs 18 - 23

User Location: nashua, nh
Parable: sower.txt
The power of the sower parable comes with the key 23rd verse of Chapter 13 of the Gospel of Matthew: "But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty."

Never underestimate the power of God's gifts for you. These gifts that we reap are many fold more plentiful and bountiful than the actual strength of our faith.
Courtney MacRae on Saturday, November 20 6:27 am
Post subject: Listen if you have ears

User Location: Queensland, Australia
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
At the end of this parable Jesus states that "to those who have, more will be given and to those who have not what little they have will be taken away."

As I understand this is that when a person has a state of ming of gratitude to the Creator and feels abundant God provides more of the same. When we feel wronged by God and ungrateful for the little He has given we naturally repel any good that can come our way.

This parable is Jesus explaining the natural laws of the Universe, The Laws of God.

To those who have more shall be given, to those ungrateful people who bemoan there lot will have what little they think they have taken away.

Try it. It works.

Read Mind Power by John KEHOE - he explains this parable very well.

Thankyou have a good day.

Denny Aleksuk on Tuesday, October 5 6:56 pm
Post subject: Big Island' response, how to "hide" ?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: leaven.txt
In response to Big Island’ inquiry posted under the topic of the mustard seed as to how to “hide” the Word of God, here’s my response and thanks for “hearing” what I said.

Notice what Luke 12 says:

1 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Look at the word “therefore” in verse 3. Therefore mean because of this. Because of what was spoken in verse two, which is the same thing that’s stated in Mark chapter four “there is nothing hid that shall not be manifest, neither was anything kept secret but that it should come abroad”. So you can see already that speaking “in the ear” (out loud where you and only you can hear yourself say it) is a prerequisite to performing the idea in this scripture.

Look at Mathew chapter 6:

1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Notice the dichotomy that forms. Jesus speaks of doing things which merits mans reward and doing things that merit Gods reward. Mans reward is valueless. God’s reward is eternal and substantive. But notice what sets these two approaches apart. One man ATTEMPTS to be seen of man, the other shuns or does the exact opposite.

Look at verse 6. When you pray, enter your closet, shut the door and speak to your father, which is in SECRET. “There is nothing kept secret but that it should come abroad”. Can you see how that this idea connects up with the teachings of Mark chapter four?

I believe the Idea is this: Though the place where the Word is sown is in the heart, through speaking “in the ear” (out loud) the promises of God; might the place where he is doing it be reflected in Marks account of this parable?

Mark 4:
21 And he said unto them, is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? And not to be set on a candlestick?
22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Look at these two terms, bushel and bed. A candle is being enclosed or enshrouded in darkness. Light is sealed out. Does that remind you of anything? “The things spoken in DARKNESS shall be heard in the light”.

Could this be a metaphor for a man praying in his prayer closet? The man sealed himself in a room where only God could hear him say something. Like under a bushel. But also notice the word bed. Why bed? Might what Jesus perceives in his heart at the time of this utterance be a bedroom?

So then the term “hide” or “hidden”(there is nothing hid that shall not be manifest) takes on a new meaning.

It means to speak something out loud in private where only God can hear you say it. And for what purpose do we do this? “And thy father which seeth in secret shall REWARD THEE OPENLY”. The catch is this. IT HAS TO REMAIN A SECRET. If you tell anyone you get mans reward. But if you harbor it in your heart, over a period of time, God will explode it out into the open. Hence there is nothing HID that shall not be MANIFEST.

Look at the expression “let not the left hand know what the right hand doeth”. Doesn’t that now take on a new meaning? Might that mean that one part of the same human knows that it did something (in prayer), but it keeps it from the outer parts, not allowing you to act upon it in any way? It’s a secret and will remain a secret from the world around us, until God almighty brings it to light. But too many people are going the opposite direction thinking they have to act a certain way. No! That’s man reward and it’s just an act-worthless. It’s going contrary to what Jesus taught.

We hide things in our hearts by speaking out loud in our prayer chambers the promises of God. We become the candle that is covered by the bushel of the enclosed prayer closet. But without realizing it, when doing this, we place the candle upon a candlestick (I believe the kind with a mirror or reflective device behind it) and our hearts functioning in unison with the father begin to radiate your prayer into the world around you. But it takes patience. Faith-which is what we are doing-GROWS! But in time, that which was covered will be revealed. And the things kept secret will creep out into the open. People will see IN YOU, the things that you have “HIDDEN” in prayer. “As when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light”.

God bless.
John Ferguson on Monday, March 27 4:56 am
Post subject: A response to Rae

User Location: Boca Raton, Florida
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Hey, Rae........I feel a bit troubled by your post for several reasons. Not that I'm some kind of answer man or anything like that. I've been an 8th grade History teacher for 17 years now. I see all types of kids come and go year after year. Your son's behavor sounds totally unacceptable. I don't know his age, though. When someone gets caught in a lie, it breaks trust. Trust is something that has to be earned back (usually by a long period of honest behavior on his part). Have you ruled out the possibility of drug use experimentation? So many kids are just so secretive about that. Fill me in on more details about your son. I'm in the kid business.
And about you..........I don't understand what "living hard after God" means. It''s more like letting go of areas of our life that I believe God wants. Indulging yourself in sinful desires will surely have consequences beyond whatever you think they could possibly be. In your quiet time with the Lord, surrender your son to him. Trust that he's inn God's hands now. Treat him with a new freedom that whatever happens to him has been God allowed. And, you are now free to encourage and love him rather than being confrontational. Try this approach out........Lovve to you, Joh Ferguson
Debbie on Tuesday, December 30 3:02 am
Post subject: the other son

User Location: Northern VA
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
The best sermon I ever heard was about "the other son". It is also why this parable to me is NOT the most easiest to understand. When is it ok to say "what about me???" Perhaps "the other son" was really "the lost son".
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Saturday, January 10 5:33 pm
Post subject: Again I knock LUKE 16 for leads to faithful chrchz

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA ***called to flee***
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
Caused to sin (Matt. 18:5-7 ) through work on the Sabbath because of failures to meet my needs through the workweek, I ask, seek, and knock again for leads to churches already faithful in (with) the unrighteous mammon of Luke 16:9-13. Such a congregation must, of course, include among its members at least several who know rich folk of this world. I am too sick and fed up with local churches content to remain short of this goal to let this most important matter slide. Therefore, in the name of Jesus the Messiah I assign you the task of contacting churches all across these United States subject to denominational governance in order to find a list for me of all churches under their guidance wich have many or several members well acquainted with rich folk of this world.

I have no printer. You must have seen my smiley problems by now. My comupter still operates on Windows 95, I am poor, and my mother outside the Lord is in charge of my money from SSI. I cannot serve God's people where I now live, but if I had wealth to turn to I would willingly move out. Televangelists have left me to my own feeble resources. I leave it to you to contact denominational headquarters of the various Christian denominations and to seek a list from each of all churches under them which already have their rich friends. Do not cause me to keep on sinning beyond a reasonable time for your completion of this project (worth a curse, Matt. 18:5-7 ). This is not funny; I need specific guidance to congregations known to be already faithful in the unrighteous mammon lest I sin habitually until the Parable of the Servants (Matt. 24:45-51 ) be fulfilled, my only other way to stand in Christ because the churches nearby are faithless at least in regard to Luke 16 (KJV).

Lacking hearkenings to my preceding requests, now I must assign ***YOU*** the task of contacting denominational headquarters of various denominations with requests of guidance to such churches of theirs are happen to be faithful already in the unrighteous mammon BY NEXT FRIDAY AT SUNSET. You will be in sin next Sabbath if the letters remain yet to be sent out. Please help your brother in Christ in need!

Yours in Christ,

+++ Kevin D. Rosenberg

a martyr for continuing to ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7:7 )
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Wednesday, November 26 5:38 am
Post subject: Thank God for the Scriptures for our Deliverance

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA; ***not called to stay***
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
On behalf of everybody who like me has been martyred by the evil servants in charge of churches through calling the police to remove us from church or arranging hostile psychiatric hospitalization on account of spoiled rotten begging, I thank God for His words which justify us (Matt. 5:42, 6:24ff, 7:7) and promise our deliverance (Matt. 24:45-25:30).

We who have suffered such abominable punishments deserve to know well that we have no rewards waiting in heaven for us for patiently enduring under punishment from evil servants in charge or, especially, for going over the line between right and wrong in our begging... because Matt. 7:6 and I Peter 2:20 were printed in copies of the Holy Bible available to us long before our sufferings. Therefore, such a pastor as may dominate us now to keep our grievances quiet has no crowns in heaven to offer us for accepting his church discipline, and our rewards in heaven will be far greater if we cry out and call the church leaders completely to account for such failings as broken promises to spread the Gospel throughout the whole world by the year 2000.

Jesus Christ will be far more satisfied with us and able to bless us if we become completely frank with Him in prayer and no longer hold back our hearts. Failing to help us in our times of greatest need on earth through needed divine intervention, He has provided for absolutely incredible vengeance against the evil servants in charge (Matt. 24:45-51) in place of more years of freedom to apostatize in which to enjoy being completely healed and established as we might prefer. That the churches have already failed to fulfill their promises to evangelize the world by the year 2000 has changed the proper interpretation of Matthew 24:45-25:30 incredibly adversely for the evil servants in charge from offices to pulpits.

Because so many church leaders and evangelists have made and broken these promises, it is now patently apparent that they are unable to plan to spread the Gospel throughout the world with a testimony to all peoples (Matt. 24:14, Mark 14:9) and follow through on their promises. Well, the clock is ticking! The generation of Jews who saw Israel become a nation when they were twenty years old is aging, and God's holy Name is at stake to return before they all pass away. For this reason, the loss of morale among missionaries from failing to fulfill their promises to evangalize the world by the year 2000 cannot continue to drive churches inward to build the home church building and congregation and ignore world evangelism. In this context, the pastors' pretext that the judgements of Matthew 24:45-25:30 would be carried out in Heaven with the ever forgiving character of Jesus Christ as master must be torn to shreds; for if they should get their way, world evangelism will NEVER happen to make Jesus Christ return when He promised! Let us examine the judgements of Matthew 24:45-51 as possibe on earth with human masters or groups of humans as masters. This is now necessary to bring about world evangelism and the rapture of the saints.

Now seek I to bring about the judgement of the servants in charge as soon as possible on this earth (Matthew 24:45-51) so that without the hindrances of the Church Growth Movement, world evangelism may be attempted under faithful leadership, which unlike the Church Growth Movement will remember the need to memorialize Mary's anonymous anointing of Jesus Christ at Bethany if our spread of the Gospel really be worldwide (Mark 14:9, John 12:1-3). The power to judge is not yet in the right hands, yet our omnipotent Lord, praised be his name!--is surely able to bestow it. Promises from the American government such as our First, Fifth, and Eighth Amendment rights must fail, however that may happen, in order to judge the evil servants in charge with amputations and floggings as Jesus said would be done (Matt. 24:45-51, Luke 12:42-48); still I say, our awesome God is omnipotent and able to accomplish this, and both to those who pray to keep America safe and secure and to national enemies who would rejoice in an invasion or a coup d'etat I remember my citizenship in heaven and offer the Lord's Prayer just the same. American constitutional rights are defending injustices which Jesus Christ will not tolerate just before His return to rapture prepared believers into heaven. Still, unless the United States Congress and the state legislators wake up to the reality of the end times and find some way to permit the imposition of the judgements upon the evil servants in charge prescribed by Jesus Christ, God's will could turn in an extremely adverse direction very fast in order to allow the ousting of bad pastors so that world evangelism may be accomplished.

And now I announce judgements. My requests and demands in the name of Jesus Christ (Matt. 5:42) of all the flock's wealth and amputations made by telephone in 2001 of the Meier family at Twin City Bible Church in Urbana, IL 61801, in place of failure to provide fifty million dollars requested in 1997 and 1998 to be obtained by begging to compensate Kevin Douglas Rosenberg for incredibly ruinous, utterly needless, admittedly mistaken psychiatric captivity and drugging (sin of witchcraft, Gal. 5:19, Greek), will accrue more demanded amputations before God: a thumb's weight weekly if evil servant in charge Bill Meier dare escape what was demanded before into the afternoon of December 26, 2003 UT. I myself cannot impose this, yet I dare ask Jesus his Lord, and He encourages me to keep on asking (Matt. 7:7). I have had to sin habitually because of Bill's influence on pastors to keep me quiet until I had to junk church after church to escape their domination, and I call down Matt. 18:5-7 to curse Twin City Bible Church like the fig tree in the name of Jesus Christ and send Bill's flock destitute for nearby churches to send out.

I do not possess such power as to bring this all about, yet still I thank God again for the Scriptures to show my current ways right before Him and to deliver me from the power of the evil servants in charge of today's churches through His will for vengeance. May God help our mentally ill brethren and everyone else in Him who needs assistance and has trouble asking for it among English speakers in authority. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Ben on Thursday, June 24 6:10 pm
Post subject: The LOST Parables

User Location: USA
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Jesus makes his point clear by telling the story in three parts. First thing to note is who was the parable told for? The parable was for tax collectors, sinners, Pharisees and Scribes. In my opinion the message applies to all four groups, but it was mainly for the Pharisees and Scribes. In the Parable of the Lost Sheep it has a pattern of losing something(a sheep) and finding it then rejoice TOGETHER. In the Parable of the Lost Coin it follows the same pattern; something is lost(a coin) but is found then is followed by rejoicing TOGETHER. Similarly the prodigal son was lost then found but was there rejoice TOGETHER? As you may have notice i capped TOGETHER to bring in a point. The older son did not rejoice together with the family. This is how the Pharisees/Scribes were. Even though Jesus was bringing people to God(teaching to repent,etc) the Pharisees tried to stop him and plotted against him. It is similar in a way how Jesus use "Should he heal on the Sabbath?". Rather than being bitter about it, they should rejoice. If Jesus is bringing a new soul toward God and if we are all children of God, we should rejoice! If the Pharisees/Scribes are all children of God they should rejoice together when a sinner is admitted in.
Also notice how Jesus did not say how the older son replied, which is smart because it was a question for each Pharisee as an individual to answer.

It is also incorrect to say there is only one thing you should learn from this parable, but many things. As you can see we gather up quite a bit of different points in the story.
Jan on Tuesday, November 25 9:27 am
Post subject: the non prodigal son

User Location: Singapore
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
The non prodigal son is the one who attends church every week. does all that is to be done to be a "good" son- obedient hardworking. yet he does not see how BIG his Father is- how his Father is capable of loving them both equally as much. He does not see how everything that God has belongs to him. Everything that he "worked" for is his to own. He is even petty about a fattened calf! To me, he has obeyed without really Knowing the character of his own father. My take on him. ;)
Merville Anderson on Monday, October 28 9:52 pm
Post subject: Types of Harvest

User Location: Jamaica
Parable: wheattares.txt
I hope that it is possible to assist me
I have a Bible Study on
St. John 4:35 - The Ripe Harvest;
James 3:18 - The Plenteous Harvest;
Luke 10:2 - The Righteous Harvest.

I urgently need information please help me
patsy on Saturday, January 17 4:02 pm
Post subject: Re: Parable of the leaven.

User Location: SC
Parable: leaven.txtthread
You have made serveral statement, that you need to take another look at God's Word, and you find you are in error. When we are in Christ Jesus, there is neither Jew or Greek, bond or free, male or FEMALE for we are all one in Christ Jesus! God has used women in The Gospel from the begining of the Gospel, the woman is not a second class citizen unto the male, in the Gospel of Chrst! (Philippians-4-1-3) Therefore my brethren, dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved.
(2) I beseech Euodias, and beseech Synthche, that they be of the same mind in Christ.
(3) And I entreat you also, true yoke-fellow HELP THESE WOMEN which LABOURED with me in the GOSPEL, with Clement also, and with other FELLOW-LABOURERS whose names are written in the Book of Life.
(Acts-9-36) And there was at Joppa a certain DISCIPLE name Tabitha, which interpretation is called Dorcas: this WOMAN ws full of good works and almsdeeds which she did. Now to be called a Disciple she had a role in the Gospel of Christ same as an male disciple!
The scripture you have quoted, came because there were some women, in gossip causing confusion in the Church, asking question, instead of listening!
Are you trying to tell me, because I am woman, I am to keep silent in the Church?
Are you telling me, I am not to make witness to a male concerning the Gospel, because I am under his feet?
The male as the head of his wife is correct as long as he treats her like Christ and the church, enough for you to give your life for her, but onething you need to remember, Christ Jesus is the Head over His Bride! Whomever He calls, He also justifies! Be it male or female!

Statements like this has caused many women to turn away from God's calling, that His Voice is made silent! I sure would not want to face God with this charge against me!
(Jeremiah-31-21-23) The Lord has created a new thing in the earth, A WOMAN shall lead a man!
Now come off your male ego, and remember, the Greatest Gift God ever gave unto this world, was His Son, Yes by using a WOMAN, no need of a male!
Sonny on Saturday, December 14 3:37 am
Post subject: The ring

User Location: TN
Parable: prodigalson.txt
The ring signified his acceptance and authority back into the family

David Civile on Monday, April 19 1:40 pm
Post subject: Your request for help to God regarding your depr.

User Location: Bergen op Zoom, Netherland
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread

I have read your story, sounded quite heavy. Seems it was posted in February I was wondering how you are doing now.

So Linda come and tell me what is going on, you have prayed to God. Well I know for a fact that you had many times depressions come and go.

So if you are still in need of help, just e-mail me ad

Dear God
I am comming to you with this beatiful creation
And speak live to her inner being.
I speak live in Jesus name to her soul
I speak adjustment to her situation
This all by the loving power of Jesus Christ
I break in Jeusu name every oppresion and spirit of jalousie over your live
Also in your name lord Jesus do I break the spirit of dead over your live.
The passed is the passed, I declare rest and peace in your name Lord

All do we don't know each other, I lett you know that we love you very much.

David and Wanda Civile
neil on Sunday, July 25 12:43 pm
Post subject: mustard trees

User Location: vt
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
keijo on Saturday, July 4 12:23 pm
Post subject: Greeting!

User Location: sweden
Parable: unjuststeward.txtthread
Thansks to the Lord for my life in him and joy witht thanksgiving for my rich experience in heavenly faith and journey to evelasting victory in heaven and for Jesus who die for me and my sickness thanks to him for every second and big praise and love,thanks and bles and pray for gospel,keijo sweden
Dr Gary Hooper on Monday, October 20 8:23 pm
Post subject: Lost Sheep

User Location: Cresco, Iowa
Parable: lostsheep.txt
You realise that this scripture can apply to the modern church as well. We have Christians that have been wounded and driven from churches that need to be reached out to and healed.

they are the lost lambs that we also need to reach. Ezekiel 34:16 deals with these believers.

Our ministry in Cresco, iowa reaches out to these Christians as well as holding spiritual Warfare seminars on a regular basis to train the Saints.

bless you all
himura on Thursday, October 9 9:03 pm
Post subject: parable of the seed and the sower

User Location: philippines
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
hey do you hav picture of the parable of the seed and the sower... i need it for my project pls. reply me to my email if do you have
Thinker on Wednesday, October 29 3:28 pm
Post subject: The Prodigal Son's Elder Brother

User Location: Alabama
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
What is the main difference between the prodigal son and the elder brother? The prodigal son came to his senses.

The elder brother does what he is supposed to do, but as we can see at the end of the story, his heart is not right either. He is only following with his head. I think he would be considered "luke warm".

My question is, what would it take for the elder brother to come to his senses?
Julie on Saturday, June 28 11:19 pm
Post subject: can saten use types of depression to afflict us?

User Location: Wa
Parable: wheattares.txt
I have been told by a counselor, professional, that i have Cyclothymia, but I am also a christian, and I am wondering, can saten attack one who is saved, just like symptoms of depression, as well, to trick you into thinking you have this when you don't, or, if you do, it is a trial? How should I look at this. I don't want to take meds, I am not suisidal, or bad behaviour, but I wonder if it is a trial, or if it is saten messing with me, to get me to doubt God. Do you understand this? THanks for the help if you can . I am just now seeing this might be the case.
webmaster on Wednesday, September 3 2:37 am
Post subject: Book of Life

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: lazarus.txtthread
Rev 20:1-15 KJV At the end of the 7 years after the tribulation
(1) And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
(2) And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
(3) And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
(4) And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

The "rest of the Dead" below are those since the 7th trumpet resurrection, which is called the first resurrection.

(5) But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
(6) Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
(7) And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
(8) And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
(9) And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
(10) And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.


2nd resurrection, these are those that has died since the "7th trumpet resurrection" and since the beginning of time.

This does not include none of those who took part in the 1st resurrection!

Christians appeared already before the judgment seat of Christ, remember the (wheat & tares) or (good & bad servants) are separated!

Note: The ones who will have to stand before God are different then the ones that appeared before the judgment seat of Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:9-10

These will have to stand before God and will be judged according to their works from the books OR if their name is not found in the book of life they will be cast into the lake of fire! This is the second death/resurrection.

(11) And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
(12) And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
(13) And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
(14) And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
(15) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Ana Mariss Bongcaron on Monday, February 19 1:49 pm
Post subject: hmmmmm

User Location: Pusok-Cemento Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines
Parable: servants.txt
The moral of the parable is plainly expressed in verse 35. "So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses" (Matthew 18:35). The forgiveness by God of which children of God are recipients must be demonstrated by them toward their fellows.

The immensity of the debt does not hinder God's full and free pardon (Isa. 1:18; 55:7). God will save the chief of sinners (1 Tim. 1:15). No one is beyond forgiveness; it makes little difference as to how many, how big, and how long one's sins have reached.25

God, then, teaches us how to forgive. Finally,

. . . this parable is striking and impressive because of its acute contrasts. First, there is the contrast of Peter's number and the Lord's. Peter was willing to forgive several times, but the Lord said to forgive to infinity. Second, there is the contrast of the two debts. One was a trifling sum, the other was unpayable
L. Mertes on Friday, January 2 6:43 pm
Post subject: Final remarks

User Location: Hudson, FL
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
Well, I suspect this won't change Kevin Rosenberg's mind about the matter (I respect your freedom to believe what you see there). But for the sake of any readers who have not come to a decision as to what God wants to say to us in this parable, I submit more evidence. Evidence that disallows (is that a word?) the interpertation that Christ requires us to seek the wealth of rich unbelievers to finance ministry and support destitute believers.

Ephesians 4:28

Honest, proud work really does have a place in God's will for supporting ourselves AND the ministry. Why would Christ teach to the contrary?

I stumbled across more 'disobedient' believers who tried to pay their own way in ministry. "It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving NO HELP FROM THE PAGANS." (3 John 7)

I've see at least three very dangerous mistakes made in the Church (Especially regarding end-times teachings).

1) Ignoring straightforward truth. Why do we purposely throw out the plain, undisputable instructions of scripture in favor of veiled, and speculative interpretations of one, maybe two, scriptures? What I mean is, why do we ignore the compelling, straightforward, undisputable meaning of one scripture, that requires no interpretation--one that would instantly disqualify any possible contrary meaning of a less clear scripture--in favor of another interpretation?

2) Taking the scriptures WAY to literal. Don't get me wrong, it takes the Holy Spirit to understand any truth, and it can be dangerous to spiritualize where you should not, and vice versa. But, I see so many people ignoring the precedents set down by Jesus and Paul of what they themselves spiritualized and then continue on in misguided, fleshly literal interpretations of the same things? Again, I say end-timers are especially bad about this. This is exactly why Jesus was rejected! He spiritualized and it made him look irreverant and anti-Law/ anti-Moses! It's no different today.

Thank God, Jesus clarified what he meant when he said 'Born again' in John 3. Even though scripture itself teaches the 'spiritual' reality that Nicodemus didn't see at first, amazing enough I heard of a group of believers who would actually act out 'birth pangs' in prayer for unbelievers they wanted saved (see Galatians 4:19 to understand their misguided motivation)!

3) Making scripture say what it doesn't say anything about, one way or the other. "Do not go beyond what is written. Then you will not take pride in one man (and his teaching) over against another" (1 Cor. 4:6) In other words, know when you're only speculating and let it go and keep your superior, spiritual insights, that no one else can see, to yourself. "...whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God." (Romans 14:22)

With many scriptures, though, we have to depend on a pure heart and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to see the spiritual truths taught through the literal, physical things of this life. Taking us to the things we can't see through the things we can. Like much of the Law, the physical, literal things only point us to more important unseen Spiritual truth. The parables do just that, too. If you miss it you are doomed to the "godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge" (1 Tim. 6:20).

(As a side note, the parable of the unjust steward has a profound spiritual teaching that we haven't even touched on. The parable is really about forgiveness (you forgiving others, that is). That's why the steward could only forgive part of the debt. The debtors ultimately have to have ALL the debt relieved by the master.)

Be careful! May we all heed the Bible's warning to beware of division and it's resulting confusion. And not to cause it ourselves!

" out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites..." (Romans 16:17,18)

Galatians 5:19,20. "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious:...discord...dissensions..factions

May all of us be found spotless and blameless in these.

Unless I really feel compelled to do otherwise, this is my final word on the matter. God bless and may all of you be "enriched in every way-in all your speaking and in all your knowledge." (1 Cor. 1:5)

L. Mertes

Webmaster on Thursday, November 7 4:26 am
Post subject: The Prodigal Son never HATED his father!

User Location: Tobaccoville NC ,USA
Parable: prodigalson.txt
You need to remember the Prodigal Son never HATED his Father!
The people Paul was refering to HATED God in their hearts after receiving the Holy Spirit. Once you do that then basically the Holy Spirit will leave you and that person cannot be brought back unto repentance! It also crosses the line into the unpardonable sin. This person before he reaches this state should be turned over to satan for the destruction of the flesh that he might be saved during the day of Judgement otherwise he will burst the gates Hell wide open!
See the parable of sower for a reference

But the Holy Spirit remained with the Prodigal Son and protected him from himself. Remember these points! The Holy Spirit kept him from crossing the line on numerous occasions and brought him safely back home after the lesson was learned! He always loved his Father! The Greatest Commandment Jesus Christ gave us!

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
ANTHONY HOPPER on Monday, December 9 5:23 am
Post subject: true

User Location: los angeles, ca.
Parable: mustardseed.txt
the smallest seed;becomes the largest tree.
Asherea on Monday, September 2 7:40 pm
Post subject: OK, you lost me here.

User Location:
Parable: laborersvineyard.txt
I don't fully undertsand this one.... God calls these people at diffrent times, and gives each person the same reward for thier diligance, I understand that, but I do not understand the lines:
(15) Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?
(16) So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

Were all not called and chosen? They all were rewarded. Why was he calling those questioning him evil? Was he calling them evil? What is this about first and last? Did they all not come up for pay at the same time?

Can anyone help me out with this one?

Dallas Courchene on Sunday, October 5 9:27 pm
Post subject: Sower and the seed.

User Location: Winnipeg Manitoba
Parable: sower.txt
The main subject is about growing and bearing fruit. Other places in the bible talk about fruit of the Spirit. Other places talk about backsliders, who hear the word of God, live by it, but then start to sin again. Thats the soil (heart) that receives the word among thorns, other places Jesus talks about thorns being the fruit of evil on trees. The 2nd soil is the person who goes through persercution, Jesus said we will all be persecuted John 15:20 - Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.", those people are beat up or sent away from everyone and hate them, they can't handle it, so they turn from the faith, and become unfruitful. May grace be with you.
jahk on Wednesday, June 3 12:25 pm
Post subject: MAJOR

User Location: Norway
Parable: secretseedthread
Once upon a time there was a little girl. She lived very poorly.
judy on Wednesday, November 12 1:30 pm
Post subject: Scientific names

User Location: China
Parable: leaven.txtthread
Hi as you can see my name is Judy and for a project i was wondering if you can tell me what the scientific name for angels are. Please reply ASAP(as soon as posible) Thank you so much for helping me

Denny Aleksuk on Friday, July 13 6:59 pm
Post subject: Rob' response/widow and unjust judge parable

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: widow.txtthread

That was really good! I’m all ears.

A good example that would support what you’re saying would be the fact that Jesus said in Mark chapter Four “the earth brings forth fruit of herself”.

The earth is the human heart (our own). Jesus also said “things spoken in darkness will be heard in the light” and scripture supports that it’s your own spirit that’s radiating it outward-like a ball of dough manifesting yeast or becoming leavened (YOU CAN SEE IT!). And yet Jesus said “your HEAVENLY FATHER will reward you openly”.

Jesus taught that the human spirit acts as a candle or a light. I call it the overhead projector that projects things onto the canvas of our lives. But you’ve picked up on the fact that there’s a mystical parallel between the human heart and our heavenly father. Someone might be tempted to conclude that WE are GOD, but no I think the real meaning is that we were designed to be a type of mirror that reflects the glory of God (a chandelier?). God has sent the light of his word into the world and for those who allow it to “dwell in them richly”, that light will hit that inner mirror and be refracted into the world around us. Hence God uses this refracting property of mans heart as his M.O.

So, then the question is, just who is this unjust judge? FYI, I’m not saying that God is the unjust judge. What I was saying is that if this small, worldly insignificant woman can instill such torment into the heart of a human of great worldly stature through the use of this idea (it’s the idea of faith found in the new testament), then HOW MUCH MORE can we get results from one who is NOT proactively resisting us.

Both the man who came for bread at midnight and the widow came boldly DEMANDING that their petition be granted. Notice it had nothing to do with friendship, worldly status, or lack thereof; it had to do with BRAZENESS. That’s the word that comes closest to the real meaning of the word that was translated “importunity”. The real meaning of the word is WITHOUT BASHFULNESS. It’s the same idea found in the parable of the widow and unjust judge.

OK, but how about your point that we’re really in a sense praying to our own spirit and our own spirit is the putrid judge? Frankly I agree with you on that. But the question arises; do we need to go that far into the interpretation of this parable to reach some kind of understanding of it? Well your thinking is good! But I just don’t know if Jesus intended for us to analyze this analogy to that degree. But then that’s what we always say.

All that I can say right now is that I’ll have to look into that. I heard what you said and will take it seriously. But I like the way that you attempted to keep the underlying parallels of the kingdom in tacked when breaking this down.

Right now I think it’s merely an example of holy boldness and the refusal to capitulate upon the promises that we’ve received from God. It would also underscore the fact that prayer is based on covenant rights not wishy washy gravelling or begging as though were dogs under the table. HEY, didn’t Jesus say something similar to a woman who he ended the conversation with GREAT IS YOUR FAITH?

Rob keep up the good work. You’re an inspiration! And I’ll continue to look at it in the light that you’ve laid down.

God bless:)

JEB on Saturday, April 26 8:03 pm
Post subject: NEIGHBOR

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
TROY, I think you are correct. And it does make you think differently about this parable. Thanks for your posting.
l Hardy on Friday, July 2 2:25 am
Post subject: Ten virgins

User Location: AL
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
No. They wer bridesmaids. Read about Eastern marriage customs.
Abranches on Sunday, March 14 11:28 am
Post subject: Parable of good samaritan

User Location: India
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
You asked, "Is it hinting that we should love the saviour figure who everyone despises - ie Jesus!!!"

Samaritan was a stranger to the one who was wounded, yet he showed mercy to some one whom he did not know. Jesus meant to explain it is easy to show sympathy to some one you know, but to show sympathy to a stranger is difficult. Going back to beginning of the story, Jesus narrated this parable in answer to the question,"What shall I do to have eternal life?" Some bible have interpreted as thus,"What shall I do to enter the kingdom of heaven? The parable was the answer to this question and not to the question, "who is my neighbor?" It means to enter kingdom of heaven or to have eternal life is as difficult as loving a stranger. Perhaps the people in kingdom of heaven would love strangers as well as we love our neighbors.

Bert Nowak on Wednesday, December 25 11:30 pm
Post subject: It was a hard lesson to the wealthly man

User Location: BC Canada
Parable: greatsupper.txt
Better late than never to understand that his work to empower those bidden to supper was done. He wasted no time at all but extended what was intended for them to any within his reach. So it began again, to embolden others to forge ahead and gain their relationship to god. I see it as a positive outcome. The strength of the parable was in the nature of the giver to give, not the receiver to receive.
Sarah on Thursday, October 9 8:08 am
Post subject: hey

User Location: England
Parable: phariseepublican.txtthread
this site really helped me with my school work thanx
tim on Thursday, June 26 7:07 pm
Post subject: simple

User Location: georgia
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
this parable is very simple. Stay ever ready for ye know not when the master of the house will return.
Edward Taylor on Tuesday, September 11 3:13 pm
Post subject: Lazarus and the rich man

User Location: Jefferson City Mo
Parable: lazarus.txtthread
I would say, mercy! That is all Lazarus desired in the crumbs!
The rich man now is experiencing the consiquences of his own
life decisions, in death. In life, the rich man had an opportunity,
which was a chance to give mercy to Lazarus or any one who was in need of mercy.He had in life, favorable conditions.We
must be very careful how we treat people. People belong to God.
So, now we see in the text the two extremes have traded places
substance wise. The rich man has become the begger, and the begger
has become rich!!!! Lazarus is so rich with the wealth of God that
he has Father Abraham as an AMBASSADOR! (smiles)
"Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus"

Hell is forever! once you are in hell there is no chance, no way, no how!
No,no,no, listen to the responce of Abraham to the rich mans plea.
Luke 16:26 And besides all this, there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us,that would come from thence. But, there is still to come judgement after a period of time. Not that this rich man is going to be in hell for a time and then go to heaven. Once we die, its too late to work the work of repentance. The time is now, while the blood is running warm in our vains. Now is the time of salvation! We all must repent of our sins before we pass away to an eternal state of existance. Then shall we forever be with the Lord Jesus having all things in common. Joy Peace Love Happiness that shall never cease. No more pain, no more suffering, no more sorrow,no more saddness. No more sickness, no more dying, no more crying, there be no more preaching no more teaching, for all secrets will be revealed, no more hate, no more no more no more! Joy! Love! God shall be with us and we shall be with Him forever! Give! and don"t hold back like the rich man. Give your life to Jesus and like He did for Lazarus he likewise do the same for all that believe and trust in Him.
casey on Monday, July 26 4:55 pm
Post subject: picture of mustard tree

User Location: florida
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread

this is a search engine called ASK JEEVES. Type in your request for

picture of a mustard tree

there is one listed
JOSEPH SHOMALI on Friday, September 10 8:17 pm
Post subject: The Mustard Seed

Parable: mustardseed.txtthread


Denny Aleksuk on Friday, May 7 5:48 pm
Post subject: Holy Spirit manifestation?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: secretseedthread

It may be that you’re experiencing a “move of the spirit” in your life. God may be manifesting his spirit to you and I feel it’s a wonderful thing. The question you have to ask yourself is, are you a Word founded person? Do you have an active knowledge of the New Testament? And of course do you confess Jesus as Lord? If you do, then there isn’t any reason of concern-as far as fearing it goes. But you have to be honest with yourself. I would be very disappointed if I found out that you had a history of drug use etc.

What your describing could be a type of Pentecostal experience that many people have had in history and they ended up having incredible ministries-though that’s not always the case. Don’t think that you’re necessarily being called to the ministry though.

But as long as you’re a Word oriented person, there’s no reason to be afraid of it. But then again it sounds like a good experience. If you deem it bad then it could be the devil trying to pull something on you.

Actually I believe that that’s the way it should be and if it is a TRUE manifestation of the Holy Ghost then accept it. But I can only judge based on what I’ve heard you write.

My suggestion is to do this: Go to a search engine (google will bring you right to it) and plug in “New Zealand Revival”. Then scroll down looking for the article “great healing revivalists-how the power came” by Andrew Strom. Then read about some of the experiences that Gods great ones have had in history. It’s a fabulous article. Compare your experiences with theirs and see if it sounds similar. But a lot of people would discourage you from accepting that anointing-I however do not and would encourage you to accept it. There again if it’s a good thing. You have to decide.

Just make sure that everything that you believe lines up with scripture.

God bless

akua asabia sarku on Thursday, June 12 5:07 pm
Post subject: steadfastness

User Location: accra, ghana
Parable: sower.txt
The parable of the sower calls for steadfastness from all believers. Teh word must be strongly rooted in you so as to produce result.

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 Posted by Webmaster on Saturday, August 31 2002
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