Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

jeb on Saturday, April 26 8:11 pm
Post subject: good samaritan

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
Robert, don't forget to read the first part of Luke 10:27. Loving your neighbor isn't sufficient to "inherit eternal life."
Amanda on Tuesday, August 20 5:26 am
Post subject: tares

User Location:
Parable: wheattares.txt
The man who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man.
The feild is the whole world.
The good seed represents those who worship God, while the weeds represent the opposite: those who don't worship Him.
The person who planet the weeds is Satan.
The harvest is the close of probation at the end of the world, all who are wicked are picked out of those who are good and will not go to heaven.
reba on Saturday, July 27 10:31 pm
Post subject: Lev 7:12-15

User Location: Sunny California
Parable: leaven.txt
Lev 7:12-15

12 If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried.

13 Besides the cakes, he shall offer for his offering leavened bread with the sacrifice of thanksgiving of his peace offerings.

14 And of it he shall offer one out of the whole oblation for an heave offering unto the LORD, and it shall be the priest's that sprinkleth the blood of the peace offerings.

15 And the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten the same day that it is offered; he shall not leave any of it until the morning. KJV

Lev 23:15-20

15 And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete:

16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD.

17 Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth deals: they shall be of fine flour; they shall be baken with leaven; they are the firstfruits unto the LORD.

18 And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of the first year, and one young bullock, and two rams: they shall be for a burnt offering unto the LORD, with their meat offering, and their drink offerings, even an offering made by fire, of sweet savour unto the LORD.

19 Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin offering, and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings.

20 And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits for a wave offering before the LORD, with the two lambs: they shall be holy to the LORD for the priest. KJV

1 Cor 15:20 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. KJV

1 Cor 15:23 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. KJV

James 1:18 18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. KJV
^^jessie^^ on Thursday, January 12 1:31 pm
Post subject: tnx!!!

User Location: quezon city
Parable: laborersvineyard.txt
Tnx!!! i have an assignment and it is about parables of Jesus... Because of this forum, i can understand it and it is easy to explain in the class!!!Im not a Catholic so i cant understand in the book... TNX Very Much!!! ^_^

REY on Monday, January 22 5:35 am
Post subject: request

User Location: butuan city, phillipines
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
can i have a free story of parables.
John Stacey on Tuesday, January 21 5:51 am
Post subject: Ten Talents

User Location: Pensacola, FL
Parable: tentalents.txt
Interesting and varied comments thus far. I have given this parable some thought. I do not agree with the reverse parable conclusion. Jesus spoke to his audience in a way that they would understand. Servants or managers were entrusted to carry out the business of their master. Each of the servants were chosen to manage the talents according to their abilities. God does not entrust great authority and responsibility to a new believer.
MENNIE MARTINEZ on Monday, March 16 5:37 am
Post subject: john smith

User Location: pangasinan
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
it's good. i love the story.
rick on Friday, November 15 12:56 am
Post subject: ten virgins

User Location: palatine il.
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
Because this parable is after Jesus talking about the end times,it shows how prepared for the last half of the tribulation christians will be. Oil is usually a representation of the Holy Spirit, but here is does'nt fit. The five asking the others to give them some because their's is running out,and the others refusing does'nt work . The oil is litterally food and fuel, in the middle of the tribulation when the wise have stored up what they need to survive the last half they will tell the foolish to go buy some for themselves because they don't have enough . When they go to buy food they must take the mark of the beast which disallows them entrance into the wedding feast .Jesus will deny knowing them . It is a warning to be prepared!!!
Alaska Man on Monday, May 23 12:56 am
Post subject: Reply to Staying at Home

User Location: Alaska
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
A point to consider. The older son was not good. He had a hard heart. He was instead, much like the Pharisees, self-righteous and proud of his performance rather than being true to his Father's love. He demonstrates no grace or mercy, but rather ridicules his Father for his rejoicing at the return of his brother. In effect, he curses his brother and his Father. This story really should be entitiled the parable of the prodigal Father. The Father expresses recklessly extrtavagant love for his sons just as our heavenly Father does for those who accept His Son as savior and LORD.
Courtney MacRae on Saturday, November 20 6:52 am
Post subject: Listen if you have ears

User Location: Queensland, Australia
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txtthread
Follow the Path the Lord has chosen for you & you will be a wise builder.

Follow your your own desires and will and you shall fail in the end. ( the foolish builder)

Gods principals of Life are rock solid. Mans way of success and living according to the reliance on money and ourselves is a sure way to fail.

Build your house on the Rock of Faith in the Lord, not on the dangeroues and unsafe foundations on man - ( to build on sand.)
Steve on Thursday, April 7 7:51 pm
Post subject: christian relevance

User Location: Reseda, Calif
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
As a pastor of a church for college age people and older people that think more in the postmodern context , we find ourselves hearing a lot about the church being relevant. Some think that relevance is not necessary, but I think that is because most people associate relevance with being hip to the culture. While is it true that culture is important and that understanding the culture of the people you are talking to is important, I think this parable shown what true relevance is. True relevance is love, the type of love that Jesus showed, it did not matter to Jesus or the Samaritan for that matter, who the person was that they showed love to. This is not a call for tolerance this is a show of love for and from the unlovable. We as the body of Christ will be relevant when we love, and I mean truly love people, weather they are mature folk, kids, punkers, goths, or just people that we don’t like. Love is the transcendent. Love in spite of will open a persons heart and allow the Holy Spirit to heal them both physically , emotionally and spiritually.
Patrick moo on Monday, August 23 5:01 am
Post subject: PRODIGAL SON

User Location: TENNESSEE
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I THOUGHT I'D SEND HER A LETTER QUOTING THE 15th chapter of Luke and the good son in the prodigal son parable but I see from your responses how many ways she could misinterpret it, so I'll just pray more intensly for all my children and trust in his will.
Thank you for the insight you have given me.

Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Wednesday, January 7 8:35 pm
Post subject: Meaning of "weeping and gnashing of teeth": uvya

User Location: Columbus, IN, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
Both the evil servants in charge of their flocks of Christians and the lazy servants in the pews will be judges to a place of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 24:51, 25:30 ). Speakers of English have not the faintest idea of what this phrase might entail.

At best, some will weep bitterly while others gnash their teeth somewhat under the influence of outside, nighttime cold. Beware what this phrase might also mean....

The Russian language has an unusually nasty plan for dealing with tooth decay with "a mouthful of cavities and abscesses". Without modern dentistry, they would quit trying to save their teeth with cashews because spreading pus all around their mouths had become futile and fast around the clock. If they started to starve, they would gnash their teeth ***to bits and pieces*** and again be able to drink milk and eat pureed foods. If they had even one gene for Russian innate crying, once they got enough calcium phosphate in them, a third set of teeth would grow.

This third set is not a good set of teeth. It contains forty (40. ) teeth of far different sizes and shapes than the second set which was replaced. You cannot bite into an apple or a pear or a sandwich with the third set; apples and pears must be cored and sandwiches must be cut up into four, six, eight or twelve pieces because the incisors of the third set are small and week. The third set of teeth offers enormous bicuspids (side teeth) good for carrots, celery, whole walnuts, and crushing bones to extract the marrow. Worst of all, it demands an extremely large and incredibly ugly jaw so heavy as to make psalmists lament, "Lift up my head"-- a Hebrew idiom derived from people with the third set of teeth which came to mean "restore my former condition". Contrary to dentists' and orthodontists' and oral surgeons' pronouncements, there is no need to extract impacted teeth which are not causing problems; rather, by eating plenty of nuts, apples, pears, carrots, celery sticks, and seeds whole (with third teeth in front, apples and pears in sixths) with dairy products, the patient is actually able to grow the jawbone to accommodate all those teeth and straighten them out! With a mouthful of third dentition, the resulting face is incredibly ugly. Preserving a small face, there is nothing to be done about impacted teeth to avoid numerous needed extractions.

Yes, this is what "weeping and gnashing of teeth" might mean! If we were to read "gnashing of teeth" without mention of "weeping", its Russian translation would be the noun "skrezhet" or the verb "skrezhetat'". That is not a weepy word to the best of my knowledge. Jesus Christ, however, put "weeping" with "gnashing of teeth" to express the weepy word, definitely crying, "uvyadaniye" as a noun and "uvyadat'" or "uvyanut'" as verbs. Given in good dictionaries as meaning "to waste away" in reference to a person, this most extremely, incredibly shameful verb in either form in its most shameful sense as crying in the first person ("uvyad", "uvyanu yazF?", "uvyanyum' yazF", "yazF uvyadayu", etc.) refers to gnashing one's teeth to bits and pieces, in various tenses. I warn you that THIS suffering could befall the evil servants in charge and, later, lazy stewards from among the followers!

And now I warn you that many "evil servants in charge" and many "lazy stewards" will most certainly lose all their teeth through this judgement and be left to pray the psalmists' prayer, "Lift up my head." Surely the master, when he returns, will have obtained the authority to compel Badpastor to bite on steel pipes while he is flogged. The lazy stewards, far more numerous, may be in for this most awful fate, or they may be cast out where the evil servants suffer so horribly. Who will suffer what is unclear because Scripture only says "where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 24:51, 25:30 ) rather than a clear statement of "(he shall) weep and gnash his teeth". Yet I tell you, in order to make the Gospel ring true to the Russian people, there will be individuals among the evil servants in charge whose teeth are now sound yet shall be made to bite on steel pipe during their floggings and thus lose all their teeth. It is absolutely unsafe for us to run churches like evil servants in charge, and it is likewise absolutely unsafe for us in the pews without vast wealth of our own to ignore our stewardship even of our chances to befriend the rich folk of this world.

The message of gnashing one's teeth to pieces or of a mouth full of natural replacement adult teeth is admission of utter decadence and age. Nobody looks young with a third set of teeth. Still, Jesus accepts and accommodates them. Some of His disciples must have had feeble incisors of third dentition because He broke bread for them. To prepare bread for people with first dentition (baby teeth, milk teeth) or second dentition ("permanent" teeth, adult teeth), we usually slice it or find it already sliced for our convenience. As I conclude, please remember the incredibly severe risks inherent in evil servanthood and lazy stewardship and unfaithfulness in (with) the mammon of unrighteousness. God bless those who heed.

Yours in Christ,

+++Kevin D. Rosenberg

a martyr for continuing to ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7, Greek )
will on Wednesday, January 28 9:28 pm
Post subject: help me

User Location: ?
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
i need to know a modern day example of thee good sameritain. if you can help me that would bu great
Chaplain Phil on Friday, April 11 11:09 am
Post subject: Par. of the Sower and the 'saved'

User Location: St. Cloud, Fl
Parable: sower.txtthread
I have recently womdered more about the 2nd and 3rd 'plants'. Many times I see people who have a sincere faith but have allowed the cares and wories to push them down. It is the same with those who face persecution. How wonderful that we have a Father of Mercy who sees the heart of the weariest and most discouraged of His children, and will call them home.

But at the same time, I wonder at the 4th 'plant'. Many feel secure that this about them...but where is their 30 and 60 and 100-fold harvest. Those who do not actively share their faith and live the life of Christ before ALL must take note.

God Bless.
Dallas Courchene on Wednesday, October 8 11:24 pm
Post subject: Talents

User Location: Winnipeg
Parable: tentalents.txt
To this woman who wrote the reply above me, you use man's wisdom. Those who have ears to hear will hear what the parables mean. Other people are deaf.
Omar Lammie on Monday, June 19 1:41 pm
Post subject: The Prodical Son's Spiritual Warefare.

User Location: Kingston, Jamaica
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
One the surface, this story seams to have as its main theme God's forgiveness through the example of a father who displayed unconditional love. However, I just want to talk about the demonic attack that the younger brother experience and also the demonic attack the older brother experience. The bible says that the younger brother joined himself to a citizen of another country (Gentile). It is clear that that citizen did not serve the God of Abraham, and had a spiritual as well as social (worldly) culture that was contrary to that of the Jewish people's belief. Now this can be seen as a demonic attack upon this young man's life inorder for him to forget God's laws that his parents must have taught from childhood. And if you compare today's christian experience it the same the bible says that we must be in the world, but not of the world.....

We restle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. The sins that allure us are as a result of the world, flesh (Carnal natuture and the Demonic powers that be.

And sometimes, even when a backslider is reclaimed, he/she experiences the demnonis attack that comes in the form of the older brother (church member) who will never let go off you pass, even thugh God has thrown your sins into the sea of forgetfulness.
Sanuel gonksa on Sunday, May 18 11:54 am
Post subject: i think it is a real tribute

User Location: in a house
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
i think it is a real tribute i do that you people can love god so mutch
eric on Wednesday, July 30 7:14 pm
Post subject: 10 Virgins parable similar to a dream I had

User Location:
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
I had a dream on June 21, 2003 and was shown an awesome sight. A swarm of Tornadoes descending from the sky that look like giant elephant trunks.

People will not know where to hide. So I am telling you now in advance. All that will listen, listen. You will want to find an underground place of shelter such as the below ground floor of a university or mall or parking garage that is windowless. Flying glass spells trouble. Start looking now where you will go. Watch for the signs, you will have time to go to your designated place of shelter. But to wait to look for the appropriate place of shelter at that time will be futile. You must do so now as an act of faith. And in that day, if anyone tells you, "Come with us! There is
a strong building over there". Don't go with them! Do not try and help anyone either or you will be confused and forget your hiding place.

I believe it will be as in the Parable of the 10 Virgins.
Let us pray earnestly to our God for the shed blood of the thousands of Iraqi people. Perhaps He will turn away His anger and leave us a blessing instead.

Reannonvm on Monday, April 7 12:24 am
Post subject: well done

User Location: USA
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
thats it, brother
Dr Gary Hooper on Monday, October 20 8:23 pm
Post subject: Lost Sheep

User Location: Cresco, Iowa
Parable: lostsheep.txt
You realise that this scripture can apply to the modern church as well. We have Christians that have been wounded and driven from churches that need to be reached out to and healed.

they are the lost lambs that we also need to reach. Ezekiel 34:16 deals with these believers.

Our ministry in Cresco, iowa reaches out to these Christians as well as holding spiritual Warfare seminars on a regular basis to train the Saints.

bless you all
Gerard Yee on Thursday, January 2 12:57 pm
Post subject: The Parable of the Ten Talents

User Location: Malaysia
Parable: tentalents.txt
The talents were entrusted to the servants.
The servant with the one talent hid the talent in the earth(Holy Land) did the right thing as according to the Jewish Law. In verse 24 to 26 showed that the master was the devil. This is another REVERSE PARABLE.
Jeffrey on Friday, November 22 9:32 pm
Post subject: Try again

User Location: LA
Parable: leaven.txt
Hey Sue,
Good guess. Actually pretty well thought out. If not for the surrounding texts I might be convinced to agree.
In Mat 13, Jesus is trying to warn us of the dangers coming in the church age. The leaven parable must be taken in context with the rest of what He is talking about here. He explains two of the parables. Let's not jump around with interpretation. Although it is an interesting concept that the leaven represents the Holy Spirit, I think that puts Him in pretty shotty company with the way leaven is represented in EVERY OTHER mention in the Bible.
Remember, we must keep the teachings of Jesus in context. See my post above for the meaning of leaven, 3 measures, etc.

webmaster on Wednesday, April 16 2:18 am
Post subject: Pictures of Mustard Plant

User Location: Tobaccoville NC
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I added them several days ago. Please email if anybody finds anymore pictures. Also anybody email if something is (C), I am running 4 websites and don't have the time to check everything. I really need some moderators and other help on the websites.

Kim on Saturday, January 29 6:07 pm
Post subject: A lesson for parents?

User Location: Ontario Canada
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Perhaps the lesson is for parents.

Do welcome your children back into your life.

Don't take for granted, the children who stand by you steadfastly.


Why is it never interpreted as a lesson for parents in how to value their children and be sure to validate their children's feelings?

Why did he not throw the party in honour of BOTH sons? Wouldn't it have been better for him to show an appreciation of the return of the younger and the steadfastness of the elder?

Why did he do something that would foreseeably divide his sons and promote adversity between them?

Why did he not run out into the field with the younger one exclaiming, "Your brother has returned and both my sons are here and well and safe. Let us kill a pig."

I'm thinking this story is to teach us 'how to' and 'how not to' be an effective parent.
Neill on Tuesday, May 17 9:16 am
Post subject: Interpreting teh parable of teh ten virgins

User Location: South Africa
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
The Parable of the 10 virgins that our Lord told in Matthew 25 is broad and not very well defined, and so, can have several interpretations. One can think of the girls representing believers and unbelievers when the Lord, as the bridegroom arrives as the second coming, or may be even as Jews who accept and don't accept the Lord at His first coming. It is not easy There are problems of logic and truth at each turn. I think we are on thin ice when we make the oil in the lamp the HS. After all, how can I carry a store or buy more of Him? Are the girls who go in really the ones who are saved and the others not? If so, then it sounds like salvation by works to me! What I can do to be saved, such as be properly prepared?

The best interpretation I can put on it, and I think the Lord's hearers may very well have taken it that way, is that this is guidance and a warning to those who believe. Guidance and a warning for you and for me. We are given a task, we have access to the materials and we have time. All are under the control of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no doubt who is in control. It is his wedding and he is the kingpin. Nothing starts before He is ready and in His presence.

All the girls are given a task to do; the same task. I must use my time and opportunities properly so that I am ready and behaving as the Lord requires to be able to participate in the task. Successful participation means that contribution to the ministry is accepted and so am a I. I can't just go on doing things, even if they are those of God, my way. If I do, there is going to be a problem! This is not about salvation, but participation in ministry.
2.If I am found prepared and present, then I will be swept in in the wonder of the Lord's presence and participation in far more than just my contribution makes.
3.If I am accepted or 'known' in ministry, then I will participate and enjoy the warmth, celebration and joy of the outcome of the ministry with the Lord Jesus. Ministry is not the end itself, just as welcoming with light wasn't the end of their task.

The Groom's response is harsh, yes! But God doesn't compromise with our dilly-dallying, lack of commitment and mucking about in ministry. In terms of our task in a ministry, either He accepts our contribution and us, or neither. We can't muddle through or do it our way. I must remember I am dealing with almighty God, the one with all authority.
Chrysoprasus on Saturday, July 27 10:38 pm
Post subject: What does Pharisee mean? What was a Publican?

User Location: USA
Parable: phariseepublican.txt
What does Pharisee mean? What was a Publican?

Pharisee: The word itself comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to set apart" or "to separate". The Pharisees were a sect of the Jews. They believed in God, but they also believed that he operated according to their actions. (Your rewards/punishments were based on your works) They added their own traditions to the law, and seemed to think themselves holier because of it. They seemed to pride themselves on following what they said to be law to the letter, and to think this made them better than those they disagreed with.

Publican: These were the tax collectors. Just like today, they weren't the most popular people in town! Often they were said to cheat the people, overcharging or extorting money from them. Thus they were regarded with disgust and contempt. They interacted with the "heathen Romans", which made them even more distasteful in the eyes of the Pharisees.

Now, for the parable. We see both, a pharisee and a publican, entering the temple grounds to pray. The pharisee sees the publican, and starts his prayer thanking God, which in itself is a good thing, but look at what he's thanking him for. He's looking at his fellow man, pointing out his faults, and thanking God that he's not like him! Typical human nature, to think that we're better than others because of our actions, instead of recognizing that we've all been sinners just as unworthy of God's grace as the next person. He goes on to mention his own good works...that he fasted twice in the week (which was in ADDITION to the requirements of the law, another case of the Pharisees adding to the law and thinking it made them better people) and that he gave his tithes.

The publican's interaction with God is vastly different. Instead of seeing the sins of others and feeling himself to be better because he wasn't committing the same ones, he came to God acknowledging that he was a sinner. He didn't even dare to lift his eyes, but kept them lowered and smote himself, which was a common expression of sorrow. This action is telling, in that he was feeling remorse for his sins. Lastly, he doesn't offer any excuses, but begs God for mercy and acknowledges his sinful state.

The last verse in this parable tells us that the publican left justified.

The moral of the story? Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

God wants us to acknowledge our sins, and to place our full trust in HIM for our forgiveness and to recognize that it is only through him that we can obtain it, not through works of our own. He will bring down the proud, but those who come to him humbly and with pure intentions will be exalted by Him. We are not to look at others as a barometer of whether we're serving God properly, but only at what God has decreed for us.

Chrys _________________ Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth.

Ajo Mathew on Thursday, April 24 12:18 am
Post subject: Pharisee and Publican

User Location: Cherry Hill
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Parable of Pharisee and Publican

1) Whats the religious message of the account for the people of Jesus' time?
2) Whats the religious message of the account for people today?
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Wednesday, December 3 8:34 pm
Post subject: How and When to Watch for Christ

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
How come some user has reported that the Rich Fool with a few comments had received the fewest when this one had not received even a single comment? I urge you to read the comments to all parables given on the site through before typing any comparisons. We need to listen and read more and talk and type less but more wisely. Now, I discuss this parable for the first time.

Of all parables spoken by Jesus, this one is the most inadequate from a single gospel. Only four verses are given because Saint Mark was a man of action with the Sensing function dominant in the MBTI personality indicator; his gospel, the shortest, reads like the script for a movie and omits details in order to keep the interest of a Sensing reader with a typically short attention span. His natural readers are the quickest to doze off, leave or interrupt. As if to answer in court, Mark cared to testify concerning Jesus' deeds at the expense of His teachings. In order to understand what the quoted Jesus actually taught, we need to remember what Matthew and Luke reported about watching and waiting for a surprise return (Matt. 24 : 32 - 25 : 46 , Luke 21 : 29 ff ). It is those accounts which will empower us to watch for the return of Christ.

Saint Mark's way for us to watch is to see and do, to listen and learn from those versed in the other accounts. He leaves the thinking, feeling, and intuition to others: Matthew, Luke, and John. Faith in the Bible will not resist them; fortunately for us, however, Matthew and Luke mentioned all those details so that John had no need to fill them in. Three gospels thus suffice to teach us what watching and waiting means in practical terms.

From Mark we know that of all the servants, we disciple of Jesus, the Messiah, are likened unto porters, "thyro^roi" (door + see, watch) or butlers in Greek, with responisibilities to answer the door (or telephone) when people come knocking (or calling) to ask and to seek (Matt. 5 : 42 , 7 : 7 ). One Sunday morning about two months ago, a homeless neighbor of mine and her man kicked out by her grown daughter knocked on my door at 5 a.m. on a Sunday before morning when they could not stand the cold night outside any longer. The woman asked for three hours inside. Found sleeping and hastily clad in a robe I let them in, even though the man was not mentioned, even though they disobeyed my command to sleep on my floor and left leaves on my new couch, and even though they stayed four hours before I moved toward kicking them out and they took the hint. My own night's sleep was ruined, and I felt jetlagged. I had, however, used my living room to keep them warm and to get four hours of televangelists' presentations of the Word into their ears and perhaps sinking into their hearts. I have planted a seed.

I was found sleeping by homeless unbelievers. Don't let Jesus, however, knock at your doors to find you sleeping on the job, so to speak. Mark omits all the details for the precise timing of Jesus' return. Back then, nobody save God knew anything about time zones, and many believed the earth to be flat despite observations of ships sinking beyond the horizon. Anybody who might predict such a time for Jesus return as 6 a. m. (regardless of location) would be a liar to the vast majority of the world beyond his narrow time zone even if He should chance to come then unto him. For our times, however, St. Matthew reports that Jesus taught that He would return by surprise in a time of plenty when people were not looking for Him and while women were grinding grain and men were at work in the field. All I assume below is that Jesus Christ, because of His good, loving character rather than a knavish, tricky character, would never return to an inhabited time zone without the signs of field work and milling there with word that Americans were hard at work far away, nor would He return to the Russians without the sign in winter with word that Americans far away were eating fresh fruits and vegetables flown in.

In that case, we can know general periods throughout which to watch for Christ from Matthew 24 : 32 - 44. The first sign, the fig tree, represents modern Israel. The generation which Jesus has promised will not pass away until the Glorious Appearing ... was twenty years old when modern Israel was founded in 1948 (v. 34; reference to Ezek. 38). Thus, out of all centuries of history, Jesus' Second Coming is for our times. Verse 35 is a warning to every believer who despairs of world evangelism in time (v. 14) that Jesus will live up to His Word to make it happen and return in time to find live Jews of the mentioned generation. Hallelujah! In need of warning are all Christians who made or believed promises to evangelize the whole world by the year 2000 but now forget them or cover them up. Mark elaborates on verse 36 while The sign of Noah in vv. 37 - 39 tell us when in the year or economic cycle to watch for Jesus: in the boom times with fresh fruits and vegetables to eat and weddings taking place.

We would be foolish, therefore, not to watch in June of all coming years. The more we learn about life in more austere mission fields such as Siberian settlements, the fewer weeks will remain in the year in which we must watch for Jesus, at the expense of having God call us to give your wealth away to help their people because they will ask. Next comes the time of day in our respective time zones with more admonition to watch (vv. 40 - 42), which I understand as follows:

Before the Industrial Revolution with its continuous processes and electric lighting, people worldwide farmed and ground grain by day and partied or slept at night throughout the week. Whenever the sign of field work and milling existed throughout one hemisphere, it was absent in the other. Nowadays, however, farmers in the United States and South America are observed with their equipment in the fields making progress at night whether to hide drugs or to finish in good weather, and Cargill and other milling companies process grains continuously throughout the week. Such a practice invites Jesus Christ to return by night. This leaves no promise from Christ for Americans concerning the time of day, yet He will keep his promise to the underdeveloped nations of the Old World, where farming the fields and grinding grain are still done only by day. If you go to Africa or Asia, where many peoples have yet to hear a testimony of the Gospel, you can see the signs in the daytime, while those who remain in the United States might have to watch around the clock. I thoroughly expect that the Rapture will occur between midnight and 4 a.m. in Indianapolis because of Jesus' promises to the Old World. That's a wide swath of four hours in the inconvenient night because no one but the Father God knows the day or the hour (v. 36). Those of us who cannot watch require sending out as missionaries to the Old World. And now, let us examine verses 43 and 44: that people will be caught sleeping and live to regret it like a successful burglary. This sign, like that of Noah, shows us that people will not be naturally seeking Christ at that time and tells us when in the week we must watch in season at the right time of ***night*** (American times). Our Lord will not return during any American church's Sunday School or Sunday Morning Worship or Weekly Bible Study or Wednesday Worship or on the Jewish Sabbath. He will not return when many pastors are preparing their lectures without cause and desire to demonstrate the apostasy of all their teachings. Therefore, since most pastors take Mondays off after teaching on Sunday, in season we had better watch on so-called Sunday nights and Monday nights actually falling in the wee hours (in Indianapolis) on Monday and Tuesday, although Jesus could return to take us home later in the week before Sabbath preparations. With at least two nights in the week to watch, we do not know the day of the week for Jesus' return (v. 36).

I have discussed the next parts at length on the Ten Virgins page. Now that we know when to be best prepared to meet Jesus, I turn to Luke for guidance on how to watch. While Saint Luke parallels Matthew in Chapter 17, it is Chapter 21 which shows Jesus' warning against being left behind to face the Tribulation (Luke 21 : 34 - 36 ). From Jesus' mouth in verse 34, it is a heart laden with overeating and drinking or drunkenness and
worries of life which set many of us up for being left behind by Jesus. Just belonging to Jesus will not spare us the Tribulation. If you are continually worried, that is habitual sin (Matt. 6 : 24 ff ). The worried believer who cannot or dare not ask, seek or knock for relief (Matt. 7 : 7 ) and whose prayers fail to avail relief gets called by God to fast. Why, with the guilt of Israel, Moses fasted forty days! Our Lord did the same in order to stand His Temptation. Yes, genuine Christians can, and many probably will, be left behind to face the Tribulation for living it up despite their persistent worries and sleeping when Jesus takes the prepared believers home.

I have desired to preach Second Thessalonians at some graveyard on television during Indiana's wee hours in season on so-called Sunday, Monday, and Thursday nights to warn American Christians that the Lord Jesus Christ expects us to watch, to wait up for Him, and to go abroad as evangelists if they cannot stay up, but my friend in Christ, Dallas Barr, has discouraged me for fear that I might appear to be there to rob graves. I lack formal theological credentials and declare my informal learning good enough with the time short. (Lord's Prayer)

Yours in Christ,

+++ Kevin D. Rosenberg

a martyr for continuing to ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7 : 7 )

Pastor Mike on Tuesday, October 2 3:00 pm
Post subject: context, context, context

User Location: Kansas
Parable: leaven.txtthread
everyone seems to be forgetting the simplest of all bible study rules. that being "context". it seems that the most debated of these parables is the parable of the leaven. remember, keep it in context. all the parables in Matthew 13 must be kept in context with one another as they were all given by Christ in one setting. the parable of the sower and the parable of the tares set that context.
let me set for you the scene. Jesus meakes it quite clear that the main topic of these parables is the "kingdom of Heaven". the Kingdom of Heaven consists of all borne again believers from the time of Christ's death to the time of His return, also known as the "church age". in the parable of the sower, the seed represents the word of God. the ground upon which the seed falls represents the condition of mans hearts throughout the world. the good soil represents the hearts of those who receive the word and become kingdom citizens.
in the parable of the tares we find that the seed represent those who have received the word and become citizens of the kingdom. the tares represent those who reject the word. the field, as Jesus makes perfectly clear, is the world. it is not the church. as christ sends the kingdom citizens into the world, we incounter opposition from the tares whom Jesus reveals are sown by satan. from time immemorial, satan has and will, until he is cast into hell, strongly oppose the work of God. this work is being done throughout the world by those sown by the son of god.
the rest of the parables of matthew 13 need to be kept in context with these first two parables.
for instance, in the parable of the mustard seed, jesus compares the kingdom to a mistard seed. remember the kingdom consists of all believers throughout the world! if the parable of the tares which emediatly precedes this parable deals with the opposition of satan against the kingdom then this parable obviously represents the overcoming power of the kingdom dispite the opposition.
we now come to the most highly debated of the parables, the parable of the leaven. it is true that every other refrence to leaven in scripture hold a negative conotation, but to say that it therefor always should, is to think as the pharasees thought. everywhere in scripture where leaven is refered to it is in reference to influence. it's interesting to note that the parables of the tares and the mustard seed also deal with influence. the first time we see refrence to leaven in scripture is in regard to the exodus. the nation of israel was commanded by god to take nothing with them from egypt as they left not even leaven. thus they ate unleavened bread, thus the reason for the feast of unleavened bread. the purpose of this was not because leaven was evil but because the influence of pagan egypt was evil. after this all bread was leavened, even the show bread in the temple. does this mean that God tolerates evil. i think not. leaven can represent both a negative and a positive influence. to say that the leaven in this parable represents evil is to say that the kingdom has an evil influence in the world. i think that is the farthest thing from the truth. the truth is, that the influence that the church has on the world will be far reaching and beneficial. it doesn't mean that all people will be saved, but that all people will benefit from the kingdoms influence on the world. remember this, when the influence of the kingdom is removed from the world just prior to the tribulation, the world will be a very bad place to live!
OJ on Sunday, June 4 11:43 am
Post subject: Relevance of Parables today

User Location: Australia
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
In Jesus’ time Israel was under the control of the Roman Empire. Hellenic culture was taking over traditional Jewish culture, and the Roman Empire had governors to rule over their provinces. There were many different groups that separated the people of Israel. People went to Jesus to ask if there was any hope for the Jews and their way of life.

The situation is similar in Australia today, with different cultures and religions mixing together and the nation's culture and identity changing as a result.

Jesus’ teachings, while initially based on the Jews’ dilemma, are still relevant today, at least for Australians.

patsy on Saturday, October 11 12:58 pm
Post subject: Re: Unfaithfulness

User Location: west columbia sc
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
Kevin, Many of us have seen the fallen condition, of today's church, but God did warn us, this Day would come! The Falling away, from the Spirit of Holy God! (11Thess-2-3-12) Are they saved? No! That all might be damned that believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness! Look at (verse 3) son of perdition, and remember Judas! (Luke-22-3) Then entered Satan into Judas, being of the number twelve!(4) And he went his way, and communed with the chief preists and captains how he might betray Him, Christ unto them. (5) And they were glad, and covenanted to give him 'money' Judas's heart was not right with God, but loved money, more then he loved Christ, therefore satan entered into him. that he might betray Christ, that satan's will be done! Many are teaching another gospel, of another christ, because their hearts were not right with God, the same satan that entered into Judas, has also entered into them, because of the love of money, that satan's will might be done! (4) That he might take his seat, in the Church that was called unto Christ Jesus, showing himself that he is God! God warned us this Day would come (Jude-4) False Religious Leaders, who have changed the Grace of God, from the Power of His Spirit, to conform sinful man, like unto the image of Christ (Romans-8-29) to know no sin, to a Babylon Religion (Rev-2-20) that has again, (Rev-18-23) justified their continued sin and disobedience against Holy God, calling such nonsense the Grace of God, that they might take claim in Salvation, (11Thess-2-12) that all might be damned! The spirit of satan, (Rev-13-11-14) who now speaks loud and clear in the Church, everytime they open their mouths, that they might make an image like unto the first beast, in the Garden, the Great Fall of mankind from the very beginning! (Genesis-3-4-5) while they justify continued sin against Holy God, they also say, you shall not surely die! (11Corin-11-13-15) ministers of satan! Sad but true, many love to hear and believe them, therefore they do not have to turn away from their sin and disobedience against Holy God, but are free to fulfill the sinful desire of the flesh! (Romans-8-13) Having no idea, they shall die; Hell! It breaks my heart, when I hear them make witness against themselves, having no idea, they are lost and on their way to Hell, we hear them say, I sin everyday, but when God looks upon me, He doesn't see my sin, He only see's the Blood of Christ on me, but hear the warnings in God's Word, and the punishment that shall come upon them! (Hebrews-10-26-27) For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth (Christ) there remains no more sacrifice for sins, But a CERTAIN fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries. (29) Of how much sorer Punishment, suppose you, shall he be thought worthy, who have trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the Blood of the Covenant, wherewith He was Sanctified (to cleanse us from sin) an unholy thing (their justified continued sin) and has done despite unto the Spirit of Grace! Denying the Power of His Spirit to conform sinful man, like unto the image of Christ Jesus, making the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus, and the Power of His Spirit of no more power then of the blood of bulls and goats, that could do nothing, to change the evil conscience of fallen man! (Hebrews-10-2) God's children, have their hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with Pure Water, The Fountain of Living Waters, His Holy Spirit in us, given to those that OBEY Him! (Acts-5-32) So that satan and his ministers not be exposed (11Thess-2-3) they now pointed across the world, saying, 'THE' antichrist shall come in the flesh, that he might deceive the world, so that none know to test the spirit in control of their lives! (Romans-6-16) therefore they believe satans lies, to continue in their justified sin, instead of obedience unto righteousness, unto Christ Jesus, Who said, to sinners that came unto Him- sin no more! satan would not, if he could, come in the flesh, because he is at his best, the spirit in control of todays Religion! (Rev-17-8) (Ephesians-6-12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood! (1John-2-18-19) Little children it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now, there are 'MANY' ANTICHRISTS: (many being controlled by one demonic spirit) whereby we know that it is the last time! The Lord said, As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in that Day, only eight people were saved, so we could safely say 8% of the people, will be saved, For narrow is the Path to Christ Jesus, BUT few will find it! in Love of my Lord, for this lost deceived world, of man and his Religion! May God Bless You!
jahk on Wednesday, June 3 12:25 pm
Post subject: MAJOR

User Location: Norway
Parable: secretseedthread
Once upon a time there was a little girl. She lived very poorly.
froilan s penuela on Thursday, December 6 2:43 am
Post subject: homily guide

User Location: philippines
Parable: goodshepherd.txtthread
reverend father,
i am a 4th year theology seminarian from st.mary's theologate i would like to secure a copy of your sermon on "good shepherd" for my homily guide regarding the same subject....tnx
bob on Friday, February 22 6:32 pm
Post subject: end times fig tree

User Location: california
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
i think 1948 is the super sign no doubt, we are already 60 years into the future so we can't be too far off,it's close.
Leanne on Thursday, September 4 6:25 am
Post subject: Barren Fig Tree

User Location: Quebec
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
Maybe it just means that barren people should die... but not necessarily right away. Let barren women wither in their infertility awhile. What is all this about Israel???
David Johnson on Tuesday, August 26 5:22 am
Post subject: Prodigal Son

User Location: Nevada
Parable: prodigalson.txt
The non-Prodigal son was guilty of the sin that many of us fall subject to: Pride. He had clearly lived his life with an objective of pleasing his father (or others) so as to receive their acceptance and approval. When the praise and glory was given to another (who he concluded was less worthy) it was more than he could bear. We should live our lives with a mind to please only God. In doing so, we are guaranteed God's approval, and will never be disappointed as the brother was here. Moreover, in doing so, we are likely to please our fellow man anyway, as they experience the warmth that come from associating with a christ-like person.
Linda Brown on Wednesday, February 18 9:19 am
Post subject: God give us power in the last days

User Location: Shreveportk LA
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
Father God in the name of Jesus I pray that you will give me the power to confuse and confound the enemy. God I pray please bring the Holy Spirit into my office. God I pray that you will bring people around myself, my children, my brother, my sisters and all other family members that are under the Blood of Jesus. God I pray please heal Jake's ankle and let the swelling go down. God I pray for Bonnie that the might be healed. God I pray for Mr. Rick who has cancer that he might not suffer. God I pray please give Christopher protection over in Iraq. God I pray for you to send the right person to get me out of bondage. God I pray please give me the wisdom to know what to do. God I pray for you to lead, guide and direct me by your spirit. God I pray please give my son some financial help. God I pray please bring ministering angels to Debbie and get her the help that she needs. God I pray go ahead of me and clear the way today. God I pray that you might strengthen my faith and let me see your mighty power at work. God I pray please keep the devil and his demons off of my back. God I pray that you will stop this harassing spirit and harassing phone calls that I am getting. God I give you all of the praise and honor and glory for it. In the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen
johnny groda on Wednesday, December 4 1:21 am
Post subject: The Two Prodigal Sons

User Location: Tacoma WA
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Understanding the Prodigal Son parable requires understanding why Jesus told the parable in the first place. He was speaking to a very mixed crowd. In Luke 15:1-2 there are at least 4 groups, sinners, tax collectors, Scribes and Pharisees. Jesus tells this series of three parables to drive home a simple point: God loves the lost and His heart's desire is to find all those separated from Him. Each parable gives a little different spin on His point.
In the third parable, Jesus gives two parts to the parable. In the first part, the younger son is the object of the parable. In the second half, the elder brother is the focus. Each of these parts speaks to the two classes of people to which Jesus was speaking i.e. the sinners and the Pharisees. The first would speak to those who had been separated from God (were prodigal in their relationship with God). The second half would be directed toward the Pharisees and Scribes (those who hadn't departed from God physically).
As I study this parable, it becomes apparent to me that neither son understood the father. The younger son thought that doing righteous things makes you worthy of the father's love. Wrong!
The older brother thought the same thing. Instead, the father was not focusing upon the behaviors of either son. He wanted to have a relationship of love with both brothers. He demonstrates this when he doesn't listen to the smooth lines the younger brother has rehearsed. He also says it to the older brother when he says, " Child, (a different term in the Greek than the word for son, "hwion") you are always with me, and all my things are yours. But it was necessary to kill the fatted calf and celebrate because your brother was dead and is now alive, he was lost and now he is found.
The father's heart desired whole relationships with both his sons. Neither understood. Could it be that in our attempt to be worthy of God's love, we miss what God is really trying to say to us: that we have a priceless value to Him, clearly demonstrated upon the cross.
angela phillips on Saturday, September 4 3:12 am
Post subject: 10 virgins

User Location:
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
parable of the Ten virigins, is just that get the MESSAGE.Sometimes, we as christians try to follow the letter of the law and not the holy spirit.I believe is about the anti-christ,the raputure, israel, belivers.This parable can be use for all, depending on where he or she is at the time....It is message to me and others Get right!!Get Ready!!To Go Home!! No man knows the day or hour the son of man coming....When is the end of time when is the rapture. My question is when is my personal end of time. my death we, me may die before the rapture, before end of time come...

Many times we behave pharisee and sadicucess. we do enough to get by, to pass not get thrown out, just little oil in my cup, just pay my tithes and church require offering or minium or matching 10%......

We say or works, and deed speak for us,i dont need to do more have extra oil, annoited life, we like the parable rich young rulers, ive keept all the commandemts since my Youth....I ve been doing good practical all my life we so proudly and pitously boost running down our list of things accomplishment we have done... Are we , me and you ready when Jesus comes with this unexpected request Sell everything and follow me...Jesus u asking for to much, ive done all require, like 5 foolish virgins we say we half lamp of oil, there is more i am to do, 5 wise were ready they were physical and spirtual faithful virgins, not only were the virgins physcially in there body where some one could see, but they were spirtual and had the annoting to prove it, power through testiomony expreience, trial test tribuliation pass the test, the 5 foolish were keeping themselves church, in temple, praying long prayers, quoting,studying history that was good, but they miss Jesus the one they were preparing for the groom their future, the mansion their paradise because they had no extra oil, couldnt borrow it, it must be earn oil is made through press,they had to go through hard pressure exprenice to recive this annoiting oil......
.Oh my brothers, sisters and lil children, boys and girls , teenager , my Soul cries out To God our lord, our husbandman, prepare us the bride of Christ to be right, to be without wrinkle or spot, and
Study to show ourself approve and with all our Wisdom get an Understand so we can Stand with You at our Personal Appoint Judgment day and Hear You say Well done my Good and Faithful Servant .............

Peter Kakumanu on Friday, January 3 6:26 am
Post subject: The Barren Tree

User Location: Lisle, Illinois
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
The nearer interpretations of Fig Tree is Israel. Three years of
observation is the time of Lord's earthly ministry. Lord Jesus is the
dresser, who interceded for the Nation.

This parable can be applied to the believer of Lord Jesus Christ who is
spiritual Jew. If a believer is living a barren life, the judgement is
certain; but timing is not known when it happens. There are clear incidents
where believers who are living in sin in spite of repeated warnings from
the Lord through His servants are taken away from this world.
It is evident that by the intercession of Lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly
High Priest, our lives are spared in spite of our short comings.
Will on Sunday, April 9 12:07 am
Post subject: Inheritance vs. property

User Location: Hebron, ky
Parable: prodigalson.txt
It may be important to note that the younger son does not ask for his inheritance but for his share of the property. His inheritance would bring with it cultural and societial responsibility. He only wanted to cash in and then cash out to go and party. He did not want the responsibility in the community.
ZEINA on Tuesday, April 4 6:43 pm
Post subject: dont hate us

User Location: syria
Parable: richfool.txt
im not here to reply i just want to tell you that the morals of islam agree completley with the teachings of jesus , you only have to study it careful by yourslef and dont believe what your media tells you .
Goshia on Wednesday, November 19 9:17 pm
Post subject: figs

User Location: poland
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
Dear Phil,
I have read ur commentary on the topic of 'the fig tree' i only now came across this page and found it ...
could u explain what u mean?

I dont knwo if u remember that what u wrote there but i cant copy and paste...:(

it sounds interesting but i would like to hear a bit more if possible

thank you very much
with God's Blessing

Tom Reilly on Wednesday, November 12 4:19 pm
Post subject: Prodigal Son

User Location: Ontario
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Dear Bob,

I'm intrigued by your questions. I'm not sure how to answer them satisfactorily but here goes.

1. Luke records 19 parables not found in the other Gospels. This is also true of the other writers. Not all of them tell the same stories. There is no simple answer. It may be helpful to study Luke's purpose, readers, style, emphases etc. Have you read or studied the Synoptic Problem. This would be helpful. How do we explain the similarities and the differences if there are common sources?

2. Parables usually make a single point. This parable is one of three in Luke 15 that deal with the grace of God in seeking and saving what was lost. The lost sheep and the lost coin stress the work of God in the search for what is lost. and the subsequent joy when found. The third looks at the experience of the lost but it is underlined by the unfailing love of the father in welcoming home the lost son.

While the third is set in a family context it is not about family but about the father's love for the lost son. All three parables are a stinging rebuke to the Pharisees who, in their self righteousness legalism, despised sinners. It is part of Jesus' running debate with the Pharisees on the nature of salvation; is it by works or by grace? In illuminating the character of our Heavenly Father. Luke apparently did not think it necessary to include the mother.

3. There are interessting parallels of the grace of God to each but since there is neither reference nor allusion to Jacob I doubt if Luke has him in view. Luke is writing to a Gentile, mainly Greek audience. Jewish history would be of little help there.

4. I think that the robe, the ring, the shoes and the welcoming feast all indicate a complete reconciliation and restoration of sonship.

5. There are many paradoxes in the Christian faith. The tension between grace and justice is only one of them. Others would be the tension between love and fear. We are to both love and fear the Lord.
There is tension also between God's Sovereignty and Human Responsibility. We like things to be simple, black and white, but it simply is not that way. The older I become the more I see the paradoxes as not only a mental challenge but, more importantly, a great means of growth in plumbing the depths of the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray that this is of some help to you. It has been a privilege to interact with you.


matoestede on Sunday, February 24 2:10 pm
Post subject: jennifer lopez money train sex scene r8

User Location: USA
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
I tore off my handgrips to encircle affectionate with the dildo.
Dawn on Wednesday, November 5 3:47 am
Post subject: The Fig Tree

User Location: Alabama
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
The fig tree without fruit represents our fruitless life. The leaves represent the word of God. You see we can have a lot of word in us but not produce fruit. The word of God in us has to be watered, birth in our spirit and then preached to the people. When the Lord told the man that he was going to cut the tree down and the man told the Lord no give me a year I will dig it up and fertilize it this reminded me of how Jesus interceeds on our behalf. Even Moses interceeded for the people of Israel when they were worshipping the golden calf. Even though this was a tree the man loved that tree and he knew that if he was given the chance to dig up the ground and fertilize it there would be fruit the following year. This is the same love the Lord has for us he always gives us a second chance
Wade Nye on Thursday, October 9 6:13 am
Post subject: Mustard Tree can only be America

User Location: Sacramento,Ca
Parable: mustardseed.txt
If we study the parable of the Mustard Tree we see that it relates to common OT themes.

Daniel 4,Ezekiel 31&17 show us that Christ is speaking of a type of Christian nation gone bad.Since the birds spoken of in Ezekiel 31 Matthew 13 Revelation 18 seem to relate to demonic principalities that have strongholds in the places of worship in Egypt,Babylon(NT & OT) & Assyria.We see the current state of our churches in the U.S.

In the Torah Mustard is not kosher in vedgetable gardens because as a seed bearing plant it is only permitted to be grown as a field plant yet Christ(a strict Jew)plants it in his garden.

This speaks of the fact that the people who made up the initial Mustard Seed were a very small group of Gentile believers who were made righteous(kosher) by faith.They were grafted on to Abraham (made his sons by faith).

This small group of faithful people were none other than the seperatists(Pilgrims) who landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620.They were the ones who Christ brought to himself then planted in his garden.
keijo on Monday, November 12 6:32 pm
Post subject: Greeting!

User Location: sweden
Parable: servants.txt
"So I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work,because that is his lot.For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?"Many word and wisdom we may live and enjoy for this few days what God has give to us in our area too that upfil his will and be light and love with letters from Christ,so win and win more to him of lost ,pray for blessed revival soon,thanks and bless and hope.keijo sweden
A on Saturday, September 4 4:50 am
Post subject: Deliver Elder Brother

User Location:
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Patrick hold on to your faith and Father God... He grieves with you...I too grive with you, as a formerly behaving as elder brother of prodigal son...Myself personaly God did a work in me and revealed my PRIDE, MY SELFISHNESS AND MY HEART, AND MY FEARS......

Keep praying God will reveal it to her in the scriptures about herself...
let god lead you when or if you should quote the scripture..Change may not come over night, as it did not come over night with you, or with the prodigal son, but the FATHER made his self availble to them, told elder son is been here for you the fatted calf, party, deliverance awaits your child. i love the comment made about wanting to be like the Prodigal son's Father that i read earlery

be bless everyone, i was enlightened by all the comments and revelations on this parable

🌈Pride🌈 goeth before Destruction
When 🌈Pride🌈 cometh, then cometh Shame

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