Jesus Christ Parables

Jesus Christ told numerous parables as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
According to the dictionary a parable is a story designed to teach a moral.
Ah, but they are so much more.
Depending upon the level of understanding a parable can be just a simple story
or an elaborate display of God's love for us.
As our understanding of God deepens so do new levels of understanding of his parables occur.
The following parables are beautiful expressions of God's love for each and every one of us.
Many of the parables in the book of Matthew are
repeated in slightly different versions and recorded by other disciples - in Mark, Luke or John.

Please feel free to add your knowledge to the parables listed here at Web-Ministry!

Seeds are planted everyday and everywhere


List of the Jesus Christ Parables


Last 50 Comments Left on Parables

Donald R. Batson on Monday, May 9 2:44 pm
Post subject: Good Samaritian

User Location: Oklahoma
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
Foster and Adoptive Parents are the embodiment of the Good Samaritian. They take in the injured and the hurting and give them love, compassion, and grace. Jesus said,"That that you do unto the least of My children, you do unto Me."
WES on Monday, September 22 6:10 pm
Post subject: JEWISH USURY LAW

User Location: FLORIDA
Parable: tentalents.txt
Some of you "greatly err, not knowing the scriptures". It is not unlawful for a Jew to lend money for usury in all circumstances, it is only unlawful to lend money for usury to fellow Jews. Reference Exodus 22:25 and Deuteronomy 23:20. These clearly spell out the Mosaic laws for usury. "Giving the money to the changers" would be a reference to the money changers in the Temple who would exchange foreign currency so that foreign worshippers could contribute to the Temple treasury. This was perfectly legal under Mosaic law. It started out as a legitimate enterprise but quickly became a get-rich-quick scam due to people's greed. These are the 'den or thieves' that Jesus chased out of the Temple, not because of their occupation, but because they used this occupation to rip off others.

How can some of you think this is a 'reverse parable' when it clearly starts out with the words "For the kingdom of heaven is as..." ? This describes the parable clearly as a comparison to the kingdom of heaven. Which part of that is backwards?

If you want the true meaning of the parable refer to James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ASK OF GOD, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. " Prayer and meditation will be answered and you will find what the parable means TO YOU. True interpretation of Scripture will not be found in the commentaries of others. Each of us has a personal, individual, and unique spiritual walk. What this passage of Scripture means to you may be entirely different from the interpretation for me. Pray and meditate and get your personal interpretation directly from the one who will give you wisdom LIBERALLY.

willy on Friday, April 9 3:49 pm
Post subject: The Good Samaritan

User Location: alberta, canada
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread

I understand, that the Good Samaritan was a real person who lived long before Jesus, and the same thing happened to him, he was perscuted for doing good deeds to other. That's the reason why Jesus was able to tell this story. I forgot the name of this person.

Could you help me? What is the Good Samaritan's name?

Janice on Wednesday, June 4 7:35 pm
Post subject: Prodigal

User Location: Tennessee
Parable: prodigalson.txt
In reply to several previous emails, especially Rozilne: My book, If the Prodigal Were a Daughter, was released in January and contains four modernized parables. I also review the first century historical/social context and the parable's relevancy to the twenty-first century. The requirement of a parable is to see ourselves. In the prodigal story, most of us have been the prodigal (disrespectful of the father, seeking independence, finding ourselves stuck in a pig pen); we often act like the elder brother (selfish, self-serving, judgmental, refusing to go inside the house for the party because "he" or "she" is inside. Once we ourselves as we really are, we are to become the Father (loving, forgiving, merciful, welcoming, rejoicing). It is human nature for teenagers to break free from parental controls, as it is to obey out of obligation or requirement. But God wants us to grow up, to mature in the very image of the father, the reflection of God.
amy on Sunday, October 5 7:02 pm
Post subject: Gentile vs. Jew

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
Jesus was a Jew, therefore he was showing how Christianity was going to be for all, not just Jews. The focal point is on how the man's neighbor is everyone, whether Jew or not. Yes, people have to believe in Jesus to be saved...that's not judgemental- it's the Truth. I pray this explains a bit, but keep questioning and looking through your Bible to see what it says. God bless.

Denny Aleksuk on Wednesday, May 26 3:51 pm
Post subject: Don’t worry, be patient.

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txt
In understanding Jesus’ teachings concerning the Kingdom of God, (God’s way of doing things in the earth) one of the most misunderstood and underrated things that a Christian has to consider is the time element involved in Faith.

Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is likened unto a seed, which is sown in the earth, and then after many days a fruit is harvested. But in light of faith being likened unto a seed or the idea of farming, the growing time has to be considered.

As difficult as this is to do, there is no other way around it. When I want a fishing lure, I want it today not tomorrow. When I woman eyeballs a new pair of shoes, is she content in having them next week? Trust me, if she really wants them she’ll have them tonight.

But in the realm of the spirit there are mechanisms set in place for our protection. It's called growing time. So, why this growing time? Is God just a hard head? Is he just being unreasonable? Or is there divine reasoning behind it?

According to Jesus our hearts are a two way street. “Let your light so shine”, “take heed that the light which be in you be not darkness”. And God has confined himself to working through the human heart. But do you know what? Satan is also confined to working through the heart. Now he has an advantage because he’s already in the earth (due to the fall of man). God on the other hand is trying to get back into the earth, and the great battleground is the heart.

The growing time is a buffer zone that God uses to function in the spiritual realm where #1. Satan can never beat him (us). And #2. He can preserve Christians from the affects of fickleness and unbelief. If the system worked that way we wanted it to, then Satan would be able to wipe us out in a matter of days. But this long growing time assures that the only things that truly enter into our hearts are things that we really desire or things that we obstinantly adhere to (negative things-yes they can get in there too). The whole thing is a safety mechanism whereby God in his infinite wisdom can keep us alive and happy.

Jesus taught that there is power in words and interestingly, he manifested himself as the Word of God (John 1:1). If all of the crud and expressions of the day were to REALLY take root in our hearts, we would seal a fate of doom very quickly. But be of comfort, God has set up a plan whereby we can access the “treasure of our hearts” in a deliberate way without destroying ourselves in the process. Of course the one drawback is this long time element, but if we know it going into the process then we can #1. Make sure that the things that we pray for are truly desires of the heart and not temporary whims that we all get into. And #2, we’re encouraged to be responsible thereby preparing for the future, much like Noah preparing an ark on dry land being warned by God’s Word of things yet to come. (This is the meaning of this parable: Prepare beforehand.)

This parable shows vividly this time element and it also shows the importance of preparation for the future in a godly sober manner.

God is not the author of hardship though we may think that he is in making us wait such a long time-so it seems, (we want everything yesterday) for the things that we ask for. But give the God of the heavens-the one who actually died for us the benefit of the doubt and know that he doesn’t withhold things from us, he preserves them for us. But we must figure in the time element in the growing of our faith.

If done properly we can feather a nest of blessing, security and provision over our families that terrorism or global uncertainty can never quell.

But you have to get on the front end of things and this entails preparation in the light of Gods word for the future. This is what a wise person does. A fool will always live behind the eight ball, forever reacting to unexpected visitors from the dark side in the form of circumstances not in line with the abundant life that Jesus promised all.

If done correctly, not only will our life’s structures prevail against the storms of life, but also we’ll have room for others who have not been so wise, so as to build their lives upon the word of the Almighty.

Don’t ever buy into that anger business where the adversary accuses God of making you wait as though he’s dangling a carrot in front of our faces leading us on. No, to the contrary, we’ve probably been believing things in our hearts that if he were to honor the one he would have to honor the other, and the other could possibly destroy us. God will work as advocate and counselor making up for our “ways” assuring us blessing if we but patiently harbor his promises in our hearts.

Cheer up! God’s CAUSING these things to come to pass, not impeding them. But we must hold fast his Word in our hearts liberally giving him time to work around our sin and quirks. All things considered, we serve a wonderful God that is not hard and unreasonable, but one who has all the facts, and who is our greatest ally.

So build your spiritual structures on the foundation of prayer and the believing of his word, in time you’ll be the “strong tower” that others come running to in times of a storm and destruction.

Dr Peter Kalve on Friday, July 18 9:40 am
Post subject: The Parable of the Rich Fool

User Location: Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Parable: richfool.txt
This short parable contains a significant and salutary warning to us all not to lose sight of God in a world of rampant materialism. For our purposes, the parable can be seen in two contexts: the context in which it was first applied, and the context in which we find ourselves today.

The first context is the Graeco-Roman world in which both the historical Jesus and the Gospel writers existed. It was a world in which the major power of the age (Rome) dominated the region. Palestine was subject to Roman rule, and subject too to the trade and economic practices which had brought great wealth to a very few, and deep poverty and suffering to a great many. Given the Roman control of the economic and fiscal life of the region, it became the goal of some individuals who aspired to wealth, to work within that political and economic system, to achieve this. But, as is so often the case, this form of materialism could so easily become a self-destructive process, in which the rights and dignity of the poor was trampled upon, and the pursuit of gain became the only goal.

These individuals propped up the totalitarian Roman political system by failing to recognise the basic human dignity of their fellow human beings, and recognising instead only the need for more and more individualist material gain. And in doing this, God became forgotten. Love of God became replaced by love of individual gain and materialism.

Now this materialism could take many forms. In the parable, the easiest form to understand is employed - a wealthy man stores up more wealth, hoarding from his successful produce a great store of goods and materials with which he sought to enrich himself. But he loses sight of the point of life in this pursuit of gain. He thinks only of himself. He does not of share his good fortune with the poor and the downtrodden. Above all, he refuses to think of the only individual relationship that matters ultimately. He forgets about God. So when he faces a sudden, unprepared death (which is implied by verse 20), the emptiness of his relationship with God is revealed in all its bleakness.

And the context for today? It is interesting that this parable seems to have attracted the fewest comments so far. Is this because we are uncomfortable to condemn materialism as much as we were prepared (rightly) to condemn the Communism of the previous decades? I think so. I think the Western world especially is guilty of an individualist materialism which sees the pursuit of individual gain and wealth as the only "worthwhile" thing to do, and which deliberately forgets God.

Today's materialism takes many forms - financial, sexual, political, and emotional, to name a few. What this parable teaches us is that we should think about sharing our wealth and striving for a common good, and, above all, to remember God, who is the source of all goodness, and who will call us to account at a time not of our own choosing. Have we lived in a way that puts God first, or have we ignored that relationship, choosing our own individual materialism instead?

Chris on Tuesday, July 1 10:29 pm
Post subject: Love of Jesus

User Location: Portland , OR
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
If by agape love you mean Gods unconditional Love towards all, then you are right on.
God Bless You,
Patrick Siu on Tuesday, November 18 11:43 pm
Post subject: mustard tree

User Location: San Francisco
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I am teaching this Sunday on parables. A picture of the mustard tree will help my visual presentation. Can anyone point me to any source?
Kevin Douglas Rosenberg on Monday, December 1 7:18 am
Post subject: Talents or Pounds: Virgins Site & Unjust Steward

User Location: Columbus, Indiana, USA
Parable: Kevin_Patsy
First of all, please note my postings on Matt. 24:45 - 25:30 covered under the Parable of the Ten Virgins. If God, to whom vengeance belongs, in order to get world evangelism, falsely promised by many by the year 2000, indeed accomplished for His Holy Name's sake for His return before the generation He mentioned passes away (Matt. 24 : 14, 34 ) resorts to delegating the judgement upon the evil servant(s) in charge of churches to their human boards, committees, and so on, to return as the evil servants' masters just as He already delegated such power to foreign, ungodly armies in the book of Habakkuk long before, then the atrocious judgements of the evil servant(s) in Matthew 24 : 45 - 51, the fulfillment of the Parable of the Virgins, and the fulfillment of the Parables of the Pounds and Talents will happen on this earth rather than in heaven as most pastors would prefer to teach. As time past New Year's Day 2001 progresses, the wrath of God against those who made the false promises and now try to live them down and against the evil servants in charge of His people who tie us down to American livings continues to grow. Unless the Gospel be spread throughout the whole world this very winter by Passover 2004, it will start to seem that world evangelism will never happen with the evil servants still in charge of their churches.

If the evil servants in charge must be ousted in the here and now on earth (in order to accomplish world evangelism in truth) rather than after the Rapture in heaven, the following parables will also be fulfilled immediately on earth thereafter. Then the Parable of the Virgins, instead of referring to the Rapture with many so-called Christians left behind, will be fulfilled litterally when all living churchgoers find themselves locked out of their church buildings forever, and only those who are willing to desist from all obvious habitual sin will be welcome in house churches. Christians who are unwilling to obey the rabbis' teachings on holy, Jewish life such as keeping kosher kitchens (Matt. 23 : 1 - 3 ) will be rebuked as sinners and locked out of those house churches. The social churchgoers unwilling to worship at a house church or unwelcome in the house church due to persistent habitual sins will become unreachable; I say, now is the time, while you still have your church buildings, to win the lost folk of your flocks to Christ indeed.

And if the previous judgements in the parables should happen, as I stated, on earth rather than in heaven, so will the judgements in the parables of the Talents and the Pounds. The talents in Scripture, in Greek "talanta," are not abilities or skills, but each "talanton" as much pure silver money as a man might endure patiently (in Greek tal-, tle^-: etle^n, tetle^ka "I dare, I endure patiently") to carry, 100 lb. Troy or 76 lb. 1 oz. av. or 34.5 kg. Yes, the talents are real, hard, heavy money, and the steward in charge of but one probably represents the one who knew nothing about the care of pack animals and thus was expected to carry one talent personally to market as he could indeed have done. Are you personally ready for this upcoming judgement?

Many may say such a sob story as this: "I've worked hard for everything I get. Nobody ever gave me much money that I didn't earn." Well, I've got news for such Christians: When the faithful stewards answer how well their investments have performed to their rich friends, all of these poor Christians will answer to me or a reader of mine who knows and teaches that LUKE 16 : 1 - 13, the Parable of the Unjust Steward, was indeed in your Bibles to be obeyed. Jesus never expected His people to earn most of the wealth for Christian ends; rather, He requires each of His congregations to make friends with the rich people of the world so that we may be welcome with them in time of wrack and ruin and so that our churches may receive large grants for Christian ministry. Too many churches by far consist of members content not to know the rich people of the world and to remain in such impoverished churches.

Who never had a chance to read LUKE 16 from a lack of this book or was incarcerated or hospitalized so as to be utterly unable to use LUKE 16? Most Christians are financially limited yet cannot claim such an excuse. When and if I get my chance, I will deprive them of whatever wealth they may possess and throw them out into the cold outer darkness of homelessness or Russian evangelism even in the prisons according to Jesus' own words in Matthew 25 : 28 - 30, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Gospel has got to get spread to all the peoples of the earth!

Each of us Christians with a complete (perhaps New) King James Bible or Tyndale's Bible with LUKE 16 still in it can read Jesus' plan to enrich His congregations. God blesses the rich people of the world with the fruits of the earth and expects us Christians to pay proper attention to the rich mission field for our provisions; as stewards or servants of Christ, we are to "trade" the endowment of the passage of LUKE 16 by obeying His words in it and making friends with the rich people of the world, however they may have earned their wealth. We are not all called to provide, but to make use of their provisions. If we so do, when the judgement of the stewards occurs, we shall answer to our rich friends in the world. If we shall have fared well with their investment advice, they will commend us; if we happen to have lost wealth, they will understand. Those who remain in congregations content not to know the rich people of the world, however, are liable to stupid investments of whatever wealth they earn or may have the good fortune to receive, and if Jesus leaves it to me I will condemn them to deprivation and homelessness on account of their disuse of their truest endowment, LUKE 16 : 1 - 13, the Parable of the Unjust Steward.

Why does the lazy steward disobey his master? He is able indeed to take his talent to market and to trade with it, as his master knew rather than guessing. He may be like the soldier who drops his cumbersome rucksack of some seventy or eighty pounds; according to Eric Foss, "such soldiers are the most likely to get killed in battle, because somebody else has to carry their rucksack for them." Among Christians it is LUKE 16 which is dropped. This steward may, on the other hand, feel incompetent to trade, as when we might think or say about the rich, You've gotta kiss up to these people... and do nothing to meet them and thus drop the pack of LUKE 16. The lazy steward may feel ill will toward the master or his potential heirs and may stow away his endowment in a secret place (the closed Bible) to escape with upon news of the master's death when if the endowment is to grow, it must remain evident to everyone.

I have suffered so horribly and abominably under the church leaders of poverty for so long already that I seize fast upon LUKE 16. I will not drop this ungainly pack, the message "We have got to make friends with the rich people of the world for our security in bad times and for our financial endowments for ministry" which makes me unwelcome at local churches here in Columbus, Indiana. Please reply here with news about any congregations of which you may be aware which will do their utmost to put LUKE 16 into practice by meeting and befriending the rich people of the world for security against homelessness and to receive lasting benefit for ministry. The lazy servant churches cannot attract me; if I need not fear lack of provision in the stingy, inhospitable Modern English speaking cultures, I shall flee to find a fruitful servants' assembly in Christ. Help me here, for it would be ruinously foolish of me to set out on my own in flight without a sure destination of faith. And now I wish you the best of luck in implementing the Parable of the Unjust Steward as it properly reads in the pure King James Version.

Yours in Jesus Christ,

+++ Kevin D. Rosenberg

RAMAN LAL RANIGA on Monday, March 1 11:24 pm
Post subject: MAMMON

Parable: unjuststeward.txtthread
Claudia Alonso on Thursday, February 24 12:58 pm
Post subject: mustard tree

User Location: mexico city
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I'm writing to you because visiting your site I saw pictures of the mustard tree. I have a group of children that I will be speaking of the mustard seed parable and would very much like to show them a picture of the mustard tree.
Could you send me one?
I would really appreciate that
God Bless you.
ANTHONY HOPPER on Monday, December 9 5:23 am
Post subject: true

User Location: los angeles, ca.
Parable: mustardseed.txt
the smallest seed;becomes the largest tree.
Reannonvm on Monday, April 7 12:24 am
Post subject: well done

User Location: USA
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
thats it, brother
Jane on Tuesday, December 5 5:01 am
Post subject: uhhh

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread good?
angela on Saturday, September 4 4:27 am
Post subject: Elder brother

User Location: South Carolina
Parable: prodigalson.txt
I agree with u about the lack of teaching on elder brother.
I think the teaching mostly about him is with totaly and utterly disguest
I too can identify with elder brother. I think great point is that Jesus was addressing differnent groups, and they all need to know the father better

I am glad that the issue with elder brother was brought up. i feel a release in my heart and spirit that someone else feel like they are the
prodigal son's elder brother.

God is revealing to the Pharissee(church folks) the Elder Brother
The righteous folks, the "Good People" Who work and mission for
God, sing on the Choir, Leaders,Missionary, etc. That your righteous is as filty rag, no not one is good, a man ways my seem right in his eyes but in the end lead to destruction. I beleive he was sending a flashing sign
God children, cant earn there place by work, we are justified
As James says Faith without works is dead....Show me your faith by your works... but dont get it confuse or twisted or preverted that your Works prove you have faith but instead your faith shows by you working, and not you working shows you faith. Faith, love are first......

Guard your HEART b/c OUT of IT COMES the ISSUE of LIFE
When the elder brother says(paraphrase- what i think he really say)
What is going on. My work has been in vain, i did all these things to
please my father so i could get Pleased. so i could have Joy....
I did not do,keep his commandments work b/c i love him with all my heart, yeah i do love him, but i love myself more(ABUNDANCE) THERE

God has been dealing with me on this issue with other parables, such foolish virgins, the rich young ruler...God wants you and me to not be
decived in thinking we are better or higher than others, we all are works in process, we must be forgiving and not like the man who was forgiven for his great debt, but would not forgive his brother for the same thing owing a debt he could not pay..

They are brothers, we are brothers and sister why b/c we all have
something in common.
Both brothers commit the same crime or broke the law of:
Love God with ALL your HEART, MIND and Soul
so in God the Father eyesight they both need to repent, turn themselves in for their crimes
God, the Father shows his mercy on the son who was outwardly rebillious
should be an encouragement not resentment to us who are inwardly rebillious, that God accepts both of his kids, no matter what, he wants and desire to bless them, love them, and have a relationship with them
he wants both of them to come to him with their emotions there feelings
desire, tell him how they really feel..... he told the elder brother all this things he was having a ISSUE ABOUT NOT HAVING THIS AND THAT
Denny Aleksuk on Wednesday, December 1 9:31 pm
Post subject: Once saved always saved?

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
FYI, I think Pamela is referring to Mark eleven in which Jesus spoke to a fig tree and withered it “from the roots”. Though the above topic is a different scripture, I think it’s interesting how Jesus reacts to a tree (the same way) that does not produce fruit. IT’S CURSED.

I know that many people believe in once saved always saved. However it’s simply NOT taught in scripture. If you don’t produce fruit “the axe is laid to the root” and the tree is burned in the fire. Jesus played this out in the fig tree scenario. He was deceived by leafiness. People coming across as spiritual Joes and in reality these are the ones that Jesus said would “weep and wail and gnash their teeth” as their kicked out of Gods kingdom and appointed their place with the disobedient. And why? Because of no fruit production.

Have you ever asked who these people are who act this way? They aren’t people who curse God and say, “even if there is a God I’m not serving him. He can go take a hike”! Huh uh, these are people who thought that they were fine and dandy doing all the worldly things that they wanted to, and when somebody said hey the bible calls that behavior sin, they would retort “GOD IS LOVE DON’T JUDGE”!

I have news for you. The doctrine of once saved always saved was concocted in hell by some of Satan’ greatest minds. It’s a deception (the spirit of Anti-Christ). And if you believe this lie it could cost you your mother, brother, sister, spouse or any loved one.

Now does anybody want to continue in this nonsense? One consideration of Judas Iscariot in light of what the book of Psalms says about him will prove to you that here you have a saved man, who is now cursed throughout eternity.

Now do you really want to believe silly things? Or do you want to be wise and error on side of caution?

How long is eternity? Do you really know that there is this assurance of once accepting Jesus, you could become a serial killer, a Hitler, a child abuser, and yet a possessor of the promise of a throne in heaven?


Don’t let it be your loved ones.

Webmaster on Tuesday, November 12 12:53 am
Post subject: The Parable of the Ten Talents

User Location: Tobaccoville NC ,USA
Parable: tentalents.txt
(14 ) For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own "Pastors", and delivered unto them His goods.
(15 ) And unto one "the kingdom of heaven" gave five souls, to another two souls, and to another one soul; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
(16 ) Then he that had received the five souls went and traded with the same, and made them other five souls.
(17 ) And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
(18 ) But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his Lord's soul.
(19 ) After a long time the Lord of those "Pastors" cometh, and reckoneth with them.
(20 ) And so he that had received five souls came and brought other five souls, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five souls: behold, I have gained beside them five souls more.
(21 ) His Lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
(22 ) He also that had received two souls came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two souls: behold, I have gained two other souls beside them.
(23 ) His Lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
(24 ) Then he which had received the one soul came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
(25 ) And I was afraid, and went and hid thy soul in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
(26 ) His Lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful "Pastor", thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
(27 ) Thou oughtest therefore to have put my souls to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
(28 ) Take therefore the soul from him, and give it unto him which hath ten souls.
(29 ) For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
(30 ) And cast ye the unprofitable "Pastor" into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The talents are Souls!
Elizabeth on Tuesday, December 2 2:13 pm
Post subject: Need mustard tree pictures

User Location: Indonesia
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
I'm going to teach the children about the parable of the mustard seed this sunday. It'll really be helpful to have some pictures to show to them. Thanks a lot for your help. GBU.
selvino lolong on Monday, July 26 6:44 am
Post subject: foundation of christian morality

User Location: philippines
Parable: laborersvineyard.txt
if someone read this message!!! please email me!!! and teach me more about christ!!!
James Anderson on Saturday, May 21 10:07 pm
Post subject: The non prodical son

User Location: 67 Rainy Street
Parable: prodigalson.txtthread
Junk to be deleted tomorrow!

God has possesed me i am loved wow......
God has chosen I am like that guy from the bible Oh i know Jane Goodall (monkey specialist). ooooooops i forgot to fill that in. thank you for your attention on slide show in Mrs. William's(Cheese Zit) i forget 2005 mmv iwill get pojints off. ops. ooops i spelled oops wrongim an idiot but God loves me. Does he love you. Thinkabout . I did. I did not take my pills .ha la ha la-Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God . Homer Islam iSland . i haste money. oooops i mean hate. how many times have i said ops. ooooops i mean oooops. God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God h God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me God has chosen me to bring god news to the poor. Oooops iam

christine smith on Wednesday, August 11 4:06 pm
Post subject: Mustard Tree Photo

User Location: Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
We are starting the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program at our church and school. We are working with the parables and I would appreciate you forwarding the picture so that I can print it out for the program.

God Bless,
Christine Smith
ANTON on Friday, May 26 9:00 pm
Post subject: Mustard seed

User Location: Secunda
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
gerard yee on Monday, November 10 3:37 am
Post subject: The Parable of the Ten Talents

User Location:
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
This statement is wrong, sorry. I retract it.
Mary Bois on Wednesday, October 29 1:55 pm
Post subject: deperession and satan

User Location: Michigan
Parable: wheattares.txtthread
Dear Julie,
Yes satan will try to decieve you into thinking you are wrong about things,satan does not have to attack non believers but he works overtime to get to people whom have put their faith in Jesus to doubt themselves as he does not want Jesus to win another soul, Jesus called satan the great deciever he plays mind games with us. I remember when I first found my savior Jesus Christ I had a hard time every sunday getting ready for church my dress shoes would not be where I remember putting them or nothing would be going right that morning and once I realized that it satan trying to get me to stay home and I prayed about it, it stopped but i still pray every sunday morning just so i can get ready for church without satan playing mind games with me. Now about your illness this could be for real so listen to your Dr. but do not forget to pray for a cure ther is great power in prayer believe in the lord and pray, I will pray for you that your depression will be lifted
Joel on Monday, September 22 2:41 am
Post subject: The Fig Tree as prophesy

User Location: Bowling Green, OH
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
Also do not forget what Jesus says later in both Matthew and Mark... several chapters after the cursing of the fig tree and the parable of the fig tree Jesus says this:

"Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my workds will never pass away." - Matthew 24:32-35 and Mark 13:28-31.

Jesus is speaking here just after relating a series of warnings about the end times and in fact the since the fig tree represents the NATION (tree) of ISRAEL (fig) it is feasible to suggest that this is a direct prophesy about the coming of the Tribulation.

I'm not the kind of person who goes around prognosticating and ranting about the end of the world and the Bible clearly says that "the day of the Lord will come like a thief" (2 Peter 3:10) so I'm not trying to predict the end but I do think that it is fascinating to see how this correllates with the withering of the nation of Israel about AD 70 and its subsequent rebirth in AD 1948.

I've read that the Bible maintians that a generation lasts 40 years and begins in the 20th year and ends in the 60th, putting the coming of Christ some time in 2008 if you do the math that way. But generation could also mean RACE in which case there is no math to be done. If this is the prophesised generation of the fig tree then we may see these things fulfilled very soon. Perhaps not though.

The point is to be prepared and always have your heart in the right state and never waver in doing the work God has put you here to do.
Len Harms on Sunday, December 14 1:35 pm
Post subject: Good Samaratin

User Location:
Parable: goodsamaritan.txtthread
When asked about eternal life Jesus affirms the "Teacher" on his understanding that unadulterated love for God is the basic requirement for eternal life. In todays vernacular that would be "Christian". What situation in your life would make you think otherwise?
gerard yee on Monday, November 10 3:38 am
Post subject: The Parable of the Ten Talents

User Location: malaysia
Parable: tentalents.txtthread
This statement is wrong, sorry. I retract it.
Tom Ellison on Wednesday, January 8 4:24 am
Post subject: Parable of the Lost Sheep

User Location: NE
Parable: lostsheep.txt
Please consider that a simple reading of this parable teaches something that is actually untenible.

How can it be that the 99 are " just persons, which need no repentance."

There are no such persons anywhere, ever.

So who are these 99, and to what is Jesus referring?

In Matthew 15:1-2 we read to whom Jesus was speaking: tax collectors and sinners, Pharisees and teachers of the law. These latter two groups were being critical of Jesus as he spoke.

Is it not the case that the Pharisees and teachers of the law were the ones who represent the 99? Would not they, and all who heard, have know Jesus was speaking of them as the ones "which need not repentance?" Not that they did not need repentance, but that they denied needing repentance.

The whole story is about the pruning of the vine, in which the hard hearted Jews were removed. The one sheep is then those Jews who would hear, and the gentiles as well.

As you read the following 4 stories Jesus gave, you will see this same thread in all of them, culminating in the Rich Man and Lazarus.

This is the real reason the Pharisees and teachers of the law got more and more perturbed as Jesus spoke!

Chaplain Phil on Friday, April 11 11:09 am
Post subject: Par. of the Sower and the 'saved'

User Location: St. Cloud, Fl
Parable: sower.txtthread
I have recently womdered more about the 2nd and 3rd 'plants'. Many times I see people who have a sincere faith but have allowed the cares and wories to push them down. It is the same with those who face persecution. How wonderful that we have a Father of Mercy who sees the heart of the weariest and most discouraged of His children, and will call them home.

But at the same time, I wonder at the 4th 'plant'. Many feel secure that this about them...but where is their 30 and 60 and 100-fold harvest. Those who do not actively share their faith and live the life of Christ before ALL must take note.

God Bless.
Linda Brown on Wednesday, February 18 9:19 am
Post subject: God give us power in the last days

User Location: Shreveportk LA
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
Father God in the name of Jesus I pray that you will give me the power to confuse and confound the enemy. God I pray please bring the Holy Spirit into my office. God I pray that you will bring people around myself, my children, my brother, my sisters and all other family members that are under the Blood of Jesus. God I pray please heal Jake's ankle and let the swelling go down. God I pray for Bonnie that the might be healed. God I pray for Mr. Rick who has cancer that he might not suffer. God I pray please give Christopher protection over in Iraq. God I pray for you to send the right person to get me out of bondage. God I pray please give me the wisdom to know what to do. God I pray for you to lead, guide and direct me by your spirit. God I pray please give my son some financial help. God I pray please bring ministering angels to Debbie and get her the help that she needs. God I pray go ahead of me and clear the way today. God I pray that you might strengthen my faith and let me see your mighty power at work. God I pray please keep the devil and his demons off of my back. God I pray that you will stop this harassing spirit and harassing phone calls that I am getting. God I give you all of the praise and honor and glory for it. In the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen
Chrysoprasus on Saturday, July 27 10:46 pm
Post subject: This is an interesting parable

User Location: USA
Parable: tentalents.txt
This is an interesting parable that can run into lots of different thoughts and ideas, but the basic idea of it seems to be discussing fruitfulness as a result of faithfulness to the master. The only person who claimed to work for the master and wasn't "fruitful" showed his true colors when he tried to justify himself and his lack of activity by blaming it on the master for being too harsh and for gathering where he had not sown...the servant didn't understand that all was the masters to start with. Perhaps this servant represents those that claim Christ's name but don't truly believe? Chrys _________________ Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth.

isaac changani on Friday, April 18 9:10 am
Post subject: who is mammon

User Location: lusaka, zambia
Parable: unjuststeward.txt
Dear Pastor

Who is mammon?

What does it mean 'to make for yourselves friends with mammon of unrighteousness' so they may receive ye in everlastings habitations?'.
Which friends? which habitations?
Bob Jones on Friday, July 3 8:24 am
Post subject: The riddle

User Location: Utah
Parable: lazarus.txt
Jesus told the disciples on the road to Emmaus that all the scriptures spoke of him.

We should be particularly mindful of:

Eze 17:2 Son of man, put forth a riddle , and speak a parable unto the house of Israel;
Da 8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences , shall stand up.

Jesus not only told the parable, but spoke a riddle in the parable. You have been discussing the parable. Let me share on the riddle. The riddles always speak of Christ. So we start with Christ as we parse the parable.

In every other parable of Luke, the rich man is Christ. We should not expect it to be different here. Christ is portrayed in the language of the riddles as prophet, priest, king and judge. In this riddle he is the judge since he wears purple. Yes. Kings wear purple also. But they wore it because Kings were judges as well.

After the judges, Samuel judged Israel, then he made his sons judges, bu they were evil. So the people asked Samuel to give them a king to judge them:

1 Sam 8:5 And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.

Gold is the color of the king, but he wore purple as judge. So the rich man is Christ as judge.

Fine linen represents burial clothes. Christ as judge died and was wrapped in fine linen. Before we go on, some will stop me and say that Jesus was not a judge. But John says his life was the light of the world, and that the light was condemnation. His perfect life condemns us and puts us to shame because he resisted sin when tempted in every way as we are. In the riddles, the judge must die to signify that judgment ends. In the same way, the prophet dies to signify that prophecies have all been fulfilled.

Now the name Lazarus means "whom God helps" and he also represents Christ but in the role of Priest.
Lazarus has the Hebrew equivalent name of Eleazer, who was the high priest. The narrative of the other Lazarus is a picture of the death of Christ and he is represented as a sick priest who then dies and rose again. This Lazarus is also sick. So we ask the riddle: In what way is Christ a sick priest? The answer is that while Jesus was alive he was an ineffectual priest because he was from the wrong tribe to be a priest. To be high priest, he had to die and be raised from the dead like the other Lazarus.

Jesus had 'emptied himself' of deity, and we call this kenosis. He partook of only a small portion of the bread compared to what he experience prior to the kenosis.

The dogs are the gentiles, and there is some word-play taking place that resolves to: they were separated by gleaning his wound. Christ's harvest began when living water poured from his pierced side, and the harvest included the gentiles which were gleaned.

When Lazarus dies he becomes fully the High Priest. As the rich man is tormented in death he typifies Jesus and cries out "Why have you forsaken me?" He receives no relief. This is the cry of the judge. There was no evil in Christ's judgment, why then did he have to die? So that judgment would end.

It is Christ as High Priest that sits at the right hand of God.

5 is the number of man in the riddles, 10 the number of the dual-natured man. So Christ as judge pleads and says he has brothers of flesh only who are likewise doomed and pleads that the Priest return to tell them. If Christ as priest had remained on earth, he would not be making intercession in heaven. Therefore Lazarus is not sent back.

Moses and the prophets are a sufficient testimony to show men that they are lost. And Christ in heaven is a sufficient priest to save them.

So we see a changing role for Christ as judge to Christ as Priest. Judgments cease. Judgment and grace cannot be mixed, so Lazarus cannot visit the rich man.

Pr 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
Chris Sellers on Friday, May 28 5:12 pm
Post subject: God does it

User Location: Los Angeles, CA
Parable: secretseed
This may not be a popular interpretation, but from the parable itself it is hard to conclude too much more than this being about God and His activity in growing the 'seed.' It is tempting to allegorize this (i.e. say that JC is the farmer), and it is tempting to say its about our 'producing fruit' or 'miracles.' Although scripture talks about this, this particular parable does not. The point...and I think this is very good that God does the growing. He is the one able to do the unthinkable; grow His word in the midst of a sinful world. For this I am thankful, and don't take this as a license to be lazy, but an invitation to be faithful to the great grower.
Todd on Monday, January 19 9:28 pm
Post subject: The meaning of the prodigal son

User Location: Baltimore
Parable: prodigalson.txt
First thing to note is that there are three parables given.

Why are they given? The occasion for Jesus to give them is back in chapter 15:1-3. The phrarisees and scribes are grumbling because sinners come to Jesus.

He then tells three stories (keep in mind these are parables - the details are not important but the main point Jesus makes).

Note these similarities -

1) Lost sheep --something is lost (sheep), something is found, the finder rejoices, others rejoice with the finder.

2) Lost coin -- something is lost (coin), it is found, the finder rejoices, everyone rejoices with the finder.

3) Prodigal -- something is lost (son), he is found (comes to the father), everyone rejoices (they have a party). But then we get to a different element than the first two stories, the older brother grumbles because the father receives the sinful younger brother. Does that sound like anyone else? It is exactly like the attitude of the pharisees and scribes in verses 1-3 (the reason Jesus tells these parables).

The meaning of these three parables is plain. The proper attitude should be joy when someone comes to Christ.

It is easy to get bogged down by trying to figure the meaning of each of the things in the story of the prodigal. I don't believe Christ ever intended us to try to place a meaning on every element of this story. Just like today when a preacher gives an illustration, every detail of it is not important - just the main point. I fully believe in the inerrancy of scripture - but I still think that these three parables have a simple meaning.

lloyd grecia on Monday, October 21 1:37 am
Post subject: salvation

User Location: kershaw county
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
is oil is salvation? is the five wise virgins that did not shear oil?
Denny Aleksuk on Friday, October 10 6:15 pm
Post subject: The true meaning of the mustard parable

User Location: Minneapolis
Parable: mustardseed.txt
Ya know it amazes me that so many different people looking at the same parable come up with so many different ideas and interpretations of it. Who on earth is right? Obviously only God knows. But wouldn’t it be wiser to just let the context, and others that are talking about the same thing interpret the parable?

The parable of the Mustard seed is merely the parable of the sower modified to use upon ourselves. One account says that the kingdom of God is as if a man should cast seed in HIS garden. Well the parable of the sower already has conveyed that the soil is the heart of a man. It also teaches that the seed is the word of God. The fowls of the air are spirits that seek to keep the word from growing in our hearts. What’s being said here is that we are privileged to be able to invert this principle upon ourselves by planting Gods word in our own hearts. Upon doing so we sleep on it. Have you ever been told by a parent that if you have a problem, sleeping upon it will help you see it differently in the morning? Well this is the idea. We sleep upon it night after night and the seed springs up automatically. Notice the word automatically. This is the actual word in the Greek that was translated “for the earth brings forth fruit of HERSELF”-AUTOMATICALLY. Automatic means, “done without conscious thought or volition (decision of the will). In other words, our jobs are to bury to word of God in our hearts, and our hearts automatically brings it forth to fruition, without our having to think about it. The principle entails knowing how to plant the seed and then being patient-the hardest thing.

Why a Mustard seed? I looked up mustard in an encyclopedia. The first sentence of the first line said, “mustard is an easy crop to grow”.

Now notice the COMPARISON, “whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God and with what comparison shall we compare it?” The comparison is this: The mustard seed is so small that the fowls can literally eat it. But if it’s planted and allowed to grow, it becomes so big that the only thing that the fowls can do against that tree, is to lodge in its branches. Do you think that birds bother a tree? It’s probably not bothered by humans! It’s too big and strong. It’s like there not even there.

When we plant the Word in our hearts, the seed is very small and insignificant, it’s at this time the Satan represented as fowls of the air come looming in around us. To the small size of that seed the birds seem like 747 airplanes. The spirits of darkness are TEMPORARILY stronger than us. “Then cometh the devil to take out the word that is sown in the heart”. He uses affliction and persecution in the beginning phases. Then after the seed has sunk roots and has become stronger, he employs different tactics, he attempts to CHOKE the word, with “the cares of this world the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things”. But if the seed is allowed to grow, with time the tree will become a 747 to the birds. In other words their non-existent as far as their influence goes.

What we are really doing is cultivating faith. Faith is the result of the word living and abiding in us. And it brings forth fruit. It manifests!

Now, the big question is how do we plant the seed?

Dawn on Wednesday, November 5 3:47 am
Post subject: The Fig Tree

User Location: Alabama
Parable: barrenfigtree.txt
The fig tree without fruit represents our fruitless life. The leaves represent the word of God. You see we can have a lot of word in us but not produce fruit. The word of God in us has to be watered, birth in our spirit and then preached to the people. When the Lord told the man that he was going to cut the tree down and the man told the Lord no give me a year I will dig it up and fertilize it this reminded me of how Jesus interceeds on our behalf. Even Moses interceeded for the people of Israel when they were worshipping the golden calf. Even though this was a tree the man loved that tree and he knew that if he was given the chance to dig up the ground and fertilize it there would be fruit the following year. This is the same love the Lord has for us he always gives us a second chance
w09gty on Tuesday, September 26 6:39 pm
Post subject: Parables

User Location: Chicago
Parable: friendatnight.txtthread
I agree, it's not designed to make us beg, it's designed to show us how eaiser it is for us to count on God than anyone else
Dandrev Jacobe Ausa on Thursday, May 17 11:09 am
Post subject: Good Samaritan - Are We?

User Location: Davao City, Philippines
Parable: goodsamaritan.txt
Can we be a good samaritan in this era...? can we humble ourselves and help others despite of everything; being a stranger or an enemy? how can we be like the good samaritan when we ourselves don't know how to love and to be humble in every actions we did...
eric on Thursday, August 7 3:42 pm
Post subject: Dream I had like parable of 10 virgins

User Location:
Parable: tenvirgins.txt
To confirm my belief that God's destroyer angel was released on July 29, 2003 And is now surveying the United States, I was given a dream on July 30/31, 2003 that is similar to the parable of 10 virgins.

My reality was this: a clear water, cement canal, that winded, so that you could not see far ahead or behind because of the curves. I was swimming in this canal, when suddenly I saw a great white shark patroling the waters and coming my direction. I quickly climbed out of the waters onto the bank. I watched for awhile the creature swimming. Then I gathered the confidence to go back in. However, I knew that I must be vigilant incase the creature came back. Lo and behold, the creature did come back, but was on top of me so fast that I could not escape the water. But the creature passed by without harming me. I believe this to be the destroying angel patroling our nation which was released on July 29, 2003. I believe he does not have the power to destroy yet. And I believe we must remain vigilant, because the day and the hour inwhich he receives the power to destroy may come at any time. Dream/Commentary 2003 -

Don Wiltshire on Friday, January 17 4:12 pm
Post subject: Black mustard tree/brassica nigra

User Location: Perth ,Australia
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
Please could anyone send me a photo or picture of the mustard tree mentioned in scripture, which is reputed to grow around 15 feet tall(4 metres)
Grace on Wednesday, February 28 1:07 am
Post subject: Parable of the great feast

User Location: Australia - Canberra
Parable: wisefoolishbuilder.txt
15When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, "Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God."

16Jesus replied: "A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. 17At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.'

18"But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, 'I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.'

19"Another said, 'I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I'm on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.'

20"Still another said, 'I just got married, so I can't come.'

21"The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.'

22" 'Sir,' the servant said, 'what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.'

23"Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full. 24I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.' "

What would it be like in our day form? What is the catholic belief evident in my parable? And what dose it mean?

If anyone can please help me on this, please email me at:

L. Mertes on Tuesday, December 9 6:22 pm
Post subject: Advice

User Location: Hudson, FL
Parable: Kevin_Patsy.txtthread
Sounds like you're grinding an ax with a church leader somewhere. May I recommend you handle it the way Jesus told his disciples to deal with the offended Pharisees?

"Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. LEAVE THEM; THEY ARE BLIND GUIDES. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." (Matt. 15:13,14)

Make your appeal to the flock and leave corrupt leadership to the wrath of God (if in fact they really are corrupt). Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see CANNOT be mislead by false--or as you call them--"evil servants". How can someone who sees be lead around by someone who cannot see? And that's Jesus's point exactly. He didn't get overly concerned about the wolves in sheep's clothing. Neither did Paul. They both warn us of their presence, but Paul reminds Timothy that even though false teaching "destroy(s) the faith of some...Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: 'The Lord knows those who are his...'" (2 Tim. 2:18,19)
Take comfort in that.

I'm guessing there is a lot more going on here than we readers know about. I don't know exactly what the contention is you're having with this paster in Illinois, and I don't want to know, but let it go and be careful to "not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses." (1 Tim.. 5:19). Truthfully, warning the world about a leader in faraway Urbana, IL will only serve your own purposes and not those of the world-wide body of Christ (unless he has a world-wide ministry).

Don't resort to rebuking an elder by name on a public forum without witnesses, much prayer, and a sober investigation of your own motives.
It's amazing how personal agendas motivate some of our so-called Christian duty. Often it is pride or envy disguised as zealous Christian duty. Let love be your guide as you examine the teachings of Christ and the example he has left recorded for us in scripture.

A good example of a mis-guided agenda could be this issue of giving that Jesus addresses in the scriptures. Nobody could argue with his desire for all of us to be hilariously generous with our worldly wealth. Like other things the Lord wants us to do (witnessing, giving, praying...) someone will come along who doesn't struggle with one of these and is quite productive in them. So now his life's mission seems to be to beat the rest of us Christians over the head with what that person now feels is the essential command of the scriptures--essential because he feels it so strongly in his own life and is so good at it.

It can be, for instance, a veiled form of pride. A way of boldly standing up and saying "look what a generous giver I am". We resort to condemnations, heaping heavy loads onto the backs of other believers, and not lifting a finger to help carry those loads. In effect saying, "I did it, so can you!" The self-righteous pride of glorying in one's service to God, as if they did it all by themselves, comes out in criticism and condemnation of those who don't do it like you, or to the same extent. In this example the exhortation to give, looks righteous, but is really motivated by the ugly sin of PRIDE! There is NO reward waiting for that work!

Anyway, I've learned alot about myself through this kind of self-examination. Maybe it will be helpful to others too--help to discern the true will of God for specific areas of our lives guided by the pure love that God has.

I'm flipping over to your words about the Luke 16 parable to learn more about the role of the rich man. I don't quite understand your pitch, but before I ask anymore I'll check out your statements, and because this page is dedicated to the parable of the talents.
messenger on Tuesday, January 18 7:33 am
Post subject: The Rapture~

User Location: heaven
Parable: mustardseed.txtthread
In many verses of the Bible!The words caught up,translated,delivered,meet,changed,gathered etc.As you can see,several different words are used for Rapture.

The Rapture is when those who love Jesus go with Jesus Christ to heaven in a Twinkling of an eye,and those left behind will be forced to think weird explanations, like the millions who disappeared went into a ufo etc.

After the Rapture, the world will be in chaos immediately. Some people will be raptured while driving in their cars, causing the cars to crash. Some people will disappear while working the most important jobs in the country, and once they disappear, cities will be destroyed. Planes will crash, electricity will go out, and phone lines will be jammed for days.If you think THIS sounds bad, the Judgements are much worse. Dont Be Left Behind!

The human cycle that experienced Noahs Ark was swept away in the flood,and they all drowned.The chosen inside the Ark were saved from the wrath of God.

This human cycle also has a Ark to rescue us,The name of our Divine Ark is JESUS CHRIST.Now is the time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart,and repent of all sins.

1 Corinthians 15:51-58

Behold, I shew you a mystery,We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.

52 In a moment,in the twinkling of an eye,at the last trump,for the trumpet shall sound,and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption,and this mortal must put on immortality.54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,Death is swallowed up in victory.55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast,unmoveable,always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Revelation 3:10 says we will be kept out of the hour of testing which will come upon the whole earth (the Tribulation). Some have wrongly believed "keep" means to keep through, or protect through the Tribulation. Suppose you approach a high voltage area with a sign that says, "Keep Out." Does that mean you can enter and be protected? No, it means you are forbidden from entering the area. But this verse also says He will keep us from the hour of testing. It is not just the testing, but the time period. If a student is excused from a test, he still may have to sit in the class while others take the test. But if he is excused from the hour of testing, he can go home. The Church will be called home before the hour of testing.
sara on Saturday, January 14 12:27 am
Post subject: prodigal son

User Location: derby
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Can anyone help me? My teacher gave me an assignment, and i am not sure which perspective to take. Should the prodigal son be called the Parable of the Prodigal Father? Does the story describe a father that is prodigal with his property and at the end is prodigal with his love?
keny h pereira on Wednesday, March 24 3:28 pm
Post subject: bighouse5 is speaking the Right

User Location: bahrain
Parable: mustardseed.txt
About Mustard seed, he is
Don Mills on Sunday, December 3 9:58 pm
Post subject: Ten Virgins

User Location: Twin Falls ID.
Parable: tenvirgins.txtthread
The Ten Vergins are not the Church they represent the Virgin daughters of Zion. The Jews were to keep their lamps lit to show the every lasting covenant not the Church. It will be the Virgin daughters of ZION that go forth IN THE DAY OF DARKNESS to meet their Lord with their LAMPS Lit! When jesus returns he will be returning from the wedding Luke 12, so then these are not Christians at all! The oil in this parable is not the Holy Spirit. In acts when Simon tried to buy the Holy Spirit he was told it was a SIN to even THINK such a thing. So, no one is going to be able to say that Jesus in a parable is implying that these unwise Virgins can go buy the Holy Spirit. This can not happen and it contridicts all scripture to say that you can buy the Holy Spirit.

This is actually a closer to literal picture of the believing and non believing Jews who will go forth IN THAT DAY. But remember he is returning from the Wedding Luke 12. So, the Church is no longer on earth but returning with Jesus!
lance convey on Monday, July 24 4:46 pm
Post subject: the celibration we might never have

User Location: australia
Parable: prodigalson.txt
Bless all,

The lost son is anyone who falls from god, for a minute,a day ,a year or a lifetime, being prodigal is being seperated from god, this can happen daily in our work, in our worries, dreams, speach, thoughts, you name it it is out there to seperate us, the father to be true must let us exercise our free will. The older brother or the church did not go out searching for his brother, why not? it's his brother, the same blood, siblings together, the father did not send him out so as free will can be exercised across the board, the brother chose not to help and was not led to a repentive state to come home, a state that has renewing powers that can transform your whole life from death to life, experiencing the grace of god.

I wonder how many of us sit in church every weekend dead, praying for revival in our own hearts but shunning the call to do as the lord did and be jelous of the celibrations that occur when one returns, dont they celibrate in heaven when comes to the lord?, then shouldnt it be on earth as it is in heaven, no other place in the bible does it talk about such a large celbration being held for for such, as in the worlds eyes, a small thing,

I believe that this parable was being acted out to these peaple at the very same time they were listening to it,"as it is in heaven" but it instead of a lost son and an elderly church it was our heavenly father that sent out his son to gather the lost, to the point of dying on a cross, with his last words saying forgive them for they know not what they do, Jesus always led by example! shouldnt we all strive to do the same, lets not miss out on any more celbrations, see a brother in need give them a hand, call them if you havnt seen them in church for awhile, give to them if you have it, you will never go broke giving for god, Go out and look for the lost sheep in your pasture, do anything but dont let your heart harden warming a pew, remember Jonah? Ask your self who is more lost, the younger son or the older brother? Without God we know not what we do, we all need forgivness all round and the freeing power of gods grace,

So be graceful and be blessed

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 Posted by Webmaster on Saturday, August 31 2002
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  • dp,webmaster,Chrysoprasus,wilshine

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