Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

theresa terry on Monday, May 24 7:52 pm
Post subject: the math

User Location: decatur
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
i am no bible scholar or a person of great intelligence, but the other day i was figuring it to be in 2008 also , its funny how i came accross your message, but again the bible says no one knows the appointed time that the lord shall return but he dose give us clues to follow and gives us warning. amen amen
Tom Ellison on Wednesday, January 8 4:24 am
Post subject: Parable of the Lost Sheep

User Location: NE
Parable: lostsheep.txt
Please consider that a simple reading of this parable teaches something that is actually untenible.

How can it be that the 99 are " just persons, which need no repentance."

There are no such persons anywhere, ever.

So who are these 99, and to what is Jesus referring?

In Matthew 15:1-2 we read to whom Jesus was speaking: tax collectors and sinners, Pharisees and teachers of the law. These latter two groups were being critical of Jesus as he spoke.

Is it not the case that the Pharisees and teachers of the law were the ones who represent the 99? Would not they, and all who heard, have know Jesus was speaking of them as the ones "which need not repentance?" Not that they did not need repentance, but that they denied needing repentance.

The whole story is about the pruning of the vine, in which the hard hearted Jews were removed. The one sheep is then those Jews who would hear, and the gentiles as well.

As you read the following 4 stories Jesus gave, you will see this same thread in all of them, culminating in the Rich Man and Lazarus.

This is the real reason the Pharisees and teachers of the law got more and more perturbed as Jesus spoke!

Rick Lambke on Wednesday, February 9 10:07 pm
Post subject: Google Search

User Location: Boca Raton, Florida
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I decided to google search Prodigal Son to try to get some insight and here I found all these great comments.

Today my son told me he wanted to withdraw his savings so he could buy a new drum set. I told him the story of the lost son (I think from now on I'm going to call him Prodigal) and his reply was, "Hey, this is not an inheritance, this is money I earned from my summer job!"

Anyway, I hope he got the point that I still love him even if he spends all his money on stuff that he won't remember in five years.
Robert Corbitt on Wednesday, May 14 2:59 pm
Post subject: Pharisees------ Sadducees ?

User Location: Homosassa, Springs, Fla.
Parable: phariseepublican.txtthread
Hello; When Christ was on earth the first time there were two major religious parities in Judaism--the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Pharisees were the fundamental legalists. They believed the letter of the law. They believed in a future resurrection, in angels, and in the spirit realities. The Sadducees though were more liberal in their theology. They rejected any thought of a future resurrection, and they didn't believe in angels or in spirit realities [ Acts 23:8 ]

But the Pharisees and the Sadducees did have one thing in common. Neither would have anything to do with the message surrounding the proffered kingdom [Matt. 16:1-6 ]

The Pharisees followed Christ about the country, seeking to counter the signs being manifested , and seeking to bring about unbelief on the part of the people. They formed, by far, the largest religious sect in Israel. And, because of there numbers, they held undisputed sway over the people and masses. The sadducees were the second largest sect in Israel and sometimes joined themselves with the pharisees who controlled the religious like of the nation. They sat "in Moses seat" [Matt.23:1,2]. I hope this helps , Bye.....
eric on Thursday, August 7 3:42 pm
Post subject: Dream I had like parable of 10 virgins

User Location:
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
To confirm my belief that God's destroyer angel was released on July 29, 2003 And is now surveying the United States, I was given a dream on July 30/31, 2003 that is similar to the parable of 10 virgins.

My reality was this: a clear water, cement canal, that winded, so that you could not see far ahead or behind because of the curves. I was swimming in this canal, when suddenly I saw a great white shark patroling the waters and coming my direction. I quickly climbed out of the waters onto the bank. I watched for awhile the creature swimming. Then I gathered the confidence to go back in. However, I knew that I must be vigilant incase the creature came back. Lo and behold, the creature did come back, but was on top of me so fast that I could not escape the water. But the creature passed by without harming me. I believe this to be the destroying angel patroling our nation which was released on July 29, 2003. I believe he does not have the power to destroy yet. And I believe we must remain vigilant, because the day and the hour inwhich he receives the power to destroy may come at any time. Dream/Commentary 2003 -

Jose Y. Batao on Wednesday, July 28 10:59 am
Post subject: Mustard Tree Photo

User Location: Manila, Philippines
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Please forward photo of mustard tree.

Thanks much.
Sanuel gonksa on Sunday, May 18 11:54 am
Post subject: i think it is a real tribute

User Location: in a house
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
i think it is a real tribute i do that you people can love god so mutch
Leonard on Tuesday, September 9 3:26 pm
Post subject: Barren Fig Tree

User Location: milwaukee
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
There is also a reference to a barren fig tree in matthew 21: 17-22, the barren fig tree represents sinners, if they are not producing fruits for God, then they shall be cut down. plain and simple.
Dallas Courchene on Thursday, November 13 2:43 am
Post subject: Wise

User Location:
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txt
How blind people can be!! Jesus explains it in the parable itself!! Read the first sentence! Then read it again, and again, and again, let it sink in your ears, those who do Jesus' commandments are the wise builders!! John 14:15 - If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14:21 - He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. John 14:23 - Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." Now, it would be wise to do what Jesus says, right?
mi_heritage on Tuesday, September 2 9:49 pm
Post subject: Where a dead person went before Christ died/ 3days

User Location: Canada
Parable: lazarus.txt
B.D. Means wrote;
>>>>This passage therefore does NOT show where a New Testament believer in Christ will go, but rather where Old Testament believers would temporarily exist. I say temporarily because both the rich man and Lazarus will one day stand before the Great White Throne where the book of life will be opened and THEN their FINAL destination will be decided; either eternity future with Christ on a "new heaven and a new earth", or in torment forever in the lake of fire.
alice wills on Thursday, February 17 11:32 am
Post subject: Did the Good Samaritan know Jesus?

User Location: Rocky River ,Ohio
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
I know the parable, but I know Jesus went to Samaria. Why couldn't the Samaritan have heard and perhaps accepted Jesus? Yes, I realize that non Christians show love. I teach primary children. The concept is to show love even when it is not convenient. When we know Jesus, He enables us to do this if we listen to Him.
Denny Aleksuk on Tuesday, November 11 6:54 pm
Post subject: True humility

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: phariseepublican.txt
I have a challenge for anyone reading this. In my studies of the “kingdom of God” there is this mystical thing breathing in the background that if you understand and accept, it will make you more productive in the kingdom of God. I’m convinced that it is the actual spirit of the matter, and if not understood, a lot of people will sit there and scratch their heads pondering why their spiritual lives are not more productive. What is this mystical spirit that permeates the teachings of the kingdom of God? It’s the spirit of true humility.

Humility is something that can be misconstrued. One person may think their being humble by saying “there’s none righteous no not one” and this is after he’s made Jesus the lord of his life. In their false sense of humility they reject scripture that support that in Christ we have become the righteousness of God. Humbleness never says “oh, no God. You’re sadly mistaken. I’m a putrid thing, if you only knew how pathetic I really am”. Notice the arrogance in this. Telling God that he’s so stupid he doesn’t know how retched you are. When he’s the guy who told you to repent for being a sinner. There comes a time when we must humble ourselves as children and just accept what he says without challenging him. What do we care if he says you’re the richest person in the universe? ACCEPT IT! What do we care? What if he says you’re the most beautiful person in the universe? Don’t run and look in the mirror and say I’m hideous, and through doing so cast Gods word out as a lie. Just accept it like a child does. “You’re a good boy aren’t you Johnny”? “Oh no mom I’m a retch”! Children don’t act like that and we need to learn to do the same thing. Otherwise his word will never penetrate our hearts and will not sink roots. Doesn’t the ground have to receive the seed before the seed will grow and produce fruit? Well what does it matter what God says-if it’s a good thing?

Now notice these expressions used in scripture and see if you don’t notice an underlying spirit. “HIDDEN”, “SECRET” ”CONCEALED”, “WHISPERED IN THE EAR IN CLOSETS”, (your own prayer closet) “DO NOT DISIGURE YOUR FACE WHEN FASTING LIKE THE HYPOCRITS DO”, “LET NOT THE LEFT HAND KNOW WHAT THE RIGHT HAD DOETH”, “DO THY ALMS IN SECRET” ‘SOUND NOT THE TRUMPET AS THE HYPORITS DO”. Do you see anything in all these expressions? The idea is that if we will humble ourselves and be content to be hidden, to do things in private, not attempting to show things to the outer world, YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER WILL REWARD YOU OPENLY.

There is a story that frequently comes up in faith circles that goes like this. A woman was suffering from a terrible goiter that had grown to about the size of a basketball hanging from her neck- if that’s not an exaggeration. Well this woman wood come to the meetings of a very blessed man of God by the name of Wigglesworth (last name). For three years in a row she would come to these meetings and testify to the crowd that she had been healed by God and was demonstrating her faith by doing so. Well, in the presence of the crowd as she was testifying, the goiter disappeared and she was healed. Truly a wonderful miracle. But faith people have seized upon this to say, “Look at the faith of this person who would testify of things that are not yet manifested as though they already were” and they encourage to do likewise But did you know that Jesus taught just the opposite? “Yes, but she was healed” you may say. Isn’t God wonderful! I’ve been blessed too when my thinking was absolutely backwards. The secret of faith is to do just the opposite. It’s called humility or humbling yourself before God. We are to accept Gods word into our hearts through prayer and then to conceal it as though it was a map to a treasure. Harboring it in our hearts and literally fighting its’ coming to the surface. “Let not your left hand know what the right hand doeth” If it’s you, then you have your reward. But if it’s God who’s doing the exalting, you’ll be exalted indeed, in the presence of people. I liken it to a train jumping its tracks at just the right time. Your own heart will assume a mind of it’s own.

Maybe the act of planting a seed is literally humbling that seed. It’s dead you know. The life has gone out of it. Maybe it’s an example of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. But one thing is certain to me anyway. There is a spirit of meekness that just beckons God to exalt us. Maybe in this day and age of know-it-alls, we’ve become a little too all knowing ourselves. Maybe we need to hide ourselves in Christ trusting that the father will promote us into the light. Just a thought.

Richard Welclh on Tuesday, July 8 3:44 pm
Post subject: Bible study

User Location: Franklin County, Ohio
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Had adult bible study about the small mustard and the large tree that it grows into. Thanks Dick Welch
Dr Peter Kalve on Friday, July 18 9:40 am
Post subject: The Parable of the Rich Fool

User Location: Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Parable: richfool.txt
This short parable contains a significant and salutary warning to us all not to lose sight of God in a world of rampant materialism. For our purposes, the parable can be seen in two contexts: the context in which it was first applied, and the context in which we find ourselves today.

The first context is the Graeco-Roman world in which both the historical Jesus and the Gospel writers existed. It was a world in which the major power of the age (Rome) dominated the region. Palestine was subject to Roman rule, and subject too to the trade and economic practices which had brought great wealth to a very few, and deep poverty and suffering to a great many. Given the Roman control of the economic and fiscal life of the region, it became the goal of some individuals who aspired to wealth, to work within that political and economic system, to achieve this. But, as is so often the case, this form of materialism could so easily become a self-destructive process, in which the rights and dignity of the poor was trampled upon, and the pursuit of gain became the only goal.

These individuals propped up the totalitarian Roman political system by failing to recognise the basic human dignity of their fellow human beings, and recognising instead only the need for more and more individualist material gain. And in doing this, God became forgotten. Love of God became replaced by love of individual gain and materialism.

Now this materialism could take many forms. In the parable, the easiest form to understand is employed - a wealthy man stores up more wealth, hoarding from his successful produce a great store of goods and materials with which he sought to enrich himself. But he loses sight of the point of life in this pursuit of gain. He thinks only of himself. He does not of share his good fortune with the poor and the downtrodden. Above all, he refuses to think of the only individual relationship that matters ultimately. He forgets about God. So when he faces a sudden, unprepared death (which is implied by verse 20), the emptiness of his relationship with God is revealed in all its bleakness.

And the context for today? It is interesting that this parable seems to have attracted the fewest comments so far. Is this because we are uncomfortable to condemn materialism as much as we were prepared (rightly) to condemn the Communism of the previous decades? I think so. I think the Western world especially is guilty of an individualist materialism which sees the pursuit of individual gain and wealth as the only "worthwhile" thing to do, and which deliberately forgets God.

Today's materialism takes many forms - financial, sexual, political, and emotional, to name a few. What this parable teaches us is that we should think about sharing our wealth and striving for a common good, and, above all, to remember God, who is the source of all goodness, and who will call us to account at a time not of our own choosing. Have we lived in a way that puts God first, or have we ignored that relationship, choosing our own individual materialism instead?

Glenn Rogers on Sunday, November 28 1:47 am
Post subject: Ready?

Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
You're right. Salvation is enough to be ready. And you can't lose your salvation. That's why they call it eternal life. If a person could lose it then it wouldn't be ETERNAL LIFE; it would be TEMPORARY LIFE.
Being ready means being truly saved and not just going through the motions. It means being born again by the spirit of God.
ZEINA on Tuesday, April 4 6:43 pm
Post subject: dont hate us

User Location: syria
Parable: richfool.txt
im not here to reply i just want to tell you that the morals of islam agree completley with the teachings of jesus , you only have to study it careful by yourslef and dont believe what your media tells you .
Eddy Aleman on Wednesday, May 12 4:57 pm
Post subject: wise builders

User Location: Holland, Michigan
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txt
The section of the wise and foolish builders is basically the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. Therefore, in order to understand this final section we must have in perspective the complete Sermon on the Mount that covers chapters 5-7 in the gospel of Matthew. The Sermon of the Mount is a brief summary of the whole message of the gospel preached by Jesus. We can say that it is the gospel in a "nutshell." The wise-foolish builders is an analogy about obedience and disobedience. Jesus uses this analogy to explain who are those that are OBEDIENT and who are those DISOBEDIENT to his teachings. The wise people HEAR the words of Jesus and puts them into practice. The foolish people only LISTEN but not hear the words of Jesus and disobeys them. So, the analogy of the Wise and Foolish builders is about obedience and disobedience. The Wise people obey Jesus and build their house on the rock and the Foolish people disobey Jesus and build their house on the sand. Where is your house build? Are you obedient?
Gary Granada on Friday, June 23 7:22 am
Post subject: Thank you.

User Location: Philippines
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
Very thorough exposition. I wish more and more people, Christians and non, will pursue a less identitist ethic and embrace and imitate the example set by Jesus. By the way, I am a volunteer in an ecumenical interfaith community in Manila. It is called Kaalagad (fellowship of fellowservants). It is a very small community engaged in ecological and gender concerns, ecomonics of sufficiency and critical pluralism. The murderous ways of the Arroyo government is patent, but even the Philippine Left is a Jericho of ideological segregation.

Thank you so much for the reassurance. Bless you and your family and your community.
Sue Lonaker on Thursday, April 21 1:28 pm
Post subject: Faith

User Location: 303 W. Shelby, Falmouth,KY 41040
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am doing Children's Message on faith and the mustard seed.
Pete Rose on Thursday, January 4 9:23 pm
Post subject: True humility

User Location: South Charleston WV
Parable: phariseepublican.txtthread
To condense it all into a nutshell, if you're doing it for show, if you're doing it to impress people, it doesn't count in God's sight. What you do in secret, for God, in accord with God's Word, is what pleases God. And I believe this is what true humility is all about.

The Pharisees did what they did with the primary motive of impressing those around them, but their hearts were far from God. They substituted their own traditions for the Word of God, laying heavy burdens on others but not offering any help themselves. They prayed long prayers on street corners to impress others of how pious they were, but foreclosed on widow's houses. They had people to blow trumpets before them when they put their money into the treasury so everyone could see how generous they were. But they only gave of their surplus. Jesus' most scathing rebukes were reserved for these hypocrites, accordingly. And this also is why he told them harlots and tax collectors would go into the kingdom ahead of them, because they would see their sorry condition and repent, while the hypocritical pharisees would only justify themselves and look down on others.

The parable of the Pharisee and the publican I think most graphically illustrates this differencel
Robert Corbitt on Tuesday, May 13 2:20 am
Post subject: Leaven-Corruption, and Deterioration

User Location: Homosassa, Springs, Fla.Co
Parable: leaven.txt
In the light of the way in which leaven is always used in the Old Testament, Christ could use the word in a symbolic sence---as he did in Matt.13:33, and Matt.16:6 and his disciples would know exactly what was meant. And the exactly the same thing can be seen where leaven is used elsewhere in the New Testament. Every place this word appears, the context always clearly shows the word being used only one way--to show corruption and deterioration- in complete keeping with the Old Testament usage. In Matt.13:33 the context leading into the use of this word has to do with fruit-bearing and with the method Satan uses to stop Christians from bearing fruit. The preceding two parables reveal Satan introducing false doctrine, with a progressive corruption and deterioration following. And the parable of the leaven simply reveals the conclusion of the matter. Acording to the parable of the leaven, the message surrounding the proffered kingdom during the present time would, near the end, become completely leavened. Corruption introduced at the beginning would progressively permeate the whole of Christendom untill that having to do with the proffered kingdom would be completely corrupted. This is how, according to this parable,the dispensation would end. The Church will not only left its "first love"{Rev.2:4}, but the Church will be brought into a state described as "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked"{Rev.3:17b}
bighouse5 on Saturday, July 27 4:41 am
Post subject: A mustard seed should stay an herb

User Location: USA
Parable: mustardseed.txt
A mustard seed should stay an herb,if it becomes as a tree it is not good for seasoning.It has become something it shouldn't be and the birds perch in it looking for an easy meal.
Mustard seed = The Church,GOD's children Birds = satan and his croneies,false teachers
To GOD be the glory.

Teresa on Tuesday, April 18 6:30 am
Post subject: Is this God's justice?

User Location: Tulsa, OK USA
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
My heart goes out to Edwin who reached out and helped accident victims and became a victim himself. Edwin, I do not believe that this is God's perfect will for your life -- to serve time for giving of your time, talents and the love of God in your heart to help someone. Certainly we can see the hand of the enemy in this. I will pray and ask God to turn this thing around, to cause you to find favor and to reward you for your efforts to walk in love. I believe in prayer and I know that prayer changes things. Begin to speak a positive message of change. Know, by faith, that God has not forgotten you. He will save you and deliver you from this cruel thing that has happened to you. In addition to that, He will reward you for the 10 years you have spent fighting this thing. He will reunite you with your wife and cause your life to be filled with abundance. I decree it in the Name of Jesus!
judy on Wednesday, November 12 1:30 pm
Post subject: Scientific names

User Location: China
Parable: leaven.txtthread
Hi as you can see my name is Judy and for a project i was wondering if you can tell me what the scientific name for angels are. Please reply ASAP(as soon as posible) Thank you so much for helping me

Robert Corbitt on Wednesday, May 14 2:39 am
Post subject: Unfaithful " Suffer Loss"

User Location: Homosassa, springs, Fla.
Parable: tentalents.txt
In both parables of the talents and the parable of the pounds, unfaithfulness on the part of the Lords servants and the end result of unfaithfulness are shown in the latter part of each parable. Such unfaithfulness resulted in rebuke and loss in each instance; and also in each instance, the unfaithful servant was not associated in any manner whatsoever with positions of power and authority in the kingdom.

Those who refuse to use the initial investment will not only remain profitless but they will , as a consequence, suffer "Loss" {cf Matt.25:15, 18, 19, 24-30; Luke 19:15, 20-26}. They will experience the loss of their souls {cf.Matt. 16:24-27 }.

Consequenly, that which is involved in James 2:14, as explained in subsequent verses, is simply faithfulness to one's calling [ resulting in works ], or unfaithfulness to one's calling [ resulting in no works or valueless works not assocated with faith]. Works of this nature referred to in this verse emenate out of faith and bring faith to its proper goal, which is the salvation of one's soul [ James2:22; 1 Peter 1:9]. Apart from such a manifestation of faith, giving rise to works, there can be no profit; nor can the inherently connected salvation follow [ the savation of the soul]. We must obey the Lords commandments overcome the world,the flesh,and Satan. Works are believing what the Lord has said in his word ...
aura on Tuesday, January 4 12:09 pm
Post subject: parables for children's church

User Location: Finland
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txtthread
Dear Mary, was just surfing for info and noticed your message. I have taught children's church for 7 years both in finland and Canda. Speaking of the parables, I have found an excellent teaching material. ( you may have heard of this already, since this message of yours have been here for almost a year now, thought I'd still leave you a note)
The material is called "the Parables of Christ" and it is published by CEF Press, located in Warrenton, MO. this material has 12 lessons which can be divivded into two- thus giving 24 lessions if you so choose. I have used one lesson per church. and have used this material for the entire year- twice already.
hope tihs helps you and may God bless your ministry with the children!!!
In Him, aura
Laurie on Monday, March 12 6:39 pm
Post subject: My opinion

User Location: New York
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I believe GOD was the Father in the story of the prodigcal son and He taught His child to love uncondionally by loving Him uncondional
Kimberly on Sunday, April 27 10:05 pm
Post subject: The rich fool

User Location: Camden
Parable: richfool.txt
I believe that the rich fool is meaning that anyone who is blessed with goods that he/she needs to thank God and his workings that he made before we just think we can sit back and be lazy. I also believe that this passage means that sometimes we take things that we have for granted and we always expect these things but we never kno when we will lose these things and/or waste these things.
Michael Ciappetta on Sunday, May 15 11:15 pm
Post subject: John 10:16

User Location: orlando florida
Parable: goodshepherd.txt
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

I think Jesus might be talking about other than an Earthly fold here. He could be acknowledging lineage other than Adams, which he is the God of. It might be something worth considering.

sara on Saturday, January 14 12:27 am
Post subject: prodigal son

User Location: derby
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Can anyone help me? My teacher gave me an assignment, and i am not sure which perspective to take. Should the prodigal son be called the Parable of the Prodigal Father? Does the story describe a father that is prodigal with his property and at the end is prodigal with his love?
mohammad on Monday, March 1 11:59 am
Post subject: thanks

User Location: Jordan
Parable: prodigalson.txt
i just wanted to say hello and thank you all very have kindly supplied me with informations i have been seeking for my homework for 3 days.
thanks again and i'd love to be a regular attendant here.
Prater on Friday, December 10 4:56 pm
Post subject: Another Prater

User Location: Ripon, Ca.
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Thanks Brother Prater,
It is a wonderful revelation to experience inheritance. Some will receive and others will be looking right at it and never experience any more. OUR LORD CAME TO TAKE BACK WHAT THE ENEMY HAD STOLEN. We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ and sons of God. We are all wanting more, but the level of wanting is only quickened by the Holy Spirit. HAVE WE ASKED? Father God I want more of YOU?
This warning to us about the two sons is a sad story to say the least when one brother takes what is given and runs with it and loses all, ending up in the pig slime. The other stays in his boundaries, limited, shutting himself down. wanting inheritance but not wanting to spend quality time with the Father The son who stayed home has set his limits and will never take the fullness of all that has been given to him. Faith, believing in the Word Of The Lord. receiving revelation to all that had been given and how THE KINGDOM OF GOD is not by works or presumption, It is a wonderful koinonia relationship, intimate, and personal. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. (2 Cor. 13:14). This is where we receive inheritance, and this is how we become full of the Glory of God. Romans 14:17 (Righteousness, Peace, and Joy In The Holy Ghost).
Rev. 3:20 is the key to knowing (YADA) Him. He's knocking, Open the door and let Him in. He wants to banquet with us. The Father said prepare a feast as he gazed at his son coming home. A couple of verses later there was a open door in heaven. Our Father has a open door policy and we can all come home to his banquet table. Have we taken the time to sup with Him lately? Do we know how to? Let's Ask OF HIM!
Denny Aleksuk on Monday, October 13 5:12 pm
Post subject: What oil represents?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
In the parable of the ten virgins the question is asked, what might the oil in the vessels be that some had an adequate amount of and yet others did not. One thing we can determine is that whatever it is, it is not transferable. One cannot receive it from another just because your supply has dwindled.

The first thing that stands out to me is that these women have LAMPS. In Mark chapter four Jesus said, “is a candle brought to be put under a bushel or under a bed and not to be set on a candlestick”? Other translations use the word lamp and lamp stand. Being that we’re talking about a parable of the kingdom, which is often intertwined, with others, might the lamp being talked about be the condition of the heart and the degree to which we are letting our lights shine? “So let you light shine before men that they may see your good works”?

In Luke Jesus says that “the light of the body is the eye, if you’re eye be single your whole body will be filled with light”. This eye that Jesus is talking about is the spirit, the part of us that retains spiritual vision. And it’s also the place where the word is supposed to abide and operate from (a lamp stand). Then might the oil in this parable be the oil of the abiding word?

Darkness, which represents a spiritual climate of deception, has an adverse affect on the shining of these lamps. Why might that be? Well, if the truth is light then the spirit of error (lies) or darkness, is going to be diametrically opposed to the light. Hence, if we’re not founded on the TRUTH of god’s word, the deceptive anti-Christ atmosphere will challenge our inner beliefs causing many to loose their faith. Doesn’t that sound like the day that we’re living in? The word says that there would come a time when evil would be esteemed as good and good for evil.

If people believe that we’re living in the last days then wouldn’t you have to also say that were living in the darkest, most deceptive spiritual climate that has ever been? Notice the differences in thinking between the Europeans and the Americans. France sent an envoy to Israel and said we don’t believe that Hamas is a terrorist group. Dear lord, the deception has started and is rising to flood tide. But hang on; this world hasn’t seen anything yet in way of deception. We’re about to call upon ourselves the mother of all deceivers. All because we harbor not the truth in our hearts.

Our only defense in the day being talked about is to have the Word richly abiding in us. All of us should be in the prayer closet “speaking in the ear’ (out loud) the promises of God. Cultivating faith rich in visual clarity not falling for the ploys of the adversary.

Though the thought could be troubling I choose to fear not, for at the midnight hour the Lord shall come. And his reward is with him.

Chris on Tuesday, July 1 10:29 pm
Post subject: Love of Jesus

User Location: Portland , OR
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
If by agape love you mean Gods unconditional Love towards all, then you are right on.
God Bless You,
Grace on Wednesday, February 28 1:07 am
Post subject: Parable of the great feast

User Location: Australia - Canberra
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txt
15When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, "Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God."

16Jesus replied: "A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. 17At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.'

18"But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, 'I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.'

19"Another said, 'I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I'm on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.'

20"Still another said, 'I just got married, so I can't come.'

21"The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.'

22" 'Sir,' the servant said, 'what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.'

23"Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full. 24I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.' "

What would it be like in our day form? What is the catholic belief evident in my parable? And what dose it mean?

If anyone can please help me on this, please email me at:

Rachel on Sunday, May 29 8:34 pm
Post subject: The Prodigal Son

User Location: Regina
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I am doing a report on the Prodigal Son for my Christian Ethics class and we have to answer some questions and i can't seem to find nething that i can use. Can someone help me?
Here are the questions:

A) What is the setting of the Parable?
B) What everyday event or happening is this parable modelled around?
C) List and explain all the symbols in this parable.
D) In what way does this parable relate to the Kingdom of God?
-describe God's Kingdom?
-tell how we should live if we are to build God's Kingdom?
-tell of the future coming of God's Kingdom?
-describe God?
E) What does this parable tell us about the Reign or Kingdom of God?
D) What does this parable teach us today?

If someone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
Beth on Wednesday, November 27 8:35 am
Post subject: 2 points

User Location: Ohio
Parable: prodigalson.txt
On the topic of the younger son hating his father. It is not said that he hates his father, and I don't believe that he does... but in asking for his inheritance... it is like wishing his father were dead. That had to hurt the father. Yet the father took him back unconditionally.

As for the older son, that has also been on my heart a lot. You see my sister ran away from home. When she returned I was glad and celebrated, but at the same time it was frustrating. Where was my reward for being the good daughter?? The father's response to the older's sons complaints is, "Everything I have is yours". God gives us everything! He gave us His Son and eternal life. At the same time, the father's plea to the older son to join in the celebration, is how God us to celebrate when others grow in relationship with him.
amy on Sunday, October 5 7:09 pm
Post subject: verse 27

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
The man was asking Who was his neighbor in response to loving others as yourself. By saying we don't have to believe in Jesus to inherit eternal life leaves out the first half of verse 27 where you are to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strenght and with all you mind." This is HUGE! and we cannot ignore it when trying to understand Jesus's message about loving EVERYONE not matter who they are in relation to you.
Jim Bertels on Friday, August 10 10:11 pm
Post subject: Generation

User Location: Manhattan, KS
Parable: barrenfigtree.txtthread
It is my belief that when Jesus said "this generation will not pass away" in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 He was talking about a forty year generation. The people who heard Him talking could look ahead forty years and know that everything Jesus predicted concerning the destruction of Jerusalem would come to pass. History records that it did in 70 AD.
Jim Burns on Tuesday, October 7 12:20 am
Post subject: Reply

User Location: Manitoba
Parable: vine.txtthread
The second message is more complete, it has more to it at the bottom!
KRIS BAILEY on Wednesday, March 5 4:58 am
Post subject: The "lost son":

User Location: AUSTIN, TX. USA.
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
I think you are right. The elder brother was truly the lost son. Maybe in order to see God truthfully, and to understand His forgiveness in the fullest measure, we have to stray from Him. This way we can compare both sides and choose with wisdom knowing exactly what we want instead of doubting and being resentful of others. I think we are supposed to do this to some degree, that way we aren't just automatons repeating what God wants to hear, instead of actually feeling and understanding His profound forgiveness as well as His message of love.
denise howell on Thursday, June 5 2:45 pm
Post subject: mustard tree picture and seed

User Location: orlando florida
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
teaching grandchildren faith is as a mustard seed

please send info as described

greatly appreciated


jeff on Saturday, April 30 10:18 pm
Post subject: Prodigal son

User Location: North carolina
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
there is no biblical name given. Maybe its better that . Many of our names could fit into the story We may not have done exactly what he did but, how many of us have been foolish and wasteful with our lives then come to our senses
James H on Friday, March 27 3:46 am
Post subject: The reproach of Jesus

User Location: Australia
Parable: unjuststeward.txt
This is one of the hardest parables to understand. Yet I offer my personal opinion as the way I see it. All due respects to the fact I might not have the truest understanding.
Mammon is the power of wealth in the world, and its a fallen world where justice does not prevail.
When the unjust steward was accused of mismanagement he became against his master. Mammon became the thing he hates or the thing he despised. We dont know if he was unfaithful or not, but he was accused. Judgiing by his actions, he loved justice more than mammon.
Therefore he resolved to leave his job and give away some of the debt owing to his master.
Already you can hear the Pharisees who loved money jeering at this behaviour, as Jesus spoke this parable. Thier haughty spirit and proud ways were all about the so called decency of wealth. Perhaps the steward had inside knowledge all along that the debts were too much for people to pay and a burden that God had never ordained. The steward knew the sham of wealth and could make good conversation with the class of people usually oppressed by the people of wealth, no less also than the relgious leaders of the day - and today. He knew he might at least have somewhere to stay if by his generosity he would be remembered when and if he had no place to live and no more job to depend on.
Whether he was commended by the principle of mammon or by the Lord I am not totally sure. I think it is Jesus who commended him for his resolve to uphold true justice knowing that there is no righteousness in mammon. Thus, the idea is to be giving it away, not hording it up. This is consistent with so much the New Testament says about riches. That is, to lay them down and follow Him, not lay them up on earth where moth and rust corrup and thieves break through and steal. Use it to make friends and be giving, and be more concerned about true justice that only God is the author of. For the unjust steward, to remain in his position would therefore be made to remain as the accused and unjust. This would be being faithful to his master, and despising or hating God, truth and justice. In whatever seemingly small way there was faithfulness, there would also be great faithfullness. He that is unjust in the least, is also unjust in much. Therefore, the steward had to make his resolve one way or the other. You cannot serve two masters. I feel that the parable illustrates more about the stewards contempt for mammon than the love of God and so the Pharisees revolted as they heard this because they were steeped in the ways of wealth, believing it to be the ultimate tool for good. Yet God in Jesus announced, 'that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God'. I believe the steward was fed up with the things of the decietfulness of riches and the cares of this world and became resolute enough to reject his place with mammon and stand up for true justice by deploring its principles and forgiving the debts the way he did. Its a bit like Moses who forsook all the pleasures of Egypt and went and lived with the Hebrew outcasts, 'esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the [ heavenly ] reward. Heb 11:26
Thus we can see the Godly things to esteem are heavenly things and the earlthy things are an abomination. Paul counted all his losses as a dunghill. I dont know for sure, but his high rank in the Jewish orders would have had a lot to do with wealth and the principles of mammon. Man sees the good works in it. God sees the heart. What do we have in out heart? Will we be like the unjst steward and take up our cross, or we will side with mammon and not care about truth, about justice, about firstly seeking His kingdom and His righteousness. Will we have faith like Moses, not knowing fully about God, but leaving all, forsaking all and following Him - not as a prosperity doctrine, but in his reproach? Even I am convicted by this. amen
john on Monday, April 11 4:41 pm
Post subject: Name of the prodigal son

User Location: UK
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
What do you mean "symbolic name"?
What provenance is there for the actual name of the youngest son who is descibed? Or are you just assigning the names in the order that they would have be given? We think?
Interested but not convinced.


Larry on Monday, November 25 12:51 pm
Post subject: the fig tree

User Location: Lancaster pa
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
who is the fig tree, isit the nation of Israel as a whole which was born in May14th. 1948 or is it of Jursalem recaptured in 1967 durning the 1967 war
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Wednesday, January 7 8:35 pm
Post subject: Meaning of "weeping and gnashing of teeth": uvya

User Location: Columbus, IN, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
Both the evil servants in charge of their flocks of Christians and the lazy servants in the pews will be judges to a place of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 24:51, 25:30 ). Speakers of English have not the faintest idea of what this phrase might entail.

At best, some will weep bitterly while others gnash their teeth somewhat under the influence of outside, nighttime cold. Beware what this phrase might also mean....

The Russian language has an unusually nasty plan for dealing with tooth decay with "a mouthful of cavities and abscesses". Without modern dentistry, they would quit trying to save their teeth with cashews because spreading pus all around their mouths had become futile and fast around the clock. If they started to starve, they would gnash their teeth ***to bits and pieces*** and again be able to drink milk and eat pureed foods. If they had even one gene for Russian innate crying, once they got enough calcium phosphate in them, a third set of teeth would grow.

This third set is not a good set of teeth. It contains forty (40. ) teeth of far different sizes and shapes than the second set which was replaced. You cannot bite into an apple or a pear or a sandwich with the third set; apples and pears must be cored and sandwiches must be cut up into four, six, eight or twelve pieces because the incisors of the third set are small and week. The third set of teeth offers enormous bicuspids (side teeth) good for carrots, celery, whole walnuts, and crushing bones to extract the marrow. Worst of all, it demands an extremely large and incredibly ugly jaw so heavy as to make psalmists lament, "Lift up my head"-- a Hebrew idiom derived from people with the third set of teeth which came to mean "restore my former condition". Contrary to dentists' and orthodontists' and oral surgeons' pronouncements, there is no need to extract impacted teeth which are not causing problems; rather, by eating plenty of nuts, apples, pears, carrots, celery sticks, and seeds whole (with third teeth in front, apples and pears in sixths) with dairy products, the patient is actually able to grow the jawbone to accommodate all those teeth and straighten them out! With a mouthful of third dentition, the resulting face is incredibly ugly. Preserving a small face, there is nothing to be done about impacted teeth to avoid numerous needed extractions.

Yes, this is what "weeping and gnashing of teeth" might mean! If we were to read "gnashing of teeth" without mention of "weeping", its Russian translation would be the noun "skrezhet" or the verb "skrezhetat'". That is not a weepy word to the best of my knowledge. Jesus Christ, however, put "weeping" with "gnashing of teeth" to express the weepy word, definitely crying, "uvyadaniye" as a noun and "uvyadat'" or "uvyanut'" as verbs. Given in good dictionaries as meaning "to waste away" in reference to a person, this most extremely, incredibly shameful verb in either form in its most shameful sense as crying in the first person ("uvyad", "uvyanu yazF?", "uvyanyum' yazF", "yazF uvyadayu", etc.) refers to gnashing one's teeth to bits and pieces, in various tenses. I warn you that THIS suffering could befall the evil servants in charge and, later, lazy stewards from among the followers!

And now I warn you that many "evil servants in charge" and many "lazy stewards" will most certainly lose all their teeth through this judgement and be left to pray the psalmists' prayer, "Lift up my head." Surely the master, when he returns, will have obtained the authority to compel Badpastor to bite on steel pipes while he is flogged. The lazy stewards, far more numerous, may be in for this most awful fate, or they may be cast out where the evil servants suffer so horribly. Who will suffer what is unclear because Scripture only says "where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 24:51, 25:30 ) rather than a clear statement of "(he shall) weep and gnash his teeth". Yet I tell you, in order to make the Gospel ring true to the Russian people, there will be individuals among the evil servants in charge whose teeth are now sound yet shall be made to bite on steel pipe during their floggings and thus lose all their teeth. It is absolutely unsafe for us to run churches like evil servants in charge, and it is likewise absolutely unsafe for us in the pews without vast wealth of our own to ignore our stewardship even of our chances to befriend the rich folk of this world.

The message of gnashing one's teeth to pieces or of a mouth full of natural replacement adult teeth is admission of utter decadence and age. Nobody looks young with a third set of teeth. Still, Jesus accepts and accommodates them. Some of His disciples must have had feeble incisors of third dentition because He broke bread for them. To prepare bread for people with first dentition (baby teeth, milk teeth) or second dentition ("permanent" teeth, adult teeth), we usually slice it or find it already sliced for our convenience. As I conclude, please remember the incredibly severe risks inherent in evil servanthood and lazy stewardship and unfaithfulness in (with) the mammon of unrighteousness. God bless those who heed.

Yours in Christ,

+++Kevin D. Rosenberg

a martyr for continuing to ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7, Greek )
Patrick Siu on Tuesday, November 18 11:43 pm
Post subject: mustard tree

User Location: San Francisco
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am teaching this Sunday on parables. A picture of the mustard tree will help my visual presentation. Can anyone point me to any source?
Daniel on Wednesday, October 25 9:07 am
Post subject: prodigal son

User Location: ugabda
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Please give the answer about the elder brother t the prodigal son
FRANK FINK on Sunday, April 18 8:40 pm
Post subject: old topic: the prodigal son never hated his father

User Location: Wapwallopen Pa 18660
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
I agree. The story never said the son hated his father. It shows us how we really are, looking for something else out side of what we have. Although we can see that when the son "came to his senses" and remember his fathers house and servants and how well everyone was treated, and had food enough, it seems to me that the Holy Spirit showed up then. We can see that he was enlightened that he had sinned against His Father in heaven by his ways and actions and against his earthly father. He said that he would ask forgiveness! That is what I see. His thought was that he was not worthy to be called son. We are created beings, once we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and confess our sins to Him, he calls us sons and we are in the family of God, also being servants like our Lord of Lords Jesus Christ.....

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