Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

Dan on Tuesday, August 31 12:08 am
Post subject: Grace

User Location: North East
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
roderick turman on Monday, November 26 5:55 pm
Post subject: Christian relevance

User Location: birmingham, alabama
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
I wish I could express those words as you did ;
vaicar mayake on Monday, January 10 5:40 am
Post subject: good samaritan

User Location: cagayan de oro
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread

the parable of good samaritan is very interesting topic because what good deeds do we want to do is in the topic.and we know that love is very important in this world and without this is everywhere is chaos.
Robert Corbitt on Wednesday, May 14 7:00 pm
Post subject: Prepared or Unprepared To Attend

User Location: Homosassa,Springs, Fla.
Parable: kings
The parable of the marrige festivities in[ Matt.22:2-14] covers the whole panorama of that seen in the New Testament, from Matthew chapter one through the first half of Revelation chapter nineteen. This parable covers God's complete dealing, throughout the New Testament,with both Israel and the Church in relation to the Kingdom of the heavens; and it extends up to and includes the marriage festivities in [Rev.19:7-9], preceding the Messianic Era. The kingdom of the heavens{ with a view to the wedding festivities, seen in the parable} was extended to Israel through the gospel accounts, Israel rejected the offer, and the kingdom was taken from Israel[Matt.21:33-43]. Then, another entity[ the Church] was called into existance to be the recipient of that which Israel had rejected[Acts.2:1ff;cfMatt.16:16-19]. But, as in the parable, there was a reoffer of the kingdom to Israel, something seen throughout the book of Acts. The one now in possession of the kingdom[the infant Church] reoffered it to Israel beginning in Acts chapter two. However, as in the parable, rejection again occurred; and the servants extended the offer were mistreated, and even killed [Acts4:17-21; 5:40,41;7;54-60]. and , because of this, the same thing again occurred as seen in the parable. Between 66 and 70 A.D.,Titus and his Roman legions were allowed by the Lord to come against the Israelities in Jerusalem after a manner which resulted in both the destruction of the people and the buring of there city. The call was then extended only to those seen in the parable as other than the jewish people, those out in "the highways" {The epistles-all of them- center around the offer of the kingdom of the heavens to Christains during the present time}. And, as in the parable, the end of the matter will witness some Christians prepared to attend these festivities and others unprepared to attend. Proper or improper preparation is given in both Matt.22:10-12; Rev.19:7,8. It has to do with possession or nonpossession of a wedding garment. Those propertly dressed will be allowed to participate in the festivities, looking forward to that which lies ahead-- the Son's coming reign over the earth, with his consort queen. But those improperly dressed will be denied entrance into these festivities and left in the darkness outside,with nothing to look forward to during the Son,s coming reign, for they will occupy no place in his kingdom. They will occupy no place among those forming the Son's wife, His consort queen.
Thomas Chacko on Wednesday, February 25 10:22 am
Post subject: Sin is disobedience

User Location: Bangalore, India
Parable: vine.txtthread
Violation of any command is an act of disobedience or rebellion. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of one man. There are many commands from God unambiguously expressed in different parts of the Bible. Contravention of these commands is a sin punishable in different ways.

The most rtragic consequence of disobedience, however, is the hardening of heart due to habitual practice, which makes it impossible for the guilty to confess his/her sins and seek divine forgiveness. The sin of disobedience thus separates us from the glorious presence of God, an eventuality played out in the very early days of God-human interaction.

Another point to be noted is that there is very little leeway for us to justify ourselves by means of contextual explanations of our disobedience. Once we are convinced of our error, the only way back to His grace is through confession and renunciation. Remember the Pharisee and the tax collector at the synagogue, and the contrasting cases of the two thieves on the crosses flanking our Lord's cross on Calvary.
B.D. Means on Monday, August 25 2:40 pm
Post subject: A correction

User Location: Illinois
Parable: lazarus.txtthread
Point #2
(2) Being able to see one another, we see that they must have had bodies that were visible to one another. The rich man could still see, speak (to God), and feel the pain of his torment.

The comment should be "to Abraham" rather that "to God"

Simply another reminder that I am as fallible as the next man.

Darrell Taylor on Friday, November 12 1:04 pm
Post subject: Ten Virgins

User Location: Ohio
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
According to what I understand it was the custom for the Jewish bridegroom to pick up the bride to be and they walked to the grooms fathers house where the marriage takes place. All the virgins had oil in their lamps. Some believe the parable is saying they had empty lamps. The difference was that the wise took a back up supply of oil to refill if the bridegroom tarried! When he did not come as soon as the foolish five thought he would they were unprepared! There "oil" or fire had ran out! Then they begged for oil from the wise! I believe the "oil" represents faith, perservance, be on fire for the Lord etc. This is the responsibility of each one of us as it can not be loaned or borrowed! We can not put a time table on the Lords return so we must always be prepared no matter the hour he returns! We do not want to be on the outside and hear "I do not know you"
Jennifer Standage on Monday, June 1 10:10 pm
Post subject: Mustard tree

User Location: Blackheath London England
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I would like to see a picture of a mustard tree
kishvara on Friday, October 29 10:17 pm
Post subject: Prodigal son

User Location: Arizona
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
We are all prodigals
James Bachmann on Wednesday, September 12 9:20 pm
Post subject: Rae's son

User Location: Pueblo, CO
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Hi, Rae-

I think drug addiction and mental illness have to be checked out in your son's case. That said, if it is a case of willfulness, then tough love must come into play. Tell him you are sorry for whatever misfortune he may encounter, but that he will be on his own when he reaches 18. If he is under 18, he loses whatever privileges you can withhold, and if that doesn't work check into reporting him to child services as a child out of control. Of course this must be done in a loving manner in which you explain that he himself holds the key to his treatment. A loving parent wants a child to be an independent, contributing member of society, able to support himself. If that doesn't happen, your son will face great obstacles in life, not just from you but also from the rest of society. Forgiving is one thing, holding a person responsible is another. Children and everyone else must be held responsible, that is, have to face the natural consequences of their actions. Enabling an irresponsible child to continue that way does him and you a disservice.
George on Thursday, October 31 1:28 pm
Post subject: Blind????

User Location: USA
Parable: tentalents.txt
And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Jan Gilber on Saturday, January 26 2:27 pm
Post subject: Picture of Mustard tree with the boy

User Location: TN
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am teaching pre-school childred and would like a picture of a mustard tree to show them
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Sunday, November 30 5:47 am
Post subject: Reply / Pastors today come mostly from the poor

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
First of all, let it be known that I never stated my judgement of fifty million dollars on evil servant Bill Meier pastor of Twin City Bible Church in Urbana IL as the cause of my sinning habitually. It was domination by pastors reared among the lower class and thus inclined to see my enormous request as unreal stuff of dreams which caused me to sin habitually and quit their churches. That I asked, however, was the best way to mend (Matt. 7 : 7 ); by making a financial request for positive help, I obeyed Jesus Christ when otherwise I would have desired clear vengeance. Besides, psychiatry summoned by Bill Meier had caused weeds of habitual sin to sprout in my weakened walk with God long before my financial demands became clear. Let us now examine the lower-class backgrounds of so many of today's pastors and ministers.

Much has changed economically with the churches and the pastoral profession during the current Great Apostasy ( II Tim. 4: 3 - 4 ). Before the Great Apostasy and scientific belief in geologic time and biological evolution, pastors were highly esteemed, just like today's physicians; the upper class admired them and sought those privileged positions of minister or pastor. Seminaries catered to the upper class through extensive required coursework such as Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Along with a lack of financial aid for the lower and middle classes, extensive, difficult required coursework forced most students who needed to earn the money for tuition to wait or quit. Thus, pastors of then were well educated and mostly from a rather rich background.

Since the Great Apostasy began, scientific repudiation of our faith, and stingy donations have led the upper class to pursue doctorates and careers in law and medicine en masse while shunning theology. So hard have seminaries struggled to keep heretics out of their faculties and to fill their rosters that they have allowed pastoral students from the lower class concession after concession from financial aid packages to dropping of essential course requirements such as Greek. Are today's pastors and ministers really up to their jobs? I believe that most appear to fulfill their nominal requirements of employment but fail God's: they are especially likely to keep their jobs at the cost of incurring judgement as evil servants in charge (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ).

As a category, pastors who hail from poor backgrounds are inferior to those from the upper class in three ways, and the current Church Growth Movement seminaries have catered to them at the expense of the Lord. Those born poor have grown up in a subculture which discourages study, stifles creativity and encourages imitation, and most importantly demands conformity (quote: a book, "Great Expectations"). Recruitment of those born poor by seminaries has involved not only concessions of financial aid packages, but also of dropping critical course requirements and of graduating called missionaries-to-be as pastoral graduates and of granting pastoral degrees for more kinds of those disqualified by I Tim. 3 : 1 - 8 .

Extreme consequences of the presences of typical men born poor in positions of pastor and in the pastoral job pool are manifest. Because students from poor backgrounds generally dislike study, they do less study and are less thoroughly grounded in God's Word than their counterparts of old. Sin has more opportunities to enter and take hold. Because growing up among the poor stifles creativity and encourages imitation, many pastors preach well from their pulpits with the fruits of others' walks with God, yet are they a fright to meet in their offices!-- for they will follow their own evil hearts in preference to whatever Scriptures the needy may present, let alone the unnoticed will of God from His Word. Such indifference to truth prevails that ruinously trumped-up petitions and reports for psychiatric intervention have resulted. Because life among the poor in English-speaking lands demands conformity, pastors likewise demand conformity without regard to the will of God, and many are evil servants in charge of their flocks of Christian followers. They do what is popular and brings in crowds rather than pleasing God. All of this is to the detriment of the needy, so much that government has taken up the slack through income taxes and entitlement programs.

Through domination such as psychiatry, the evil servants in charge had repeatedly knocked the socks off my weakened, woeful walk with God long before I understood the truths of these horrible situations, and still I suffer from what they have done. Now that I know, however, never again will I follow them. Deeply dispirited, I dare not bother the churches anymore where I have come to live, but ask, seek, and knock here for a guide to some congregation already faithful in the unrighteous mammon of Luke 16, which I must present before I dare ask any churchgoer for anything financial. I was right in Christ to ask pastors to seek fifty millioin dollars from Bill Meier because Jesus commanded the giving and told me to ask (Matt. 5 : 42 , 7 : 7 ) and because as a former psychiatric patient apt to lie on applications I was sure to sin through continual worry if denied, worth a curse of the denying man in charge (Matt. 6: 24ff , 18 : 5 -7 ). In order to know whom to ask justly, however, I needed to know who had the wealth and which churches knew rich folk personally, and that was way beyond me. Vengeance indeed belongs to the Lord, and it will take place in His manner with amputations and announcements of hypocrisy and floggings (Matt. 24 : 45 - 51 ; also Luke) and losses of church buildings (Matt. 25 : 1-13 ) and deprivations and expulsions into homelessness (Matt. 25 : 14 - 30 ) rather than through the financial solutions I used to seek.

Unless the Gospel be spread throughout the whole inhabitable earth as Jesus Christ Himself commanded (Matt. 28 : 20 ) in the way He prophesied its spread before His coming again (Matt. 24 : 14 ) extremely soon, say, before next Passover, with the evil servants still in charge, it will indeed become necessary that the masters of the good and evil servants in charge of churches and so on wake up to return and reveal themselves as their masters: that Jesus Christ was not the master of His Parable of the Servants to judge them in heaven... but authorized ***them*** to execute these judgements on earth. Although vengeance belongs to the Lord, He has used humans to bring it about (Hab. 1 : 5 - 11 ). Because I have understood Chavaqquq (in the KJV spelled Habakkuk) and the general use of the masculine singular forms "master" and "servant" in the Hebrew and Aramaic manner of Psalm 1, I have no problem with God's plan to use boards and committees of humans as masters to execute His vengeance. May this happen soon! Martyrs in Christ among the mentally ill have suffered far too long, and still entire peoples have yet to hear the Good News!

Omar Lammie on Monday, June 19 1:41 pm
Post subject: The Prodical Son's Spiritual Warefare.

User Location: Kingston, Jamaica
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
One the surface, this story seams to have as its main theme God's forgiveness through the example of a father who displayed unconditional love. However, I just want to talk about the demonic attack that the younger brother experience and also the demonic attack the older brother experience. The bible says that the younger brother joined himself to a citizen of another country (Gentile). It is clear that that citizen did not serve the God of Abraham, and had a spiritual as well as social (worldly) culture that was contrary to that of the Jewish people's belief. Now this can be seen as a demonic attack upon this young man's life inorder for him to forget God's laws that his parents must have taught from childhood. And if you compare today's christian experience it the same the bible says that we must be in the world, but not of the world.....

We restle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. The sins that allure us are as a result of the world, flesh (Carnal natuture and the Demonic powers that be.

And sometimes, even when a backslider is reclaimed, he/she experiences the demnonis attack that comes in the form of the older brother (church member) who will never let go off you pass, even thugh God has thrown your sins into the sea of forgetfulness.
Adeku Adelani on Tuesday, June 6 6:24 am
Post subject: the prodigal son`s elder brother

User Location: lagos, Nigeria
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
to me, the prodigal son`s elder brother did not know his rights despite his loyalty to the father, not until he was told by the father himself. As a child, you have every right to your father`s properties and that was why it was easier for the younger brother to receive his own portion without any query from the father. (well, it now depends on how you spend it)
gerry c on Tuesday, March 23 8:13 am
Post subject: possible thesis angle

User Location: new jersey, usa
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
the parable also exists in buddhism: see

Bro; Bob on Wednesday, May 14 6:11 pm
Post subject: WEALTH

User Location: Fla
Parable: unjuststeward.txtthread
[ Luke.16:13 ] [Bible] NewAmerican Standard. No servent can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth[cf.Luke:16:9].
L. Mertes on Friday, December 19 1:37 am
Post subject: More questions

User Location: Hudson, FL
Parable: unjuststeward.txtthread
I'd be interested in your response to these questions, too.

After Paul instructs Titus and the Cretian believers "to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way and see that they have everything they need" why does he then go on to say: "Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, IN ORDER THAT THEY MAY PROVIDE FOR DAILY NECESSITIES AND NOT LIVE UNPRODUCTIVE LIVES" implying (again) that providing for ourselves and the ministry is through our own labors? (Titus 3:13, 14) Why no mention of getting this support elsewhere, like, rich unbelievers?

According to James, isn't it wrong to "show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes (rich folk)"? Instead of the rich man being seen as a friend and help of ministry, James says the rich are "the ones who are dragging you into court...(and)...slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong...(Read the entire slam on 'rich' people in James 2:1-7). How should one understand this in light of your interpretation?

Isn't it inconsistent of Jesus to commend the POOR widow for her 'two lepta' while minimizing the "many rich people" who "threw in large amounts", and who gave "out of their wealth"? (Mark 12:41-44) Is she a poor steward of the 'unrighteous mammon'? She was not commended for having solicited the favor of the rich people, but rather, for the greater value of HER small gift. Is it right for Jesus NOT to emphasize the value of the rich people's contributions over hers?

In John 12:3-8, why didn't Jesus commend Judas as a faithful and shrewd steward of 'unrighteous mammon' when he objected to wasting the perfume, worth a years wages, on Jesus's feet?

Wasn't Jesus disobedient to his own command to faithfully recruite the wealth of the rich by letting the rich young ruler leave discouraged without offering up some kind of persuasive argument to stay and finance his ministry? (Luke 18:18-25)

Peter and John are guilty, too. In Acts 8:9-25, they turned Simon the sorcerer (rich unbeliever) away when he "offered them money and said, 'Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit'." (vs. 18-19) In fact they rejected his PARTNERSHIP in their ministry because his "heart is not right before God" (vs. 21). A right heart is not even a necessary requirement in your version of the unjust steward, only money is. Did they let a big fish get away in direct disobedience to God's command?

Do you find anything wrong with the understanding of the 'parable of the unjust steward' I shared in another response?

Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Wednesday, January 7 7:03 pm
Post subject: Even Mooching Need Not Be Stealing!

User Location: Columbus, IN, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
Just because someone with riches who wishes to keep them dare insult a beggar as a thief does not imply that Jesus would consider the beggar to have even thought about stealing anything, as if it were a sin to ask. On the contrary, Jesus Christ taught His followers to keep on asking, seeking, and knocking, expecting to receive, find, and benefit from opened doors! (Matt. 7:7, Greek )

The warning for dealing with such people is in Matt. 7:6. The Word of God is "sacred [stuff] to dogs" or "pearls [cast] before pigs" to any person who dare insult any beggar as a thief without awareness of any actual theft. Our warning from Christ is that these people might turn on us and tear us to pieces if we present the Word unwelcomely. What will happen in heaven in all cases of a Christian who has suffered for asking and been treated as a thief, the word "stealing" in the insult will fail to translate to the Hebrew root in "Thou shalt not steal" (Ex. 20); if the insult came from another believer, such a Christian shall be compelled to repent as a liar and a lover of money. Still, we must watch out in the here and now for pretended Christians who accept the world's definition of "stealing".

Legally, the crime of larceny, the legal name for simple theft, has been committed when someone has illegally deprived someone else of the use of his goods by taking something away without consent. The evil person who accuses someone making a material request of "stealing" has no charges whatsoever to press until the item is physically stolen. Still, if the evil person be a store manager or cashier, they can impose ejection and announce permanent unwelcomeness. That is not punishment for theft, but martyrdom for begging. Do not believe the evil claim that the beggar accused of stealing has stolen anything without a physically stolen item!

As for the Apostle Paul's command in Eph. 4:28, it applies only to genuine thieves. The command to work with one's hands does not take effect because a beggar got insulted as if he were a thief, but because a real theft was committed. Sometimes, as in 3 John 7, an utterly uncooperative mission field will force Christians to accept that there will be no help from the pagans and to work for all the money for ministry. Still, the command from our Lord Jesus the Messiah is to make friends with "the mammon of unrighteousness" so that the rich folk of this world might take care of us in times of trouble and might endow our congregations financially. Not all such friends, however, will. Yet if the rich folk of this world will take care of us in hard times or grant us wealth for our ministries, not only are we commanded by Christ to accept it, we are commanded to seek the ties that lead to it (Luke 16:9, KJV).

I will not defend sins of idleness or actual theft as a Christian. Great is the mercy of God! Will seeking the favour of rich folk would make us idle? I believe that shallow Christians might be made idle by oodles of money, yet firm believers will try to use such money to spread the Good News throughout the whole world! Instead of living in these Unites States where most unbelievers have heard and rejected our Gospel, we could go among such peoples as the Miao of China who have no testimony of Jesus Christ if we had plenty of wealth and did not have to live there as impoverished outsiders.

I hope never again to hear you later consider the moocher as stealing. The seeker of permission to take something has not stolen until the item is taken without consent. A supermarket grazer is a thief, but it is not really "stealing" to ask for something and be told, No. Jesus indeed commanded us to continue to ask, seek, and knock!

Yours in Christ,

+++Kevin Douglas Rosenberg

a martyr for continuing to ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7:7 )

P. S. We ignore the meaning of one translated text alone in favor of interpretation because the original, fully inspired Scriptures were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Ancient Greek. They do not translate word for word into Modern English!

As for misguided, fleshly yet litteral interpretations of Scripture, consider the following three kinds of backslidden Christians:

(1 ) The evil servants in charge who run their churches in personal sin as if judgement were not coming upon them through humans on this earth (Matt. 24:45-51 ). (Ten Virgins comments)

(2 ) Those treated as mentally ill, caused to sin in idleness. The curse from Matthew 18:5-7 stalks somebody else for causing their habitual sins...

(3 ) Anybody who got persecuted among even one other believer and got called to flee but could not. Have sympathy for such people, as for me. My evangelist was persecuted as mentally ill, and I got persecuted within ten days of my conversion along with him for my "baby Christian" testimony among Hindus at the University of Illinois. We got called to flee together (Matt. 10:23 ), yet we had not read that passage yet. About ten weeks later, he withdrew from the U of I and fled to Texas without me. Without transportation, I could not ask his church for help. I had implored him to take me there to stay, but he would not. Still believing, still insisting that my calling was to remain to pursue my degree and eventually a PhD (?-- Matt 23:1ff ) in Chemistry (?-- Col. 2:8 ), he refused to take me unless I promised to return with his car that horrible day in December 1991. God knew that I was headed for deepening trouble at the U of I and that no church there was able to meet my needs.

The believer who has missed his missionary calling through failure to flee in the Modern English speaking culture deserves compassion. I had no one to ask to take me to Texas. My departed evangelist would not do his part to escape his brother's church in Arlington TX in order to seek another in neighbouring Dallas TX which might have shown me a welcome and my need to go out as a missionary rather than struggling to build a life of my own in these United States. No one should blame me for the failure of the churches of Urbana and Champaign to bring me in and lead me to the one which might have rebuked my career plan and led me out into the mission field.

Debbie on Tuesday, December 30 3:02 am
Post subject: the other son

User Location: Northern VA
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
The best sermon I ever heard was about "the other son". It is also why this parable to me is NOT the most easiest to understand. When is it ok to say "what about me???" Perhaps "the other son" was really "the lost son".
John on Sunday, June 25 7:54 am
Post subject: The parable for the capitalist world?

User Location: UK
Parable: richfool.txt
Peter Kalve rightly asks the question as to why fewer people have responded to this parable. Is it because this parable directly opposes the lifestyle of so many of us, where we are told by the economic system, advertising - and our own selfishness - that getting is good, and the more we get the better we shall be? So we gather around ourselves a mound of 'things' and build ever bigger barns.

We even make this a moral issue, so that wealth=good, respectable, and poverty=bad, despicable.

Jesus directly confronts this comfortable greedy attitude: 'You fool (Gk.= 'ignorant'): this very night your life is being demanded of you'.

This speaks to those of us who are retired (like me) and are tempted by a decent pension to say 'relax, eat, drink, be merry'....but 'are not rich towards God'.

This parable challenges not only individuals but our whole unsustainable way of being where constant growth is the only thing which keeps our economic system going. It is frightening in its implications.

Can we obey the Father's command, 'This is my beloved Son: listen to him'?

Joell Burville on Friday, March 28 1:40 am
Post subject: Trinity

User Location: Kirkland, WA
Parable: leaven.txtthread
The Trinity has always been a permanent part of God's kingdom (God is All) but hidden from view to the Church because of their blindness, and is still hidden from their view in a big degree. The true Trinity is not a human invention. The Church may THINK they know what the Trinity is, but your view of it is a better view than theirs. I doubt if the Church would acknowledge your view. It is interesting to note that just about that time, (300 A.D.) the raising of the dead ceased. Many think that when the Church government got into religion with all their rules, dogma, symbols, rites and rituals that that was the reason that raising of the dead stopped. "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead? " Acts 26:8 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12. Spirituality was lost to ritualism, consequently healing power lost too. The true Trinity is most certainly part of the Leaven, and the other way around also. Your idea of the Trinity is a better one than that of the Church. Why do we feel that it is incredible that Christians were able to raise the dead 300 years after the crucifixion of Jesus? We need to rethink our methods to be able to "go and do likewise."
aura on Tuesday, January 4 12:09 pm
Post subject: parables for children's church

User Location: Finland
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txtthread
Dear Mary, was just surfing for info and noticed your message. I have taught children's church for 7 years both in finland and Canda. Speaking of the parables, I have found an excellent teaching material. ( you may have heard of this already, since this message of yours have been here for almost a year now, thought I'd still leave you a note)
The material is called "the Parables of Christ" and it is published by CEF Press, located in Warrenton, MO. this material has 12 lessons which can be divivded into two- thus giving 24 lessions if you so choose. I have used one lesson per church. and have used this material for the entire year- twice already.
hope tihs helps you and may God bless your ministry with the children!!!
In Him, aura
Matt on Sunday, January 11 12:24 am
Post subject: Need Help

User Location: PA
Parable: leaven.txtthread
For a project I need to know the scientific name for yeast. No specific kind, just the scientific name for all yeast.
D'Laine Evans on Sunday, March 30 2:01 pm
Post subject: Mustard Tree

User Location: Georga
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I would also like to know where I can find a picture of a mustard tree as discussed in the Bible.

D'Laine Evans
peter redman on Saturday, December 28 3:34 pm
Post subject: seeking greater understanding of christs message

User Location: fairfield maine
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Being a son that stayed home I am cursed by the brother who came home.
The relationship between my father and I has been cursed by the returning son with the promise of 3 things.
1) To take all of the possessions of our parents for only himself
2) To ruin the relationship between our father and I.
3) To do everything possible to ruin the business that our father sold to me and my other brother.
By reading some of the comments of others, I see that the father wants a whole relationship with all his sons. This relationship is not whole with the two sons that stayed home.
However the boistrous demands, the negative statements and the guilt that he has placed on all of us is a tremendous burden to carry for the rest of our lives.
I am seeking words of wisdom to find peace in our lives.
Please respond with insights.

SOPHIE LEE on Monday, December 1 4:08 pm
Post subject: RE

User Location: AMERICA
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
jude24u on Saturday, June 7 5:54 am
Post subject: what does the eldest son represent?

User Location: California
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
The father does represent God.
The younger son represents sinners - those seperated from God.
The older brother represents the Pharisees. In verse one we see that Jesus was speaking to tax collectors and and sinners. In verse 2 we see that Pharisees and scribes are listening also. The Pharisees were angry resentful that sinners were being welcomed into God's Kingdom. The Pharisees, like the older brother thought that deserved the greatest reward because they had done so much. Did either have a heart of forgiveness?
Betty J Banks on Wednesday, July 14 5:20 pm
Post subject: Mustard Tree

User Location: Aurora Co
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
This morning I was listening to the radio 'Messanic Jew foundation' And the preacher mentioned that there are not 'Mustard Trees' And he went on to explain, I didn't get the details so I'm having to research it.
Nancy De Nyse on Monday, June 23 12:05 pm
Post subject: Mustard Tree

User Location: New London, NC
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am teaching Bible School this week and as usual I have waited until the lst minute. Tonight I am doing the Parable of the Mustard Tree and would love to have the picture.
william on Tuesday, February 19 5:24 pm
Post subject: Once saved always saved

User Location: India
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
Once saved is always saved is true but in the right perspective.Because a promise is a promise and if it comes from God then why doubt it at all! But it does not end there as it is not just an orde rissued by choice but rather a call to special life. It is in fact a freedom to be obedient to God now at least. We are saved at the instance of our Faith recognition by God or His representatives but we are also known to the Graceful God that we are always in need of constant grace. It is the lamb who is sacrificed for our sins and it should be we who should acknowledge Him to be our necessary saviour, we who were sinners, and are not intending to be now ,but yet weak at times and are given an helping hand by the Lord Himself. Our attitude needs to be right towards God's Love and Loving redemption and it should be the reason to make an effort to produce fruit in life since after all we are saved once and for all. We still have our free will intact to refuse such salvation.. It is not we but the Lord in us who reaches us safely to God who saves people at all times.
A.M. Harris on Friday, February 22 3:03 am
Post subject: I'm Sorry!

User Location: Savannah
Parable: twosons.txt
I am sorry. I thought this was about the prodigal son. This is indeed the complete text for this parable.
messenger on Tuesday, January 18 7:33 am
Post subject: The Rapture~

User Location: heaven
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
In many verses of the Bible!The words caught up,translated,delivered,meet,changed,gathered etc.As you can see,several different words are used for Rapture.

The Rapture is when those who love Jesus go with Jesus Christ to heaven in a Twinkling of an eye,and those left behind will be forced to think weird explanations, like the millions who disappeared went into a ufo etc.

After the Rapture, the world will be in chaos immediately. Some people will be raptured while driving in their cars, causing the cars to crash. Some people will disappear while working the most important jobs in the country, and once they disappear, cities will be destroyed. Planes will crash, electricity will go out, and phone lines will be jammed for days.If you think THIS sounds bad, the Judgements are much worse. Dont Be Left Behind!

The human cycle that experienced Noahs Ark was swept away in the flood,and they all drowned.The chosen inside the Ark were saved from the wrath of God.

This human cycle also has a Ark to rescue us,The name of our Divine Ark is JESUS CHRIST.Now is the time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart,and repent of all sins.

1 Corinthians 15:51-58

Behold, I shew you a mystery,We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.

52 In a moment,in the twinkling of an eye,at the last trump,for the trumpet shall sound,and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption,and this mortal must put on immortality.54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,Death is swallowed up in victory.55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast,unmoveable,always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Revelation 3:10 says we will be kept out of the hour of testing which will come upon the whole earth (the Tribulation). Some have wrongly believed "keep" means to keep through, or protect through the Tribulation. Suppose you approach a high voltage area with a sign that says, "Keep Out." Does that mean you can enter and be protected? No, it means you are forbidden from entering the area. But this verse also says He will keep us from the hour of testing. It is not just the testing, but the time period. If a student is excused from a test, he still may have to sit in the class while others take the test. But if he is excused from the hour of testing, he can go home. The Church will be called home before the hour of testing.
Linda Brown on Sunday, February 29 2:09 pm
Post subject: Deliverance from Evil & Depression

User Location: Shreveport, LA
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
Father God in the name of Jesus I pray please deliver me from this deep depression that I am fallen into. God I pray please bring people around myself, Kevin, Kim, Christy, Betty, Dean, Delbert, Wanda, and all other family members that are under the Blood of Jesus. God I pray please put the love of Jesus in the hearts of my family members. God I pray please lead, guide and direct me by your spirit. God I pray please bind up fear, doubt, unbelief, lying spirits, pain, confusion, witchcraft spirits and all other demonic spirits that are attacking me. God I pray please send the right person to my sister Dean. God I pray please bring my sister Betty someone that will love her and get her out of that situation that she is in. God I pray go ahead of me next week and please keep the devil and his demons off of my back. God I pray please strengthen my faith and help me through these terrible times that I am going through. God I pray please clear the way for the person you are sending to get me out of bondage and that will love me and take care of me. God please give me your blessed assurance that help is on the way. God I ask all of these things in the Holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen
John on Friday, June 20 10:47 pm
Post subject: Tares

User Location: Ft Lauderdale, FL
Parable: wheattares.txtthread
Is it possible that the tares are the evil progenic offspring of the fallen angels (the sons of God), who left their heavenly domain and cohabitated with the daughters of men?. A hybrid race of beings called the Nephilim (giants) resulted.
The bible is very sparse regarding this event. The only references to the Nephilim are found in Gen. 6:4 and Num. 13:33. There is a non bible source that deals profoundly with Gen. 6:4. It is called the Book of Enoch and I must say that not many christians have read it or even know about it for that matter. You can go online and punch in "Nephilim, Anakim, Rephaim" and a whole new world of mystery will open to you. I cannot be dogmatic, but is it possible that when "God took him" (Gen. 5:24) that Enoch was given the amazing revelations found in the book.
The tares? Research what I have suggested and decide for yourself.
charles cole on Tuesday, August 20 4:07 am
Post subject: Pharisee, Sadducees Originations

User Location: st Louis, mo 63107-1430
Parable: phariseepublican.txt
Pharisee Sadducees you do not see the phrases in the Old Testament. I am assuming they originated during the inter testamen period. Are they in the lost books
Denny Aleksuk on Tuesday, November 11 6:54 pm
Post subject: True humility

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: phariseepublican.txt
I have a challenge for anyone reading this. In my studies of the “kingdom of God” there is this mystical thing breathing in the background that if you understand and accept, it will make you more productive in the kingdom of God. I’m convinced that it is the actual spirit of the matter, and if not understood, a lot of people will sit there and scratch their heads pondering why their spiritual lives are not more productive. What is this mystical spirit that permeates the teachings of the kingdom of God? It’s the spirit of true humility.

Humility is something that can be misconstrued. One person may think their being humble by saying “there’s none righteous no not one” and this is after he’s made Jesus the lord of his life. In their false sense of humility they reject scripture that support that in Christ we have become the righteousness of God. Humbleness never says “oh, no God. You’re sadly mistaken. I’m a putrid thing, if you only knew how pathetic I really am”. Notice the arrogance in this. Telling God that he’s so stupid he doesn’t know how retched you are. When he’s the guy who told you to repent for being a sinner. There comes a time when we must humble ourselves as children and just accept what he says without challenging him. What do we care if he says you’re the richest person in the universe? ACCEPT IT! What do we care? What if he says you’re the most beautiful person in the universe? Don’t run and look in the mirror and say I’m hideous, and through doing so cast Gods word out as a lie. Just accept it like a child does. “You’re a good boy aren’t you Johnny”? “Oh no mom I’m a retch”! Children don’t act like that and we need to learn to do the same thing. Otherwise his word will never penetrate our hearts and will not sink roots. Doesn’t the ground have to receive the seed before the seed will grow and produce fruit? Well what does it matter what God says-if it’s a good thing?

Now notice these expressions used in scripture and see if you don’t notice an underlying spirit. “HIDDEN”, “SECRET” ”CONCEALED”, “WHISPERED IN THE EAR IN CLOSETS”, (your own prayer closet) “DO NOT DISIGURE YOUR FACE WHEN FASTING LIKE THE HYPOCRITS DO”, “LET NOT THE LEFT HAND KNOW WHAT THE RIGHT HAD DOETH”, “DO THY ALMS IN SECRET” ‘SOUND NOT THE TRUMPET AS THE HYPORITS DO”. Do you see anything in all these expressions? The idea is that if we will humble ourselves and be content to be hidden, to do things in private, not attempting to show things to the outer world, YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER WILL REWARD YOU OPENLY.

There is a story that frequently comes up in faith circles that goes like this. A woman was suffering from a terrible goiter that had grown to about the size of a basketball hanging from her neck- if that’s not an exaggeration. Well this woman wood come to the meetings of a very blessed man of God by the name of Wigglesworth (last name). For three years in a row she would come to these meetings and testify to the crowd that she had been healed by God and was demonstrating her faith by doing so. Well, in the presence of the crowd as she was testifying, the goiter disappeared and she was healed. Truly a wonderful miracle. But faith people have seized upon this to say, “Look at the faith of this person who would testify of things that are not yet manifested as though they already were” and they encourage to do likewise But did you know that Jesus taught just the opposite? “Yes, but she was healed” you may say. Isn’t God wonderful! I’ve been blessed too when my thinking was absolutely backwards. The secret of faith is to do just the opposite. It’s called humility or humbling yourself before God. We are to accept Gods word into our hearts through prayer and then to conceal it as though it was a map to a treasure. Harboring it in our hearts and literally fighting its’ coming to the surface. “Let not your left hand know what the right hand doeth” If it’s you, then you have your reward. But if it’s God who’s doing the exalting, you’ll be exalted indeed, in the presence of people. I liken it to a train jumping its tracks at just the right time. Your own heart will assume a mind of it’s own.

Maybe the act of planting a seed is literally humbling that seed. It’s dead you know. The life has gone out of it. Maybe it’s an example of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. But one thing is certain to me anyway. There is a spirit of meekness that just beckons God to exalt us. Maybe in this day and age of know-it-alls, we’ve become a little too all knowing ourselves. Maybe we need to hide ourselves in Christ trusting that the father will promote us into the light. Just a thought.

Ish on Tuesday, December 16 2:50 pm
Post subject: hello

User Location: Tiddyburg
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
i am doing an essay on this parable and it is very interesting i think that it really is sincere in this conventional way of constitutionalized decons.
Edwin Tugano on Saturday, January 12 9:29 am
Post subject: Picture of Mustard Trre

User Location: Philippines
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
its good to have apicture of mustrad tree
webmaster on Tuesday, September 24 2:31 am
Post subject: Something Preachers in this Country has forgotten!

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: lostsheep.txt
Something Preachers in this Country has forgotten!
They care more for their wallet then they do the sheep in the fold!

Which off you,

having a hundred sheep,
if he lose one of them,
doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness,
and go after that which is lost,
until he find it?

And when he hath found it,
he layeth it on his shoulders,

And when he cometh home,
he calleth together his friends and neighbours,
saying unto them,
Rejoice with me;
for I have found my sheep which was lost.

I say unto you,
that likewise joy shall be in heaven
over one sinner that repenteth,
more than over ninety and nine just persons,
which need no repentance.
molly s. on Wednesday, October 29 1:34 pm
Post subject: who are they really

User Location: clearwater,fl
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
who were they really? what were some of their main beliefs? how did they relate to the Jews? to Rome? Where were they located? what rolde did they play in Jesus' life?HELP
Liz on Friday, December 10 10:28 pm
Post subject: reply to Leanne post

User Location: tampa
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
Only people who has the Holy spirit will understand the spiritual matter. May the Lord open your heart to understand
^^jessie^^ on Thursday, January 12 1:31 pm
Post subject: tnx!!!

User Location: quezon city
Parable: laborersvineyard.txt
Tnx!!! i have an assignment and it is about parables of Jesus... Because of this forum, i can understand it and it is easy to explain in the class!!!Im not a Catholic so i cant understand in the book... TNX Very Much!!! ^_^

alexis smith on Monday, January 31 7:55 pm
Post subject: friend at night

User Location:
Parable: friendatnight.txt
i think it really teaches about thing what about you?
greg on Wednesday, February 16 3:15 am
Post subject: thanks a lot

User Location: G unit ville
Parable: prodigalson.txt
i used this site , thanks alot for your preaching and to that kid , id have to say it is true +++_
Jeffrey on Sunday, April 3 2:39 am
Post subject: Elder's Need for senses

User Location: California
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
What will it take for the elder boy to come to his senses? I say it will take pain -- real pain, and a reflection on pain that seeks understanding, not only of its external cause but also for that part of caused by one's own action. For example, it hurt the elder to be taken for granted as a obedient son, to be "dissed," but it hurt him more to hold on to the memory of, or to impute malicious intent to the ignorant one. Christ avoided this by forgiving the ignorant, those who, due to lower consciousness, "do not know what they do." The fact that Jesuse even talks to the leaders shows he has hope in their transformation; this address anticipates repentance, as it is not condemning, just like the father does not condemn the, now, disobedient son.
Terri Pang on Wednesday, October 29 5:54 pm
Post subject: Prodigal Son

User Location: New York
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
We do not know that the father of the prodigal did not search for his son. He may have kept track of him by having the servants report his whereabouts and progress. He, however did not go out and drag him back by his ear but allowed him to come back on his own. The Father won't interfere with our free will but wait and rejoice when we come back.
Chrysoprasus on Saturday, July 27 10:58 pm
Post subject: Short parable, but meaningful!

User Location: USA
Parable: secretseed
Short parable, but meaningful! The truly saved WILL bring forth fruit, just by the true indwelling of the Spirit! Two ways to look at the last, as the second coming occuring at the fulfillment of the kingdom, and two, as our branches getting "pruned" when full to that we can produce more fruit. Chrys _________________ Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth.

Randolph on Monday, November 11 11:38 pm
Post subject: talents

User Location: USA
Parable: tentalents.txt
We who are familiar w/ Church speak usually assume that when one hears the word Master it automatically means God. What kind of a loving, caring, justice seeking God gives more to the one who has more and less to the one who has less? My hairbrained idea is that the master in this story is not God but a man. In Jesus time they did not have the resources that we now have in the US. Usually if someone were to gain it meant that someone else had to lose. What if Jesus were saying that this is not the way it is intended to be? Perhaps the master was an "observant" Jew and in order to circumvent the Mosaic Law he had others do his dirty work ie. usuary. The man who buried the talents was doing nothing wrong in the eyes of the law. He was the faithful one. The others gave in and could have used the master as an excuse. He made us do it. That may be but does that excuse us from standing in the gap for justice? We are to stand apart from the world in order to bring the world to Christ who offers salvation. At least this is the way I think I will preach this parable on Sunday. Grace, Peace and Christian Perfection.
Tim on Wednesday, February 19 5:47 am
Post subject: Ten Virgins

User Location: Korea
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
I agree with Jason Ward's comment about the background of wedding ceremony that happen at that time.

I believe the the Lamp represents faith. And of cousre our faith comes from hearing the Word (Romans 10:17)

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

which makes me to think that the oil is the hearing the message.

People become christians by starting to hear the message. Personally I believe hearing message is different from hearing the word of Christ. Many people comes to church and read bible but don't hear the message, which also don't produce faith in them.

I believe the foolish virgins are the ones who stops hearing the message though they did in the beginning, which of course brought them to new life through grace. This also makes me to think of the parable of sower, third kind of seed were choked by life's worries and etc...

Just my opinion.. :-)

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